Tuesday, May 14, 2024

UPD College of Science Kickstarts Innovation-Research Fair 2024

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Cover Photo caption: Organizers and participants of the Innovation-Research Fair 2024 (Photo credit: Craig Soroño).

The UPD College of Science (UPD-CS) Innovation Committee, under the Science and Society Program (SSP) and led by SSP Director Dr. Lerrie Ann Ipulan-Colet, hosted the two-day Innovation-Research Fair on 29 and 30 April 2024 in celebration of World Creativity and Innovation Day.

The Innovation-Research Fair is an initiative to bridge the gap between scientists who develop novel inventions and entrepreneurs who produce these inventions for public use. The key players, UPD-CS Dean Giovanni Tapang said in his opening speech, are the innovation officers who bring scientists' works to entrepreneurs and transmit market demands back to the scientists.

Research adoptors from various industries participated in the event. Among the companies and agencies present were Analog Devices Philippines, Ateneo de Manila University, BioAssets Corporation, Bureau of Plant Industry, Bureau of Soils and Water Management, Osaka University - Institute of Laser Engineering, International Flavors and Fragrances, Maynilad Water Services Inc. - WATERLab, Pathway Technologies Inc., Mandaluyong City Health Office, and the Department of Environment, Natural Resources Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB) Air Quality Management Section, and Vecor Labs Philippines.

Different institutes of UPD-CS showcased their service laboratories and research capabilities to the research adoptors, namely Marine Science Institute (MSI), Institute of Biology (IB), Institute of Chemistry (IC), Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology (IESM), Institute of Mathematics (IM), National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (NIMBB), National Institute of Physics (NIP), Material Science and Engineering Program (MSEP), and National Institute of Geological Sciences (NIGS).

Some CS laboratories and institutes exhibited their value proposition posters to the research adoptors. Among those who participated were UPD-CS IB’s Microbial Ecology of Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems Laboratory, Fungal Laboratory, Pathogen-Host-Environment Interactions Research Laboratory, Developmental Toxicity and Signaling Research Laboratory, Integrative Research Laboratory Philippines, DNA Barcoding Laboratory, and UPD-CS IESM’s Biogeography, Environment, Evolution and Climate Laboratory. UPD-CS IM and MSEP also presented their posters to the research adoptors.

Dr. Renier Mendoza presenting UPD-CS IM’s value proposition poster to a research adoptor (Photo credit: Craig Soroño).

The event included plenary sessions, poster presentations, and panel discussions to stimulate and promote innovation in and out of the academic community. It also aimed to strengthen linkages between students, researchers, and public and private sectors by providing a venue for students and researchers to promote and share their work.

As part of the plenary sessions, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Undersecretary Rafaelita Aldaba, Ph.D. presented ways the science community and entrepreneurial industries can collaborate; UP Office of the President Consultant for Innovation Mr. Jose Emmanuel P. Reverente presented his perspective on innovation culture; UP System Technology Transfer and Business Development Office Director Luis Sison discussed technology transfers and customer discovery principles; and IP & Technology Transfer Officer Ms. Ma. Christina Mate of Technology Transfer and Business Development Office discussed the technology transfer in UPD-CS.

The Innovation-Research Fair also included the 10th iteration of iStories, where Dr. Mannix S. Pedro of the UP Los Baños National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (BIOTECH) presented the Bio N invention. This technology can convert nitrogen from the atmosphere into a form used in agriculture. The Bio N technology is an example of an invention that has been commercialized and is now widely used nationwide.

Dr. Ipulan-Colet also introduced SSP’s CAPE Innovation Program, an initiative to collate, build awareness, prepare, and expose UPD-CS to innovation opportunities. The program, which started in 2023 and will continue until 2025, is designed to propel researchers toward innovation, connect researchers to industry partners, and develop a system to assist innovators in fulfilling utilizable outputs from their research.

The Innovation-Research Fair is expected to be a regular program of UPD-CS as part of its wider effort to streamline the flow of innovation from scientists to entrepreneurs.

By Harvey Sapigao

UN Sasakawa Laureate Glenn Banaguas: The Lone Filipino Voice Championing Climate Resilience at Harvard

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

As the world convenes for the Harvard Climate Action Week 2024, a singular figure emerges from the Philippines, carrying the weight of his nation’s hopes and aspirations for a sustainable future. Science Diplomat Glenn Banaguas, the distinguished UN Sasakawa Laureate and multi-awarded scientist, is set to grace this global stage as the only Filipino speaker, a testament to his unparalleled dedication to environmental advocacy.

His engagement at this prestigious event is an emblem of hope and inspiration for the Philippines. His presence echoes the united resolve of his homeland, which stands at the vanguard of climate advocacy. Through the pioneering “Climate Smart Philippines: Science for Service” program, he has ushered in a new era of disaster risk management and resilience enhancement across Southeast Asia. As the cornerstone initiative of the Environmental and Climate Change Research Institute, which he established, this influential platform commits to mitigating disaster risks and averting potential harm through thorough scientific analysis, skill-building, project oversight, and collaborative efforts with various partners. It represents a thoughtful and compassionate method to combat the climate emergency, ensuring that the devised solutions are grounded in scientific evidence while being sensitive to gender issues and cultural nuances.

Scheduled for June 2024, the Harvard Climate Action Week, hosted by the Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability, is a crucible for transformative ideas and strategies to combat the climate crisis. The week-long summit promises to be a melting pot of innovation, where Banaguas’ insights will undoubtedly spark meaningful conversations and drive impactful change.

Banaguas’ unique perspective as the sole Filipino invitee underscores the critical role of inclusive representation in the climate dialogue. His presence is a powerful reminder that the path to global sustainability is paved with the diverse experiences and wisdom of all nations, especially those most affected by climate change.

As the world-renowned science diplomat takes the podium, his message is clear: peace, unity, resilience, innovation, collaboration, and relentless pursuit of sustainability are the cornerstones of our global response to the climate emergency. His address is expected to resonate with a sense of urgency, calling upon the world to rally together in the face of this unprecedented challenge.

In essence, the esteemed scientist’s role at the Harvard Climate Action Week transcends that of a mere presenter; he stands as a beacon of progress and a driving force for global change. His address marks a pivotal moment for his nation and serves as a rallying cry for the international community. His words will resonate with the aspirations of countless individuals affected by climate change, amplifying the urgency of his message. As we anticipate his speech, we are reminded of the profound significance of every voice in the crusade for a sustainable and resilient tomorrow.

Arcos takes oath as a Member of the Social Security Commission

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Social Security System (SSS) President and Chief Executive Officer Rolando Ledesma Macasaet today announced that labor leader Eva B. Arcos will be joining the Social Security Commission (SSC), the highest policy-making body of SSS, as one of its members for the fourth time.

President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. appointed Arcos as a full-fledged Member of the SSC on April 18, 2024. She took her oath of office before Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Secretary Bienvenido E. Laguesma, who also sits as an Ex-Officio Member of the SSC, on April 24, 2024.

Macasaet said that Arcos was previously appointed as an Acting Member of the SSC on March 23, 2023 and served in that capacity until her appointment as a full-fledged Member last month. She also served in the SSC in 2015 and 2016 as one of the three Workers’ Group Representatives.

Arcos is a member of several SSC committees, such as the Information Technology and Collection Committee, Risk Management and Investments Committee, Audit Committee, and Governance Committee. “Commissioner Arcos will continue to be critical in shaping the policies that govern the SSS," Macasaet said.

She completed her bachelor’s degree in Business Economics from the University of the Philippines Diliman, and has masteral studies in Labor Policy and Administration, and Psychology from the same university.

She obtained diplomas/certificates in the areas of labor, psychology, theology, and spirituality from various institutions such as Notre Dame University, Indiana, USA; Mexican American Cultural Center, San Antonio, Texas, USA; Turin International Training Centre, Italy; the Asian Productivity Organization and Iranian Productivity Organization, Tehran, Iran; Centro de Enseñanza para Extranjeros, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; and International Institute – Histadrut, Israel.

Currently, she is also a member of the Global and Asia-Pacific IndustriALL Executive Committee and Women’s Committee.
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