Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Young Hearts and Heroes: Meet the teenager who created a children’s storybook with pediatric cancer patients from Bahay Aruga


The Adventures of Damgo: Betta and the Dry Lands written by 16-year old Nikki Go is now available from This book features artwork by pediatric cancer patients.

As the country gets ready to celebrate National Heroes Day on August 26 (yes a long weekend is here again) we meet a new set of heroes.

As Arizona Robbins from Grey’s Anatomy said, not all heroes wear capes. Some happen to be tiny humans. Now, another teenager and her friends set out to create a lasting impact in the Philippine arts and culture space by publishing the first book of the ongoing children’s book series, The Adventures of Damgo: Betta and the Dry Lands.

At just 16 years old, Jacqueline Dominique “Nikki” Go is already creating heroic contributions to art and pediatric cancer communities.

As the founder of the Damgo Art Therapy Foundation and the author of The Adventures of Damgo, Nikki’s journey starts with the love for family and art.

Nikki’s artistic interests began in early childhood, nurtured by supportive parents who, despite not being artists themselves, recognized and cultivated their daughter’s creative talents. "I’ve always felt happiest when I get lost creating art," Nikki shares.

This passion for art, however, was juxtaposed against a backdrop of loss and heartache as cancer took the lives of several close family members. "Cancer is hereditary, and I have it on both sides of my family. I’ve lost 3 uncles to cancer, and my grandma and aunt are survivors," Nikki recounts.

These experiences naturally fueled her curiosity and empathy toward cancer patients and survivors, eventually leading her to establish the Damgo Art Therapy Foundation.

Like most youth-led initiatives, the foundation originated from Nikki’s 8th-grade school project aimed at contributing to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

While her peers focused on themes like poverty and sustainability, Nikki chose to explore the impact of art on mental well-being, particularly among teenagers. "I saw a huge lift in happiness when teenagers were exposed to art." Nikki explains. This discovery ignited a deeper inquiry into the beneficiaries of art therapy, ultimately guiding her to Bahay Aruga, a halfway home for pediatric cancer patients.

"When I approached Bahay Aruga, I wanted to offer something more valuable than monetary donations. Something that would have a lasting positive effect on the patients… art therapy had that effect," says Nikki.

The Damgo Art Therapy Foundation was born out of this desire, and it quickly became hope for young cancer patients. Through art therapy sessions, Nikki witnessed firsthand the transformative power of creativity. "One of my students said that she 'couldn’t believe she is able to paint the things she’s done.' She told me how she looked forward  to our art therapy sessions, and she carries this feeling when she goes for treatment."

Inspired by the children’s resilience and imagination, Nikki penned The Adventures of Damgo, a series that takes cancer patients on a cosmic journey filled with limitless possibilities. "I hope that through these stories, children all over the country and the world become inspired to dream big and help each other overcome any obstacle," Nikki says. “Damgo, in Cebuano, also means dream.”

The book’s impact has been profound, forging deep connections between the young artists and the community that supports them. Tragically, two of the contributing artists, Richard and Ralph, passed away before the book’s completion. Yet, their legacy lives on through their artwork and the positive influence the project had on their lives.

"Remembering the moments with Richard, he remarked how he loves the art therapy sessions because it takes his mind off the pain, even for a few hours,'" Nikki reflects. “Meanwhile, Ralph was that one student who didn’t miss a single week’s lesson. He loved the art therapy sessions! He told me that he loved to paint Damgo’s adventures because it makes him imagine that he too, can one day go outside the country and see unbelievable sights.”

Publishing the first book is just the start of Nikki’s big plans for the Damgo Art Therapy Foundation. With two more books in development and a growing partnership with the International School Manila’s Visual Arts Club, the foundation is poised to continue its mission of providing joy and comfort to pediatric cancer patients.

"In the future, I hope to see more innovation in the art therapy execution, and more adventures of Damgo," Nikki says. “Excited for book 2!”

Improving Information and Media Literacy in the Philippines

This is the third part of the four-part series on Media and Information Literacy in the Disinformation Web. This article will feature essential fact-checking tools that enhance media and information literacy in the Philippines, helping you combat misinformation and verify credible sources.

Combating Misinformation in the Philippines: Essential Fact-Checking Tools

As previously discussed in the last two articles, the Philippines faces a growing threat – the rapid spread of misinformation. This misinformation includes false narratives, political propaganda, and misleading health claims circulate widely. It has proven to jeopardize democratic processes, public health, and social cohesion. 

In this context, media and information literacy (MIL) has become an indispensable skill for Filipinos. MIL equips individuals with the ability to critically evaluate information, identify credible sources, and make informed decisions. Fortunately, a range of powerful fact-checking tools are available to aid in this endeavor.

Local Fact-Checking Initiatives

Several local organizations have emerged as leaders in the fight against misinformation in the Philippines: This collaborative initiative, launched during the 2019 elections. It brings together academic institutions and media organizations to verify information and counter disinformation, particularly during critical periods like elections.

VERA Files: This organization is founded by veteran Filipino journalists. VERA Files is an independent media organization renowned for its rigorous fact-checking and investigative journalism. Their commitment to accuracy and impartiality makes them a trusted source for verifying claims.

FactRakers: Led by journalism students at the University of the Philippines-Diliman, FactRakers focuses on verifying claims and promoting media literacy, contributing to a more informed society.

International and Online Fact-Checking Tools

Beyond local initiatives, several international tools are readily available to help Filipinos combat misinformation:

Google Fact Check Tools: Google offers a suite of tools designed to aid in information verification. The Google Fact Check Explorer allows users to search for debunked stories and images globally, while the Fact Check Markup tool enables content creators to add structured data to their fact checks, enhancing their visibility online.

Challenges and Considerations

While fact-checking tools offer immense value, challenges remain:

Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is increasingly used in fact-checking for tasks like reverse image searching and natural language processing. However, Filipino fact-checkers have expressed concerns about the reliability, potential biases, and security risks associated with AI tools.

Solutions and Best Practices

To effectively combat misinformation, several key strategies are essential:

Proactive Fact-Checking: Key players should verify claims head on, before they gain widespread traction. This is crucial to prevent the spread of misinformation.

Collaboration: Media organizations, academic institutions, and technology companies must work together to develop robust fact-checking tools and strategies.

Public Education: Raising awareness about media literacy and the availability of fact-checking resources is essential to empower students to critically evaluate information.


The fight against misinformation in the Philippines is ongoing. Nonetheless, Filipinos have access to a wealth of resources to aid in this battle. By utilizing local and international fact-checking initiatives, individuals can enhance their media and information literacy. While challenges exist, proactive fact-checking, collaboration, and public education remain essential pillars in the effort to build a more informed and resilient society.

Pulso Emerges as a Credible Information and Survey Provider in the Philippines


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Credible Information and Survey Provider in the Philippines.
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