Wazzup Pilipinas!
The open letter below submitted by one of our contributors, who was apparently a former writer of an online publication, had to pass through a lot of scrutiny from the Wazzup Pilipinas core team before it was allowed to be posted as is, and with very little correction. We intentionally removed the identity of the online publication since we know very well many will be able to quickly identify which one it is.
Wazzup Pilipinas stands by our obligation to respect all forms of freedom of expression, may it be somewhat sounding hateful, malicious or biased, as we allow all parties directly or indirectly involved with the issues to freely submit their personal statements that will voice out their true feelings, to affirm or deny accusations, and explain their side of the actual stories that are often hidden from the eyes of the public due to manipulated efforts and uneven resources.
It was quite difficult to finally allow this open letter to be posted on our site as the Editor himself was a former senior writer of the said online publication. But we will let our readers evaluate on their own if this was justifiable enough to make an online presence. The author claims he is representing not only himself but others who also feel he same way. There was no sugar-coating, and no effort was made to tame the fiery statements of the original author of the letter.
Please read on with an equally "open" mind. Be mindful that we will also accept the counter-statements of the other parties if they will request for it. Everyone deserves an opportunity to air out their concerns. We are glad to be instrumental to this effort to communicate.