Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Why Do Science? CERN Physicist Answers

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Above photo shows Dr. David giving a talk at UPD-CS  (Photo credit: Maria Alexandra Marmol).

There are scientists whose works are immediately appreciated by people: molecular biologists and pharmaceutical scientists who develop medicines and vaccines and find cures for cancer; climatologists and environmental scientists who monitor the weather and fight climate change; engineers who invent thinner gadgets and faster electric cars. And then there are those like particle physicist Dr. André David, whose work veers into the more unfamiliar realms of science, the kinds that elicit unimpressed comments like “What for?” and “How will this help me in my everyday life?”.

Dr. David works at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, better known as CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire), located on the border between Switzerland and France. But last February, he was at UPD College of Science (UPD-CS) giving a talk to students of the Science, Technology, and Society (STS) course about the very reason we do science. Judging solely from his familiarity with the weather (he wore khaki shorts and a beige shirt to reflect the heat) and his almost-natural interjections of parang and ano between his sentences, he is not unaccustomed to the Philippines.

Back at CERN, he and thousands of researchers from across the globe are demystifying the fundamental particles that make up the universe, particles much smaller and more elusive than the familiar protons and electrons. Using ring tunnels that span kilometers in diameter, called particle accelerators, they accelerate protons to near lightspeed and smash them together. The particles that unfurl from the collisions are what they study, revealing not only the most fundamental building blocks of matter but also the interactions that govern them.

In 2012, CERN announced the discovery of the Higgs boson, a particle that had eluded scientists since Peter Higgs theorized its existence in 1964 (Higgs sadly passed away on April 10, 2024). The Higgs boson gives particles their mass, allowing everything – stars, planets, life – to exist. Because of its significance, CERN’s discovery of the Higgs boson is considered one of the biggest scientific achievements in recent history.

But some still wonder why it’s even necessary to look for these particles, a sentiment that has only grown more prevalent after the discovery. Beyond the mental calisthenics and existential what-ifs, what has the Higgs boson contributed to our daily lives? Did it make our coffee taste better, our days cooler, our sleep deeper? One might even argue that there’s no discernible difference between their lives before and after knowing the Higgs boson exists.

When I asked Dr. David if he has one-liners in response, developed from having been confronted with these questions countless times, he was quick to clarify he doesn’t. “I’m no Richard Feynman,” he said. But in his lecture at UPD-CS, he had passingly said something that I thought, in hindsight, summed up his points succinctly: “You won’t see if you don’t look.”

That is, discoveries come from exploring the unknown, not from working on what’s already known, and “should you not seek, you are guaranteed to not find,” he explained to me. "The importance of new findings is that they can only be rendered useful if they are brought into the light of our collective knowledge. No amount of applied research on candles would have made the electric lightbulb possible.”

Indeed, when William Gilbert was investigating why amber attracts straws and chaff, he didn’t know he was laying the groundwork for what is now an essential component of our modern lives. He was examining how static electricity works and had devised the first electrical measuring instrument called the electroscope – a simple pivoted needle that revolves when drawn near a lightly rubbed amber. During his time (the 16th century), the world was run by horse-drawn carriages and manual labor. At the time, there were no apparent applications for the phenomenon that made amber sticky, nor would there be until 200 years later when Ewald Georg von Kleist and Pieter van Musschenbroek independently invented the Leyden jar, a device used to store electric charge. Even then, Gilbert’s, Kleist’s, and Musschenbroek’s works would not be fully realized until the 19th century, when inventors such as Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison developed the first practically usable electric devices such as the telephone and the incandescent light bulb.

Many scientists in the Renaissance were working on things that offered no immediate improvements to their quality of life, nor any apparent use until much later. When Isaac Newton was investigating why apples fall to the ground, he didn’t know his law of gravitation would be used to shoot satellites into orbit. When Robert Hooke and Antoni van Leeuwenhoek created the first microscope to observe the curious life of microorganisms, they didn’t know their work would become the backbone of modern medicine. “What seems abstract now may become commonplace later,” Dr. David said.

And what type of world would we have without them? Had Hooke and Leeuwenhoek not created the microscope, molecular biologists and pharmaceutical scientists today would not have any means of developing vaccines. Had Newton not investigated gravity, climatologists and environmental scientists would not have spatial heat maps and typhoon images generated from space. Had Gilbert not cared for amber, engineers would not have gadgets to make thinner or electric cars to make faster. One might even argue that virologists and climatologists and engineers wouldn’t exist.

Still, that’s not to say applied researchers are inferior to scientists like Dr. David. “I equally respect those who prefer to exploit what is known and make it better instead of exploring the unknown,” he clarified. “I suspect that eventually, the best for humans as a whole is that both proclivities coexist.”

Humans have prospered precisely because both types of endeavors have existed since antiquity. While at certain moments cavemen were hunting for food and fighting predators, at other times they investigated the glowing orb that appeared when lightning struck the ground, which gave succeeding humans the knowledge to control fire. Our instinct to explore the unknown is hardwired into our nature in much the same way as caring for our well-being is, and it is inhuman to disregard one over the other.

Science, as we now know it, is the fulfillment of our human nature, achieving both goals of improving our lives and exploring the world simultaneously. “I would say the scientific method is probably one of the least bad ways we’ve found to actually learn things about this reality,” Dr. David said.

Now, scientists like Dr. David are taking care of half the job. But just because their works may only be useful later doesn’t mean they are futile now. For instance, in a cost-benefit analysis conducted by researchers at the University of Milan and the Centre for Industrial Studies in Milan, they estimated a 92% probability that the benefits of CERN exceed its cost, with an expected net present value of about 3 billion euros. And that’s not including the unpredictable economic value of discoveries.

Beyond the numbers, the impact of CERN on its thousands of collaborators is priceless. “Year in and year out, I can see the impact that passing through CERN has on people from all walks of life and stages,” he said. “That impact on their lives and careers is very tangible and one of the largest added values of projects like the ones that only a transnational organization like CERN can host.”

We don’t need to look any further than our scientists for examples. Dr. Marvin Flores of UPD-CS National Institute of Physics (NIP) and the High Energy Physics & Phenomenology (HEP-PH) subgroup have been collaborating with CERN scientists since 2021. “Being part of the ATLAS Collaboration at CERN is a surreal feeling,” he said. “It greatly skyrocketed my love and appreciation for fundamental science and curiosity-driven research.” For Dr. Flores, the collaboration is also a source of inspiration. “Our first baby boy, who was born recently last April 15, 2024, is named Atlas partly because [of] it.”

Above photo shows Dr. Marvin Flores, Dr. Andre David, and the HEP-PH NIP subgroup (Photo credit: HEP-PH, GANAP, NIP photo archives).

The ATLAS collaboration at CERN, which involves 9,000 collaborators, transcends borders and brings people together. “Here is a collaboration made of scientists from all around the world who have come together regardless of nationality, race, religion, political stance, and societal status, to ask the fundamental question: at the tiniest of scales, what is the universe made out of?” Dr. Flores said. At the very least, these scientists who dedicate their whole lives to the pursuit of the unknown deserve the same level of respect as applied researchers.

On a personal note, Dr. David still finds it difficult to articulate why he does science. “It is not easy to explain why I enjoy working on things that I may not be around to see the fruits of,” he said. “I am doing my best now with a common interest of learning more about what matter is made of, that may come only to fruition after I am gone.”

Fueled by Learning: Coffee farmers visit Vietnam for a learning tour

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Nine coffee farmer leaders from the provinces of Bukidnon, Sultan Kudarat, Ifugao, and General Santos City visited Vietnam on May 20 to 25, 2024 to learn firsthand the best practices in coffee production and processing of the second largest coffee producer in the world, behind Brazil.

Spearheaded by the Peace and Equity Foundation, in partnership with the Philippine Coffee Guild and Pinoy Coffee Club Vietnam, the learning visit brought the farmers to three coffee farms in Pleiku, Gia Lai in the Central Highlands region.

During the farm tour, the farmers discovered good agricultural practices in land preparation, soil and water management, pest and disease control, and fertilizer application.

Vietnamese producers Highlands Tropico and Vietnam Coffee Academy also shared their experiences and expertise in processing high-valued coffee, showing the farmers their green coffee processing plants and roasteries.

Meanwhile, Mori Coffee, known for its specialty robusta in Vietnam, demonstrated its natural and honey processing methods.

“This learning visit is an eye-opener for coffee farmers like us. We are looking to implement what we’ve learned in our farms,” Bukidnon farmer leader Noel Duyongan said.

The delegation was welcomed by representatives from the Philippine Chamber of Commerce Vietnam and the Department of Trade and Industry Attaché in Ho Chi Minh City.

The Peace and Equity Foundation aspires to drive positive change in poor Filipino household communities by investing in social enterprises that will provide them with viable livelihood and better access to basic services. We work with partners who share this vision by developing models and best practices that will steer social enterprises to scale up. Founded in October 2001, our Foundation is the steward of an endowment fund and registered as a non-stock, non-profit organization based in Quezon City, Philippines.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Healthcare Waste Generation, Segregation, and Public Awareness: Key Issues Identified in Eastern Visayas Inception Workshop

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

The Philippine Healthcare and Mercury Wastes Management Project (PHCWMP) concluded its second leg of regional inception meetings in Eastern Visayas with high hopes after identifying possible interventions to address key healthcare waste challenges at the project’s partner hospital.

The Region 8 Inception Meeting and Validation Workshop was held on May 30-31, 2024, and was attended by representatives from the pollution control unit of the partner hospital, the Eastern Visayas Medical Center (EVMC), as well as representatives from the Region 8 offices of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB) and the Department of Health (DOH). The meeting was facilitated by the DENR-EMB Central Office, the project’s national lead agency, and the environmental NGO BAN Toxics, which serves as the executing entity. Also in attendance was the DENR Foreign-Assisted and Special Projects Service unit.

A visit to the waste management facilities of EVMC was conducted on May 30, while the inception proper took place on May 31.

“After a very productive discussion with our partners here in Eastern Visayas, we have identified current issues at EVMC that require attention. These include their inadequate capacity to treat and store healthcare wastes generated daily, access to final disposal of these wastes, and the need to raise awareness among both hospital staff and the patient population regarding waste segregation," shares Jam Lorenzo, BAN Toxics’ Policy and Research Officer, and the PHCWMP project manager.

The series of regional inception meetings and validation workshops conducted by the PHCWMP aims to identify current healthcare waste challenges faced by the project’s partner healthcare facilities. These findings will serve as the basis for project interventions.

Located in Tacloban City, the EVMC is a DOH-retained hospital that provides comprehensive health care services to the people of Region 8. It is a tertiary hospital mandated under the health facilities operation program to provide quality health care services.

Based on data presented during the workshop, EVMC generated a total of 217.775 tons of pathological and infectious waste (classified as M501 waste by the EMB) and 191.345 tons of general waste in 2023. A comparison of M501 waste generated in the first quarter of 2023 and 2024 indicates more than a threefold increase. In the first quarter of 2023, 40.66 tons were generated, while in the first quarter of 2024, this figure rose to 138.27 tons.

In the open forum during the meeting, Yanina Antasuda, Environmental Management Specialist II of EMB’s Hazardous Waste Management Section, stated that based on their monitoring system, the storage and disposal of M501 is a common issue for healthcare facilities nationwide, especially during the pandemic. This was one of the main reasons the project was conceptualized.

“We want this project to be successful, and our goal is to ensure the sustainability of the programs implemented beyond the project's five-year term. More importantly, we want our partner healthcare facilities to become models for other hospitals, enabling them to replicate the project's best practices and technologies," Antusada said.

Meanwhile, Ma. Elena Joy Villarosa, DOH Region 8 HCWM Program Manager, expressed gratitude for selecting EVMC as one of the partner-beneficiaries of the project. She said she is eagerly looking forward to the policy review that will be conducted by the project, noting that there might be policy gaps that need to be addressed since waste management is not just the concern of hospitals, but also of various levels of local government units.

The first year of PHCWMP’s implementation will focus on policy reviews to determine necessary improvements for easier implementation of waste management practices. It also includes baselining data to ensure a scientific approach to the interventions that will be carried out.

“It is not just EVMC and the environment that will benefit from this project, but also the communities residing near the hospital. We want everyone to become aware that healthcare waste management is not just the responsibility of government agencies; everyone should play a part,” said Villarosa.

Lorenzo on the other hand says the success of the project would mean hospitals will be able to provide better service to the public and safeguard the populace from exposure to hazardous wastes. “It ultimately protects our right to health and a safe environment,” he adds.

The PHCWMP, to be implemented in Region 2, Region 8, and the National Capital Region, plans to reduce the release and emissions of hazardous chemicals in healthcare wastes through environmentally sound practices. This five-year project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and will be administered by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

The first inception meeting took place on May 23 in Region 2, and the third meeting for the NCR is scheduled for June 10.

#CleanerSaferSustainable #healthcarewaste #environmentallysoundwastemanagement #toxicfreefuture
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