Wazzup Pilipinas!
Although erectile dysfunction is a common disorder whose effects can be hampered via the right kind of medication, it can get a little nerve-wracking, facing it head-on with little to no knowledge about what affected patients should and shouldn’t do.
As you read on and click for more details, here is a do’s and don’ts guideline you can follow, if you suffer from erectile dysfunction.
Top 5 Dos And Don’ts If You Have ED
1. The Right Diet
Being on a prescribed ED medication (or any other type of medication, for that matter) doesn’t mean you can forgo overall health maintenance and practices . This is very true when it comest toyour meal plans and dietary habits.
Stick to the basics--- a balanced diet. If your bodily systems are being slowed down by unhealthy, might we add artificial, sugars and industrial-produced bad fats, then the possibility of these negatively impacting neuron transmission from your nervous system to your reproductive system may be at the offing. Hence, the presence of abnormally repetitive ED.
2. The Right Exercise
It’s not that consistently exercising and/or eating the right kind of food will prevent erectile dysfunction altogether, nor are they to be relied on as ED treatments. They do neither. Having said that, they are a means of lowering the likelihood for erectile dysfunction to take prominence in your day-to-day.
Exercising at least 15 to 20 minutes a day (an hour, if you are overweight are are trying to get to a healthy body size and weight) is enough to push you towards the right health-track. Doing so will ease your cardiovascular system of the build-up of cholesterol and/or plaque around your arteries. Less plaque build-ups means better blood transmission towards your pelvic region.
3. The Right Amount Of Rest
Many forget that “rest” is just as important as diet and exercise, not only in the context of health against erectile dysfunction but also for general body and mental well-being. The regularity and the irregularity of the way your bodily systems perform are impacted by how much rest you afford them.
Insomnia, along with lack of sleep on a close-to-daily basis (7 to 9 hours is needed by the average adult) may obstruct your body’s systemic momentum. Such obstructions tend to directly affect you, even during coitus. So, rest up! You need it, and deserve it.
4. No To Alcohol
Alcohol is a depressant in itself. Depressants, whether in the form of medication and/or leisurely drinks like your favorite tonic (among others), slow brain activity. They permit the overproduction of GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) which, ironically, causes brain activity deceleration.
And when the brain isn’t as quick to send neurotransmitters from your central nervous system to your reproductive system as it should be, erectile dysfunction will most likely occur.
5. No To Smoking
Whether you are a habitual smoker or smoke only on occasion, if you go through erectile
dysfunction every now and then, it will be to your benefit to quit tobacco and tobacco products
Nicotine may cause blood to coagulate and be more viscous (thick consistency). When this
transpires, it will be more difficult for blood to travel to your penis, or reach it in time, to instigate an erection a.k.a. stiffness.