The legalization of CBD products happened last 2018; since then, it has been booming in the market as a more natural take on medication. News and excitement have spread quickly. Now, you probably are asking yourself, should I try one?
I understand you have your reasons why you want to try CBD products. It might be just out of curiosity, or you want to be "in" with the latest trend, or a friend recommended it, or your doctor said so, or you already are a marijuana user but would like to try a different kind, etc. Whatever your reason is, it is up to you! It would be best, though, if you were very careful. Let us check further.
What Is A CBD Flower Strain?
One of the popular Cannabidiol products is the CBD flower strain. It is like a healthier version of marijuana. They came from the same genetics but with different strains. CBD or Cannabidiol is extracted from a hemp plant, while it is THC or tetrahydrocannabinol extracted from marijuana. It’s healthier because CBD is non-psychoactive, which means it will not make you "high," unlike the THC, which is psychoactive (read more).
Cannabidiol may also be considered healthier because of the health benefits you could get from it compared to marijuana. Studies, experiments, and researches have resulted in findings of CBS's medical properties. However, there are doubts about it since it is said that there is not enough proof of its effects. Though, many people have testified, confirming that they have experienced the said medical benefits.
CBD flower strains are consumed in different ways. One could be inhalation of vapor. Others include using it as a tea, sprinkle it in your food, and even use it in your bath! Just sprinkle it in your tub full of water.
So When Should I Use CBD Flower Strain?
As mentioned above, we may have varied reasons for wanting to try Cannabidiol products, which is okay. However, we must have the right reasons to maximize its effect. Following are our suggestions:
When You Feel Anxious Or Depressed
Cannabidiol is known to work as an anti-depressant. It is known to help with anxiety and depression. It helps regulate our mood.
There was one review in 2015 where it said that CBD is an effective treatment for different types of anxiety disorders, including the following:
● Panic Disorder (PD)
● Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
● Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)
● Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
● Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
There is also a recent 2020 study where the experiment was done on people experiencing anxiety disorders. The CBD treatment has improved their ability to perform daily functions and lessen their anxiety and depression symptoms.
When You Feel Exhausted
Cannabidiol will make you feel relaxed. It will also help you to have a good sleep. So this also works for those who are experiencing insomnia. Less fatigue too!
When You Are In Pain
One of the most popular effects of consuming CBD is its ability to relieve pain. Hemp plants have natural strains that are packed with Cannabidiol. This means that using it will help you reduce the pain that you are feeling.
It has anti-inflammatory properties that could help you avoid or lessen inflammation. Moreover, Cannabidiol is anti-arthritic. This works for almost any pain.
When You Have Cancer
There was research in 2010, where it showed the effectiveness of CBD in preclinical models of metastatic breast cancer. They say that Cannabidiol reduced the proliferation and invasion of breast cancer cells.
Moreover, a 2019 review focusing on pancreatic cancer where they saw that Cannabidiol helps slow down tumors' growth. It also reduces the invasion of tumors and induces the death of tumor cells.
It is also said to lessen the symptoms that you experience after chemotherapy. It may help you feel better.
When You Have A Neurological Disorder
Researches are resulting in Cannabidiol being useful in the reduction of migraine and seizures. It was also studied in preventing and alleviating epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), and Alzheimer's disease (AD).
When You Want To Stop Smoking Cigarette
Using CBD flower strain will help you stop smoking cigarettes. We all know the harmful effects of nicotine that is present in cigarette smoke. If you decide to quit but cannot do it right away, you may start using a substitute - use flower strains.
You get rid of the harmful nicotine, you benefit from Cannabidiol. You win!
Aside from the benefits of CBD mentioned above, others include:
● Anti-acne
● Reduces the risk of heart diseases
● Addiction management
These are only a few out of the many health benefits consuming Cannabidiol in flower strains can do. It is pure, so it has high CBD content, enough for you to feel its effects. Also, a flower strain may be inhaled through vaporization, so it reaches your bloodstream faster.
With the plethora of benefits, this substance contains, it's natural to suddenly have the need for it. However, it would be best to seek your doctor's take on the topic before making any hasty decisions.
Are There Side Effects?
This might be less of a topic because people don't talk much about this, for only a few. However, it is essential that you also check the side effects after knowing the benefits. It is for you to be aware of what might happen so that you will prepare. Following are the side effects of CBD:
● Possible tooth decay
● Dry mouth
● Vomiting
● Maybe in the long term, pulmonary disease
Is It Legal?
CBD's legality has long been questioned as it is a close relative of marijuana. However, to clear things up, President Trump, during his reign in 2018, signed the Farm Bill, which made growing hemp and producing Cannabidiol-infused products completely legal.