Friday, December 29, 2017

Cusi: Clean Energy Renewable Portfolio Standard Will Not Result in Higher Rates for the Consumers

Wazzup Pilipinas!

The pursuit towards clean and renewable energy (RE) will not burden electricity consumers. This is the assurance of Energy Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi to the energy family and industry players.

“The RPS for On-Grid rules outlined various safety nets to protect the electricity end-users and to ensure that this new venture will not result in higher electricity rates,” Sec. Cusi pointed out.

“The DOE, after consultations with consumer groups and industry players, clarified this policy and placed the ‘no higher rates’ condition in the Department Circular itself,” Cusi emphasized.

The energy chief said that the DUs and other mandated participants shall undertake a Competitive Selection Process (CSP) in sourcing their compliance to ensure the “no higher rates” policy. Moreover, the DUs have the obligation to look for the optimal supply mix and ensure a level playing field among the power developers. Essentially, all the RE options available (like encouraging Net-Metering installations and implement the Green Energy Option program that empowers a customer to choose RE as part of its supply) should be explored.

According to Sec. Cusi, the requirement to comply with the CSP ensures a transparent mechanism that ascertain least cost procurement of power supply and ensure competition among the players.

Following a laborious technical studies and public consultations since 2011, the Circular on RPS for On-Grid Areas also contains the following safeguards:

1. The RPS for On-Grid areas is initially anchored on the country’s aspirational target of 35% RE share in the energy mix by 2030, which will be reviewed under the forthcoming updating of the National Renewable Energy Program (NREP);

2. The minimum RE sourcing will not be imposed immediately but on the third year (2020) considering 2018 and 2019 as transition years only to prepare the mandated participants in developing their compliance plans to the minimum RPS requirements; and,

3. The RPS also entails the timely and rigorous review and assessment by the DOE through a composite team.

Sec. Cusi recently signed the Department Circular that prescribes the rules and guidelines in the establishment of Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards (RPS) for On-Grid Areas on 22 December 2017. Department Circular No. DC2017-12-0015 mandates distribution utilities (DUs), retail electricity suppliers including those power generation companies serving directly-connection customers to source or produce a certain percentage of their electricity requirements from eligible RE resources.

The Circular provides that eligible RE participants may use the following resources and technologies: biomass, waste-to-energy technology, wind energy, solar energy, run-of-river hydroelectric power systems, impounding hydroelectric power systems, ocean energy, and geothermal energy, among the other systems as defined in the RE Act.

“A regular review process on RPS will be conducted by the DOE to ensure the compliance all the participants to the RPS, determine the impact to the consumers and whether the imposed minimum RE generation requirement should continue or be adjusted upon accordingly.”

Sec. Cusi also stated that a holistic information, education and communication (IEC) campaign and hands-on training will be undertaken to guide the DUs and other relevant stakeholders with an aim to impart various developments in the implementation of the policy and the other pertinent policy issuances of the DOE.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Firecrackers Should Be Banned at Every Celebration

Wazzup Pilipinas!

The Philippine National Police (PNP) warns the public about Republic Act 7183: An Act Regulating the Sale, Manufacture, Distribution, and Use of Firecrackers.

The Department of Health (DOH) said this year’s “Oplan: Iwas Paputok” campaign seeks to encourage revelers to just watch fireworks displays in their communities.

We all know that there is no truth to the old superstition that those noisy and damaging firecrackers drive away evil spirits. In fact, they could even invite in nasty limb or life-threatening casualties to put bad luck on your first day of the year.

But knowing some people, there would always be some hard-heads who would still lit a firecracker and endanger not only himself or herself but also others, pets, and even properties.

We should strengthen community awareness on the "Iwas Paputok" campaign this Yuletide Season. Letvus be a role model for our community and encourage firecracker-free celebrations. Of course, this includes the banning of indiscriminate firing usually committed by irresponsible gun owners.

We deserve complete limbs, eyes and other body parts, and our precious life, for ourselves and our families. Let us help in monitoring against possible perpetrators of illegal activities. The government has not been capable of totally eradicating the bad elements of society since our President favors violent means. The undesirable and less diplomatic acts only invite more irregularities especially from China which is the number one source of questionable transactions.

We cannot deny that behind all those cheap products are possible corruption and unfavorable conditions for our Filipino businessmen. We should not let other countries manipulate us. We should lift the lives of our countrymen by advocating the purchase and patronage of Filipino products and services.

Many of the firecrackers, including the "lusis", sold in the country come from China and though it competes with locally manufactured ones, neither of the two sources should be patronized. We do not need to risk lives and property just to end, or start, the year. There are better ways to celebrate that would be more advisable towards achieving a fruitful year ahead.

Thrift-Shopping in Baguio City: Ukay-Ukay or Segunda Mano Fever

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Almost everyone would like to always look their best even after waking up (woke up like this). We love going out in our best OOTD or Outfit Of The Day even if it means spending a fortune.

But in Baguio city, similarly in Metro Manila,there is another attraction that has gained popularity, and it is called bought in UK or Ukay-Ukay, or SM as others would call it, short for Segunda Mano (Second Hand).

They say the best choices are in Baguio especially when it comes to jackets, hoodies and coats fit for the cold season. You'll surely find a wide assortment of previously owned but branded clothes, shoes, bags, jeans, shorts and other stuff that came from many countries.

Who said thrift-shopping is gross? It may be if you fear possible germ infestation (if there is indeed something like it). Though some stuff are still in great condition, and even have tags intact, it is advisable to have them washed before wearing. We couldn't say the items for sale there are hygienic since they've also been passing from one customer to the next, and some may have tried wearing them to see if they fit. Yuck? That is the risk you have to take if you insist on buying cheap pre-owned products.

Ukay-ukay should never be an excuse for splurge shopping. We should just buy when we really need to. It takes a bit more effort but buying less will help us evaluate which clothes have the most versatility.

These items are also useful if you just plan to wear them once or a few times like for an event or costume party, or just for everyday wear at home or Friday (wash day)clothes at work.

Though there have been reports of smuggled ukay-ukay, that is already beyond our control. The government should pursue stricter entry and customs obligations in the country. But since we are a country composed of a multitude ofvislands, there are just several ways of illegal entry especially when they are matched with corrupt individuals aiming to earn extra from the unauthorized transactions.

You can definitely look good already with just a few pesos since prices are way below what you see in malls or even online shopping, and if you seek diligently or come across a fresh batch of clothes, you would surely encounter great finds at very cheap prices.
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