Love is wonderful, isn’t it? It is good to know that, there are many people who are very interested when it comes to love. When I was in my junior high school, we talked about the love stories of different gods and goddesses in the Greek mythology. In my senior high school, I also have learned different kinds of love stories in the ancient Greek mythology.
Let me give you some of the love stories I have learned:
The love story of Thisbe and Pyramus, their love is like to Romeo and Juliet but they are not totally the same. The story of Thisbe and Pyramus, they were neighbors but their parents forbid the love that connects them together. The parents of the two lovers don’t allow them to see each other. They communicate to each other by the hole in the wall that separates their houses. Though their parents were against to their love for each other it is not a hindrance for them. They always set a place to meet. In this story, I can say it’s not a happy ending because at the end they both die together. It’s love, right? That’s the power of LOVE!