Monday, September 9, 2024



Jay Jallorina Photography 



October 25-28, 2024

Dear photographers,

Are you ready to capture the wealth of landscapes and culture in one of the Philippines' best-kept corners? Join us for an unforgettable 4-day photography tour of SOCCSKSARGEN, affectionately known as SOX —home to the provinces of South Cotabato, Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani, and General Santos City.

Tour Date: October 25 to 28, 2024

Location: Lake Sebu and surrounding Areas, SOX Region

This guided tour will take you to the best photography spots of SOX, where you'll have the opportunity to capture the region’s most spectacular natural wonders and immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of its indigenous people. Our journey will revolve around stunning Lake Sebu—a serene lake nestled in the highlands of South Central Mindanao, surrounded by majestic waterfalls and the vibrant, living cultures of the Tboli and Blaan people.

Tour Highlights:

Mangrove Trees of Saranganni Bay. Capture sunset long exposures of the sentinels of the coast - the age-old, indomitable mangrove trees of Sarangani Bay. These rows of mangrove trees are the perfect foreground element for those minimalist long-exposure shots.

Mount Matutum. Watch the sunrise from the pineapple plantation fields beneath the iconic silhouette of Mt. Matutum

Lake Sebu's Grandeur: Photograph the peaceful lake, surrounded by fog shrouded mountains and the many islets and lotus gardens within. 

Waterfalls. We will spend time at the two most prominent and majestic of Lake Sebu’s seven waterfalls. If you are up for an adventure, take flight in the longest zip line in the country, soaring above the falls and forests of Lake Sebu!

Cultural Immersion: Capture the colorful and rich culture of the Tboli and Blaan, whose dance, musical traditions and clothing are a vital part of the region's heritage and identity. We will have lots of opportunity to capture not just the landscapes, but also take portraits of the vibrant, beautiful people of Lake Sebu. We will complete the experience by staying at a Tboli home and enjoy the simple, peaceful life in the highlands.

GenSan Tuna Fish Port: Indulge in street and travel photography in one of the region’s busiest places! Watch as huge, freshly caught tuna fish are offloaded by hand from fishing boats and observe the lively the processing and transactions surrounding this iconic fishing industry.

Food Trip. It is not a JayJ/ChaseTheLight photo tour if the eats are not epic. We will sample the freshest sea food and the best tastes the region is known for.

Participants are expected to fly-in to General Santos International Airport by lunch of October 25 and to book their return flights in the afternoon of October 28, 2024. It is also possible to reach General Santos via land travel from Davao City. We will have a shuttle to fetch participants at the airport.

This 4D3N tour is only P15,900 and includes all accommodations, meals, tranportation around SOX, cultural donations and entrance fees during the tour. It does not include travel to and from General Santos City.

What gear do I need to bring for the photo tour?

DSLR or mirrorless camera, ultrawide lens, medium- or telephoto lens for portraiture, tripod, filters (CPL, neutral density and graduated neutral density filters), off-camera flash, drone (if you have), backpack, camera rain cover (needed during the waterfalls shoot).

Limited Slots Available! Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of an extraordinary experience. Only 12 slots are available for this trip. Sign-up now and embark on this unforgettable photography tour with us. 

How to Register?

Hello! To join the tour, please reserve your slot by making a deposit of P8,000 (50% downpayment) to any of the payment channels below:



Jay Jallorina


Acct. Name: Jay Raymund E Jallorina

Savings Account No. 001440028468


Acct. Name: Jay Raymund E Jallorina

Savings Account No. 1169001207

Please send the following message via FB Messenger: Jay Jallorina or thru Viber at +639063089436 Jay Jallorina:


Hello Jay. Registering 1 slot for ChasetheLight LANDSCAPES SOX Photo Tour this coming October 25-28, 2024.

Full Name of Partipant

Mobile Phone number

Email address

Attach screenshot of payment transaction record.  


We shall immediately check your payment and confirm your slot. Our slots are on a first-come, first-served basis, so kindly confirm your slot as soon as possible. Please note that deposits cannot be refunded nor used in future tours/workshops but is transferable to another person (attending on the same event). Details and guidelines will be emailed a week before the start of the photo tour.

The balance of P7,900 must be settled by October 1, 2024.

Please don't hesitate to Viber us at +639063089436 for any clarifications or inquiries. 

Best regards,



Sunday, September 8, 2024

Accelerating Digital Transformation: The Power of AI in Modernising Businesses


The Era of AI-Driven Innovation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is not just an enabler but a catalyst for digital transformation. By integrating AI into their core strategies, companies across various industries are achieving unprecedented efficiencies, enhanced customer experiences, and new avenues for growth. MakeSense, with its specialised AI and data services, is at the forefront of this transformation, helping businesses harness the power of AI to not only compete but lead in their markets.

Understanding AI-Fueled Transformations

AI-fueled digital transformation involves integrating AI technologies into various business processes to improve decision-making, automate operations, and personalise customer interactions. This transformation goes beyond simple automation to create intelligent systems that can learn from data, predict outcomes, and make informed decisions in real-time.

Strategic Implementation of AI by MakeSense

MakeSense excels in developing and deploying AI solutions tailored to specific business needs. Whether it’s optimising supply chains through predictive analytics, enhancing customer service with natural language processing tools, or improving product design with AI-driven simulations, MakeSense delivers measurable results. Their approach ensures that AI implementations are strategic, aligned with business goals, and capable of providing a competitive edge.

Sector-Specific Impact and Innovations

The impact of AI is evident across multiple sectors. In retail, AI helps companies predict consumer behaviour and optimise inventory. In healthcare, AI algorithms enhance diagnostic accuracy and patient care. In manufacturing, AI-driven robotics and IoT devices revolutionise production lines. MakeSense has been instrumental in these transformations, providing AI solutions that are both innovative and practical.

Ethical Considerations in AI Deployments

MakeSense is committed to responsible AI deployment. This commitment involves ensuring that AI solutions are not only effective but also ethical, transparent, and compliant with data protection regulations. This ethical approach builds trust and ensures that AI technologies benefit all stakeholders without compromising privacy or integrity.

Engaging with MakeSense’s Expert SenseMakers

As businesses consider the leap towards digital maturity, the opportunity to engage with experts who have navigated this path successfully becomes invaluable. The MakeSense team is equipped to discuss and demonstrate how AI can transform various aspects of your business. By analysing specific challenges and objectives, they can provide customised insights and strategies that leverage the latest in AI technology.

Learn from Customer Success Stories

At their upcoming showcase at the Business 4.0 event, MakeSense will present numerous customer success stories. These real-world examples will highlight how companies have successfully implemented AI solutions to drive significant business results. Attendees will gain a clearer understanding of AI's potential impacts and the practical steps involved in such transformations.

Transform Your Business with MakeSense

For businesses ready to embrace the digital future, MakeSense offers not just technology but a partnership in transformation. We invite business leaders to discuss their digital transformation goals with our expert team and explore how AI can make a definitive difference. Learn more about our successful implementations and how they can be adapted to your business needs.

Visit us at Business 4.0 to see how MakeSense can help you capitalise on AI-driven opportunities and lead in the age of digital innovation, or learn more here:

How Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping the Cybersecurity Landscape

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing numerous industries, and cybersecurity is no exception. As cyber threats grow more sophisticated, AI is becoming an indispensable tool for defending against these evolving dangers. Here’s a look at how AI is reshaping the cybersecurity landscape.

1. Enhanced Threat Detection and Response

Traditional cybersecurity methods often rely on signature-based detection, which involves recognizing known threats by their patterns. However, many modern attacks use novel techniques that can evade such methods. AI, particularly machine learning (ML) algorithms, can analyze vast amounts of data to identify anomalies and potential threats in real-time. These systems continuously learn from new data, improving their accuracy and adaptability.

2. Predictive Analytics

AI can analyze historical data to identify patterns and predict potential threats before they manifest. Predictive analytics powered by AI can help organizations anticipate cyber-attacks and take preventive measures. This proactive approach shifts the focus from merely reacting to incidents to actively preventing them.

3. Automated Incident Response

Responding to cybersecurity incidents often requires swift and accurate action. AI can automate many of these responses, such as isolating affected systems, blocking malicious IP addresses, and even deploying patches. Automation reduces the response time, mitigating damage and minimizing the impact on the organization.

4. Behavioral Analysis

AI systems can monitor user behavior and network activity to establish a baseline of normal behavior. By continuously analyzing deviations from this baseline, AI can detect unusual activities that might indicate a breach. This behavioral analysis helps in identifying insider threats and compromised accounts more effectively.

5. Enhanced Threat Intelligence

AI can process and analyze large volumes of threat intelligence data from various sources, including dark web forums, malware databases, and cybersecurity reports. This capability enables organizations to stay informed about the latest threats and vulnerabilities, helping them to better prepare for and defend against potential attacks.

6. Improved Phishing Detection

Phishing attacks are a common method used by cybercriminals to steal sensitive information. AI can enhance phishing detection by analyzing email content, sender behavior, and other indicators to identify and block phishing attempts. Machine learning models can be trained to recognize new phishing tactics as they emerge, providing an additional layer of security.

7. Vulnerability Management

AI-driven tools can help in identifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities in software and systems. By analyzing the potential impact and exploitability of these vulnerabilities, AI can assist in managing and addressing them more effectively. This helps organizations focus their resources on the most critical issues.

8. Integration and Collaboration

AI can facilitate better integration and collaboration between different cybersecurity tools and platforms. By connecting disparate systems and analyzing data from various sources, AI can provide a more comprehensive view of the security landscape, enabling more effective coordination and response.

Challenges and Considerations

Despite its advantages, the integration of AI into cybersecurity also presents challenges. AI systems require substantial amounts of data and resources to train and operate effectively. Additionally, there is a risk of adversarial attacks where cybercriminals use AI to exploit vulnerabilities in security systems.

AI is transforming the cybersecurity landscape by enhancing threat detection, automating responses, and providing predictive capabilities. As cyber threats continue to evolve, the role of AI in cybersecurity will likely become even more critical. Organizations must stay vigilant and adapt to these changes to effectively protect their digital assets and maintain a secure environment.

How does AI improve?

What are AI limitations?

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Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas Wazzup Pilipinas and the Umalohokans. Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas celebrating 10th year of online presence
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