Friday, September 27, 2024

Three-starred chef Daniel Humm named UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Food Education

Wazzup Pilipinas 

Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO’s Director-General, has appointed the renowned Swiss Chef and plant-based food advocate Daniel Humm as a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Food Education. The nomination ceremony was held Tuesday at his three-Michelin-star restaurant, Eleven Madison Park, in New York.

“Daniel Humm is much more than one of the world’s most gifted chefs. He is a passionate advocate for sustainable nutrition, who has staked his career on his beliefs, defying the skeptics, and proving to us all that the finest cuisine can be an ally in protecting our precious planet. A luminary in the culinary community, there is no one better placed to promote the powerful connections between food and education,” said Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General.

"I am deeply honored to join UNESCO as Goodwill Ambassador. The language of food is so powerful, and together, we will work to demonstrate how choices around food can create solutions and empower future generations, as well as to bring further awareness to indigenous culinary traditions and their critical role in sustainability and food equity,” explained Chef Daniel Humm.

As a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, Daniel Humm will focus on Food education, a subject that is at the crossroads of the Organization’s mandate which leads global programs on environmental and health education, on the safeguarding of intangible cultural practices, as well as on the protection of natural heritage and biodiversity in the face of climate disruption.

Audrey Azoulay and Daniel Humm agreed on a roadmap: he will amplify UNESCO's voice at key international meetings such as the next COP for biodiversity, at the end of October in Colombia. He will also promote UNESCO sites that are home to agricultural, culinary and gastronomic traditions, including World Heritage sites, Biosphere Reserves and UNESCO’s network of 350 Creative Cities, 56 of which are cities of Gastronomy.

For example, in June 2024, the chef visited the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve "Champlain-Adirondak" located in Vermont, United States, where several initiatives have been established to sensitize local youth to the creation of sustainable nutrition systems.

To educate and raise awareness on sustainable food practices, and as one of his first Goodwill Ambassador initiatives, Chef Humm will organize a plant-based public dinner with his fellow UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Chef Mauro Colagreco, in January 2025.

Daniel Humm will also play an active role in the development of a new UNESCO International Food Atlas, which will promote and participate the safeguarding of hundreds of culinary traditions and foodways inscribed on UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

“Not anti-meat, but pro-planet”

Born in Switzerland in 1976, Daniel Humm began working in kitchens at the age of 14 and earned his first Michelin star at the age of 24. In 2003, he took the leap across the pond, becoming the Executive Chef at Campton Place in San Francisco. Three years later, he moved to New York to become the Executive Chef at Eleven Madison Park, which has since received numerous distinctions, including three stars from the Michelin Guide, and the #1 spot on The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2017.

Humm is a co-founder of Rethink Food, a New York City-based nonprofit aimed at creating a more equitable, sustainable food system. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Daniel Humm launched several initiatives to provide nutrition to food-insecure New Yorkers, including re-purposing his high-end restaurant as a kitchen producing 2000 meals a week for the organization. This led to a reflection on how to tackle global food insecurity and build more sustainable food production systems.

In 2021, in a renegade break with his culinary past and due to environmental concerns such as climate disruption and overfishing, Chef Humm overhauled the menu at Eleven Madison Park to make it entirely plant-based, while keeping his three Michelin stars – a first time accomplishment for a plant-based restaurant.

Lack of quality data and disconnected tech stack impacting Singapore businesses amid rising costs and competition: HubSpot Research

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

To empower businesses to scale in today's highly competitive economy, HubSpot has released over 200 updates to its customer platform in addition to launching Breeze, an embedded AI, and Breeze Intelligence, a data enrichment solution

According to HubSpot’s research:

High costs is the leading challenge faced by Singapore business (44%) with one in five (22%) saying it’s the biggest challenge they are facing.

Intense competition (39%), rising costs of reaching audiences (35%), and channel saturation (34%) emerged as other top challenges in attracting and retaining customers among Singapore businesses.

Less than half (43%) of Singapore businesses strongly agree that their data and systems are effectively interconnected to provide a cohesive and comprehensive view of their customers.

The average business in Singapore has to switch between 58+ distinct applications just to manage their customer interactions.

Nearly eight in ten (76%) of Singapore businesses also do not have enough data or the right data to make their AI usage effective, while about a third (34%) have not ‘started talking about generative AI at all’.

HubSpot, the customer platform for scaling businesses, has released new data showing that many Singapore companies are contending with insufficient quality data and a disjointed tech stack even as costs and competition continue to rise.

Go-to-market teams—marketing, sales, and service—hold the keys to customer happiness, revenue generation, and ultimately business growth. But today, GTM teams are struggling to keep up, let alone drive growth, thanks to intense competition, increasing costs to reach prospects and customers, and channel saturation. To make matters worse, their tech stacks are falling short.

Nearly half of Singapore businesses participating in a HubSpot survey cited high costs (44%) as their number one challenge, with one in five (22%) saying it’s the biggest challenge they are facing. This aligns with data from the Singapore Business Federation, which identified increasing manpower and utilities costs as key contributors to business expenses.

The survey also found that intense competition (39%), rising costs of reaching prospects and customers (35%), and channel saturation (34%) are impacting the ability of Singapore businesses to effectively attract and retain customers, potentially limiting their growth potential. Inability to compete against their peers could create additional pressures on Singapore businesses, especially with the country recently ranked the world’s most competitive economy worldwide.

While technology has traditionally been viewed among Singapore businesses as a tool to augment competitiveness and allow them to punch above their weight, barriers remain when it comes to quality data and a modern tech stack.

HubSpot’s findings indicate that less than half (43%) of Singapore businesses agree that their data and systems are effectively interconnected to provide a cohesive and comprehensive view of their customers. This can significantly increase complexity in managing customer interactions and experience, with the average business in Singapore needing to switch between more than 50 distinct applications just to manage customer interactions. As a result, many businesses may struggle to gain a consolidated view of their customers, leading to disconnected data and a suboptimal customer experience.

“Needing to switch between more than 50 applications to manage customer interactions is not only detrimental to efficiency, but could also lead to inaccuracies as businesses try to align insights across disparate data sources. Having a single source of truth for customer data is essential to build and maintain meaningful customer relationships,” said Dan Bognar, Vice President & Managing Director of JAPAC, HubSpot. “Technology can give businesses a helping hand, however our findings show that data connectedness and a unified tech stack are presenting significant opportunities for local businesses looking to improve prospecting and customer retention.”

An overall lack of quality data could also have had an impact on local adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered tools. According to HubSpot’s survey, nearly eight in ten (77%) of Singapore businesses felt they did not have enough data or the right data to make their AI usage effective. Perhaps as a consequence, about a third (34%) have not ‘started talking about generative AI at all’.

“Operating in the world’s most competitive economy is no easy feat, requiring a delicate balance between manginging increasing costs, while delivering an impactful customer experience. At HubSpot, we are committed towards equipping businesses with applications that are easy to use, fast to implement, and delivered on a unified platform. This helps to align marketing, sales, and service teams with a unified view of their customer.” said Bognar.

To help businesses grow better in today’s environment, HubSpot is committed to building easy, fast and unified tools. That’s why, at INBOUND 2024 and in our latest Spotlight product launches, HubSpot has unveiled its easiest, fastest, and most unified version yet. Everything is built so that GTM teams can unlock growth for their businesses.

Our new, biggest releases include:

Breeze, HubSpot’s AI to power the customer platform. Breeze includes

o Copilot, HubSpot’s new AI companion to boost productivity and make work easier.

o Four AI agents to get work done fast, from start to finish, including Content Agent, Social Media Agent, Prospecting Agent and Customer Agent.

o Plus 80 more features embedded across the platform, from remixing content to predicting sales forecasts.

Breeze Intelligence, HubSpot’s data enrichment and buyer intent solution. Breeze Intelligence includes:

o Data enrichment which pulls from a database of over 200 million buyer and company profiles to enrich company and contact records in HubSpot’s Smart CRM.

o Buyer intent to help customers identify which prospects are best fit.

o Form shortening to increase conversion by automatically adding information Breeze Intelligence already knows.

Updates to Marketing Hub and Content Hub, the combo that’s giving marketers everything they need to launch full campaigns from start to finish, from finding an audience to measuring impact, including:

o Tools to capture attention like Content Remix for video, which uses AI to turn a single video into a full campaign of clips, audio and written content.

o Tools to generate leads and convert prospects like Lead Scoring to find high engagement, high-fit prospects and Google Enhanced Conversions to leverage first-party conversion data from HubSpot to improve campaign performance.

o Tools to measure impact like the new Marketing Analytics Suite, which brings all marketing metrics and reporting in one place to improve campaigns and get results faster.

7 Deadly Skin Products Tainted With Mercury Being Sold Online

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Toxic watchdog BAN Toxics issued a warning about seven (7) China-made skin whitening creams available for sale on online shopping sites Shopee and Lazada after detecting mercury content. Four of the products have been banned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Using a Vanta C Series Handheld XRF Chemical Analyzer, the skin lightening creams, priced between 80 PHP and 264 PHP, were found to contain excessive amounts of mercury, with levels ranging from 115 to 5,150 parts per million (ppm), exceeding the regulatory limit.

JiaoLi HuiChuSu Face Cream 7 Day Specific Eliminating Freckle (already banned by the FDA)

JiaoLi HuiChuSu Miraculous Cream (already banned by the FDA)

Szitang 7-days Specific Whitening & Spot A-B Set Cream (already banned by the FDA)

Szitang 10-day Whitening and Spot Day & Night Set (already banned by the FDA)

BL Vterly Day and Night Retinol & Collagen Cream

PEARL NATURAL Whitening & Anti-Aging Cream

Day and Night Whitening Anti Freckle Melasma (Green)

According to the World Health Organization Fact Sheet on Mercury and Health, mercury is considered one of the top ten chemicals of major public health concern. Exposure to even small amounts of mercury can cause serious health problems and poses a threat to the development of a child in utero and during early stages in life. Mercury can also have toxic effects on the nervous, digestive, and immune systems, as well as on the lungs, kidneys, skin, and eyes.

“We are dismayed that skin lightening creams tainted with mercury continue to prevail in online markets despite regulations on the use of mercury in personal care products,” said Thony Dizon, Toxics Campaigner, BAN Toxics.

“The ongoing use of hazardous chemicals in beauty products must be stopped.”

BAN Toxics cautions the public to be vigilant when purchasing skin lightening creams that are regulated by the FDA to prevent exposure to toxic mercury.

“We call on the regulatory agencies—the FDA and the Department of Trade and Industry—to investigate and immediately conduct enforcement actions against online shopping platforms that violate existing health and safety regulations and e-commerce laws in the country,” the group stated.

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