Saturday, June 1, 2024

Boosting Engagement on Your Facebook Page

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Facebook remains one of the most powerful platforms for social engagement, and as the administrator, you have a unique opportunity to harness this potential. Improving engagement on your Facebook page not only enhances your community's experience but also amplifies your reach and impact. Here are some proven strategies to elevate engagement.

1. Understand Your Audience

Before implementing any strategy, it's crucial to understand who your audience is. Utilize Facebook Insights to analyze demographic data, understand when your followers are most active, and identify what types of posts they engage with the most. Tailoring your content to your audience’s preferences will significantly boost engagement.

2. Post High-Quality Content Regularly

Consistency is key. Posting high-quality content regularly keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more. Use a mix of content types such as:Visuals: Photos and videos tend to receive higher engagement than text-only posts. Share vibrant images, infographics, and engaging videos related to current events, lifestyle tips, and cultural insights in the Philippines.
Articles and Blogs: Share well-written articles and blog posts about local news, events, and interesting stories. Ensure that your content is not only informative but also engaging and thought-provoking.
Interactive Content: Polls, quizzes, and questions can spark conversations and increase interaction.

3. Leverage Facebook Live

Facebook Live is a fantastic tool for real-time engagement. Host live sessions to cover events, conduct interviews, or hold Q&A sessions. This not only gives a face to your brand but also allows real-time interaction with your followers, making them feel more connected to your page.

4. Engage with Your Audience

Engagement is a two-way street. Respond to comments on your posts, engage in conversations, and show appreciation for your followers. Personal interactions can go a long way in building a loyal community. Additionally, asking open-ended questions can encourage more comments and discussions.

5. Utilize Stories

Facebook Stories are short-lived but powerful tools for engagement. Use Stories to share behind-the-scenes content, daily highlights, or quick updates. Their ephemeral nature often encourages immediate interaction.
6. Run Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways are excellent for boosting engagement. Encourage followers to like, share, and comment on your posts for a chance to win a prize. This not only increases engagement but also helps in expanding your reach as followers share your content with their network.

7. Collaborate with Influencers

Partnering with local influencers can bring a fresh audience to your page. Influencers already have a loyal following, and their endorsement can significantly boost your credibility and engagement.

8. Optimize Posting Times

Using the data from Facebook Insights, determine the best times to post for maximum engagement. Typically, early morning, late evening, and weekends are good starting points, but tailor your strategy based on your specific audience’s habits.

9. Promote Your Posts

Sometimes, organic reach is not enough. Utilize Facebook’s advertising tools to promote your best posts. Sponsored posts can reach a larger audience and potentially attract new followers who are interested in your content.

10. Create a Community

Finally, think beyond posts and comments. Create a sense of community by forming groups related to your page’s content. Facebook Groups can provide a more intimate space for discussions and can foster a deeper connection among your followers.


Improving engagement on your Facebook page requires a blend of understanding your audience, providing valuable content, and fostering genuine interactions. By implementing these strategies, you can create a vibrant, active community that eagerly interacts with your content and supports your page's growth. Remember, engagement is about building relationships, so focus on creating meaningful connections with your audience.

Watchdog Group Exposes Over-the-Counter Sale of Skin Lighteners Tainted with Mercury in Tacloban City

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

The toxics watchdog group BAN Toxics today exposed the unlawful sale of three variants of Goree skin lightening products, banned since 2017 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) due to health damaging mercury concentrations.

In a market surveillance conducted by the BT Patrollers, the group discovered the over-the-counter sale of Goree Beauty Cream with Lycopene Avocado & Aloe Vera, Goree Day & Night Beauty Cream Oil Free Total Fairness, and Goree Gold 24K Beauty Cream, priced at 300 to P350 in beauty and wellness shops along downtown area in Tacloban City.

Using a Chemical XRF Analyzer to determine mercury concentration, the group found that Goree Beauty Cream with Lycopene Avocado & Aloevera had 21,700 parts per million (ppm) of mercury, Goree Day & Night Beauty Cream Oil Free Total Fairness System had 22,900 ppm, and Goree Gold 24K Beauty Cream had 21,800 ppm. All these unnotified skin creams have existing public health warnings against their use and sale due to toxic mercury content.

According to the FDA, “Mercury salts in cosmetic products inhibit the formation of skin melanin which will result in lighter skin tone. Adverse health effects brought by high toxic mercury in cosmetics products include kidney damage, skin rashes, skin discoloration, and scarring.”

“Chronic use reduces the skin’s normal resistance against bacterial and fungal infections. Other effects include anxiety, depression or psychosis and peripheral neuropathy,” the advisory stated.

BAN Toxics continuously monitors and documents the illegal trade of banned and prohibited beauty products sold in the local market and online to warn the public about the dangers of toxic mercury exposure and to protect human health and the environment from mercury-added cosmetics.

Thony Dizon, Toxics Campaigner of the group revealed that “the proliferation of such prohibited beauty cosmetics in cities and provinces nationwide must end and should be addressed immediately by regulatory agencies.”

“We call the attention of the FDA in Region 8 to conduct post-marketing surveillance and enforcement action to stop the sale and use of these banned toxic products,” he added.

In April, BAN Toxics launched a video documentary titled “The Dark Side of Skin-Lightening” - a 13-minute documentary film shedding light on the hidden dangers lurking within many skin-lightening products (SLPs) due to their mercury content.

The documentary reveals that many mercury-added SLPs continue to proliferate in the local market despite being banned by the FDA. It includes market monitoring conducted by the group in both online and physical stores, showing how easy it is to buy several illicit brands such as Goree, 88 Total White, Collagen Plus, and Faiza, among others.

The documentary aims to raise public awareness, advocate for robust regulations and enforcement policies, and promote international collaboration as key measures to address the issue of mercury-added SLPs.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

PH Gov’t Should Investigate SHEIN Products Entering the Country - BAN Toxics

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Following recent findings by the Seoul City government revealing that children’s products sold by the online shopping platform SHEIN contain high levels of toxic chemicals, Environmental NGO BAN Toxics is calling on the Philippine government to conduct its own investigation.

According to news reports, the Seoul government has been conducting safety inspections since last month following growing safety concerns about products sold by Chinese e-commerce platforms. The latest information revealed that seven out of eight tested products from SHEIN contained formaldehyde and phthalates exceeding safety limits. One pair of children’s shoes contained phthalates exceeding the permitted limit by 428 times.

Phthalates, commonly used as plasticizers, belong to a group of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Exposure to high amounts of phthalates is detrimental to the reproductive, neurological, and developmental systems of humans, with children being even more vulnerable.

Use of phthalates in children’s toys is prohibited under the Food and Drug Administration’s Administrative Order No. 2009-0005-A. However, there is no order yet for apparel items such as clothing, bags, and shoes.

Meanwhile, absorption of large amounts of formaldehyde through any means can result in severe systemic toxicity, leading to metabolic acidosis, tissue and organ damage, and coma.

“We find this very alarming since SHEIN is one of the biggest online e-commerce platforms popular in our country, especially among the youth. Our own regulatory agencies should also make an effort to immediately conduct safety tests of products sold on SHEIN, otherwise, we could be inadvertently exposing our people to highly dangerous chemicals,” says Thony Dizon, BAN Toxics Campaign and Advocacy Officer.

SHEIN is arguably one of the biggest online fashion stores globally, known for its low prices and trendiness. A Time magazine article in 2023 even dubbed it as the world’s most popular fashion brand.

Online sales in the Philippines are regulated by the Department of Trade and Industry through various laws, including RA 7394 (Consumer Act of the Philippines), RA 8293 (Intellectual Property Code), and RA 10372 (An Act Amending Certain Provisions of RA 8293). More recently, a joint administrative order (JAO 22-01) issued by different government agencies has outlined guidelines, laws, and regulations relevant to online businesses and consumers. Sections 6 and 7 of JAO 22-01 emphasize the responsibility of online businesses to protect the public against health and safety hazards.

However, Dizon says enforcement of these regulatory policies remains a challenge for the government.

“Customs and regulatory authorities face challenges in regulating online trade, especially in monitoring the higher volumes of small parcels traded through international couriers. All online purchases are supposed to undergo thorough inspection. Government regulatory systems are vulnerable to misdeclaration, including the use of false information and misclassification regarding the description of goods,” Dizon added.

“BAN Toxics calls on the government to improve our regulatory agencies’ capacity for market surveillance, enforcement, product inspection and analysis, as well as detection capabilities, to effectively curb the widespread trade of products containing toxic chemicals.”


SHEIN Online Platform:,is%20no%20antidote%20for%20formaldehyde.
Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas Wazzup Pilipinas and the Umalohokans. Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas celebrating 10th year of online presence
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