Saturday, September 14, 2024

Breed Discrimination or Size Policy?


Wazzup Pilipinas!?

"The recent situation involving Balay Dako’s refusal to allow Yoda, an Aspin (Asong Pinoy), into the restaurant has sparked discussion about what it really means to be pet-friendly. Lara Antonio, Yoda’s owner, expected a nice, peaceful meal but was disappointed when her dog was turned away due to unclear size restrictions. Although the restaurant claims to be pet-friendly, the confusion over its pet policy raised concerns about how welcoming the establishment truly is to all pets.

The main issue seems to be the inconsistency in enforcing size limits. Some people noted that larger dogs, like Labradors, have been allowed in the restaurant, while Yoda, a medium-sized Aspin, was not. This has led to accusations of breed discrimination, as Aspins, being native dogs, are sometimes seen as less desirable compared to purebred dogs. Though Balay Dako has apologized and promised to review its policies, the trust of many pet owners has already been shaken.

This incident reflects a bigger problem. Pet-friendly places need to make sure their rules are clear, consistent, and fair. While some size restrictions may be needed for practical reasons like space or safety, these rules must be easy to understand to avoid confusion. More importantly, policies shouldn’t favor one breed over another. If a dog is well-behaved and meets the rules, it should be welcomed, no matter its breed.

The backlash against Balay Dako also highlights the ongoing struggle for native dogs like Aspins to be treated equally. In a society that often values purebreds more, incidents like this reinforce the challenges Aspins face. However, they are just as loving and loyal as any other dog, and businesses should recognize this.

Moving forward, restaurants and other establishments that claim to be pet-friendly need to make sure their policies are clear and fairly applied. Staff should be trained to handle these situations with understanding and respect, avoiding any form of discrimination, whether intentional or not.

In the end, being pet-friendly isn’t just about letting pets in. It’s about creating a space where all pets, no matter their breed or size, are treated with respect.

This incident serves as a reminder that inclusivity should extend to everyone, including our four-legged companions."

My thoughts:

The issue at Balay Dako regarding their refusal to admit Yoda, an Aspin, brings to light important questions about what it means to be truly pet-friendly. At the heart of the problem is not just a matter of size policy, but the potential for breed discrimination, particularly against Aspins, who often face unequal treatment compared to purebred dogs.

If a restaurant claims to be pet-friendly, it needs to have clear, transparent, and consistently enforced rules. The fact that larger purebred dogs like Labradors were reportedly allowed while a medium-sized Aspin was turned away suggests a deeper bias, whether intentional or not. Aspins, being native dogs, should not be treated differently from other breeds if they are well-behaved and meet the standards of any pet-friendly space.

This incident highlights how society’s preference for purebred dogs can impact the treatment of native dogs like Aspins. Despite being just as loving and loyal, they are often subject to stereotypes or lower regard. This not only hurts pet owners who love their Aspins but perpetuates harmful attitudes toward our native breeds.

Moving forward, establishments that promote themselves as pet-friendly must train their staff to understand and respect all pets, regardless of breed or size. It's crucial that rules are clear, consistent, and free from any form of bias. Inclusivity should extend beyond humans to ensure that all pets, particularly native dogs like Aspins, receive equal treatment and respect.

Ultimately, being pet-friendly goes beyond mere policies—it’s about embracing and welcoming all pets with genuine inclusivity.

BIR Night Raid of Illicit Cigarette Warehouses uncovers Php 838M in estimated tax liabilities

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Commissioner Romeo D. Lumagui Jr. led the raid of two (2) warehouses in Quezon City and Caloocan City, during the late hours of September 12, 2024 until past twelve (12) midnight of September 13, 2024. The strategy of the Illicit Trade Task Force of conducting a night raid turned out to be the right decision because the BIR seized 1.31 million packs of counterfeit and illicit cigarettes. As a result of this large-scale raid, the BIR estimates a Php 838M in tax liabilities against the illicit cigarette traders.

"This BIR raid of 2 illicit cigarette warehouses in Quezon and Caloocan City shows our commitment to fight illicit trade. The BIR will raid your warehouses even after midnight. The BIR will not rest until illicit trade is exterminated," Commissioner Lumagui stated.

Two large warehouses were raided by the BIR and the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group of the Philippine National Police (PNP-CIDG). An estimate of 60 BIR revenuers and another 60 PNP-CIDG personnel from their Anti-Fraud and Commercial Crimes Unit were deployed for this large-scale raid that started late evening Thursday, and ended early morning Friday.

"The BIR estimates Php 838M in tax liability in relation to this raid. A total of 1.31M packs of counterfeit cigarettes and illicit whites was seized. The BIR is grateful to the PNP-CIDG for their dedication to fight illicit trade. The BIR welcomes all informants, whether from the public or private sector, who can provide information on possible targets," Commissioner Lumagui added.

The illicit traders responsible for the 2 warehouses violated Section 145 - Cigars and Cigarettes, Section 146 - Inspection Fee, Section 248 - Civil Penalties, Section 249 - Interest, Section 260 - Unlawful Possession of Cigarette Paper in Bobbins or Rolls, Etc., Section 263 - Unlawful Possession or Removal of Articles Subject to Excise Tax Without Payment of the Tax, and Section 265 - Offenses Relating to Stamps of the National Internal Revenue Code.

Sheraton Manila Bay’s Sustainable Seafood Night A Step Towards Responsible Food & Beverage Sourcing

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Sheraton Manila Bay is proud to present "Sustainable Seafood Night” a Discovery Moment of Responsbile Soucing and Food and Beverage Sustainability. Sheraton Manila Bay has prepared a four-course dinner and artisanal cocktails to pair. This exclusive event will also feature three businesses that have taken steps in sustainable sourcing whether it be through farming, extracting, or designing. The event will also be a platform where these homegrown business owners will talk about their advocacies and how they can help in being more environmentally aware of waste reduction and food sustainability.

At the heart of the evening is a four-course dinner, curated by the Sheraton Manila Bay culinary team, featuring sustainably sourced seafood and locally grown produce. This exclusive dinner will be paired with three artisanal cocktails crafted to bring out the essence of the Philippines' finest ingredients.
The event will showcase the unique flavors of:Osdone Corp, a local farm pioneering sustainable crayfish cultivation in the Philippines, providing a fresh, farm-to-table approach to seafood.

Saint C, a brand that highlights the potential of calamansi, one of the Philippines' most abundant citrus fruits. Known for their high-quality calamansi extract, Saint C aims to bring the distinct flavor of this fruit to the global stage.
Sula Spirits, an emerging player in the artisanal spirits scene, blending Filipino ingredients like coconut with a youthful twist on glass bottles. Sula Spirits is gaining international recognition for its innovative use of local resources and modern distillation techniques.This exceptional evening is designed not only to celebrate the ingenuity of local farmers and producers but also to put a spotlight on sustainable practices that are critical to the future of the Philippine food and beverage industry.

The event promises an unforgettable experience for food enthusiasts, cocktail aficionados, and those who are passionate about supporting local, sustainable businesses. Each course and cocktail will tell the story of how Filipino flavors can inspire a global palate, bringing local resources to international recognition.

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