Thursday, August 22, 2024

Where is Alice Guo and Whose Heads Will Roll?

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Former Mayor Alice Guo, who was identified as a Chinese national falsely claiming Filipino citizenship, has reportedly fled the Philippines despite being subject to a hold departure order (HDO). Guo's departure comes as she faces mounting legal challenges related to her alleged involvement in illegal Philippine Offshore Gaming Operations (POGOs).

The controversy surrounding Guo erupted when an investigation revealed that she had been misrepresenting herself as a Filipino citizen. Sources indicate that Guo, who served as mayor of Bamban from 2016 to 2022, may have used fraudulent documents to assume a position of power in local government. The discovery has led to widespread condemnation, with many questioning how such a significant breach of the law could have occurred without detection for years.

Adding to her legal woes, Guo has been implicated in a major POGO operation based in Tarlac. Authorities allege that she played a key role in facilitating the operations of these offshore gaming firms, which have been under scrutiny for involvement in illegal activities such as money laundering, human trafficking, and tax evasion.

In light of these allegations, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued an HDO against Guo to prevent her from leaving the country while investigations were ongoing. However, reports now confirm that she managed to leave the Philippines, raising concerns about the enforcement of such orders and the potential for political or bureaucratic lapses that may have enabled her escape.

The Bureau of Immigration (BI) is currently under fire for its failure to prevent Guo's departure, and an internal investigation has been launched to determine how she was able to evade the authorities. Speculation is rife that Guo's connections, both locally and internationally, may have facilitated her flight from justice.

Meanwhile, the government has intensified its crackdown on illegal POGO operations, with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. emphasizing the need for stricter regulation and enforcement to protect the country's sovereignty and uphold the rule of law. The case of Alice Guo is expected to serve as a litmus test for the government's commitment to these principles.

As the investigation continues, authorities are working with international counterparts to track down Guo and bring her back to face charges in the Philippines. The DOJ has expressed its determination to pursue all legal avenues to ensure that Guo is held accountable for her actions.

The unfolding scandal has also reignited discussions about the integrity of the country's immigration and citizenship processes, with lawmakers calling for comprehensive reforms to prevent similar incidents in the future.

NAIA airport rehabilitation comes additional fees for consumers

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

The Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) rehabilitation comes with additional fees for consumers. San Miguel Corporation (SMC) is taking over this September and it is time we are informed of these! Airfare might go up, as well as airport passenger fees. 

Proposed revision to MIAA Administrative Order: 

Passenger/Terminal Fee Increase: 
DOMESTIC - P200 to P390

“It is unacceptable that Filipinos using the airport will have to immediately pay higher fees even before seeing any improvement in the airport. Many Filipinos who use the airport are those who sacrifice to be away from their family to work abroad or [those] who were able to save a little to go on a short vacation to rest” 

“Now that the government has chosen a concessionaire from the private sector, why is the capital expenses needed to fix the airport going to be advanced by passengers?” 

The Naia upgrade project includes the rehabilitation of passenger terminals and airside facilities such as runway, aircraft parking area and airfield lighting, and the provision of facilities that will enable intermodal transfers at the terminal.

Kaya ba natin to? 

The rehabilitation of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) is a significant project that promises to improve the airport’s facilities and overall passenger experience. However, the involvement of San Miguel Corporation (SMC), set to take over in September, raises concerns among consumers due to the proposed additional fees.

Overview of Proposed Changes:

The Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) has proposed a revision to its Administrative Order, which would lead to an increase in passenger or terminal fees:Domestic Flights: Current fees of P200 are proposed to increase to P390.
International Flights: Current fees of P550 are proposed to rise to P950.

Consumer Concerns:

The primary concern is that these increased fees are set to be imposed on passengers immediately, even before any visible improvements to the airport infrastructure have been made. This has sparked criticism, especially given the socio-economic profile of many travelers:

OFWs and Budget Travelers: 

Many Filipinos using NAIA are overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) who endure long periods away from their families to work abroad. They view this fee increase as an additional burden. Similarly, local tourists who have saved up for a short vacation might feel the pinch of these higher costs.

Fairness of Cost Allocation: 

There is a growing sentiment that it is unfair for passengers to bear the brunt of the airport’s capital expenditures. The question being raised is why the financial burden of upgrading NAIA should be passed on to consumers rather than being absorbed by the concessionaire or through other funding mechanisms.

Scope of the NAIA Rehabilitation:

The upgrade project, which SMC will oversee, includes several key components aimed at modernizing NAIA:Passenger Terminals:

Rehabilitation efforts will focus on enhancing the existing passenger terminals to improve comfort and efficiency.

Airside Facilities: 

This involves the refurbishment of runways, aircraft parking areas, and the installation of upgraded airfield lighting, all of which are critical for the airport’s operations.

Intermodal Transfer Facilities: 

New facilities are planned to enable seamless intermodal transfers, allowing passengers to switch between different modes of transportation more easily.

The Public Debate:

As this project moves forward, the debate centers around whether these improvements justify the immediate financial impact on passengers. While the long-term benefits of a modernized airport are clear, the short-term burden on consumers raises important questions about the fairness and timing of these fee increases. The broader issue is whether the costs associated with national infrastructure projects should be passed on to consumers, especially in a country where many people are already financially stretched.

The public is now questioning if they are ready and able to absorb these new costs, especially without seeing immediate improvements in return. This situation calls for transparency from the government and SMC about the timeline for these enhancements and whether alternative funding options were considered.

When will fees apply?

Any budget alternatives?

Media and Information Literacy Education in the Philippines Classrooms


This is the first installment of the four-part series of Media and Information Literacy Education in the Philippine Classrooms. This article analyzes the integration of Media and Information Literacy (MIL) in the Philippine curriculum. It also focuses on the challenges, strategies, and successes in teaching the subject to senior high school students.

In Finland, its government integrated high-quality standards for Media and Information Literacy in order toaddress the Russian government's misinformation campaign. They acknowledge that the proliferation of fake news will always exist. They knew that they could not stop propaganda that sought to sow division. Hence, the way to resolve such issues is to develop critical thinking skills. After all, Finnish people will read that misinformation anyway. That is why this skill set is no longer a luxury, but a necessity.

This is the scenario that the Philippines wants to avoid. This is why MIL has been made a core part of its Senior High School curriculum. They knew that teaching the youth MIL headstart would prevent them from becoming misinformed adults in the future.

However, what does this mean for students and teachers, and what challenges lie ahead?

Impact of MIL on Students and Teachers

In the short term, the benefits will not be that obvious. However, in the long term, the students and the country as a whole will reap what they have sown. From the perspective of the students, they will have the necessary critical thinking skills to evaluate the correctness of information through cross-researching credible information sources. Moreover, critical thinking skills could be used in other facets of their lives like general life skills where using their common sense will be the norm.

In the grander scheme of things, this education they got from MIL instruction will prepare them for voting for the right candidate through the campaigns and biographies that they could get. They can also participate in national issues that the nation faces.

On the other hand, the benefit that the teacher will get from teaching Media and Information Literacy among students is that they could have a higher bargaining power to provide their schools with IT supplies and additional certifications that will upskill them. After all, they are the ones who will ensure the success of the said program.

However, it is all theoretical unless the government funds MIL education. The goal is to develop well – informed citizenry through critical thinking. This can only be achieved when there is the right accommodation of infrastructure, resource allocation, and policy interventions because implementing MIL is expensive and labor-intensive.

As mentioned in the last series, the Philippines has huge economic disparities wherein it presents a stark digital divide. It is always up to the government on how to tackle these issues.

Overcoming Hurdles in MIL Education

Like any new initiative, teaching MIL has its challenges. These include:

• Lack of Teacher Training: Teachers lack the confidence to teach this subject due to a lack of specialized training and resources. Understandably, they will face that difficulty since MIL education is just a new subject matter. To bridge this gap, the Department of Education (DepEd) partnered with NGOs to offer workshops and mentorship programs to teachers so that they could be proficient in teaching the subject.

• Curriculum Overload: The Philippine curriculum is stuffed with several subjects that it impossible to focus on MIL education. For this reason, some schools are creatively integrating MIL into existing subjects like English and Social Studies. This may seem an efficient way to teach MIL but to address this issue, the education department must decrease the subject loads of each student. After all, it is the improved skill sets of critical thinking, writing, and reading that matter, not the contents themselves since they may be obsolete in the future.

• Digital Divide: Limited access to technology in rural areas and poor communities remains a hurdle. Nevertheless, programs that opt for gadget distribution, and internet connectivity among far-flung places are the ones that level the playing field.

• Teacher Shortages: Sadly there are too many students in schools but not enough teachers who can educate. The lack of teachers, especially in remote areas, adds another layer of complexity. Some schools are addressing this by embedding MIL topics into other subjects, reducing the need for specialized teachers. However, the real kicker to solve this issue is to increase teacher’s pay so prospective teachers will be incentivized to teach.

Innovative Solutions for MIL in the Philippines

The government could adapt the following policy recommendation:

• Curriculum Upgrades: This does not mean adding subjects or making the courses more difficult than they are but adapting educational gold standards that aim to bolster education such as integrating critical thinking skills in classrooms rather than rote learning. This will complement MIL classes.

• Teacher Development: Investment allocation towards teacher training will empower educators to deliver high-quality MIL instruction. These include subsidies on gadgets and specialization towards MIL instruction.

• Bridging the Digital Divide: Efforts to expand digital infrastructure and provide students with the tools they needwill continue.

• Global Inspiration: The Philippines can draw inspiration from countries like Finland and Canada, which have successfully integrated MIL into their education systems.

Empowering the Next Generation

Teaching Media and Information Literacy is not just about preparing students against the tides of the digital world. It's about empowering students to become critical thinkers, responsible media consumers, and active participants in a global society. The journey is a long hurdle, but the commitment to MIL education in the Philippines is a testament to the nation's dedication to preparing its youth for the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.

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