Monday, October 21, 2024

Film Review: Outside (2024) Directed by Carlo Ledesma

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Netflix Philippines released its first "zombie" film, Outside, directed by Carlo Ledesma and written by Anton Santamaria. What appeared to be a thrilling new entry into the zombie genre turns out to be more of a dramatic family struggle with psychological undertones, with the actual undead playing a minor role. It’s a bold concept—one that could have used the family’s dysfunctional dynamics and the horror of zombies to make a powerful statement about trauma. However, while the film has potential, it ultimately leaves much to be desired in delivering a cohesive and impactful narrative.

An Unbalanced Focus

The most glaring shortfall of Outside is its imbalance between psychological drama and the zombie apocalypse that serves as its backdrop. While the family struggles are central to the plot, the movie could have been more engaging if the zombies were used as metaphors to highlight the traumas each character endures. Instead, the undead creatures remain in the background, a largely wasted opportunity to explore deeper psychological themes. Traumas and zombies are a natural pair, capable of amplifying each other, but here, the film leaves you wanting more from both aspects.

This lack of balance weakens the tension and intensity that are essential in both horror and trauma narratives. With the zombies lurking around but doing little to progress the plot or develop the characters, the film fails to fully realize the emotional and thematic potential that the genre mash-up could have delivered. It’s less of a zombie apocalypse and more of a family therapy session—with the occasional ghoul popping in for ambiance.

Unnecessary Length and Pacing Issues

Another issue with Outside is its running time. The film drags, especially in its middle act, where it often feels like scenes stretch longer than necessary without advancing the story. Viewers may find themselves asking, “When will this end?” The pacing issues diminish the potential emotional payoff, and the film could have been more impactful if it had trimmed some of its slower moments. An overly lengthy runtime for a movie that’s supposed to deal with tension and horror is a disservice, as the suspense should build, not wear thin.

Additionally, the anti-climactic nature of the third act leaves the audience feeling unsatisfied. Had the earlier acts been more concise and tension-filled, the conclusion could have packed more of an emotional punch, especially when dealing with trauma. Instead, the ending presents a resolution that some viewers may find unsympathetic or even harmful for those who have personal experience with trauma.

The “Lulu” Controversy

An unexpected scene involving Marco Masa's character, where he masturbates to a picture of his girlfriend on his phone, sparked considerable discussion online. While some argue it's reflective of reality, others question whether it was necessary for the narrative. It stands out not just because of its controversial nature, but because it doesn’t add much to the film’s broader themes. Was it needed? That’s up for debate, but it’s one of the moments that seemed to grab attention for the wrong reasons, pulling focus away from the more significant struggles the characters are facing.

Strong Performances Amid a Weak Narrative

Where Outside excels is in its ensemble cast, whose performances make the film watchable despite its flaws. Sid Lucero stands out as the father whose internal and external battles define the film’s title. Lucero’s commitment to his role is evident, as he gives a raw and palpable portrayal of a man on the verge of breakdown, both psychologically and emotionally. His acting is among the film’s strongest points, carrying much of the weight of the story.

Marco Masa also delivers a commendable performance, establishing himself as a promising dramatic actor. He brings an emotional depth to his character, despite the controversy surrounding one of his scenes. Meanwhile, Aiden Patdu, once known as a child star, steps into a more mature role with ease, marking a significant moment in his career.

Beauty Gonzalez, with her growing experience in horror films, proves she’s a versatile actress. Her vulnerability, paired with her natural beauty, works well within the horror genre, making her a rising star in Philippine cinema. Together, the cast creates a few emotional moments that stand out, thanks largely to their convincing performances and the help of well-crafted musical scoring.

Visually Striking, But Not Scary

Despite its issues with pacing and narrative, Outside is a visually polished film. The cinematography is glamorous, even when it should be terrifying. While the zombie makeup and effects are well done, their limited screen time prevents them from making a lasting impact. The film’s aesthetic is pleasing, but when it comes to horror, you need more than just visual beauty—you need suspense, terror, and a sense of dread that keeps you on edge. Unfortunately, Outside is more dramatic than thrilling, a choice that ultimately weakens the overall experience.

Final Verdict

Outside had the potential to be a unique and thought-provoking blend of psychological drama and zombie horror, but it falls short due to its unbalanced focus and underutilized zombie element. It’s more of a family drama than a true horror film, and while the concept is intriguing, the execution fails to live up to expectations.

For those looking for a gripping and traumatic horror experience, Outside may leave you underwhelmed. However, the film’s performances, especially by Sid Lucero, Marco Masa, and Beauty Gonzalez, offer a silver lining. The actors breathe life into an otherwise tepid narrative, making Outside worth watching if only for the cast’s commitment to their roles.

Outside may look good on the surface, but it lacks the depth and terror needed to make it a standout in the zombie genre. It’s a film that will make you think about trauma and family struggles but won’t leave you traumatized by the experience.

Released on Netflix PH on October 17, 2024.

Marian Rivera's Wisdom: A Role Model for Celebrities Eyeing Public Office

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Marian Rivera will not run for public office because she knows and accepts her limitations that she doesn't have the proper knowledge and experience to effectively become a public servant unlike others who simply want power and the high salary and benefits that comes with the authority. Registered voters must be aware and keep in their mind that movie stars are only for movies and not for politics! 

THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MUST MAKE A LAW IMMEDIATELY REQUIRING ALL CANDIDDATES FOR LOCAL AND NATIONAL GOVERNMENT POSITIONS FEOM BARANGAY KAGAWAD UP TO THE PRESIDENTIAL POSITION MUST BE A GRADUATE OF A CERTAIN LAW COURSE AND MUST BE A DEGREE HOLDER rather than just a wealthy and influential individual or either a movie star known because of their movie roles that makes registered voters vote for them not knowing the consequences after they won the position!

Marian Rivera, one of the Philippines' most beloved actresses, has made a wise and refreshing statement recently: she has no intention of running for public office. In an age where numerous celebrities have entered politics, sometimes with questionable results, Rivera stands out by acknowledging her limitations. She understands and accepts that she lacks the proper knowledge and experience to effectively serve as a public servant, unlike others who may be driven by the allure of power, high salaries, and the prestige that comes with political authority.

This self-awareness is something many voters should take note of as the election season draws closer. Marian’s decision not to enter politics should serve as an example to others, especially her peers in the entertainment industry, who may be tempted to jump into public service without fully grasping its demands. Her humility contrasts sharply with the ambitions of some public figures, who, despite lacking the qualifications and know-how, still seek positions of power simply because they have influence and wealth.

Celebrities in Politics: A Trend That Needs Re-evaluation

Over the years, the Philippines has seen an influx of movie stars and entertainers transitioning to politics. While a few have proven themselves capable, many have struggled to manage the complexities of governance. The issue at hand is not just about celebrities entering politics, but the idea that popularity and fame, often gained through movie roles, can overshadow actual competence.

The reality is that governing a city, municipality, or even a nation requires a deep understanding of policy, law, economics, and leadership. The nuances of governance go beyond the superficial roles played on-screen. Unfortunately, the charisma and on-screen heroism of movie stars often cloud the judgment of voters, leading to the election of individuals who may not be fully equipped to handle the responsibilities of public office.

The Need for Qualifications in Politics

Given the challenges the nation faces—from economic recovery to complex international relations—it’s crucial that our leaders possess the right educational background and experience. It is time for the House of Representatives to seriously consider legislation that requires all candidates for local and national government positions, from Barangay Kagawad up to the presidency, to meet certain educational standards.

A proposal worth exploring is requiring candidates to hold at least a degree in law or a related field that equips them with the skills necessary for public service. Governance is not a popularity contest; it is a job that requires specific knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and a deep understanding of legal and societal structures.

Why Educational Requirements Matter

A degree in law, public administration, political science, or a similar field provides a strong foundation for anyone aspiring to serve in government. These courses instill critical thinking, a deep understanding of governance systems, and the ability to draft and interpret laws—skills essential for anyone responsible for leading a community or country.

Moreover, educational requirements would ensure that those running for office are prepared for the technicalities of lawmaking, public policy development, and crisis management. It would prevent the election of individuals whose primary qualifications are their wealth or celebrity status, rather than their expertise in governance.

The concept is not about elitism but ensuring that the people entrusted with the country’s future have the competence and skills to guide it forward. Requiring government officials to meet these educational standards would filter out candidates who rely solely on fame or fortune, ensuring that voters are presented with a pool of individuals who are genuinely capable of public service.

A Call for Responsible Voting

At the heart of this issue is voter awareness. It is crucial that registered voters keep in mind that movie stars are best suited for the entertainment industry and not necessarily for politics. Voters should be critical when casting their ballots, understanding that the qualities that make someone a great actor or actress do not necessarily translate into effective leadership.

By implementing stricter requirements for political candidates, such as mandating specific degrees, we can ensure that the people elected to office are not only popular but also prepared to serve the public with competence, integrity, and genuine dedication.

Marian Rivera's decision not to pursue a political career, despite her widespread popularity, should be a wake-up call. Her recognition that she doesn’t have the necessary experience or education to be a politician reflects the wisdom and self-awareness that many public figures should aspire to. It’s time for lawmakers to take a hard look at who is running for office and consider legislation that prioritizes qualifications over fame.

As the election season approaches, voters must be vigilant and discerning, ensuring that their chosen leaders are not only well-known but well-prepared. In doing so, we can pave the way for a government that is not just popular but truly capable of serving the nation.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

IDDB Officially Becomes the Pioneer of the First Tokenization Project in Indonesia to Receive Approval from the OJK Sandbox

PT Sejahtera Bersama Nano (SBN) has officially made history by becoming the first token issuer in Indonesia to receive approval from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) for a crypto asset tokenization project with underlying government bonds. The ID Digital Bonds (IDDB) issued by SBN have officially become the first government bond tokenization project listed in the OJK Sandbox, based on approval letter No. S-514/IK.01/2024 dated October 8, 2024.

This project is an innovative step to digitize bond instruments using blockchain technology. The tokenization project allows bonds, which typically have a high initial purchase requirement, to be split into crypto assets that can be widely traded through digital platforms. This expands access for both retail and institutional investors to invest in government bonds more easily.

According to a report from Boston Consulting Group (BCG), the market value of tokenized assets, including bonds, is projected to increase significantly in the coming years. The report states that the global real-world asset tokenization market is expected to grow to a total value of over $16 trillion by 2030, encompassing bond, property, and equity tokenization. Tokenization technology broadens access for retail and institutional investors, enhances efficiency and transparency, and reduces asset trading costs.

Gumarus Dharmawan William, Chief Executive Officer of PT Sejahtera Bersama Nano (SBN), stated, “This is a significant step for Indonesia. The OJK has made history as the first financial regulator in Indonesia and even Southeast Asia to allow the implementation of a government bond tokenization project. PT Sejahtera Bersama Nano, through its product, ID Digital Bonds (IDDB), has now officially entered the OJK sandbox and become a pioneer in Indonesia with INDON34 bonds as the underlying asset.”

Previously, the INDON34 bond series denominated in US dollars could only be accessed by investors with a minimum purchase of $200,000 (approximately 3.1 billion Rupiah). With tokenization through IDDB, access to this instrument becomes broader, with a minimum purchase of only $1,000 (approximately 15.5 million rupiah) per token, making IDDB tokens more inclusive for investors from various segments of society.

“The tokenization innovation we present with IDDB is a strategic step to bring change to the bond market in Indonesia. We are proud to collaborate in creating this product, which is expected to increase capital inflow into the country and support Indonesia's economic growth,” said Billy Surya Jaya, President Director of Nanovest.

Over the next 12 months, IDDB will undergo a testing phase in the OJK Sandbox before receiving full regulation. This project is the result of collaboration between SBN as the token issuer, Nanovest as an Indonesian crypto exchange with a current license as a prospective physical crypto asset trader (CPFAK), STAR Asset Management as the investment manager partner, and Bank Sinarmas as the custodian.

Hanif Mantiq, Director of Star Asset Management, acting as the investment manager partner in this project, said, “This tokenization innovation proves that crypto and government bonds can harmoniously synergize, offering safer and more affordable investment options. Crypto investors now have the opportunity to invest in government bonds with the same ease as when they invest in crypto assets. This emphasizes that although crypto investment is becoming more popular, government bonds remain relevant and attractive to young investors.”

This tokenization project not only aims to modernize Indonesia’s capital market but also seeks to increase financial inclusion, opening opportunities for more investors, both domestic and international, to participate in financial instruments in Indonesia. For more information about ID Digital Bonds and the development of this project, visit


About SBN (PT Sejahtera Bersama Nano)

ID Digital Bonds - IDDB (PT Sejahtera Bersama Nano) is a developer of innovation and adoption of blockchain technology by prioritizing transparency and security. PT Sejahtera Bersama Nano is developing real-world asset tokenization in the form of IDDB tokens (ID Digital Bonds) as one of the innovations in implementing blockchain.

About Nanovest (PT Tumbuh Bersama Nano)

Nanovest (PT Grow Together Nano) is an application-based platform that makes it easier for customers or users to make digital asset transactions, including US stocks, crypto assets, and digital gold. We aim to revolutionize the way young people invest to achieve their financial freedom. We are officially registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (BAPPEBTI).

Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas Wazzup Pilipinas and the Umalohokans. Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas celebrating 10th year of online presence
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