Saturday, August 15, 2015

Shop Anything, Anytime, Anywhere with the Lazada Mobile App!

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Lazada, the Philippines’ One-Stop Shopping and Selling destination continues to keep its commitment of effortless shopping to Filipinos with the Lazada Mobile App. Now, Filipinos have access to more than half a million products right at their fingertips. Giving Filipinos the power to shop anything, anytime, anywhere through the Lazada Mobile App.

With the Lazada Mobile App, everyone can conveniently shop while on the go; packed with eye-catching visuals, intuitive user interface, and true-to-form images, you can never go wrong shopping through the Lazada Mobile App. Now you don’t need to rush to the mall or brave through the bad weather or heavy traffic as shopping through the Lazada Mobile App is easy as 1-2-3! Simply download the Lazada Mobile App for FREE on iOSAppStore and Google Play Store.

Packed with daily promos and jaw-dropping discounts, the Lazada Mobile App also hosts exclusive App-Only sales for premium tech and lifestyle brands. With the same robust functionality as its web interface, the Lazada Mobile App offers the ease and convenience of shopping for those Filipinos on-the-go.

And to make every Filipino’s effortless shopping risk-free, the Lazada Mobile App also offers cash-on-delivery payment. So aside from the ease of being able to shop on-the-go through the Lazada Mobile App, everyone can pay via cash when their orders arrive on their doorsteps.

No More Sirs and Ma'ams, We Are A Nation of Equals

Wazzup Pilipinas!

"Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, bless him, told us then we should rid ourselves of our colonial mentality of obeisance or servitude, or words to that effect, and address one another as Mr or Mrs. No more Sirs and Ma’ams. We are a nation of equals. No more kowtowing to the white men." - Rappler

I grew up thinking "Sir" and "Ma'am" were appropriate designations for people who are older or superior in position. But that thinking changed when I started working for the United Nations. Our Country Director, an American, arrived after a few weeks when all of us were already on board and working. The main office requirements were newly setup and almost complete, and we were all pioneers there working for the very first time with the new computers, while more equipment were just being ordered and regularly coming in from both local and international sources. Everything was new, top of the line and obviously expensive. We also had four other offices in different locations where our program operations is really implemented. I was in charge of ICT so I was very particular with the computers and all. I was tasked to plan, identify, purchase, install, maintain.,troubleshoot, etc., all ICT requirements of the offices.This required me to visit the other offices every now and then to setup their ICT infrastructure. Thus I was jumping on a plane almost every week.

I report directly to our Country Director so I frequently have to talk to her for many reasons. One time, after a few weeks of working with her, she finally had to say it, something that bothered her for the past weeks but she said she had to hold back as a sign of respect. She told me to just call her by first name after I've been calling her Ma'am for weeks, and explained to me that everyone in the office should be calling each other by their first name instead. She continues to say "We should treat each other as equals because we all have one common goal, and the designations are there to merely to describe our functions."

I told her that we usually say that to someone older than us. She said, "Now, you wouldn't want me to feel old every time you greet, right?"

Apparently, she had a point. 

Below are more sentiments of the public taken from the same thread where I got the statement above. I picked a few of those that I feel substantial enough to be shared. Let them help you decide if you'll feel the same towards using the "Sir" and "Ma'am" designation.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Amulets and Anting-Anting at Yuchengco Museum

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Before the arrival of Spanish colonizers to our shores, early Filipinos believed that wearing powerful, mystical amulets or talismans would protect them from harm or even give them special powers. Called agimat and anting-anting, these mysterious objects have survived for centuries, thanks to the later inclusion of Christian iconography. Shrouded in myth, meaning, and symbolism and long kept secret from the rest of society, the stories about agimat and anting-anting are revealed in a special exhibit at Yuchengco Museum entitled Pinoy Power Packs: Agimat, Anting-Anting , and the Stories They Tell, on view starting August 15.

Agimat and anting-anting illustrate our folk beliefs, spirituality, and view of the world: they are a fusion of a belief in nature and in a concept of God who is both animist and Christian. They can be seen as our way of seeking to approach God and hold the power of God within a medallion, handkerchief, or vest, creating a powerful divine connection that gives the wearer god-like qualities.

Pinoy Power Packs explores the animist symbols and icons found in agimat, from the all-encompassing Infinito Dios to the many forms the Infinito manifests. The exhibit also looks at how these iconsincorporate Christian imagery, such as the crucified Christ, the Virgin Mother, and the Santo Niño.

In addition, Pinoy Power Packs highlights our modern interest in our folk spirituality, as seen in nativist movements such as the Rizalistas and Lapiang Malaya (Freedom Society), and in films such as Nardong Putik. Visitors can watch videos of an artist shopping for agimat in the streets of Quiapo in Manila, or of a young healer and practitioner explaining the various motifs seen in agimat.

The AlDub Accidental Love Team Phenomenon of Eat Bulaga's Kalyeserye

Wazzup Pilipinas!

"The accidetal love team made up of TV personality Alden Richards and YouTube sensation Nicomaine Dei "Maine" Mendoza, widely known as "Yaya Dub" for her voice impersonations of local celebrities, has been trending lately pushing Richard's career into overdrive." - Philippine Daily Inquirer

That was one of the article in the front page of this morning's newspaper. The story was at the bottom page of the newspaper but had the iconic carabao mascot of PDI  saying something like " Ayayay! Ang Pogi! Na Coco - Loka naman!" in reference to a story angle about Alden Richards' visit to Lucena city where the Niyoyugan coconut festival beauty pageant was ongoing from August 10 to 19.

They also related the epic acceptance of the Lucena crowd, especially the young ladies, towards Alden Richard, as they scream, shrieked and some almost fainted after the young actor allowed everyone to get closer to him and even land some kisses.

It goes on to tell the story of the phenomenal and uncanny love team made possible by the Juan For All, All For One Kalye-serye segment at the GMA 7 noontime show Eat Bulaga which stars Wally Bayola, Jose Manalo and Paolo Ballesteros. Yaya Dub became famous for her impersonations of popular celebrities like Kris Aquino using the Dubsmash mobile app.

Apparently, the two have not even met in person yet but they have become an online sensation already because of how cute and different their romance is. This actually originated when Yaya Dub confessed that she has a crush on Alden Richards.

The two just celebrated their monthsary yesterday, August 13, and you might have guessed already how it was!

Condos Connected To MRT Train Stations Are More Expensive

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Choosing to live in an area that’s within striking distance of a train station is expensive, but how much more homebuyers are expected to pay is the more appropriate question.

Looking at the listed prices of condos close to MRT stations along EDSA, global property portal Lamudi Philippines ( found that an average condo located within 100 meters of an MRT station is at least Php16,645 more expensive per square meter than a similar, newly built condo situated more than 500 meters away. The price gap becomes even wider depending on the condo and its developer.

Lamudi picked two MRT stations (Boni and Magallanes) with a number of condo developments around them, and analyzed the price difference between the condos that are directly connected to the MRT station with similar ones that are situated more than 500 meters away. In addition, Lamudi chose only those condos with more than 15 for-sale properties listed in the platform.

In the case of Boni Station in Mandaluyong, there were two condo developments that are directly connected to the MRT station. If property buyers opt to choose any of these two properties, then they should pay Php31,572 and Php16,645 more per sqm compared to a similar, newly built condo in the same area but situated more than 500 meters away from the train station.

Soulmate-Searching Tips from the “Psychic Matchmaker”

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Finding true love isn’t easy. Despite the available means with today’s technology, many people still wonder if and when they’ll find their perfect match.

In her new Eve series, Psychic Matchmaker, Deborah Graham uses her special gift to help connect people psychically with their true soulmate. She has helped hundreds of people – both believers and skeptics - find the love of their lives and believe in love once more. While Deborah’s unconventional methods may not be for everyone, she has some tips that could make the soulmate-search much easier:

1. Acknowledge your positive and negative energy.

The “love myself first” movement has a point - finding true love involves more self-evaluation than simply finding a person that fits an ideal set of criteria. Knowing who you are – your strengths, weaknesses, faults, tendencies, your general well-being or energy as Deborah calls it, etc. – is one step ahead in finding someone who needs to get you. Moreover, know the difference of what you think you want and what is actually good for you. If you don’t know who you are and the things you need in life, then don’t bother finding someone to put up with your confused state of being at all.

2. Let go of your baggage.

Admit it. Everyone who might be looking for love must have had his or her piece when it comes to pain. Heartbreaks might not be in the same degree or intensity for everybody, but in order to find anyone at all, acknowledging this negative energy and then letting the baggage go is the best way to let someone in. Stop letting your tragic stories turn into issues that can prevent you from opening yourself up to another person.

A Never-Ending Cycle of Getting Even

Wazzup Pilipinas!

We keep complaining about the government cheating us out of our hard-earned money via the automatic tax deductions, E-VAT on consumer goods and services, implementing fees and strict guidelines on businesses, and other horrifying stories like the realities of corrupt politicians running away with our taxes using dummy programs, overpriced projects and ghost foundations, etc..

However, everyone else, may he be the small, big, average citizen to the multinationals or corporations, does the same ludicrous but serious offenses of going against the law or working around it by avoiding paying the right taxes or business fees, failing to follow basic traffic rules, polluting our air, rivers and streets (and our minds), false advertising of products and services (like the unlimited Internet by telcos) and a lot more absurdities that are circumvented by either connections, friends or relatives working for influential or authority figures, or powerful set of lawyers that can bend, delay or request for TROs, and plenty more magic tricks up our sleeves.

We keep on blaming the government when our next door neighbor is equally guilty of an offense but we accepted it as justifiable because we think the government doesn't deserve to "play" and "profit" with our taxes in the first place. So we commit our very own "cheats" in order to get even.

The world will continue to rot if we keep on thinking like this. It's a never-ending cycle of getting even, and all of us, and our children, will eventually suffer from the inequities we have brought upon ourselves.

It may be a bit frustrating when the world seems to be against you because you choose to be different. But it is a lot comforting knowing you can sleep soundly at night and that you fought for your personal beliefs.

It only takes one person to live a life that's just and fair, and hopefully the others will follow (even if it will take years and several lifetimes). I hope that person is you!

Public Opinions on Uber Versus LTFRB and DOTC

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Below are just some of the selected statements made by the public about the situation revolving around the legitimacy of UBER-type of services that have become so popular in the Philippines. Many are crying out loud why the government is trying to get rid of the new and innovative way of hailing public transport, while some understand why enforcing very strict guidelines is part of the standard regulations implemented for obedience of the law and security of the riding public. But still many are caught in-between since both parties do have certain agreeable and disagreeable points that we could all ponder.

I still believe this confusion and thoughts of conspiracy is all because of the failure for information dissemination and how some media release has tried to exaggerate the issue into just one perspective. I would have wanted to post everything said here but that will be too lengthy so I selected only a few which seems to say everything in balance.

"And now the truth comes out. No wonder the LTFRB and DOTC are so unreasonably hard on Uber. They are starting their own service called premium taxi, which is just another racket and another inept way of reinventing the wheel! What the hell?? This is appalling!!! And the only ones allowed to operate will be those who buy 20 brand new 2.0-litre cars at a time. Way to go, guys. Way to go...
P.S. No need to ask permission to share. We need all the help we can get because this needs national (if not international) attention." - James Deakin

"Isn't this the consultation for TNVs? It doesn't say that the government is engaging in this business, even so, I do not think the government can engage in business ventures when it is not in their mandate. I think you are all exaggerating." - Norman Culateros

"No, they may not directly engage in the business, but look at the requirements. Only someone with money can get into the business. Which means they have their hands in the pockets of operators. Also local poor Juan can no longer drive for Uber or GrabSedan kasi they can't afford the 20 car fleet and franchising fee. Sino talo dito? Consumer saka poor Juan." - Ethan Mallari

To be a Premium Taxi (TNV) driver/partner you need to be a part of a TNV (Uber, GrabTaxi, EasyTaxi, etc) Because you need to use their app to do it. Unless you develop your own app, that's the only time you can engage in this business. So a regular Juan can still drive, but with the assumption that they have to be part of Uber, GrabTaxi, etc. This call is not for individual drivers but for operators. Just like in any mode of transportation, you would need an operator, a franchise and of course the vehicle. So all your fears are uncalled for and maybe you should've asked first before you reacted violently." - Norman Cualteros

"They want to regulate the business to favour their own operators and drive legitimate, consumer friendly (and loved) services out so that they create a monopoly. No exaggeration here, bro. In fact, I'm surprised at how calm everyone is." - James Deakin

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Yahoo Launches Livetext in the Philippines

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Yahoo announced the global roll out of Livetext and is bringing this new way to communicate to the Philippines. Yahoo Livetext blends the immediacy and simplicity of texting with the expressiveness of video without the audio, and it is now available around the world in every major language.

Hundreds of millions of us are addicted to our phones, most of us (71%) even sleep with them; yet, the way we use these devices to communicate doesn’t fit seamlessly into our daily lives. While texting is quick and easy, you often miss the meaning of a message, have to explain your reaction (“LOL”), or wait hours before getting a response. And to actually talk on the phone, you not only have to be available, but you also have to be in a place where you can speak.

Connecting with your friends should be spontaneous, easy but also fleeting - just like a real-life conversation. Yahoo Livetext combines video to make your conversations more authentic, and text to bring you a quick and non-intrusive way to connect.

Teens with Mysterious Eye Powers Fight Evil in Newest Anime Series from Animax

Wazzup Pilipinas!

A 12-episode anime series, Mekakucity Actors is produced by Shaft in collaboration with Aniplex of America and 1st PLACE. Based on Jin’s Kagerou Project, the series is directed by Akiyuki Shinbo.

After living in solitude for years, a NEET named Shintaro is led back into the outside world by a mysterious female character who infiltrates his computer and causes a breakdown. Desperate to fix his beloved computer, he heads to a department store and in one fateful moment he is thrown into a life of action and crime-fighting adventure.

A group of criminals break in and hold shoppers hostage. Among the crowd happens to be a group of teenagers who call themselves “Mekakushi Dan” (or the Blindfold Gang). Wielding powers using their eyes, they are able to stop the criminals from carrying out their evil plans and force Shintaro to join them.

Witness how this young man adjusts and flourishes in his new life this August in Animax.

Mekakucity Actors premieres August 18 at 10pm, Mon – Tues, two episodes back to back, first and exclusively on Animax Asia.

Animax is seen on SKYCable Channel 46, Cignal Digital TV Channel 34 and Dream Channel 7.
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