Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Asuene APAC and Green Frog Innovation, an innovative ESG consulting firm based in Thailand, have signed a partnership agreement.


Asuene APAC, is excited to announce the signing of a strategic partnership with Green Frog Innovation, an innovative ESG consulting firm based in Thailand.  
This collaboration will launch Asuene’s holistics decarbonization solutions, including the “Asuene” carbon accounting platform, to the Thai market and enhance our ability to support local clients on their decarbonization journey.

This partnership with Green Frog Innovation marks a significant step in driving sustainability and expanding Asuene’s presence across the APAC region. 

Background of the Partnership
Interest in corporate decarbonization is increasing in APAC, particularly in Southeast Asia, leading to a surge in demand for CO2 emissions visualization and reduction.

Thailand is highly committed to addressing climate change. Despite not being obligated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol, Thailand has established the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO) and has begun developing action plans for greenhouse gas reduction.

Additionally, Thailand is a hub for production and export for many businesses. Many companies that trade with the EU are required to comply with the EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). Since 2021, the disclosure of ESG information has been mandated in annual reports (One Report).

By forming a partnership between Asuene and Green Frog Innovation, which has a close connection and collaboration with the Thai industry and TGO, key drivers of decarbonization efforts in Thailand, we aim to advance decarbonization management for companies in Thailand and the APAC region.

Details of Partnership Agreement
"ASUENE" offers a carbon accounting platform across the entire supply chain for companies and municipalities, in accordance with the GHG Protocol's Scope 1-3. Additionally, we provide SX consulting services. Our strength lies in delivering comprehensive one-stop solutions for decarbonization, supporting companies in advancing their decarbonization management.

Green Frog Innovation provides strategic business advisory, ESG  consulting, and connection to innovative climate technology solutions for  companies in Thailand.

Through this partnership, we will enter into a business alliance for client referrals, enabling both companies to collaborate and support APAC businesses in achieving net zero.

Comment from Mr. Thanes, Representative of Green Frog Innovation
Asuene has shown remarkable growth and achievements over the past five years since its founding, proving itself to be a reliable climate tech company. It has established itself as an industry leader, helping its clients accelerate their decarbonization efforts. Asuene's corporate philosophy aligns perfectly with Green Frog Innovation's mission of accelerating Thailand's journey towards decarbonization and providing effective solutions to our clients through technology. By leveraging Green Frog Innovation's expertise and extensive network with Thai companies, this partnership will provide Asuene with a strong foothold in Thailand.

Green Frog Innovation Company Profile
Company name: Green Frog
InnovationRepresentative: Founder & MD Thanes Rajatapiti

About Asuene APAC Pte. Ltd.

Asuene Company Profile Asuene Inc. is a leading Climate Tech company in Japan with the mission of ”Making a better world for next generations”. We provide "ASUENE" a carbon accounting platform to measure, report and reduce carbon emissions of companies and we contribute to the net zero society.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Save the Children Philippines Urges Senate to Swiftly Pass Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Bill

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Save the Children Philippines is urgently calling on the Senate to pass the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Bill without delay, addressing the escalating crisis of teenage pregnancies in the country, particularly among children aged 15 and below.

Every day, more than 500 adolescents in the Philippines become mothers, a stark and troubling reality that includes girls as young as 10 years old. Save the Children Philippines, the leading independent children's organization in the country, warns that these alarming numbers are not just statistics—they represent the stolen childhoods of countless young girls.

The country has witnessed a disturbing 35% increase in live births among the 15-and-under age group from 2021 to 2022. These pregnancies trap thousands of young Filipino girls in a relentless cycle of poverty, discrimination, and lost opportunities. Forced to abandon their education and assume the heavy responsibilities of parenthood, these girls are being robbed of their futures.

"These figures tell a heartbreaking story of young lives derailed by circumstances beyond their control. Girls as young as 10 are being thrust into the role of mothers, while still children themselves," said Wilma Banaga, Child Protection Advisor at Save the Children Philippines.

As the Philippines commemorates the 34th anniversary of its ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child this August, Save the Children underscores that the passage of the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Bill is not just necessary—it is a moral imperative for the Philippine government to uphold the rights of every Filipino child.

"Fear of discrimination and stigma forces many young people to hide their pregnancies, cutting them off from vital health services and support," said Sydney, a youth advocate.

"It is crucial that adolescents are educated about their sexual and reproductive health and rights and have access to quality services that enable them to make informed choices. No young person should be forced to sacrifice their future because of an unintended pregnancy. We urgently call on lawmakers to prioritize the passage of the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Bill to ensure every young Filipino can realize their full potential."

The Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Bill is scheduled for interpellation in the Senate on August 19 and is awaiting approval on its second reading. It has already passed the third reading in the House of Representatives.

"Adolescent pregnancies are often the result of coercion and imbalanced power dynamics between young girls and older men. Passing this bill is essential—not only to educate and empower our youth but also to protect them from exploitation and ensure they have the support needed to reclaim their childhoods and build a brighter future," Banaga added.

Save the Children Philippines joins the nation in urging the Philippine government to expedite the passage of this critical bill, paving the way for a safer, more equitable, and promising future—for and with children.

UP Researchers Investigate E. coli Levels in Urban Farm Vegetables

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

A type of bacterium called Escherichia coli (E. coli), found in the feces of humans and animals, is often released into bodies of water such as streams. Although most E. coli strains are harmless, some can cause foodborne diseases such as gastroenteritis, typhoid fever, and dysentery. Feces are a major source of microbial contamination in fresh produce. With the rise of urban farming in the Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential to monitor fresh produce from urban farms to recognize and address food safety issues immediately.

Scientists from the University of the Philippines – Diliman College of Science (UPD-CS), supported by the Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR), assessed vegetables from wet markets and urban farms in Metro Manila during the peak of the pandemic to detect and quantify the presence of E. coli.

Dr. Pierangeli Vital, Donnabel Sena, Czarina Jay Catapat, and Ma. Christine Jasmine Sabio from the UPD-CS Natural Sciences Research Institute (UPD-CS NSRI), along with Dr. Windell Rivera of the UPD-CS Institute of Biology (UPD-CS IB) gathered 419 vegetable samples from three urban farms and four major wet markets in Metro Manila. The group detected E. coli in 13.60% of all the samples. The presence of E.coli in the samples from urban farms was also higher than in the samples obtained from wet markets.

According to Dr. Vital, high levels of E. coli in the samples from urban farms could be linked to various factors, such as lack of thorough post-harvest processing, unlike the samples from wet markets. “As observed in the urban farm sampling sites, they frequently use rainwater, pond water, and well water for irrigation, mainly for economic reasons, but this increases the risk of bacterial contamination,” she said.

Animals such as dogs, cats, and chickens often roam around urban farms, which raises the risk of microbial contamination in the irrigation water and soil where the vegetables grow. The researchers considered these as areas for improvement in developing urban farming practices.

“This research, together with our past research on agricultural food safety, is and was used in creating and adopting Philippine National Standards (PNS) on pre- and post-harvest microbial food safety in agriculture, with initiatives spearheaded by the DA – Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (DA-BAFS),” shared Dr. Vital.

The researchers stated in their paper that the results could provide a factual basis for regulating, controlling, and eliminating food pathogen contamination in fresh produce, thereby helping policymakers implement regulations that ensure food safety. Even so, Dr. Vital mentioned that preventing foodborne illnesses such as E. coli can also be done by Filipinos in their own homes.

“Proper handling and cooking must be practiced at home, which involves simple steps such as thoroughly washing hands and kitchenware as well as disinfecting table surfaces when preparing food, using clean water when washing vegetables, effectively separating cooked and raw foods, and storing food the right way,” Dr. Vital added. “Following these simple steps can significantly help reduce the risks of foodborne illness at home and in the community.”

They plan to include more surveillance of relevant foodborne pathogens and conduct the study on a national level, in addition to investigating the antimicrobial resistance of the bacteria. These endeavors will provide significant data for analyzing trends in microbial food safety in the Philippines.

The paper, titled “Thermotolerant Escherichia coli contamination in vegetables from selected urban farms and wet markets in metro Manila, Philippines at the height of COVID-19 pandemic,” was published in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, a peer-reviewed journal covering research fields such as engineering, agricultural sciences, technology, and health sciences.

Cover Photo caption: Researchers gather samples of mustasa, or mustard greens (Brassica juncea), at New Greenland Farm in Bagong Silangan, Quezon City. (Photo credit: The Research Team)

Written By Eunice Jean C. Patron
Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas Wazzup Pilipinas and the Umalohokans. Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas celebrating 10th year of online presence
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