Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A Guide to Essential Vaccines for Puppies and Dogs

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Vaccination is a crucial aspect of responsible pet ownership. By vaccinating your puppy or dog, you not only protect their health but also contribute to the overall well-being of the community by preventing the spread of infectious diseases. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the essential vaccines recommended for puppies and dogs, their importance, and the vaccination schedule to ensure your furry friend stays healthy and happy.

Core Vaccines: 

Core vaccines are those considered essential for all puppies and dogs, regardless of their lifestyle or environment. These vaccines protect against highly contagious and potentially fatal diseases. The core vaccines for dogs include:

Canine Distemper Virus (CDV): Canine distemper is a highly contagious viral disease that affects multiple organ systems.
Symptoms include fever, nasal discharge, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and paralysis.

Vaccination is highly effective in preventing distemper.

Canine Parvovirus (CPV): Parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that attacks the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms include severe vomiting, diarrhea (often bloody), dehydration, and lethargy.
Parvovirus can be fatal, especially in puppies.
Vaccination is crucial for preventing parvovirus infection.

Canine Adenovirus Type 2 (CAV-2): Canine adenovirus type 2 primarily causes respiratory disease (canine infectious tracheobronchitis or kennel cough) and hepatitis.

Vaccination helps prevent respiratory infections and protects against hepatitis.

Rabies: Rabies is a viral disease that affects the central nervous system and is typically fatal.
It is zoonotic, meaning it can be transmitted to humans.

Vaccination against rabies is required by law in many regions and is crucial for both pet and public health.

Non-Core Vaccines: Non-core vaccines are recommended based on a dog's lifestyle, environment, and risk of exposure to specific pathogens. These vaccines may be recommended by veterinarians after assessing individual risk factors. Some common non-core vaccines include:

Bordetella Bronchiseptica: Bordetella bronchiseptica is a bacterium commonly associated with kennel cough.

Vaccination is recommended for dogs that frequently visit boarding facilities, dog parks, or participate in activities where they come into close contact with other dogs.

Leptospirosis: Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that can affect dogs and humans.
It is transmitted through contact with contaminated water or soil, often in urban or rural environments.

Vaccination may be recommended for dogs at risk of exposure to leptospirosis.

Canine Influenza Virus: Canine influenza is a contagious respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses.

Vaccination may be recommended for dogs that frequent areas with a high risk of exposure, such as dog shows, boarding facilities, or densely populated urban areas.

Vaccination Schedule: The vaccination schedule for puppies typically begins at 6-8 weeks of age and continues until they are around 16 weeks old. Boosters are then administered at regular intervals to ensure ongoing protection. Adult dogs require booster vaccinations throughout their lives to maintain immunity. Your veterinarian will tailor the vaccination schedule to your dog's individual needs based on factors such as age, health status, lifestyle, and risk of exposure to infectious diseases.

Vaccination plays a vital role in protecting the health and well-being of puppies and dogs. By ensuring your furry friend receives the necessary vaccines, you can help prevent the spread of infectious diseases and keep them happy and healthy for years to come. Always consult with your veterinarian to develop a vaccination plan tailored to your dog's individual needs.

Mayors from Eight Nations Discuss Coastal Solutions in Siargao

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

From 25 May to 1 June, delegates traveled to Metro Manila and the Philippines' surf capital, Siargao, to exchange ideas on coastal conservation. After all, the solution to one coast's problems might already have been developed in another place.

Mayors and government leaders from eight countries recently met in Siargao for the first international field immersion of Coastal 500, a global network of mayors and government leaders who have pledged to protect their home coasts. Coastal 500 is the largest network of government leaders working to restore the world’s coasts.

Traveling from Indonesia, Micronesia, Palau, Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Mozambique and neighboring islands in the Philippines, the mayors and government leaders visited the municipalities of General Luna, Santa Monica and Del Carmen to learn about the country’s solutions to coastal conservation, fisheries management and climate change.

“Coastal 500 is the largest international platform for mayors and leaders of coastal hubs to share their experiences,” explains Cynthia Castro, manager of the Coastal 500 programme. Launched in 2021, it has since grown into a network of 160 mayors and 150 fisheries leaders, aiming to hit 500 leaders by 2025.

Funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, Oak and the Swedish Postcode Foundations, Coastal 500 is the brainchild of international nonprofit Rare, which was founded in 1973 and works in 60 countries. Its flagship programme is Fish Forever, envisioned to revitalize marine habitats and the livelihoods of millions of coastal fishers worldwide.

“Coastal communities all over the world have a lot in common,” says Rocky Sanchez Tirona, managing director for Rare’s Fish Forever programme. “They work within different contexts of policy, governance, culture and resource availability, but sometimes, local leaders just need to feel like they’re not alone.”


What is obvious to one nation might not be apparent to another. The Philippines for example, knows how to deal with typhoons, withstanding around 20 yearly. Its solutions range from planting and managing natural storm surge barriers like mangrove forests to relocating vital infrastructure like road networks to less exposed areas.

“We don’t experience many big typhoons in Indonesia,” shares Ray Chandra Purnama of Rare Indonesia. Despite being the world’s largest archipelago of over 17,000 islands, Indonesia sits well below the Pacific Ocean’s often-brutal typhoon belt. “We are not as well-versed in preparing for storms, though we are feeling the effects of climate change through the changing migration patterns of fish, making fishing unpredictable.”

During their weeklong immersion in both Siargao and Metro Manila, Coastal 500 members shared relevant experiences and cultural beliefs.

“In Palau we have a belief called a Bul, where tribal chiefs can stop a particular practice – say, the killing of sea turtles or the overharvesting of certain types of fish,” says Kevin Mesebeluu of Rare Palau, who formerly led the island-nation’s top-billed tourism programme. “We also take ecotourism seriously, going so far as to make visitors sign a declaration that they will never harm our marine life. This declaration is stamped right on their passports.” Ecotourism has paid dividends for Palau, providing 53% of the country’s gross domestic product.


“It was comforting to know that the problems we’re facing are being encountered in other countries,” shares Elton Júnior dos Reis Paixão, secretary of Maracanã in Brazil. “Because of our immersion and informal exchanges in the Philippines, we now feel less alone and ready to develop new solutions.”

These candid exchanges are the reason behind Coastal 500, since solutions to one community’s problems might already have been developed in another place.

“One problem stinks above all in my coastal city – garbage that flows downriver from the upper provinces,” explains Hugo Sarceño, mayor of the city of Puerto Barrios in Guatemala. “To prevent pollution from flowing to sea, we use nets and river booms to trap floating garbage, making manual cleanups easier.” Riverine garbage is an issue faced worldwide, from Africa to the Caribbean.

Juan Ramon Manaiza, mayor of the municipality of Limón in the Honduras, highlighted a common theme for small-scale fishers. “One of our biggest challenges is the encroachment of industrial fishers in our municipal waters, which is 12 nautical miles or 22 kilometers from our coast,” Conflict between commercial and artisanal fishers is a common theme in areas where fish yields are waning.

“A great practice we learned about in Siargao were Fish Forever Savings Clubs,” says Juma Cateria, a district administrator in the province of Nampula in Mozambique. “We definitely want our coastal fishers to adopt this.”

Patterned after the Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA) model of many countries, Savings Clubs reach small-scale fishing communities that do not have access to formal financial services, the traditional requirements of which are often too imposing for fishers. By pooling together funds, members have a readily accessible pool for emergencies, such as the surprise family sickness or when fish don’t bite during lean seasons or bouts of bad weather.

Rare has since established over 700 Savings Clubs in six countries, creating a financial security net for hundreds of fishing communities. “We are trying to strengthen social capital and protect coastal assets,” explains Christopher Lomboy of Rare Philippines. “If fishers have cash during a family emergency, then they will have fewer reasons to resort to illegal and potentially destructive fishing – protecting them and our coasts at the same time.”

The Coastal 500 members visited marine protected areas, coastal communities, tourism hubs and exchanged ideas with local leaders at the National Inland and Coastal Fisheries Summit (NCFIS) in Metro Manila from 25 May to 1 June 2024.

The connections forged by Coastal 500 led not just to the exchange of ideas, but real friendships. The trio of mayors Te, Jabagat and Calonge from Libertad, Bindoy and Mabuhay was inseparable. “I realized just how progressive Philippine laws are, allowing our local communities to safeguard our coasts,” says Edreluisa Calonge, mayor of the municipality of Mabuhay in Zamboanga Sibugay. “Other nations have a top-down approach that doesn’t make it easy for coastal residents to feel ownership for the sea.”

The delegates were Edreluisa Calonge, Alfredo Corro, Eniego Jabagat, Mary Jean Te, Romina Saljuga and Arwela Dolar from the Philippines, Henaro Polloi from Palau, Hugo Sarceño from Guatemala, Juan Ramon Manaiza and Edgardo Ramirez from Honduras, Elton Júnior dos Reis Paixão and Edgardo Ramirez from Brazil, Juma Cateria and Jubeta Mamudo Namaneque from Mozambique, Bachrun Labuta from Indonesia, plus Lara Williams and Jamie Staugler from Bloomberg Philanthropies.

With its first field immersion completed, Coastal 500 is getting ready to expand its membership. “We’re building the learning resources and communications platforms that can benefit local leaders even in areas where Rare isn’t working. These will be ready for new members by the end of the year,” says Castro.

Applicants interested to join the Coastal 500 can send an email to

“We’re excited to relay our experiences back to our colleagues at home. We’d love to share what we know and we’d love to learn from others,” concludes Jubeta Mamudo Namaneque from Mozambique. “Please come and join us.”

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Operation Blessing Turns Over ‘Community of Hope’ Common Areas to Tacloban LGU

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

More than a decade after Typhoon Yolanda, survivors continue to build back better as Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines, CBN Asia’s humanitarian arm, officially handed over the Community of Hope (COH) housing project’s common areas to the local government unit during a turnover ceremony held at Tacloban City Hall, on May 31.

CBN Asia and Operation Blessing President Peter Kairuz, along with Tacloban City Mayor Alfred Romualdez, graced the turnover ceremony, which featured their signing of a Memorandum of Understanding and Deed of Donation for Lot No. 4109—a parcel of land and a building within the COH resettlement area in Palanog.

“We warmly welcomed the visit of Operation Blessing President Mr. Peter Kairuz, along with other officials, for the ceremonial signing. Their ‘Community of Hope’ project symbolizes their continued support and collaboration with our local government to provide additional assistance to Taclobanons,” Romualdez said.

Aside from building 100 resilient homes, Operation Blessing has helped most families become self-sustainable by providing livelihood assistance. The organization has also offered free healthcare during various medical missions and partnered with Divine Word Hospital for health checkups. Moreover, deserving students have received scholarships through the Back-to-School program.

The latest turnover marks a significant milestone in Operation Blessing's exit strategy, ensuring that Community of Hope and its residents will continue to thrive under local governance. Nonetheless, Operation Blessing's support for Tacloban continues, ready to provide assistance whenever needed.

There is much more to be done and many more lives to be changed. Be part of Operation Blessing’s humanitarian efforts in Tacloban and across the nation by visiting or contacting 09399215543 or 09189067754.

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