Sunday, August 3, 2014

DLSU’s 2nd Student Media Congress Urges Students to Be Media Catalysts Part 3 of 3

Wazzup Pilipinas!

This is Part 3 of our three-part of DLSU's 2nd Student Media Congress article. There were just too many significant personalities involved that we ought to give each and everyone of them highlights in the article. Many of them I have already personally met throughout my lifetime as either colleague or acquaintances met at the different events where they have also been invited as resource speakers.

We are truly proud of our youth that they continue to organize events like these that are totally beneficial to their fellow students. We admire how these college students are able to gather in one venue several of the countries popular innovators and influencers.

The country needs more of their kind so the interaction with the students will surely bring out the next set of professionals that will also make their own respective ,arks and legacies in society.

These students will soon reap their just rewards if they follow the path to success of the many speakers who graciously accepted the invitation to become part of this epic event. Wazzup Pilipinas is equally proud to have been one of its online media partners.

Please read on about the third set of speakers and the key points of their contribution to the event.

DLSU’s 2nd Student Media Congress Urges Students to Be Media Catalysts Part 2 of 3

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Continuing the highlights of the 2nd Student Media Congress organized by the De La Salle University

The Congress tackled the trends and evolving dynamics of Philippine media as well as its presence and impact in the near future through the sharing of knowledge by the actual media practitioners themselves known to have given valuable contributions to society already.

Their works are appreciated by both colleagues and avid followers that have somehow used them as role models in pursuing their own dreams. We listened and interacted, and literally rubbed shoulders with the likes of media greats that we could only previously admire from afar either by reading their works in print, watching them from the television, or listening to them on the radio.

It was a great opportunity to personally hear them share their experiences and recommendations to help us improve our very own craft and skills. It is always advantageous to follow the advise of the experts as they are indeed seasoned and well-experienced enough to give out fair-sounding advise.

Below is part two of the highlights of the event presenting the continuation of the list of personalities who generously share their time and expertise for the benefit of the young audience

DLSU’s 2nd Student Media Congress Urges Students to Be Media Catalysts Part 1 of 3

Wazzup Pilipinas!

After it sought to explore media breakthroughs in its first year, the DLSU Student Media Congress (SMC) was held the second time around at the DLSU Teresa Yuchengco Auditorium with the theme: “Empowering Media Catalysts”. On its first year, invited media practitioners, along with the SMC delegates probed the trends and evolving dynamics of Philippine media as well as its presence and impact in the near future.

It has been a week since the Congress yet many are still empowered with the many learnings, inspirations and realizations they got from the two day event where several of the countries significant influencers and innovators gathered together to bring one explosive sharing and brainstorming of knowledge and expertise. We have witnessed how "media" has evolved into a more relevant and social platform that totally affects the way we live, work and play.

There has been so many events lately that aimed to bring similar outputs from mostly the youth who are obviously more involved now due to the influence of media. Through the many talks and workshops at the event, the Congress tried its best to align the motives and direction of our youth towards a clearer and more profound path. We also hope it was able to bring about more significant yearnings for change and improvement with an objective role to become part of the solution rather than just a source of detraction. We all need to participate as nation-builders and not as the dividing force that builds walls instead of bridges.

Below are a list of the many speakers that graced the two day event. Since the speakers were so many, we actually divided the article into three parts. Please read on and be informed.

Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas Wazzup Pilipinas and the Umalohokans. Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas celebrating 10th year of online presence
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