Wazzup Pilipinas!
Now this is a topic that is least talked about even among families, friends or peers. You can easily count the ones that will be courageous enough to admit or reveal having difficulties keeping it "hard" and "long." Not too many will dare consult a doctor because that would seem to be so shameful and humiliating. I would probably just keep it to myself rather than announce to the world that I am suffering from premature ejaculation.
But wait! The problem is not solely limited to you. Your partner also deserves to be pleased with your sexual performance, and whether we like it or not, a sexual relationship is always part of the love life between couples. When one is not satisfied, then that may result to many lonely nights.
We do understand that love can go beyond the primal and basic instincts but a relationship is better when shared at its finest. Just like how an advertisement will ask "How much do you love your wife?" You'll do more than just take vitamins or food supplements to satisfy her sexual desires.
Menarini, the world's largest Italian biopharmaceutical company in the world, launches the "Commit to Control PE" advocacy to help couples overcome the problems of premature ejaculation by promoting awareness. The sexual dysfunction suffered by 1 out of 3 men should no longer be denied and kept in secrets because Menarini is here to help.