Tuesday, December 19, 2017

ICT Enabled Startup Development (seedPH) Program

Wazzup Pilipinas!

The seedPH Program is a pioneering program of the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) aimed at strengthening the Philippine Digital Startup Ecosystem and supporting the continued development of relevant innovations and digital startups throughout the country by encouraging the Filipino youth to develop relevant ideas that could either help solve societal challenges or become successful businesses.

The program started in 2013 under the collaborative efforts and inputs of the Philippine digital startup community. The DICT took the initiative to gather the country’s major startup players which paved the way to more aligned efforts for the startup movement in the country, especially spreading these efforts in the countryside to help promote inclusive growth throughout the country.

In 2017, seedPH anchors its efforts to the sector’s roadmap, the Philippine Roadmap for Digital Startup as it strives to provide interventions that will encourage creation of digital startups to help improve the Philippine economy and provide local employment,  build sustainable businesses and help solve current and future challenges in the society with the use of technology. The program also aims to the Philippine Startup Community and get it to work as one unit as it strives to produce successful startup companies whose products and services are scalable locally and internationally and answer real problems in industries and communities.  Now, identified and assessed by the local community as a foundational startup ecosystem, the Philippines aims to move forward as a truly unique innovation hub that shows resiliency, ingenuity and heart that is truly Filipino.

The seedPH encourages Filipinos especially the youth to create startups through the programs summed up in one phrase: I C.A.N., which stands for the Program’s main thrusts for the Startup Community: Inform, Collaborate, Accelerate and Nurture.


One of the issues identified in the Philippine Startup ecosystem is the low number of digital startups and the general lack of awareness on technology entrepreneurship, which in turn hinders the growth and establishment of more tech businesses. The program aims to educate Filipinos particularly the youth on digital opportunities through trainings and workshops that will equip them with basic startup knowledge and how to build technology startup companies.

Startup Workshops are one-day trainings, which aim to provide basic concepts and tools in building technology startups. These workshops help enhance the competence of ICT enthusiasts in the countryside and uplift the local economy through possible creation of ICT business. The workshops cover five major concepts and activities relevant in setting up a startup: Idea Generation and development, Customer Identification and Validation; Unique Value Proposition; Cost and Revenue and Pitching. This workshop is open for college students and professors and is being done in collaboration with the startup industry leaders and startup founders. The program has conducted 21 advocacy workshops in gathering a total of 3,000 potential startup founders and startup professionals from different cities and provinces in the country.

Lean Startup 101 Bootcamps - While Startup Workshops target the students, Lean Startup 101 Bootcamps aim to capacitate college professors from the fields of Computer Studies, Engineering, and other Technical and Business Related courses to become campus startup coaches. Mentors from the Philippine Software Industry Association (PSIA), an industry partner of DICT, help teach the Lean Startup Methodology in a one-day bootcamp, providing professors knowledge on Idea Generation, Business Model Canvass, and Customer Validation. The program stresses the crucial role of professors in molding future technopreneurs and serving as startup champions and mentors in academic institutions. This fosters a supportive and collaborative environment for innovation to be created in the academe level ensuring that mentors from different fields of expertise are aligned in the startup mindset.   Bootcamps are also conducted in preparation for the program’s national startup competition, the Philippine Startup Challenge. Potential team coaches are equipped with the necessary tools and skills to efficiently coach student teams in building their own startup innovations. There are currently 460+ professors who were trained under the Lean Startup Bootcamps.


With the intent of being an agent of unification and collaboration, the DICT has put great importance in collaborating with the local players in the ecosystem, as it has rolled out its programs with the benefit of both the industry and the stakeholders in mind. The program has found great results in building a robust ecosystem by empowering local champions as it has found in local Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Councils established in localities throughout the country. The seedPH program opens opportunities for collaboration between aspiring startup founders and industry leaders by supporting conferences and events that bring together the country’s great minds.

Startup Weekend is a global movement with a weekend-long, hands-on module - tried and tested to become a productive venue where startups and aspiring entrepreneurs gather in one place, collaborate, execute ideas and pitch among esteemed startup industry leaders.  It allows anyone with an idea for a business to find potential co-founders and partners who can help build the business with little investment.

The seedPH program enables the conduct of Startup Weekends in regional locations, also providing support for facilitation in partnership with, a dynamic grass roots community of technology enthusiasts who continuously empower groups in the countryside to spread ICT initiatives. Numerous startups have begun their careers as participants of startup weekend, finding future co-founders and partners, and gaining valuable insight that it is possible to create something relevant and that failure is easily overcome.

Geeks on a Beach (GOAB) is the premiere international startup conference in the country that gathers startup, technology and design practitioners, enthusiasts and experts to inspire relevant innovations and strengthen the budding community of ICT startups and its stakeholders.

Showcasing both the Philippines vibrant tourism industry through its beautiful beaches seamlessly merged with ICT and innovation development, GOAB has opened opportunities for startups to learn from and collaborate with the local and international startup industry experts and leaders. Through the conference, startup enthusiasts were able to connect with potential partners and investors; learn from experienced entrepreneurs and hear the latest trends on the tech-startup industry.

GOAB 2016 also opened an opportunity to gather Philippine Startup community leaders and launch the sole organization for the country’s startup ecosystem – the The organization became a venue to discuss the issues in the ecosystem and how to address them.


Moving further to support startups beyond its ideation stages, the seedPH program has conducted projects to support early stage startup founders who are moving towards market and product validation and/or prototyping stages. The DICT finds its niche in the startup’s ecosystem and in supporting the startups in the advocacy and strengthening of their innovative product/service even before these technopreneurs become fully legitimate businesses. These projects aim to connect founders with necessary experts and mentors who can help them further in their tech business ventures.

Launchpad - is a mentoring and assistance program, which aims to support and capacitate local startups as they transition from developing their software product idea to operating viable software businesses.  This program is geared towards providing assessment on the startup idea; guidance on the business and technical aspect of their startup; networking opportunities with industry leaders and enablement trainings that could further enhance the participants’ existing business idea.

This program has been conducted in partnership with the Philippine Software Industry Association (PSIA) to continuously provide support for local technopreneurs to become sustainable businesses with the aim of becoming globally recognized startups.

 Alpha Startups Bootcamp is a 6-day program consisting of a 5 day bootcamp and a demo day. It aims to address the gap between idea generation to having business viable products by gathering around 50-60 founders and co-founders of early stage startups who have initially started conceptualizing an innovative ICT startup/business. The 5-day Bootcamp includes discussion covering workshops on Customer Development, Product Development and Marketing Strategies.

seedPH supports 1337 Ventures and the Philippine Software Industry Association (PSIA) through financial and logistical assistance. In the last 2 years, 1337 Ventures helped mentor and fund 6 Filipino startups.


seedPH aims to focus directly on encouraging the youth to create relevant technologies that could also be viable business ventures.

 Philippine Startup Challenge (PSC) aims to inspire college students to create innovative solutions to the most pressing problems in the society with the use of technology.

A total of 300+ entries were received in the last three years. Student teams created digital-based startups to help solve issues in the sectors of Agriculture, transportation, education, health, environment, among others.

PSC is more than a student-competition because as it exposes the youth different ways of creating innovative and viable business solutions and inspiring them to pursue with their idea even after the competition.

Partnerships with the industry helped PSC winners develop their ideas further. The team behind the startup “eBasura” had the opportunity to be part of a 2-week international study program courtesy of Huawei Philippines. The program aims to prepare future generations to be more competitive by exposing them to the latest innovation trends.  The team is now working on their prototype and gained industry partners. Investment is also on its way as former startup founders turned investors who are graduates of seedPH supported Alpha Startups bootcamp are providing financial support as a means of giving back to the support provided to them by the government and seedPH industry partners.

seedPH Program is a proof that closer collaboration between the government and the private sector is the most effective way to implement programs that has great impact to the community. It continues to open doors for both sides to address both the gaps and support needed to strengthen further the Philippine Startup ecosystem.

For 20 year old Queeny Jane Cabizares, projects of DICT like Alpha Startups Bootcamp, Launchpad, Philippine Startup Challenge and Geeks on a Beach helped her develop, improve, validate and scale her startup idea. “I will not be where I am if not for the seedPH Program of DICT. It was just a dream for me, I have no knowledge on the business side but the mentors whom DICT introduced had helped me a lot in a way I can’t even discuss in a few words.” Now, Queeny has established customer base and continues to get support from industry experts and investors.

The seedPH program also encourages startup community to pay the favor forward by encouraging them to  share their knowledge to the community. Ms. Angeline Viray of Beep A Ride, one of the startup teams who became part of the Startup Weekend and Alpha Startups Bootcamp programs, continues to share her experience and expertise to the youth by being a resource person in Startup Workshops. “I believe that advocacy is a noble cause. And we need more programs like this to participate in causes that benefit the startup community.”

For software and tech-startup industry leaders like Mr. Joey Gurango, seedPH has helped empower many startup founders to become future leaders of the startup community. “The Department of ICT, through its SeedPH program, has been an invaluable partner to in our efforts to encourage, enable and nurture the stakeholders of our growing Philippine Startup Ecosystem. We hope to empower many more with the continuous support that we receive from DICT”.

For seedPH, Filipinos CAN create innovative technologies. DICT believes, together with its community partners, it can create a strong Philippine Startup ecosystem.

Philippine Startup Industry / Community Partners
Science and Technology Advisory Council – Silicon Valley
Plug and Play Tech Center
Ideaspace Foundation
ICCP Ventures
UP Enterprise Center
Kickstart Ventures
IPO Philippines
DOST Technology Application and Promotion Institute
Department of Trade and Industry
Narra Ventures
Philippine Software Industry Association – Spring.PH Program
Philippine Society of IT Educators
National ICT Confederation of the Philippines
Huawei Philippines
Microsoft Philippines
HP Enterprise

seedPH Program Startup Advocacy and Training

Philippine Startup Challenge
Philippine Startup Challenge (PSC) is a national startup competition for college students , which aims to encourage the youth to create innovative solutions to the country’s most pressing problems.

PSC 2014 Winners:

Intern Ship (Pag Hinabol Mo Lalong Lalayo) – an application that allows students to use geolocational search for finding companies who are looking for new interns. Students can also use resume and application letter templates through this internship portal.

Tweeva (Technovators) – is a mobile/web application that analyzes Twitter data to provide sentiment analysis of a given hashtag keyword. Aside from the sentiment analysis, the application will also generate demographics. The application will also provide rankings for specific topics like restaurants, hotels, public figures, and others.

POD (NoSemicolon) – is a cross-platform mobile application that provides suggestions for students or individuals who wish to study or work away from their hometown and needs to find a dormitory or apartment where they can stay. This features all dormitories/apartments that are around the vicinity of the entered school or university.

CareStarter (Gecko) – is an application that assists scholars in finding the right donor for them and for donors to find deserving scholarship beneficiaries. This application is an avenue for scholars and donors to interact with each other. Donors will also be given the privilege to see the transcript of records of the students they are funding so that they will be able to check on the accomplishments of their scholars.

Escape Plan (WiseGeeks) – is an augmented reality game that will change the way of building teams. It addresses issues on inconveniences before, during, and after team building activities, such as going to far-flung areas, spending too much money, getting in harm’s way and destroying the shared vision of the company because of irrelevant competition. This game promotes basic principles of building effective teams – effective communication, shared purpose, dynamic team design and balance orientation. The objective of the game is to escape the room, where teams get to escape an environment by solving puzzles and finishing the challenges.

PSC 2015 Winners:

eBasura: a cross-platform mobile application that addresses the problem and teaches people on the proper disposal and management of broken and old electronics or e-wastes.

eBasura team had their two-week study in China courtesy of seedPH industry partner, Huawei Philippines. They were able to learn about current technologies and help them develop their startup further. Right now, eBasura is set to launch this year and investment is on the table.

Fresh2ket: a web platform that connects farmers directly to its potential customers.

Fresh2ket is currently operating and plans of expansion in Manila is underway.

BookNow: a mobile-app based bus ticket reservation system.

Alpha Startups Bootcamp

The bootcamp is a five-day pre-accelerator program packed with in-depth discussions for startups who are looking to level up their business.

2015 Winners:

Fresh2ket - A web platform that aims to remove the middle men in buying fruits and vegetables, bridging the gap between farmers and consumers, thereby ensuring the latter’s access to fresh goods

Paspas - Named after the local term “paspas”, which means fast, this SMS-based delivery service aims to deliver “a super-fast delivery” to consumers anywhere in Cebu. Just send a text message and any tasks or chores you can’t attend to will be taken care of.

Impok - A cash deposit and micro-financing platform that aims to help individuals – students or employees alike–and give them an avenue where they can save or loan money, especially in dire times.

2016 Winners:

Bus Tayo: Bus ticket reservation which does not require credit cards

Detivo: Point of Sale system as a platform which will help restaurants integrate with solutions and attribute sales data.

BetterHapp: A web-based wedding management application for all wedding enthusiasts.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Energy Safety First Amidst Tropical Depression Urduja

Wazzup Pilipinas!

The Department of Energy (DOE) has called on the energy department and its partner agencies to heighten contingency measures and closely monitor Tropical Depression (TD) Urduja (international name: Kai-tak) and another brewing storm outside the Philippine area of responsibility.

“We do not want our kababayans to suffer power interruptions or brownouts, especially during the holidays, but energy safety should be first. With our coordination, we will ensure that the impact of these calamities to energy facilities are minimal and in any case of destruction, restoration will be immediate,” Energy Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi pointed out.

According to the 8 a.m. bulletin of weather bureau PAGASA, TD Urduja has maximum winds of up to 55 kilometers/hour (kph) near the center and gustiness of up to 90 kph and within the vicinity of Dumaran, Palawan.

The DOE is coordinating with the National Power Corporation and privately-owned power generation companies, National Electrification Administration (NEA) and other distribution utilities, the National Transmission Company and the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) to alert emergency, response and restoration teams for easy mobilization of assets to counter any adverse effect of the storm.

The Energy Development Corporation reporter that the Unified Leyte Geothermal Power Plant was severely affected by typhoon Urduja. The previous power of 463MW (including Tongonan) was reduced to a generation of 215MW. Restoration efforts are underway despite the problems on access since most of its sites are still unreachable due to the multiple landslides.

Based on the consolidated status report as of 10:00 a.m. 18 December, the following electric cooperatives are affected by TD Urduja:

1. Marinduque Electric Cooperative, Inc. (MARELCO) has already restored the town of Sta. Cruz, but Torijos is still undergoing assessment and restoration;

2. Masbate Electric Cooperative, Inc. (MASELCO) has no power in the town of Esperanza and some laterals in the distribution system. The DMCI power plant, however, has been energized at 9:00 a.m. today following its shutdown as a pre-cautionary measure.

3. Northern Samar Electric Cooperative, Inc. (NORSAMELCO) has power except for flooded areas and few lateral lines;

4. Samar 1 and 2 Electric Cooperatives (SAMELCO 1 and 2) are under normal operations but with some isolated power interruptions, especially in SAMELCO 2 area;

5. Sorsogon 1 and 2 Electric Cooperatives (SORECO 1 and 2) have power;

6. Ticao Island Electric Cooperative, Inc. (TISELCO) is already restored;

7. Biliran Electric Cooperative (BILECO) is experiencing total blackout and targets restoration by December 21 in the seven (7) towns affected, including Biliran, Cabucgayan, Caibiran, Culaba, Kawayan, Almeria and Naval. Damage assessment is still ongoing and initial reports said the affected areas were unpassable due to damage on major bridges and landslides in the coverage area;

8. Eastern Samar Electric Cooperative, Inc. (ESAMELCO) is currently experiencing total blackout, but will have power soon once the recently restored Paranas-Taft-Borongan-Quinapondan 69kilovolt transmission line has completed re-energization with the EC;

9. Leyte II Electric Cooperative, Inc. (LEYECO II) has a power outage in the town of Babatngon due to the tripping of Babatngon Apitong 69kV Line, while damage assessment is ongoing;

10. LEYECO V has eleven (11) towns with no power, namely, Calubian, Ormoc (26 brgys), Merida (8), Isabel (4), Palompon (28), Villaba (28), Tabango (10), Leyte (23), Kananga (5), Matag'ob (7), and San Isidro (1);

11. Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SOLECO) has five towns with no power, namely, Hinunangan, Anawahan, Hinundayan, Saint Bernard and San Juan. These towns were affected by the tripping of Nasaug-San Isidro-San Miguel-St. Bernard 69kV line, but the transmission was already energized last December 16;

12. Tablas Island Electric Cooperative, Inc. (TIELCO) has power only in Odiongan City, and awaiting completion of assessment following its manual tripping for safety purposes.

Meanwhile, NGCP is undergoing assessment of the Sta. Barbara 50 megavolt ampere Transformer 2 located in Iloilo, but the facility doesn't have an effect on the operation of the grid.

As regards the petroleum products, Sec. Cusi already directed the DOE-Oil Industry Management Bureau (DOE-OIMB) to look into the complaints of overpricing in Biliran and urged oil companies to ensure the availability of fuels in the typhoon-stricken areas, especially those communities that depend on gasoline and diesel for their daily activities.

As reported by the industry players, one (1) Caltex station located in Ormoc is closed due to flooding and one (1) Shell station is unable to receive fuel deliveries due to damaged bridge and road network, but their other fuel stations are operating normally. Petron Corp. and Phoenix Petroleum also reported normal operations based on initial assessment. The DOE-OIMB is already assessing other areas regarding petroleum concerns.

Furthermore, Cusi has reminded the public to practice E-Safety by immediately reporting to the nearest authority/ies any incidents affecting the power and oil supply facilities and by doing these emergency measures:

• Charge flashlights and mobile phones

• Be informed on the latest news updates

• Switch-off circuit breaker and other electrical systems to avoid

electrocution, among other electrical mishaps.

“We will keep reminding consumers as well as industry participants over and over again, so that we could instill in them these safety practices for their own good in terms of emergency situations like typhoons,” Cusi said.

The DOE asked the public to contact its Consumer Welfare Office (Landline - ‎‎429 2900 local 329) for other consumer concerns.

Knockouts to Remember from ONE Championship’s Stellar 2017

Wazzup Pilipinas!

The world-class and talented athletes of ONE Championship pulled out all the stops in 2017, and the burgeoning martial arts scene in Asia has never been in a better position.

2017 saw a plethora of highlight-reel knockouts taking place within the ONE Championship cage, and to commemorate the most spectacular ones, here are the five best knockouts of the year in the organization.

#5) Anthony Engelen’s power right hook at ONE: QUEST FOR POWER

It has not been an easy run in ONE Championship for Dutch-Indonesian journeyman Anthony “The Archangel” Engelen as he has registered a handful of big wins as well as a couple of painful losses in five bouts under the organization’s banner.

However, his victory on the undercard of ONE: QUEST FOR POWER on 14 January showcased tremendous promise moving forward.

Engelen electrified his adopted home crowd of Jakarta, Indonesia with a masterful display of striking, defeating his opponent with one strong blow and bringing everyone up to their feet.

Just two minutes into the very first round against Malaysian martial arts veteran AJ “Pyro” Lias Mansor, Engelen put together a stunning boxing combination, punctuated by an emphatic right hook that connected right on the jaw of his cage counterpart, who was out cold before he even hit the ground.


#4) Christian Lee’s spectacular slam at ONE: WARRIORS OF THE WORLD

Throughout his young professional career, featherweight standout Christian “The Warrior” Lee has been billed as the future of martial arts, showing great talent and unlimited potential.

The 19-year-old martial arts sensation took another step in fulfilling all of those on 9 December as he concluded a masterful performance against former ONE Lightweight World Champion Kotetsu “No Face” Boku at ONE: WARRIORS OF THE WORLD in Bangkok, Thailand.

In perhaps his most impressive performance to date, Lee brought his best against a dangerous opponent in Boku as he employed the perfect strategy and completed a rapturous knockout triumph that undoubtedly signals his readiness to challenge the upper tier of talent in the promotion’s most stacked division.

Bringing the action right to Boku, Lee blasted the Japanese veteran with powerful strikes, takedowns and submission attempts.

Moreover, Lee unloaded his best offense on the former world champion, all while pushing him constantly back up against the cage.

Just past the three-minute mark, Lee quickly took Boku’s back and executed a textbook trip takedown with such incredible power that it knocked Japanese veteran out.

The impressive win over Boku was Lee’s seventh first-round stoppage victory and tied the promotional record for most finishes at eight.


#3) Zebaztian Kadestam’s comeback knockout win at ONE: DYNASTY OF HEROES

Going up against one of the most feared strikers in the division is not the most ideal scenario for a ONE Championship debutant, but Swede newcomer Zebaztian “The Bandit” Kadestam wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Receiving the opportunity to join ONE Championship and take on one of the biggest names in the division, Kadestam would put everything on the line.

It all worked out for Kadestam as he turned in one of the most exciting finishes in 2017 with a third-round knockout of Brazilian powerhouse Luis “Sapo” Santos at ONE: DYNASTY OF HEROES in Singapore on 26 May.

Accepting the challenge on short notice, Kadestam spent the first two rounds fending off a furious offense by Santos.

Unknown to the Brazilian, it was all a part of Kadestam’s plan as Swede was biding his time, waiting for the third round where Santos has been known to lose his steam.

It was precisely what happened to the Brazilian brute, giving Kadestam a great opening to capitalize with a series of hard knees that flattened Santos to complete a shocking comeback upset.


#2) Honorio Banario’s one-punch knockout at ONE: KINGS OF DESTINY

Former ONE Featherweight World Champion Honorio Banario does not believe his best days are behind him as after losing five bouts in a row from 2013 to 2015, there is no quit in the 28-year-old Baguio City native to bring back the glimmer in his professional career.

Banario has since won four straight matches, including two spectacular finishes in his last two outings.

On 21 April at ONE: KINGS OF DESTINY, Banario showcased another epic performance, stopping ONE Championship debutant Jaroslav Jartim with a single left hook.

Countering a body kick with a punching combination, Honorio unleashed a left hook that landed square on Jartim’s jaw, turning the lights out immediately for his Czech opponent.

It was Banario’s first real knockout victory since he stopped compatriot Andrew Benibe at ONE: PRIDE OF A NATION in August 2012.


#1) Martin Nguyen’s history-making knockout at ONE: LEGENDS OF THE WORLD

Having just lifted the coveted ONE Featherweight World Championship from the previously-unbeaten Marat Gafurov via scintillating knockout just three months prior, Vietnamese-Australian dynamo Martin “The Situ-Asian” Nguyen became an overnight sensation.

Nguyen catapulted to superstardom through a series of impressive highlight-reel finishes, culminating with his knockout of Gafurov.

With an unstoppable weapon in his vaunted overhand right, Nguyen emerged as a legitimate knockout artist who is capable of toppling anyone with a single shot.

Nguyen proved that yet again on 10 November as he entered hostile territory to challenge beloved Filipino martial arts superstar Eduard “Landslide” Folayang for the ONE Lightweight World Championship before a hometown crowd in Manila at ONE: LEGENDS OF THE WORLD.

Although Folayang knew that Nguyen’s best weapon was the overhand right, there was little that the Filipino hero could do to stop it as “The Situ-Asian” waited for just the right moment to counter his opponent.

As Folayang telegraphed his patented spinning back kick, Nguyen uncorked his famed overhand grenade to shock the world once again.

The jaw-dropping knockout of Folayang earned Nguyen the ONE Lightweight World Championship and wrote his name in history books as the first man to hold two world titles simultaneously in ONE Championship.


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