Thursday, December 14, 2017

State of Qatar Celebrates Its National Day

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Photo Caption: Oman Ambassador Munther Mahfoodh Al-Mantheri, Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Atty. Sal Panelo, Secretary of Defense Delfin Lorenzana, Kuwait Ambassador Musaed Saleh Al-Thuwaikh, Morocco Ambassador Mohammed Rida El Fassi, Qatar Ambassador Ali Ibrahim Al Malki, Office of the Middle East & African Affairs Assistant Secretary Joy Quintana, Taguig City Mayor Lani Cayetano, Archbishop Gabriele Griordano Caccia, the new papal nuncio to the Philippines and Charge D'Affaires Mr. Ahmed Eddeb of Libya.

The State of Qatar celebrated its National Day a week in advance last December 11, 2017, at Makati Shangri-La Hotel, to commemorate its First Ruler, Sheikh Jassim Bin Mohamend Bin Thani, with the theme of ‘Promise of Prosperity and Glory’.

The reception was attended by foreign dignitaries and government officials such as Sec. Delfin Lorenzana, Chief Legal Counsel Sal Panelo, Taguig Mayor Lani Cayetano, among others.

Qatar Ambassador Ali Ibrahim Al Malki says, “The ties between the Philippines and Qatar are going very well. This year in April, President Duterte visited Qatar and both sides signed new agreements, we are also currently working on other agreements right now. We are expecting this relationship to go ahead with more enhancements in the field of investment, as well as political cooperation.”

The Ambassador continues, “Qatar now has more than 240,000 Filipino workers and they are enjoying the privilege of the Qatari government. They are also our partners in development, and we are looking forward to an even stronger relationship. And because of the FIFA World Cup 2022, we now require additional supply of manpower from the Philippines. We also see Filipino workers as one of the best in the world, very professional, educated and talented.

The FIFA World Cup 2022, which is the first World Cup to be held in the Middle East, is said to be working ahead of schedule.

Qatar’s Foreign Minister HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani in his address to the United Nations General Assembly in New York last September, said that the “2022 FIFA World Cup is a first and foremost opportunity for the Arab world and the Middle East to highlight the true and peaceful nature of the rest of the world. It also gives the State of Qatar a great opportunity to stimulate innovation, positive change and sustainable development.”

His Excellency continues, “The State of Qatar is currently building 8 stadiums, 64 training grounds, 5 fan areas and accommodation, as well as major infrastructure developments including roads, railways and airports. The World Cup is an occasion to bring people together, overcoming geographical, religious, cultural and linguistic differences.”

Qatar National Day celebrations started 9th of December, and will last for 10 days. Exact date of Qatar National Day is 18th of December.

The 4 Tips to Making Your Mobile App Succeed

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Having a great idea for a mobile app is not the same thing as successfully executing your idea. Because consumer behaviors and preferences are constantly evolving, it’s important to strategize carefully as you develop your product. After all, most apps fail. Even seemingly popular apps can struggle to find a loyal user base.

You’ll substantially boost your odds of success if you prepare thoroughly before undergoing native Android app development or other mobile designs and releasing your app. Specifically, you should keep the following essential tips in mind.

Do One Thing Well

Many of the most successful apps only offer one or two main features to users. While it’s tempting to try and do everything, it’s hard to actually create a reliable product that offers a wide range of features. Decide exactly what problem you’re going to solve for your customers, and work on developing an app that serves its purpose well.

During this planning stage, you should also work to define your ideal customers as clearly as possible. It’s easier to serve them well when you know exactly who they are and what they want.

Test as Soon as Possible

Don’t waste time developing the “perfect” version of your app, only to discover that users have problems with it you didn’t anticipate. Let users test your prototype as soon as you have one. Whenever you develop a new iteration of the product, test it again. You’re more likely to develop a successful app if you’re constantly refining it throughout the development process.

Anecdotal reports from early users are valuable, but you also need to focus on data. The more data you collect, the easier it will be for you to identify what kinds of enhancements your customers want.

Be Prepared to Change

It’s not uncommon to learn that a successful app originally began as an entirely different type of product. Regular testing allows developers to find out if there truly is any demand for the app they’re working on. It also allows them to identify other types of services their customers may prefer.

Make sure your developers are nimble and efficient enough to shift gears if need be. Working hard on a bad idea is a recipe for failure. Working hard, while being ready to change your approach, is key to your success.

Prioritize Tasks Based on ROI

Each department of your overall team will have their own set of responsibilities. By identifying your highest ROI tasks from the start, you can be sure each team member is focusing on the most important priorities. Every tasks needs to get done eventually, but some should get done earlier than others.

In addition to the above, you also need to study general app development best practices. They’re always shifting, as new technologies provide users with new options and features. That said, these tips will ensure that your overall strategy lays a foundation for success. You’re far more likely to achieve your goals when you have a detailed plan.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Top Eight Reasons Why Bloggers Bash Other Bloggers

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Ever wondered why there are bloggers with unending complaints or rants towards others. Those self-righteous pricks that thinks highly of themselves like they're faultless. They keep telling others that some bloggers are damaging the blogging community. But we all that it is actually their blabbering that has ruined the outsiders impression towards bloggers.

But there are several reasons why bloggers bash their fellow bloggers. Instead of getting their attention privately, they would rather resort to social media or bad-mouthing to announce the alledged wrong-doings of their fellow bloggers. There seems to be an ulterior motive for if they truly seek to correct mistakes, they should give bloggers the chance to change rather than putting them to shame.

Here are the top eight reasons why bloggers bash their fellow bloggers:

1. These bashers are not busy enough to mind their own business. Idle hands lead to idle minds, or the other way around. When they can't find anything to do, they look for something to destroy to keep themselves occupied. Sadly, they look to bash those who seem too good to be true, so they exaggerate the llittle trivial issues, or even fabricate lies in an effort to bring others down.

2. These bashers see others as too successful or actively engaged in blogging activities that envy starts to creep into their malicious minds. Those who seek the shirtcomings of others are just to overwhelmed with how popular their peers are, so they go into a mission of portraying others as not picture-perfect.

3. Other ways to stand out among a multitude of bloggers is to defame others. These bashings could be a way to discredit other bloggers so these bashers would remain on top of the choices for events where only a few gets invited. The bloggers population has drastically gone so high that the cunning would tend to play unfairly by badmouthing others to PRs, event organizers or the brands themselves.

4. Similar to how companies get the services of bloggers to promote ttheirproducts,o ssservices or personalities, they could also do the same to tarnish the reputation of their competitors. Thus, there is also nothing stopping bloggers to do the same to their fellow bloggers. Make their friends look good, while making others not belonging tobtheir group look bad. When you notice others ganging up to bash others, it's more of mudslinging rather than an effort to improve the community.

5. In general, people are more inclined to join in on the bashing even if they have very little idea of what's going on. Being clueless does not prevent them from posting derogatory remarks. Many do not even know the victims personally and have not even interacted with them in any way. Online bullies are normally those who have their own personal hatred to battle and thus take their frustrations out against anybody they know could not retaliate easily. Try facing them on and let's see who squirms uncontrollably.

6. Those who gang up on others were probably bullied as well. But the real reason is because they felt inferior during their younger days thus are out for revenge on whoever is out there. This is true especially for those who are confused with their real identities, and still searching for their fortress of solitude or batcave.

7. Greed to keep the opportunities to themselves, or within their circle of friends, could be another reason. At events, there are only a significant number of invitees, thus not every blogger out there could be tapped for campaigns or promotions. Getting lots of invites to events does not necessarily mean you're the most credible or influential among others.

8. Alliances with other bloggers who had or in a quarrel with another could motivate you to avoid inviting the latter. Regardless of how much they would deny it, we would always have the tendency to side with those we've had a working relationship already. It could also motivate you to speak out against the latter to show your support to your blogger friend(s). These are called blind followers who blindly look up to somebody or only a select few, and curse others who are not on their friends list. Their motto "Your enemies are my enemies."

Perhaps there are more reasons, but these are what pops up on the top of our minds. If you have other thoughts that you believe should be added on the list, then write it on the comments below so we could check if it warrants an inclusion on our list.

At Wazzup Pilipinas, we believe that there are several opportunities for bloggers out there that we do not need to seemingly fight it out for supremacy or even survival. What we experience right now are actually just the tip of the iceberg. The future holds many more doors opening for online influencers that openly and freely express their opinions and naturally gets involved to share pieces of their mind. We are now aporoaching the days when media would never hesitate to report with a heart and soul, which means no holding back. Now that we could even report in real time, it would be proper to report as is and without any sugar-coating. Covering up for others, especially when they are sponsors, advertisers or valuable clients plague mainstream media. Let us not make blogging another means to cover-up or spread fake news - intentionally modified, fabricated, realigned, incomplete, baseless, and biased just to wrongly promote, protect or persecute others.
Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas Wazzup Pilipinas and the Umalohokans. Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas celebrating 10th year of online presence
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