Wazzup Pilipinas!
"What do you do if a famous blogger "spins" your blog post and passes it off as his/her own at his/her blog site? Do you call his/ her attention, do you let it pass, or do you call an all-out war?"
I was intrigued by a discussion seen at a thread looming at a certain Facebook bloggers group. The members were having quite a long discussion about a blogger that has allegedly spun an article of another blogger, and how the PR firm, after being notified, belittled the situation.
They go on talking about how article spinning is under the crime of plagiarism since the content or idea is the same as the original article.
But the real problem is on how to confront the blogger being accused of article spinning.
The discussion continues to become a very long thread. I actually stopped reading and it must have died down since I no longer see updates or new post form the thread. Here below are selected portions of the discussion with very minor revisions just to correct or improve the flow of the discussion.