Saturday, September 28, 2024

Senator Migz Zubiri Visits the Asian Defense and Security (ADAS) Exhibition 2024

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

It was an honor to meet Senator Migz Zubiri on the second day of the Asian Defense and Security (ADAS) Exhibition 2024, held at the World Trade Center in Pasay City. As I navigated the impressive displays of cutting-edge defense technologies and innovations, I encountered Senator Zubiri, who was sharing his insights on the critical role of the defense sector in maintaining national security. His passion for strengthening the country's defense capabilities resonated with the objectives of the exhibition. My brief but impactful encounter left me with a deeper appreciation for the efforts being made to ensure the safety and security of the Philippines. It was a privilege to hear the thoughts of a leader so dedicated to the continuous advancement of our nation's defense and development.

The Asian Defense and Security (ADAS) Exhibition 2024, one of the most significant defense and security events in the Asia-Pacific region, welcomed a notable guest, Senator Juan Miguel "Migz" Zubiri. The event, held in Manila from September 25 to 27, 2024, gathered various stakeholders in the defense industry, including government officials, military leaders, and defense manufacturers, underscoring the Philippines' commitment to enhancing its defense capabilities.

Promoting Regional Security and Cooperation

During his visit, Senator Migz Zubiri should have emphasized the importance of regional security and collaboration in addressing common challenges. He should have remarked on the need for the Philippines to strengthen its defense posture amid evolving security dynamics in the region. "Events like ADAS are crucial for fostering partnerships and sharing technological advancements that can bolster our national security," he should have stated.

Senator Zubiri should have taken the opportunity to engage with various exhibitors showcasing cutting-edge military technology, from advanced surveillance systems to defense equipment. His presence should have underscored the Philippine government's commitment to investing in modern defense solutions that align with contemporary security needs.

Engaging with Industry Leaders

The senator should have participated in discussions with industry leaders and defense experts, focusing on potential partnerships that could enhance the capabilities of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). He should have highlighted the need for the government to explore public-private partnerships to drive innovation in defense technologies, ensuring that the Philippines remains competitive in the global defense landscape.

Additionally, Zubiri should have addressed the significance of local production and innovation in defense manufacturing, advocating for policies that support Filipino companies in the defense sector. His insights resonated with many attendees, who recognized the value of a self-sufficient defense industry.

A Vision for a Safer Future

Senator Migz Zubiri’s visit to ADAS 2024 should have reaffirmed his commitment to a more secure and resilient Philippines. He should have expressed optimism about the future of defense cooperation in the region, by stating, "We must work together to create a safer environment for our citizens and promote peace and stability in Asia."

The ADAS Exhibition not only showcased the latest advancements in defense technology but also served as a platform for dialogue and collaboration among nations. As the Philippines navigates complex security challenges, Senator Zubiri's active engagement in such events highlights the government's proactive approach to defense and security.


Senator Migz Zubiri's presence at the Asian Defense and Security Exhibition 2024 reflects the Philippines' commitment to enhancing its defense capabilities and fostering regional cooperation. His insights and advocacy for innovation and collaboration underscore the importance of a robust defense posture in ensuring national security. As the nation continues to evolve in response to changing security dynamics, events like ADAS play a vital role in shaping the future of defense in the Philippines and beyond.

The Jollibot of Jollibee: A Double-Edged Sword in the Food Industry

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

"And now robots are delivering our food, so there goes another job that a person could do." 

"Though they also need to hire people to design/make/market/maintain/troubleshoot/repair more of these if ever the demand goes higher. It is a lost but also gain of jobs."

"Jollibee won't, they will just buy from China!"

"The owners of Jollibee are Filipino Chinese, still originally Chinese thus they most probably have business connections, partners and even distant relatives in China."

In recent years, technology has significantly transformed various industries, and the food service sector is no exception. A striking example of this shift is the introduction of the Jollibots, robots now being used by Jollibee to deliver food to customers. This innovative advancement raises questions about the implications for employment, the future of the industry, and the relationship between technology and traditional business practices.

The Rise of Robotics in Food Delivery

The Jollibot is a part of Jollibee's effort to enhance customer experience and streamline operations. By utilizing robots for food delivery, Jollibee aims to improve efficiency and reduce wait times. However, this automation comes with mixed reactions from the public. On one hand, the convenience of robotic food delivery can lead to a more enjoyable dining experience. On the other hand, there are concerns about job displacement.

"And now robots are delivering our food, so there goes another job that a person could do." This statement resonates with many workers who fear that automation will render their roles obsolete. With the rise of robots like the Jollibot, traditional positions in food service, particularly those involving delivery, may become increasingly scarce.

Job Displacement vs. Job Creation

The concern over job loss is valid. However, it's essential to consider the broader picture. While automation can lead to a reduction in certain types of jobs, it simultaneously creates new opportunities in other areas. For every robot that delivers food, there are roles that emerge in design, programming, marketing, maintenance, and troubleshooting. As demand for robotic services increases, companies will require skilled personnel to ensure the seamless operation of these systems.

In this context, the rise of robotics can be seen as a double-edged sword. Yes, some jobs may be lost, but new jobs will also arise, requiring a different skill set. This transition emphasizes the importance of reskilling and upskilling the workforce to adapt to technological advancements.

Supply Chain Considerations

As Jollibee adopts robotics, another concern arises regarding sourcing and production. Critics argue that Jollibee might opt for cheaper manufacturing options abroad, particularly in China. "Jollibee won't, they will just buy from China!" This sentiment reflects a broader fear that local industries may lose out to cheaper foreign alternatives.

It's worth noting that the owners of Jollibee are of Filipino-Chinese descent, which may facilitate connections and partnerships in China. This relationship can be beneficial, allowing for the integration of advanced technologies at a lower cost. However, it raises ethical questions about the support of local labor versus the pursuit of cost efficiency.

The Cultural and Economic Landscape

The duality of technological advancement and cultural heritage is particularly evident in the case of Jollibee. As a brand deeply rooted in Filipino culture, the introduction of robotics presents a challenge. Jollibee is not just a food chain; it symbolizes national pride and identity. The use of robots may seem at odds with the traditional values associated with Filipino hospitality.

Furthermore, as technology advances, the economic landscape will also evolve. The integration of robots into service roles may force businesses to rethink their strategies, including pricing models and customer engagement approaches. Jollibee and similar companies must strike a balance between embracing innovation and maintaining the human touch that defines their brand.


The Jollibot represents a significant step forward for Jollibee and the food industry as a whole. While there are legitimate concerns regarding job displacement and reliance on foreign manufacturing, it is crucial to recognize the potential for job creation and economic growth that accompanies technological advancements. The challenge lies in adapting to this new landscape while preserving the cultural values that make brands like Jollibee beloved by millions. Ultimately, the future of food service will be shaped by how businesses navigate the complexities of technology, culture, and employment.

***Cover Photo grabbed from Speed

Why David D'Angelo Deserves Our Vote for Senator in 2025: A Bold Vision for a Sustainable Philippines

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

In the 2025 elections, we are presented with a unique opportunity to reshape the future of the Philippines. It is no secret that our nation faces a crossroads: escalating environmental degradation, unrestrained corporate greed, and a political landscape often dominated by vested interests. Enter David D’Angelo, National President of the Green Party of the Philippines—a man whose bold vision and unflinching commitment to sustainable development stand as a beacon of hope amid the haze of traditional politics.

David D'Angelo is not your typical politician. He’s not a product of dynastic rule, nor is he a figurehead for big businesses seeking to further their own interests. Instead, he is a grassroots leader—a staunch environmental advocate who has spent years fighting for a cleaner, greener Philippines. He understands that the challenges we face—rising sea levels, disappearing forests, polluted cities—cannot be addressed through short-term political maneuvering. What D’Angelo offers is something sorely missing in today’s politics: a long-term, inclusive, and sustainable approach to governance.

A Champion for the Environment

As climate change becomes an increasingly urgent issue, we need lawmakers who genuinely understand the gravity of the situation. David D’Angelo is such a person. His advocacy for renewable energy, reforestation, and sustainable urban development is not just campaign rhetoric—it is his life’s work. He has tirelessly pushed for environmental reforms that benefit both people and the planet, knowing that the health of our ecosystems is intrinsically tied to our country’s prosperity.

In a Senate full of career politicians, D’Angelo’s presence would be revolutionary. He would bring the fight to stop the destruction of our natural resources to the legislative floor, ensuring that environmental protection is not just an afterthought but a legislative priority. While others make empty promises, David D’Angelo offers real, science-backed solutions that can safeguard the future of our children.

Economic Prosperity Through Sustainability

Critics often claim that environmental protection and economic growth cannot coexist. D'Angelo shatters this myth. He envisions a future where economic prosperity thrives alongside environmental stewardship. His platform goes beyond tree-planting campaigns and symbolic gestures; it encompasses a transformative agenda that includes green job creation, investment in sustainable industries, and incentives for eco-friendly businesses.

By electing D’Angelo, we are not just voting for cleaner air and water; we are voting for an economic future where Filipinos can prosper in industries that respect the environment. Imagine a Philippines where communities thrive on clean energy, where our farmers are empowered by sustainable agricultural practices, and where urban spaces are designed with the welfare of both people and nature in mind. This is the future that David D’Angelo offers—a future where sustainability leads to economic progress, not regression.

A Voice for the People, Not for the Few

David D’Angelo is also a vocal advocate for social justice. His environmental platform is deeply intertwined with his desire to address inequality, uplift marginalized communities, and give a voice to those who are often unheard. For too long, our political system has favored the wealthy and well-connected. D’Angelo seeks to change this by pushing for policies that protect both the environment and the most vulnerable members of our society—indigenous peoples, small-scale farmers, fisherfolk, and urban poor communities who bear the brunt of environmental degradation.

D’Angelo’s commitment to participatory governance—where the people’s voices are genuinely heard and acted upon—sets him apart. He has always stood alongside local communities in their fight against corporate interests that destroy livelihoods in the name of profit. As a senator, he would continue this fight, ensuring that legislation is shaped not just by elite interests, but by the very people who make up the fabric of our nation.

The Leader We Need, The Future We Deserve

In this crucial moment in our nation’s history, the choice is clear. David D’Angelo represents more than just a vote for the environment—he represents a vote for the future. A future where economic growth is sustainable, where nature and humanity coexist in harmony, and where every Filipino has the opportunity to thrive.

The 2025 election is our chance to make a lasting impact. By choosing David D’Angelo, we are not just electing a senator; we are electing a visionary leader who understands that our survival as a nation hinges on our relationship with the planet and each other. We have the opportunity to vote for someone who will challenge the status quo, protect our natural resources, and ensure that future generations inherit a livable, thriving world.

The path to a better future is not easy, but it is one that we must take. With David D’Angelo in the Senate, we can begin that journey. Let us cast our votes wisely—our planet, our people, and our prosperity depend on it.
Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas Wazzup Pilipinas and the Umalohokans. Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas celebrating 10th year of online presence
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