Friday, September 22, 2023

Bee nests inspire UP scientists to make new 'smart' materials

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Bee nests are a marvel of natural engineering that have inspired human engineers and inventors for centuries. Now, Filipino researchers are investigating ways to create porous materials that not only mimic the strengths of beehives but are also able to selectively trap microparticles. These new materials have potential uses in everything from water purifiers to medical sensors.

The researchers from the UPD-CS Institute of Chemistry include the paper’s authors (counter-clockwise, from middle left) Jose Jesus Gayosa, Dr. Susan Arco, Gillian Kathryn Yap, and Marco Laurence Budlayan. Not in photo is fellow UP researcher and co-author, Jonathan Patricio. Also in photo (at back, L to R) are Leo Sabolboro and Miguel Karlo Santos. (Photo credit: Dr. Susan Arco)

Jonathan Patricio, Gillian Kathryn Yap, Jose Jesus Gayosa, and Dr. Susan Arco of the UP Diliman College of Science’s Institute of Chemistry (UPD-CS IC) and colleagues from the Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) were able to control the physical properties of porous polyvinyl chloride (PVC) films by adjusting the drying temperature used in the manufacturing process.

The PVC is formed around droplets of water which, when they evaporate, leave a pattern of microscopic holes reminiscent of a bee’s nest. Such honeycomb structures have long been recognized for their engineering applications:

“One of the most interesting structures inspired by nature is the honeycomb pattern... Its unique properties and structure inspired the construction of light and robust aircraft and spacecraft, protection gear, panels, packaging, and cushioning because of an ability to absorb impact and energy,” the researchers explained in their paper.

“The repeating units of a honeycomb pattern can also effectively trap particles and impurities thus making them a promising structure for air and water filters,” they added.

The UP researchers investigated the difference in the honeycomb structure of PVC films that were dried at room temperature (a) and at temperatures above 80°C (b). (Photo credit: M. L. M. Budlayan)

Drying temperatures in the manufacturing process for PVC films affects the wall thickness and cell size of the films’ honeycomb structures. These PVC films have a wide range of potential uses. (Photo credit: M. L. M. Budlayan)

The researchers also explored the wettability of the various honeycomb PVC materials they created, as well as the potential of selectively trapping microparticles by subjecting the honeycomb to an electric charge.

The study “opens the possibility of integrating polymeric honeycomb structures into substrates used for microparticle trapping, sensing, and other related applications,” the researchers concluded.


Budlayan, M. L. M., Patricio, J. N., Yap, G. K. B., Gayosa, J. J. A., Arco, S. D., Diaz, J. M. A., & Guerrero, R. A. (2023). Honeycomb pattern formation on poly(Vinyl chloride) films: Electrically-driven microparticle trapping and the effect of drying temperature. Materials Research Express, 10(8), 085304.

Breathing Easier: Know the Benefits of Air Purifiers

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Have you ever given the air you are breathing any thought? Well, if you have never thought of it, it is worth noting that the air quality you breathe impacts your health and happiness, despite how easy it is to take it for granted. The allergens, pollutants, and minute particles in the air can harm your respiratory system. But you do not have to fret since there is a perfect solution.

Indoor air quality can be improved with air purifiers by eliminating airborne contaminants. These purifiers pull air from the surrounding area, filter it, and then emit the clean, purified air back into the atmosphere. They can remove many contaminants, such as dust, pollen, smoke, pet dander, bacteria, and viruses. This article will examine the benefits of air purifiers to help you breathe easier and live healthier.

Improved Respiratory Health

With a modern in-room air purification system you can breathe easier and need less medication because allergens and other irritants that cause asthma and allergies will be considerably reduced.

Millions worldwide suffer from allergies and asthma, which frequently cause uncomfortable symptoms and frequent doctor visits. Dust mites, pollen, and pet dander are typical airborne causes of these illnesses. These allergens can aggravate the respiratory system and cause coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath when breathed.

Air purifiers provide a proactive method of controlling respiratory health by reducing exposure to asthma and allergy triggers. This decrease in allergen levels may result in fewer asthma attacks and milder allergy symptoms, which may reduce your need for medication and enhance your quality of life overall.

Enhanced Sleep Quality

Sleep is crucial for general health. Thus, getting a restful night's sleep is of the utmost importance. Dust, allergens, and other airborne irritants can aggravate allergies or respiratory conditions, causing pain and disrupting sleep.

Air purifiers effectively eliminate these irritants from the air you breathe, promoting a more hygienic and healthy sleeping environment. Pollutant and allergen levels can be reduced so that you can breathe easier and get more restful sleep. Some air purifiers serve as white noise, obscuring annoying noises and encouraging a relaxing resting environment.

Odor Removal

With purifies, you can put an end to unpleasant odors! Smoke, cooking scents, pet odors, and other odors can all be successfully eliminated by air purifiers, leaving your home feeling clean and fresh.

More than just an annoyance, unpleasant odors in your house can have an impact on your attitude and the ambiance of your living area. These smells can be a persistent cause of pain, whether they are the lingering odor of yesterday's food, the mustiness of a closed-up room, or the unmistakable smell of pets.

Your best defense against foul odors is an air purifier with activated carbon filters. These specialist filters are made to neutralize and absorb a variety of odorous molecules, leaving only clean, fresh air behind.

You won't have to stress about your house smelling like a fast food restaurant after dinner or scrambling to find air fresheners to mask pet odors. Air purifiers operate quietly and effectively to keep your home's atmosphere pleasant and free of any offensive odors.

A fresh and clean-smelling home might be good for your mental health. You feel more relaxed at home since it provides a more welcoming and inviting atmosphere.

Increased Productivity

The quality of the air can enhance mental and physical performance. Better air quality may help you concentrate and stay awake, significantly impacting how efficiently you do daily tasks.

Studies have shown a relationship between deterioration in cognitive function and poor indoor air quality. Breathing in filthy and unpleasant air can cause brain fog, fatigue, and attention issues. However, clean air may increase your mental understanding, allowing you to think more clearly and make better decisions.

Your brain works best when the air is clean. You'll have improved abilities to manage challenging assignments, adhere to deadlines, and take accountability. Whether you manage a hectic household, are a student, or work from home, increased productivity can positively impact every aspect of your life.

Long-Term Cost Savings

Long-term healthcare costs may be decreased due to purchasing an air purifier. Financially speaking, buying an air purifier makes sense because doctor visits and medication costs can add up over time.

Consider how much it would cost to treat respiratory conditions like allergies and asthma. Your budget may be strained by frequent doctor's appointments, prescription medications, and over-the-counter medications. On the other hand, an air purifier can produce cleaner air, reducing exposure to allergens and irritants, leading to fewer health problems and a decreased need for medication.

Final Remarks

The air you breathe impacts your overall health and well-being. Therefore, it is best to ensure that you are breathing in clean air, devoid of pollutants. Air purifiers offer a practical solution to combat the ignored dangers of indoor air pollution, with many benefits that can help promote a healthier and happier life. To start breathing easier, make an air purifier investment right away!

Exploring The Benefits Of Ultraviolet-Accelerated Weathering Test Chambers

Have you ever wondered how manufacturers ensure your house’s paint, automobile parts, or even your favorite outdoor furniture will withstand the harsh sun’s rays? Stop pondering now! In this piece, we will begin an informative journey into the world of ultraviolet-accelerated weathering test chambers.

In our fast-paced world, where products must withstand the test of time and the environment, UV-accelerated weathering test chambers are the unsung heroes. We can advance through the deterioration of nature in these high-tech chambers that act as time machines for science and quality control.

But what makes these chambers unique? Keep your eyes on the road as we explore the benefits they offer. Realistic simulations and time and resource savings are only some benefits these chambers offer. Come with us as we unravel the mysteries of ultraviolet-accelerated weathering test chambers, whether you’re a curious client or a product developer trying to increase durability.

What is an Ultraviolet-Accelerated Weathering Test Chamber?

A weathering chamber, also known as an Ultraviolet-Accelerated Weathering Test Chamber, is a specialized device used in many industries. It mimics the damaging effects of sunlight and weather on materials and products. Consider it a well-regulated setting that acts as a time machine, rapidly exposing products to intense UV radiation, temperature swings, and humidity changes.

In a much shorter time than actual exposure, this simulation helps manufacturers and researchers understand how materials and products age, fade, or degrade. It serves as a lab where we can speed up the aging process. Thus, it’s a helpful tool for ensuring the quality and durability of various things.


Benefits of Ultraviolet-Accelerated Weathering Test Chambers

1. Realistic Simulations

Let’s say you’re building a stunning new outdoor chair. It should withstand the sweltering sun, drenching rain, and even a little snow. But how can you tell if your design will withstand the weather? UV-accelerated weathering test chambers are useful in this situation.

These chambers mirror the laboratory of Mother Nature. They replicate the challenging environmental conditions that your product would face outdoors, including direct sunlight, temperature swings, and humidity. This glimpse into the future will help you forecast how elegantly your chair—or any other object—will age.

2. Quality Assurance

These chambers are used by manufacturers to rigorously test their products before they release them into the market. Think of it this way: You plan to buy a brand-new car and want it to last a long time. Most likely, a UV-accelerated weathering test was conducted on it.

Early testing allows manufacturers to find any potential issues or defects. This helps them save time and money and guarantees they release a product that will resist everything nature can dish out.

3. Reduced Time and Costs

Traditional outside testing can take as long as waiting for the paint to dry. However, UV-accelerated weathering tests are like skipping boring scenes in a movie. They significantly reduced testing times, enabling companies to make quicker product decisions. And guess what else? In the long term, this saves money as well.

4. Customizable Testing

These chambers resemble skilled cooks who painstakingly prepare each meal. Researchers can change variables such as UV radiation intensity, temperature, and humidity to replicate the precise conditions in which a product would be used in the real world. The fit is ideal, just like when a suit is tailored.

5. Consistency and Reproducibility

UV-accelerated weathering tests offer consistency in contrast to outdoor testing. A producer and researcher’s dream comes true when you get identical circumstances each time, and that’s what these chambers do. This dependability makes comparing the performance of various materials or products simple, ensuring they hold up to scrutiny.

6. Material Selection

Have you ever wondered how experts choose the best materials, from satellites to eyewear? Based on information from UV-accelerated weathering tests, they come to wise decisions. It’s like having a hidden weapon to choose the ideal materials for the project when you know how different materials respond to UV radiation.

7. Accelerated Aging Studies

Aging in the real world takes time, but we can’t wait to see how our goods perform. However, UV-accelerated weathering chambers work like product-based time machines. They speed up aging, enabling researchers to study how materials alter with time. This is important in aerospace and auto manufacturing industries, where product lifespan is important.

8. Product Improvement

These chambers allow producers to develop through testing and evaluation continuously. They can develop new coatings, enhance designs, and find materials that can withstand the demands of outdoor living. These trials could improve the comfort and toughness of Your upcoming outdoor chair.

9. Eco-Friendly Endeavors

Let us not forget about the environment. Understanding how materials respond in UV-accelerated weathering tests can have a favorable influence. Companies reduce waste by creating items that endure longer. That’s a win-win situation for nature and your wallet.

10. Compliance with Standards

Every industry has its own set of laws and regulations. UV-accelerated weathering testing assists producers in ensuring that their products satisfy these standards. Whether it is safety requirements or performance benchmarks, these chambers act as the referee, assuring a fair game.


The creation of weather-resistant products is aided by ultraviolet-accelerated weathering test chambers, saving time and money. So, the next time you unwind on your outdoor chair on a warm day, you’ll know it underwent thorough testing to guarantee your comfort and satisfaction. Cheers to smart testing and even smarter products!
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