Thursday, August 22, 2024

Where is Alice Guo and Whose Heads Will Roll?

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Former Mayor Alice Guo, who was identified as a Chinese national falsely claiming Filipino citizenship, has reportedly fled the Philippines despite being subject to a hold departure order (HDO). Guo's departure comes as she faces mounting legal challenges related to her alleged involvement in illegal Philippine Offshore Gaming Operations (POGOs).

The controversy surrounding Guo erupted when an investigation revealed that she had been misrepresenting herself as a Filipino citizen. Sources indicate that Guo, who served as mayor of Bamban from 2016 to 2022, may have used fraudulent documents to assume a position of power in local government. The discovery has led to widespread condemnation, with many questioning how such a significant breach of the law could have occurred without detection for years.

Adding to her legal woes, Guo has been implicated in a major POGO operation based in Tarlac. Authorities allege that she played a key role in facilitating the operations of these offshore gaming firms, which have been under scrutiny for involvement in illegal activities such as money laundering, human trafficking, and tax evasion.

In light of these allegations, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued an HDO against Guo to prevent her from leaving the country while investigations were ongoing. However, reports now confirm that she managed to leave the Philippines, raising concerns about the enforcement of such orders and the potential for political or bureaucratic lapses that may have enabled her escape.

The Bureau of Immigration (BI) is currently under fire for its failure to prevent Guo's departure, and an internal investigation has been launched to determine how she was able to evade the authorities. Speculation is rife that Guo's connections, both locally and internationally, may have facilitated her flight from justice.

Meanwhile, the government has intensified its crackdown on illegal POGO operations, with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. emphasizing the need for stricter regulation and enforcement to protect the country's sovereignty and uphold the rule of law. The case of Alice Guo is expected to serve as a litmus test for the government's commitment to these principles.

As the investigation continues, authorities are working with international counterparts to track down Guo and bring her back to face charges in the Philippines. The DOJ has expressed its determination to pursue all legal avenues to ensure that Guo is held accountable for her actions.

The unfolding scandal has also reignited discussions about the integrity of the country's immigration and citizenship processes, with lawmakers calling for comprehensive reforms to prevent similar incidents in the future.

NAIA airport rehabilitation comes additional fees for consumers

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

The Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) rehabilitation comes with additional fees for consumers. San Miguel Corporation (SMC) is taking over this September and it is time we are informed of these! Airfare might go up, as well as airport passenger fees. 

Proposed revision to MIAA Administrative Order: 

Passenger/Terminal Fee Increase: 
DOMESTIC - P200 to P390

“It is unacceptable that Filipinos using the airport will have to immediately pay higher fees even before seeing any improvement in the airport. Many Filipinos who use the airport are those who sacrifice to be away from their family to work abroad or [those] who were able to save a little to go on a short vacation to rest” 

“Now that the government has chosen a concessionaire from the private sector, why is the capital expenses needed to fix the airport going to be advanced by passengers?” 

The Naia upgrade project includes the rehabilitation of passenger terminals and airside facilities such as runway, aircraft parking area and airfield lighting, and the provision of facilities that will enable intermodal transfers at the terminal.

Kaya ba natin to? 

The rehabilitation of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) is a significant project that promises to improve the airport’s facilities and overall passenger experience. However, the involvement of San Miguel Corporation (SMC), set to take over in September, raises concerns among consumers due to the proposed additional fees.

Overview of Proposed Changes:

The Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) has proposed a revision to its Administrative Order, which would lead to an increase in passenger or terminal fees:Domestic Flights: Current fees of P200 are proposed to increase to P390.
International Flights: Current fees of P550 are proposed to rise to P950.

Consumer Concerns:

The primary concern is that these increased fees are set to be imposed on passengers immediately, even before any visible improvements to the airport infrastructure have been made. This has sparked criticism, especially given the socio-economic profile of many travelers:

OFWs and Budget Travelers: 

Many Filipinos using NAIA are overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) who endure long periods away from their families to work abroad. They view this fee increase as an additional burden. Similarly, local tourists who have saved up for a short vacation might feel the pinch of these higher costs.

Fairness of Cost Allocation: 

There is a growing sentiment that it is unfair for passengers to bear the brunt of the airport’s capital expenditures. The question being raised is why the financial burden of upgrading NAIA should be passed on to consumers rather than being absorbed by the concessionaire or through other funding mechanisms.

Scope of the NAIA Rehabilitation:

The upgrade project, which SMC will oversee, includes several key components aimed at modernizing NAIA:Passenger Terminals:

Rehabilitation efforts will focus on enhancing the existing passenger terminals to improve comfort and efficiency.

Airside Facilities: 

This involves the refurbishment of runways, aircraft parking areas, and the installation of upgraded airfield lighting, all of which are critical for the airport’s operations.

Intermodal Transfer Facilities: 

New facilities are planned to enable seamless intermodal transfers, allowing passengers to switch between different modes of transportation more easily.

The Public Debate:

As this project moves forward, the debate centers around whether these improvements justify the immediate financial impact on passengers. While the long-term benefits of a modernized airport are clear, the short-term burden on consumers raises important questions about the fairness and timing of these fee increases. The broader issue is whether the costs associated with national infrastructure projects should be passed on to consumers, especially in a country where many people are already financially stretched.

The public is now questioning if they are ready and able to absorb these new costs, especially without seeing immediate improvements in return. This situation calls for transparency from the government and SMC about the timeline for these enhancements and whether alternative funding options were considered.

When will fees apply?

Any budget alternatives?

Media and Information Literacy Education in the Philippines Classrooms


This is the first installment of the four-part series of Media and Information Literacy Education in the Philippine Classrooms. This article analyzes the integration of Media and Information Literacy (MIL) in the Philippine curriculum. It also focuses on the challenges, strategies, and successes in teaching the subject to senior high school students.

In Finland, its government integrated high-quality standards for Media and Information Literacy in order toaddress the Russian government's misinformation campaign. They acknowledge that the proliferation of fake news will always exist. They knew that they could not stop propaganda that sought to sow division. Hence, the way to resolve such issues is to develop critical thinking skills. After all, Finnish people will read that misinformation anyway. That is why this skill set is no longer a luxury, but a necessity.

This is the scenario that the Philippines wants to avoid. This is why MIL has been made a core part of its Senior High School curriculum. They knew that teaching the youth MIL headstart would prevent them from becoming misinformed adults in the future.

However, what does this mean for students and teachers, and what challenges lie ahead?

Impact of MIL on Students and Teachers

In the short term, the benefits will not be that obvious. However, in the long term, the students and the country as a whole will reap what they have sown. From the perspective of the students, they will have the necessary critical thinking skills to evaluate the correctness of information through cross-researching credible information sources. Moreover, critical thinking skills could be used in other facets of their lives like general life skills where using their common sense will be the norm.

In the grander scheme of things, this education they got from MIL instruction will prepare them for voting for the right candidate through the campaigns and biographies that they could get. They can also participate in national issues that the nation faces.

On the other hand, the benefit that the teacher will get from teaching Media and Information Literacy among students is that they could have a higher bargaining power to provide their schools with IT supplies and additional certifications that will upskill them. After all, they are the ones who will ensure the success of the said program.

However, it is all theoretical unless the government funds MIL education. The goal is to develop well – informed citizenry through critical thinking. This can only be achieved when there is the right accommodation of infrastructure, resource allocation, and policy interventions because implementing MIL is expensive and labor-intensive.

As mentioned in the last series, the Philippines has huge economic disparities wherein it presents a stark digital divide. It is always up to the government on how to tackle these issues.

Overcoming Hurdles in MIL Education

Like any new initiative, teaching MIL has its challenges. These include:

• Lack of Teacher Training: Teachers lack the confidence to teach this subject due to a lack of specialized training and resources. Understandably, they will face that difficulty since MIL education is just a new subject matter. To bridge this gap, the Department of Education (DepEd) partnered with NGOs to offer workshops and mentorship programs to teachers so that they could be proficient in teaching the subject.

• Curriculum Overload: The Philippine curriculum is stuffed with several subjects that it impossible to focus on MIL education. For this reason, some schools are creatively integrating MIL into existing subjects like English and Social Studies. This may seem an efficient way to teach MIL but to address this issue, the education department must decrease the subject loads of each student. After all, it is the improved skill sets of critical thinking, writing, and reading that matter, not the contents themselves since they may be obsolete in the future.

• Digital Divide: Limited access to technology in rural areas and poor communities remains a hurdle. Nevertheless, programs that opt for gadget distribution, and internet connectivity among far-flung places are the ones that level the playing field.

• Teacher Shortages: Sadly there are too many students in schools but not enough teachers who can educate. The lack of teachers, especially in remote areas, adds another layer of complexity. Some schools are addressing this by embedding MIL topics into other subjects, reducing the need for specialized teachers. However, the real kicker to solve this issue is to increase teacher’s pay so prospective teachers will be incentivized to teach.

Innovative Solutions for MIL in the Philippines

The government could adapt the following policy recommendation:

• Curriculum Upgrades: This does not mean adding subjects or making the courses more difficult than they are but adapting educational gold standards that aim to bolster education such as integrating critical thinking skills in classrooms rather than rote learning. This will complement MIL classes.

• Teacher Development: Investment allocation towards teacher training will empower educators to deliver high-quality MIL instruction. These include subsidies on gadgets and specialization towards MIL instruction.

• Bridging the Digital Divide: Efforts to expand digital infrastructure and provide students with the tools they needwill continue.

• Global Inspiration: The Philippines can draw inspiration from countries like Finland and Canada, which have successfully integrated MIL into their education systems.

Empowering the Next Generation

Teaching Media and Information Literacy is not just about preparing students against the tides of the digital world. It's about empowering students to become critical thinkers, responsible media consumers, and active participants in a global society. The journey is a long hurdle, but the commitment to MIL education in the Philippines is a testament to the nation's dedication to preparing its youth for the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.

Safeguarding Journeys: MPT South launches Bayani ng Kalsada Book 2

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Metro Pacific Tollways South (MPT South), a subsidiary of the Metro Pacific Tollways Corp. (MPTC), launched “Bayani Ka: Bayani ng Kalsada Book 2” at the National Library of the Philippines, an activity book aimed at inspiring children to become road safety champions in their communities. Packed with engaging stories, vibrant illustrations, and interactive content, the book is designed to teach young readers the importance of road safety in a way that is both entertaining and empowering. With road safety being a vital topic for young learners, the book is an excellent resource for schools to incorporate into their curriculum, helping students become more aware and responsible on the streets.

Arlette V. Capistrano, Vice President for Communication and Stakeholder Management of MPT South led the symbolic turnover of “Bayani Ka” activity books to the National Library of the Philippines. She was joined by MPTC Chief Corporate Governance and Risk Officer and Head of Sustainability, Atty. Cynthia Casino; as well as Dr. Angelito Umali, Health and Nutrition Officer and representative of the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). The books were received by Mr. Cesar Gilbert Q. Adriano, Director of the National Library of the Philippines (NLP), Mr. Eduardo B. Quiros, Assistant Director of the National Library of the Philippines, and representatives from different local libraries.

A total of 2,000 copies of Bayani Ka Book 2 will be donated by MPT South to different public libraries and partner institutions in Metro Manila and CALABARZON.

“MPT South conceptualized this campaign, “Bayani Ka: Bayani ng Kalsada Book 2,” to empower children with the knowledge and confidence they need to navigate the streets safely. By distributing this book to schools, we hope to instill lifelong habits of safety and responsibility in our youngest citizens,” said Arlette V. Capistrano, Vice President for Communication and Stakeholder Management of MPT South.

After receiving the “Bayani ng Kalsada” books from MPT South, Director Cesar Gilbert Q. Adriano stated that “This book will serve as a learning tool for teaching children about road safety, providing them with the essential knowledge to navigate the world safely. It empowers the young minds about the importance of knowing traffic rules and pedestrian safety, protecting them from any harm they may encounter on the road.”

MPT South, in its mission to lead in providing a safe and convenient mobility experience for all travellers, is dedicated to ensuring that expressway drivers are conscious of road safety, as well as the children of today as they go through the process of being their own “Bayani ng Kalsada” of tomorrow.

MPT South is a subsidiary of Metro Pacific Tollways Corporation (MPTC), the infrastructure arm of Metro Pacific Investments Corporation (MPIC). Aside from the CALAX and CAVITEX networks of toll roads, MPTC’s domestic portfolio includes concessions for the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX), the NLEX Connector Road, the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX), and the Cebu-Cordova Link Expressway (CCLEX) in Cebu. 

Pioneering Sustainability: UDC Taps UN-Awarded Scientist to Unveil First Net Zero Emission Roadmap for Dental Care

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Uy Dental Clinic (UDC) Group, under the visionary leadership of CEO and President Dr. Charlston Uy, is proud to announce a groundbreaking collaboration with world-renowned science diplomat and global leader Sci. Dpl. Glenn Banaguas. Together, they are set to make UDC the first dental group in Asia, and possibly the world, to create a comprehensive net zero emission roadmap for the dental industry.

Dr. Charlston Uy, a distinguished figure in dental healthcare, has always been at the forefront of innovation and excellence. Since founding UDC in 2010, Dr. Uy has expanded the clinic from a single establishment to 18 branches across Metro Manila, providing top-tier dental care to thousands of patients. His commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility has now led to this pioneering initiative.

Sci. Dpl. Glenn Banaguas, a UN Sasakawa Laureate and a leading expert in climate change, disaster risk reduction, and sustainability, brings his extensive experience and expertise to this collaboration. Known for his work with government agencies, local communities, and international partners, Banaguas will guide UDC in developing and implementing a net zero emission roadmap tailored specifically for the dental industry.

The key objectives of this roadmap include reducing the carbon footprint by implementing energy-efficient practices and renewable energy solutions across all UDC branches, adopting eco-friendly materials and reducing waste through innovative recycling and disposal methods, engaging the community by educating patients and the public about sustainable practices and the importance of reducing carbon emissions, and investing in cutting-edge technologies and practices that promote sustainability in dental care.

A comprehensive assessment will be conducted to estimate the current carbon footprint of all UDC branches. This assessment will provide a detailed understanding of the environmental impact of UDC’s operations and identify key areas for improvement. The findings will inform the development of targeted strategies to reduce emissions and enhance sustainability.

Dr. Charlston Uy expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, “At UDC, we believe that providing excellent dental care goes hand-in-hand with our responsibility to protect the environment. This collaboration with Sci. Dpl. Glenn Banaguas is a significant step towards a sustainable future for the dental industry. By integrating sustainable practices into our operations, we aim to not only reduce our carbon footprint but also inspire other dental and healthcare providers to follow suit. Our goal is to create a model that demonstrates how healthcare can be both high-quality and environmentally responsible.”

Sci. Dpl. Glenn Banaguas added, “I am honored to work with UDC on this pioneering initiative. Together, we can set a new standard for sustainability in healthcare, demonstrating that it is possible to achieve net zero emissions while maintaining the highest quality of care. This roadmap will serve as a blueprint for other industries, showing that environmental responsibility and business success can go hand in hand. Our collaboration is a testament to the power of innovative thinking and the importance of taking bold steps to address climate change. I look forward to seeing the positive impact this initiative will have on the dental industry and beyond.”

The roadmap will involve a multi-phase approach, starting with a comprehensive assessment of the current carbon footprint of all UDC branches. This will be followed by the implementation of energy-efficient technologies, such as solar panels and LED lighting, and the adoption of sustainable dental materials that are biodegradable and non-toxic. UDC will also introduce a robust waste management system to minimize waste and promote recycling.

In addition to these measures, UDC plans to engage with the local community through educational programs and workshops that highlight the importance of sustainability in healthcare. These initiatives will aim to raise awareness about the environmental impact of dental practices and encourage patients to adopt eco-friendly habits.

Furthermore, UDC will invest in research and development to explore innovative solutions that can further reduce the environmental impact of dental care. This includes the development of new dental materials that have a lower carbon footprint and the exploration of digital technologies that can streamline operations and reduce waste.

Dr. Charlston Uy emphasized the importance of collaboration in achieving these goals, stating, “We recognize that achieving net zero emissions is a complex challenge that requires the collective effort of our entire team, our patients, and our partners. By working together, we can create a sustainable future for the dental industry and set an example for other healthcare providers to follow.”

Sci. Dpl. Glenn Banaguas echoed this sentiment, adding, “The success of this initiative depends on the active participation and commitment of all stakeholders. We are excited to collaborate with UDC and leverage our expertise to develop a roadmap that not only addresses the environmental challenges facing the dental industry but also promotes a culture of sustainability and innovation.”

This initiative not only positions UDC as a leader in sustainable dental practices but also sets a precedent for the entire healthcare industry. By creating a net zero emission roadmap, UDC aims to inspire other dental and healthcare providers to follow suit, contributing to global efforts to combat climate change.

Photo caption: L-R: Dr. Charlston Uy and Sci. Dpl. Glenn Banaguas

Encouraging Filipino Students to Be Media and Information Literacy


This is the third installment of the four-part series of Media and Information Literacy Education in the Philippine Classrooms. In the Philippines' digital age, Media and Information Literacy (MIL) is key for students. MIL equips them to navigate the online world, critically assess information, and responsibly create media. However, MIL education faces challenges that need addressing.

Unequal Access: A Barrier to MIL

One major hurdle is unequal access to digital resources. Students in urban areas often have better technology and internet than those in rural and poorer regions. This gap stems from infrastructure limitations and socioeconomic factors. This leaves rural and poor students vulnerable to misinformation.

Resolving this issue requires a long-term approach and not just band-aid solutions. The government should ensure that households earn enough income to sustain their families. It is easy to recommend providing families with gadgets and what have you but the reality is that is not sustainable and the solution requires self-sufficiency for these families.

Will children have better equipment for their MIL education if families were to improve their income? It is not guaranteed but the chances this student might have that boost of support is higher.

Curriculum Gaps: Theory vs. Practice

The Philippine curriculum includes MIL, but there's a gap between theory and practice. Students learn the concepts but lack hands-on experience applying them in real situations.

So, what is the solution? To implement more project-based learning is needed to bridge this gap. Examples include writing blogspots, studying media consumption and media biases, and other internationally accepted standards of good quality MIL education.

This is a tough reform to push through because the educational system in the country prefers rote memorization. In this strategy, students are meant to regurgitate information that they absorb in their studies but not enough application to assess if they really learned something or not.

A major reform that the education department could do is train teachers to teach MIL subjects as a hybrid subjective-based type of learning and objective-type of learning. In this method, students can rote memorize the principles but they have to use inferences and draw conclusions from the materials they are about to use.

With this strategy, the gap between theory and practice could be bridged.

Diverse Perspectives: Beyond the Classroom

MIL education isn't just for schools. Parents, communities, government, and media professionals play a role.

Parents can reinforce MIL at home. These could allow children to use gadgets for reading credible news outlets or watching educational videos on YouTube. Basically, children drawn to screen time are frowned upon due to the fact that it may be deemed unproductive. Yet, the key is to ensure that their content is of good quality.

Policymakers and media can advocate for better MIL standards and create content promoting media literacy. In this modern world, government intervention and self-regulation of media companies are necessary to ensure that users become more critical and safe from misinformation that spreads on the platform. In a practical context, it is necessary to ensure that people discern facts from fake news because this shapes the policy options that guide political leaders.

MIL skills develop outside classrooms too. Community organizations and online platforms can host workshops and provide resources. Educational apps and websites offer interactive ways to hone critical media skills.

The Long-Term Impact of MIL

At present, the short-term value of MIL classes is to widen the worldview of students and enhance their critical thinking skills. However, there are more practical benefits in the long term that students could benefit from MIL:

• It shapes informed citizens who actively participate in society. This will prepare students to be better voters and safeguard their politicians. Why? They cannot be easily deceived by propaganda and they are empowered enough due to the knowledge that they have so they can put checks and balances on leaders who intend to abuse their powers.

• It prepares students for careers in a digital world. Technological advancements are already here. So, in order forstudents to exploit those opportunities, they must be proficient in navigating tools and information especially since they are free and accessible nowadays.

• Fosters responsible online behavior for overall well-being. Remember, you could be sued if you defame other people online. This is a sufficient warning to keep digital spaces clean.

Moving Forward with MIL in the Philippines

Progress has been made, but challenges persist. Collaboration between educators, parents, communities, and government is essential to bridge gaps and ensure equal access. By expanding MIL beyond classrooms and recognizing its long-term impact, we empower Filipino students to be critical thinkers and responsible digital citizens.

Helping the Frontliners: FBS, Akbayanihan Foundation help families in Taytay recover after typhoon Carina

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Weeks after the onslaught of Typhoon Carina, a humanitarian mission was conducted in Taytay, Rizal. This time, volunteers and barangay workers who assisted victims during the typhoon receive food packs to help them recover.

FBS, a global licensed broker, partnered with Akbayanihan Foundation to assist families of community volunteers and barangay workers in Brgy San Juan, Taytay, Rizal bounce back from the disaster.

The humanitarian mission gave out family-sized packages consisting of food packs, kilos of rice, and medicine for more than 250 families.

“No disaster can break the Taytayeño’s spirit. We are grateful to FBS and Akbayanihan Foundation for supporting families of Taytay, who despite adversity, continue to help each other,” Taytay City Councilor Tobit Cruz said.

“Ngayong araw, tulungan natin ang mga tumulong sa mga kababayan natin (This time, our community volunteers and their families deserve some help too),” Councilor Cruz said. “Our community volunteers and frontliners are key to building strong, resilient communities. Supporting them means supporting those who hold the fort in times of disasters”

“Akbayanihan Foundation aims to not just support affected communities after the storm, we support families and local governments to build back and recover better,” Acting Akbayanihan Foundation Executive Director Julianne Andrada said.
Suggested caption: In a humanitarian mission by Akbayanihan Foundation and FBS, frontliners and barangay workers in Brgy San Juan in Taytay receive food packs and other aid weeks after Typhoon Carina to help them with their recovery.

Bridging the Digital Divide Enhancing Media and Information Literacy


Wazzup Pilipinas!?

This is the last  installment of the State of the Media and Information Literacy in the Philippines series. This article explains how the digital divide in the Philippines, especially in rural areas, hampers Media and Information Literacy (MIL). It will discuss how unequal internet access and digital literacy disparities exacerbate this issue and the steps needed to bridge the gap.

As stated in the previous article, the income disparities of Filipino households also lead to a stark contrast of digital disparities. This divide does not only limit access to information but also hinders the development of critical MIL skills, essential for the utilization of today's media-rich environment. Below, we explore the factors contributing to this divide and how they impact MIL in the country.

Unequal Internet Access

In the Philippines, the disparity in internet access between urban and rural areas is a significant contributor to the digital divide. Urban centers boast more extensive internet infrastructure and connectivity. For example, Metro Manila enjoys the highest internet access rate at 32.3%. This reflects a concentrated investment in urban areas. In contrast, many rural regions struggle with limited or unreliable internet access which leaves large populations disconnected from the digital world.

Furthermore, income inequality exacerbates the digital divide. More affluent households are more likely to afford high-speed internet and modern digital devices. Meanwhile, poorer households face challenges in accessing even the most basic digital services.

Sadly, access to fixed broadband surged only among the wealthiest 40% of the population, while marginal improvements are seen among the poorest, illustrating the widening gap in digital access.

This stems from the inaccessibility and the expensive infrastructure set up in the Philippines. It is cheaper for internet companies to focus on urban areas rather than rural areas. In this case, the government should invest heavily in infrastructure in far-flung places to improve the said conditions

Negative Impacts on Education

The failure to resolve this digital infrastructure leads to the repercussions of this digital divide. It negatively impacts the educational sector. Students from rural and poor areas face significant barriers in adopting digital learning tools since they either cannot afford digital devices or internet connectivity is also inaccessible. These tools could have improved the ability of students to critically analyze media content and use information effectively. Without reliable internet, these students are often left out of online education opportunities.

A good example of said discrepancies was greatly seen during the COVID–19 pandemic. The more well-off students rely on online classes while the poorer students have to rely on paper modules to get by. The difference? The former gets proper instruction while the latter fends for himself.

Exacerbating MIL Disparities

If this trend continues, the digital divide will significantly restrict access to diverse sources of information. Students from poorer communities have limited access to the internet and they often rely on fewer and sometimes biased sources of information. This situation limits their ability to critically evaluate media content.

On the other hand, the disparities in internet access and digital literacy directly contribute to unequal educational outcomes. Wealthier students, with better access to digital tools and resources, are more likely to develop strong MIL skills. Unlike their economically challenged counterparts, they may fall behind. As a result, a perpetuates a cycle of inequality that affects their ability to engage critically with media and information.

If these groups have different sources of information, they may have polarized views on what is right and what is wrong since they cannot agree on the correctness of the facts they have learned.

Policy and Infrastructure: Bridging the Gap

To address these disparities, it requires a comprehensive approach. It starts with significant investments in digital infrastructure. The Philippine government must prioritize expanding broadband coverage to rural areas so that every Filipino has access to the Internet. Additionally, targeted educational policies that promote digital literacy across all regions are essential. This includes comprehensive teacher training programs that equip educators with the skills necessary to teach MIL effectively. The teachers should also be well compensated and well-subsidized for said digital technologies.

Meanwhile, community-based initiatives are also encouraged to step in to overcome cultural barriers. By engaging local communities and raising awareness about the importance of digital literacy, these programs can foster a more inclusive approach to technology adoption.


The digital divide in the Philippines presents a significant challenge to achieving widespread Media and Information Literacy (MIL), particularly in the rural and poor areas. Unequal access to the internet and varying levels of digital literacy exacerbate these disparities, impacting educational outcomes and limiting opportunities for critical engagement with media and information. Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach, including investments in digital infrastructure, targeted educational policies, and community engagement. Bridging this gap can ensure that the Philippines has equitable access to MIL resources, empowering all its citizens to thrive in the digital age.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

𝐏anawagan para sa mga Kalahok sa ika-2 Pandaigdigang Kumperensiya sa Nanganganib na Wika

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Inaanyayahan ng Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF) ang publiko na lumahok sa Ikalawang Pandaigdigang Kumperensiya sa Nanganganib na Wika (2nd International Conference on Language Endangerment) na may temang Pagbibigay-lakas sa mga Katutubong Mamamayan tungo sa Pagpapasigla ng mga Wika (Empowering Indigenous Peoples towards Revitalizing the Languages). Gaganapin ito sa 9-11 Oktubre 2024, 8:00nu–5:00nh sa Pamantasang Normal ng Pilipinas, Maynila.

Layunin ng Kumperensiya na mabigyang-lakas at kakayahan ang mga katutubong mamamayan o indigenous peoples (IP) sa pamamagitan ng kanilang pakikisangkot sa pagbuo ng mga patakaran, programa, at pananaliksik para sa pangangalaga ng kanilang wika.  Kinikilala ng ICLE 2024 ang angking kakayahan at kakanyahan ng mga IP sa pangangalaga ng kanilang sariling wika at kultura.  Sa International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL) 2022-2032 Global Action Plan (GAP), tinukoy ang mga IP bilang isa mga key targets na pangkat na mahalagang maisangkot sa mga gawaing pangwika.

Kabilang sa mga magiging plenaryong tagapanayam sina Dr. Anna Belew, Endangered Languages Project; Dr. Siripen Ungsitipoonporn, Mahidol University; Jesus Federico C. Hernandez, University of the Philippines; Dr.  John Amtalao, De La Salle University; Dr. Voltaire M. Villanueva, Philippine Normal University; Rande C. Bayate, SILDAP; Frederick Barcelo, Bugkalot Old Testament Translator; Dr. Felipe P. Jocano Jr, University of the Philippines; at Tagapangulong Arthur P. Casanova, Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino.

Bukás ang rehistrasyon sa publiko para sa isandaan at limampung (150) kalahok lamang.  Narito ang halaga ng rehistrasyon:

PHP1,500 – mga magbabasa ng papel-pananaliksik

PHP2,000 – di-gradwadong mag-aaral

PHP2,000 – Direktor ng mga KWF Sentro ng Wika at Kultura 

PHP2,400 – PWD/Senior Citizen

PHP2,500 – early bird rate

PHP3,000 – regular rate (local at foreigner)

Para sa detalye ng rehistrasyon at pagbabayad, i-click ang link na nasa ibaba,

Maaari ding i-fill-out ang form ng aplikasyon sa link na nasa ibaba, 

Mahigpit na ipinagbabawal ang walk-in at tanging rehistradong kalahok lang ang tatanggapin. Ang deadline ng pagbabayad ay hanggang sa 30 Setyembre 2024 lamang. Makukuha ang Opisyal na Resibo sa mismong araw ng Kumperensiya.

Para sa mga katanungan at iba pang detalye ay mangyaring makipag-ugnayan sa o numerong +63976-4820514.

Encouraging Teachers for Media and Information Literacy in the Philippines


In the second installment of the four-part series of Media and Information Literacy Education in the Philippine Classrooms. This article delves into how the Philippines is preparing teachers for Media and Information Literacy (MIL). This also tackles about current challenges, innovative training programs, and strategies to empower educators.

For nations to succeed in the global digital revolution, media and information literacy (MIL) is the educational bedrock that we need right now. The Philippines recognizes this opportunity. They integrated MIL education into its K-12 curriculum. However, in the previous article, we know for a fact that there is a digital divide and infrastructure issues to make MIL accessible.

In this article, we’ll dive into the human resource part of the equation – the teachers. The success of this initiative rests in their hands. Sadly, the government is not making enough effort to ensure that every teacher is well-equipped and well-prepared in the digital golden age.

In the following section, we will discuss the importance of teacher empowerment, and the solutions to make our teachers proficient in MIL.

The Need for Teacher Empowerment

It is the first step that the Philippines integrated MIL into its curriculum. Nonetheless, there are still significant gaps in teacher readiness. Many teachers feel ill-equipped to teach MIL effectively primarily due to insufficient training and resources.

We have to understand that MIL is a new subject that has been introduced to meet the demands of the digital world. Hence, the information is relatively new and not yet effectively democratized. This explains why teachers are ill-prepared. Aside from the content component problem, they also need to be trained on the execution component.

What exacerbates this problem is that they also lack the resources to avail technologies that will train them to be MIL proficient. It is not reasonable for them to shoulder all the burden of this initiative where in fact they are not being paid enough in their current role. It is clear that our educators need more support.

A Two-Pronged Approach to Teacher Training

To empower our teachers, we need a robust approach to their training. This means comprehensive initial preparation. This covers teaching them the basics of MIL and effective strategies. Furthermore, we must also provide ongoing professional development, keeping them up-to-date with the latest teaching methods and technology trends.

Continuous Learning for Educators

Think of it like a continuous learning journey for our teachers. Workshops, seminars, and peer learning groups can all help them hone their skills and stay ahead of the curve. This constant engagement ensures that oureducators remain confident and capable in this ever-changing digital landscape.

Understand that the digital landscape is also continuously evolving. Hence, there are new trends that teachers must learn in order to keep up. So, failure to finance their ongoing training for MIL will make Filipino students further left behind compared to their international counterparts who are investing in MIL.

In addition, teachers are the main actors in making the whole system effective. Contents of the MIL instruction could be obsolete down the line but the pattern recognition and the skills that these teachers will develop over time will not. So, we must invest in teacher education in MIL instruction.

Engaging Pedagogy for MIL

Effective MIL training isn't just about lectures. It's about fostering critical thinking and real-world problem-solving. We need to use a variety of teaching methods like inquiry-based learning, case studies, and even simulations. This makes MIL more engaging and relatable for students.

Now, this is a challenge for the whole educational system in the Philippines where rote memorization is the key component of instruction and assessment. For years, students have demanded to memorize rather than scrutinize the facts that they dealt with. For example, history lessons make you memorize dates and the persons involved. What they should be teaching is why the event took place, whether should it have taken place and what are wegoing to do to prevent it from happening again.

This should be the norm in teaching MIL. Students must be taught how to scrutinize the credibility and accuracy of the medium they are going to consume. Then, they must use critical thinking skills like inference and drawing conclusions based on their context and other perspective.

What we’re saying is the pedagogy for MIL should not be rote memorization but analytical thinking.

Investing in Teachers, Investing in the Future

The key message here is if we invest in our teachers, we invest in our students. They should be given support through comprehensive training and ongoing development. The end result is that the next generation has the critical thinking skills to withstand our complex media environment. The future of MIL education in the Philippines is bright, and it all starts with empowering our teachers.

BAN Toxics Calls On Shopee To Remove Mercury-Laced “Feique” Whitening Products From Its Platform, Uphold Ban

Wazxup Pilipinas!?

Toxic and pollution watchdog BAN Toxics today called on online shopping site Shopee to address the sale of Feique whitening products, which have been banned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) due to toxic mercury ingredients.

“We are dismayed that online shopping platforms, such as Shopee, allow sellers to advertise prohibited or banned skin-lightening products, exposing the public to health-damaging mercury,” said BAN Toxics Campaigner Thony Dizon. “This is a direct violation of the platforms’ policies and guidelines on prohibited and restricted products.”

In a recent online monitoring, BAN Toxics purchased and documented eight variants of Feique cosmetic products, namely Feique Cucumber Whitening & Freckle-Eliminating Cream, Feique Ginseng Whitening Freckle Day Cream and Night Cream, Feique Green Tea Whitening Nourishing Anti-Freckle Set, Feique Herbal Extract Whitening Freckle Removing Cream, Feique Lemon Whitening Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream Set, Feique Papaya Whitening & Freckle-Eliminating Set, Feique Rose Whitening Anti-Freckle Cream, and Feique Snail Liquid Whitening Anti-Freckle Set.

Using a portable Olympus Vanta C Series X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyzer, the samples were screened and tested positive for mercury concentrations ranging from 20 parts per million (ppm) to as high as 7,500 ppm—far exceeding the 1 ppm limit set by the country's regulatory agencies, the ASEAN Cosmetic Directive, and the Minamata Convention on Mercury, to which the Philippines is a party.

The FDA has warned the public against using “unauthorized” and “unnotified” cosmetic products containing toxic mercury, advising consumers not to purchase these violative items.

“Potential hazards may come from ingredients that are not allowed to be part of a cosmetic product or from the contamination of heavy metals. The use of substandard and possibly adulterated cosmetic products may result in adverse reactions including, but not limited to, skin irritation, itchiness, anaphylactic shock, and organ failure,” the FDA advisory states.

The China-made “Feique” skin whitening products were banned by the FDA in 2013, and an additional five products of the same brand, in June 2024.

“We are calling the attention of online shopping platforms to take preventive action and exercise ‘due diligence’ in removing or banning sellers that violate regulations on prohibited cosmetic products. Such measures are crucial for promoting a mercury-free shopping platform for consumers' health and safety,” Dizon said.

“Online businesses must adhere to the country’s laws and regulations, including safeguarding online consumers against health and safety risks, as outlined in Joint Administrative Order (JAO) No. 22-01 Series of 2022.”

BAN Toxics regularly conducts monitoring of both online and on-site markets to identify and warn the public about the sale of mercury-containing skin whitening products.

"To protect the public from the negative effects of hazardous chemicals in cosmetic products, it is high time for the government to implement robust compliance and enforcement strategies. This includes identifying importers, manufacturers, and other supply chains, particularly within e-commerce sites. Health agencies should also conduct nationwide awareness campaigns to inform consumers about the health and environmental effects of mercury," the group said.

“The government should put an end to the illegal trade of mercury-added skin-lightening cosmetics in both online and on-site markets. We urge our regulatory agencies: FDA, DTI, and the Bureau of Customs to crack down on smugglers of these prohibited and contraband products.”

BAN Toxics likewise asked the public to take caution when buying skin-lightening products, advising them to check for proper certifications and avoid products from unverified sources to protect their health and safety.

Mercury is cited by the World Health Organization as one of the top ten chemicals of major concern due to its adverse impacts on human health and the environment. The chemical is known to negatively affect the nervous, digestive, and immune systems.

Japan State Minister TSUGE Yoshifumi visits PHLPost Facility

Wazxup Pilipinas!?

Japan State Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Tsuge Yoshifumi, and former Postmaster at Nagoya Moritaka Post Office met with Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost) Chairman Stephen Cruz and Postmaster General/CEO Luis Carlos to discuss how Japan can help PHLPost improve its postal services through Digitalization and maintain its Universal Postal Obligation of delivering mails nationwide especially in far-flung areas.

Japan is keen on collaborating with PHLPost on projects that would comprehensively carry out a broad range of partnerships on modernization initiatives at the mail exchange centers and possible cooperation on banking services.

State Minister Tsuge and his party visited the postal operations particularly at the Central Mail Exchange Center (CMEC) in Pasay City.

State Minister Tsuge noted the importance of collaboration and building of diplomatic ties between Japan and the Philippines, and stated that the trust between the two countries postal agency’s has been fostered with the two-day mission of Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) and Japan Post together with the Embassy of Japan at the postal facilities of PHLPost last March 2024.

He expressed his confidence that cooperation in various areas will contribute to the further development of the postal services in terms of Digitalization and the growing friendship between Japan and the Philippines. This will enable PHLPost to improve and optimize its mail delivery to meet the growing demand especially in e-commerce.

Japan has one of the best postal services and infrastructure in the world. Japan Post is the only Asian country that is level 10 in the Integrated Index for Postal Development (2IPD) 2022 of the Universal Postal Union. Japan Post Co., Ltd., a member of the Japan Post Group and operates approximately 24,000 post offices nationwide, provides universal postal, banking and insurance service.

According to Postmaster General Carlos, “We are very much honored to be visited by the State Minister of Japan for Foreign Affairs. The collaboration being offered is a welcome initiative to PHLPost. Through strengthened partnership and good governance, PHLPost will embark on a journey towards transformation and growth, together with its dedicated postal employees, as the postal service will remain committed to delivering reliable and affordable postal services, embracing innovation, and fostering closer ties with its stakeholders”.

TopBreed signs sponsorship deal with UPMBT anew

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Universal Robina Corporation’s (URC) dog food brand TopBreed has stepped up anew to support the University of the Philippines Men’s Basketball Team (UPMBT) with a new partnership deal signed with university and team officials at the UP Executive House, August 21.

TopBreed of URC’s Agro-Industrial Group (URC-AIG) has been one of the Fighting Maroons’ sponsors since 2020. URC-AIG first partnered with the team in 2018 through its premium farm products unit, Robina Farms.

To formalize the renewed partnership for UAAP Season 87, URC-AIG managing director Vincent Henry Go officially signed the Memorandum of Agreement with URC-AIG Supply Chain Director Rafael Jose Ruiz, nowheretogobutUP chairman Jed Eva, and Coach Christian Luanzon representing head coach Goldwin Monteverde.

“Continuing our support for the UPMBT is a privilege for us because we believe in the same values—dedication, teamwork and excellence. The success and continuous growth of TopBreed is a testament to the Filipino’s world class talent, just like the UP Fighting Maroons,” shared Go, referring to the similar values of the UPMBT and TopBreed, now the leading Philippine-made dog food brand in the country.

“Over the years, we have seen the tenacity and “never say die” mentality of our athletes. We witnessed the cardiac games and those come-from-behind wins. We have the heart of a champion,” Go added. “Their path to success mirrors TopBreed's own dedication to product quality and great team work with all stakeholders.”

“We are really grateful for the generosity of Vincent Go and the rest of the URC-AIG family, who have been our partners since 2018 – from Robina Farms and now TopBreed,” UPMBT manager Atty. Agaton Uvero said. “TopBreed came in to support the team in October 2020, never mind that we were then still reeling from the pandemic and needed help the most. Since then, they have always been there for us.”

“We really appreciate how supportive Vincent, his family, and his entire organization have been. More than just the financial support, the moral support that they give the Fighting Maroons by being present in all of our games is priceless,” said UP OASD Director Bo Perasol.

TopBreed and the UPMBT are also partners beyond basketball.

“With this partnership, we are combining our love of basketball and our bond with our furry friends, creating a platform where fans can connect with the Fighting Maroons and their Top Game Buddies or their Most Valuable Pals (MVPs),” said Go. “At TopBreed, we are committed to helping both athletes and pet lovers as we continue to champion the spirit of teamwork on and off the court, celebrating our loyal pets as our number one supporters in the game of life.”

Announcement: MoU Signed Between Midori Climate Partner and MITSUSHO for Biochar Project Development in Malaysia


It has been announced that Midori Climate Partner has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with MITSUSHO to co-develop biochar carbon removal projects in Malaysia.

About the Partnership

This strategic partnership unites Midori Climate Partner, a Singapore-based leader in carbon credit development and ecosystem restoration, with MITSUSHO, a leading provider of GHG consultation and ESG services in Malaysia. The collaboration will provide comprehensive project structuring support to biomass suppliers—including food processing factories, forest management companies, and farmers' cooperatives—who will act as project owners.

Benefits for Project Owners

Project owners, who will supply biomass waste such as coconut shells, durian seeds, and wood chips, will benefit from several key advantages. The financial support from carbon credit sales enables the development of high-quality projects, providing opportunities to generate profits, supply biochar-based organic fertilizer to community farmers at affordable prices, implement advanced waste management through a circular economy model, and produce green energy.

Call for Biomass Suppliers

We are actively seeking biomass suppliers who can provide substantial quantities of biomass waste for our initiative. In Malaysia, we are particularly interested in coconut shells, fruit seeds, wood chips, and pulp sludge, though we are open to other suitable materials as well.

Contact Information

For more information and to explore partnership opportunities, please contact This collaboration represents a significant advancement in environmental sustainability and sustainable waste management in Malaysia.

About MITSUSHO Sdn. Bhd.

MITSUSHO is the first carbon desk in Malaysia offering full suites of decarbonization products and services such as:
(1) Corporate Training on Carbon Market and GHG Measurement
(2) Access to Malaysia and Global Environment Products
(3) Consultancy
(4)Access to Sustainable Agricultural products
Representatives: CHAI Yihn Chan, CEO

About Midori Climate Partner Pte. Ltd.

Midori Climate Partner is a carbon credit developer specializing in ecosystem restoration, with a focus on addressing climate change, food sustainability, soil degradation, and biodiversity. By offering both technical and financial support to drive impactful change and generate high-quality carbon credits,

We are actively structuring projects across Southeast Asia, including Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia. We seek collaboration partners interested in decarbonizing their assets and offer both technical and financial support to drive impactful change and generate high-quality carbon credits.

Representative: Ririko Takano, CEO


Address: 111 North Bridge Road #21-01 Peninsula Plaza 179098 Singapore

This Press Release has also been published on VRITIMES

The Philippine Media and Information Literacy Landscape: An Overview


This is the second installment of the State of the Media and Information Literacy in the Philippines series. This article explores the strengths and weaknesses of Media and Information Literacy (MIL) in the Philippines. It highlights the integration of MIL as a subject into the Senior High School curriculum and the challenges in implementation.

Start Them Young

The Philippines recognizes Media and Information Literacy (MIL) as crucial in developing an active and well-informed citizenry in the modern world. Hence, the Department of Education (DepED) integrated this into its Senior High School (SHS) curriculum.

As a good initiative, this article will examine the policies and the subject content. It will also disect the progress made and the challenges that remain.

The Evolution of MIL in the Philippines

Media and Information Literacy  in the Philippines is a response to both global trends and local needs for enhanced media literacy. With the advent of social media and the proliferation of fake news, the national adoption of MIL as a course demonstrates a commitment to equipping students with the critical skills needed to navigate the complex media landscape of the 21st century.

MIL in the SHS Curriculum

The inclusion of MIL as a core subject in the SHS curriculum is a significant step forward. It aims to guide students to become responsible media consumers and producers. This covers topics like media evolution, information literacy, media sources, and ethical media practices.

Key Components and Teacher Training

The said curriculum is comprehensive since it encompasses both traditional and digital media. To effectively deliver this curriculum, teacher training programs like the "Understanding and Utilizing Media in Teaching" seminar-workshops have been implemented.

However, challenges in teacher preparation and aligning training with curriculum requirements persist. These include the lack of relevant materials aligned with the curriculum and the lack of the competency of the teacher to teach the subjects and limited resources as well.

The Role of Teachers and Community Engagement

Despite the challenges teachers face in teaching MIL education to their students, they are willing to take the challenge because they recognize the importance of a well-informed citizenry in shaping the future of the Philippines. On the other hand, there are community engagement initiatives like the #FactsFirstPH of Rappler that plays a critical role in extending MIL education beyond formal settings. These programs promote critical thinking skills and digital hygiene to combating disinformation.

Localized Efforts and Strengths

There are localized efforts to widen the reach of MIL education in the country. An example would be the likes of those in Isla Culion in Palawan. This shows the strengths of the Philippine MIL landscape. First, the Philippines prioritized the inclusion of MIL in the national curriculum. Second, it is inclusive to all Filipinos especially in remote areas because these initiatives addressed such problems through community-based approaches by going to far-flung places.

Weaknesses and Challenges

Despite these strengths, weaknesses remain. These include the lack of teacher preparedness, limited resources, time constraints within the curriculum, and disparities in regional implementation. To address these disparities, the Philippine government must target efforts to ensure equitable access to resources and training across the country.

Moreover, MIL education is useless if there is no access to information among people in remote areas so it should be a priority of the government to make information as affordable and accessible as possible.

Impact on Students and Policy Recommendations

MIL education equips students with critical thinking, digital literacy, and responsible media consumption skills. These are essential to explore the media-saturated world. Hence, when these youth become eligible voters they can decipher the facts against propaganda among bad actors that aim to skew elections and tarnish public opinions on certain issues. This could make young students as informed citizens of the future.

With regards to policy recommendations, there should government support to ensure that the goals of MIL education are met. This includes funding, collaboration with NGO’s, and policy interventions.

The success of MIL in the Philippines depends on how the government address current weaknesses, the build up on existing strengths, and the continouous adaptability to meet the changing media landscape.

After all, the ultimate goal is to empower future generations with the skills to critically engage with media and information, ensuring a well-informed and discerning citizenry.


The Philippine MIL landscape has made remarkable progress, but there are still improvements to be done. Through strengthened teacher training, ensured resource availability, and proper curriculum implementation, the full potential of MIL education can be realized. This will benefit students across the nation and will foster a more media-literate society.

A Cornerstone: The Role of Media and Information Literacy


In the first installment of the State of the Media and Information Literacy in the Philippines series, discover how Media and Information Literacy (MIL) empowers citizens in a democracy, combating misinformation and fostering active participation in democratic processes.

Media and Information Literacy strengthens Democracy

Democracy relies on an informed and engaged citizenry. This makes or breaks a nation due to the policy choices of the said citizens. Media and Information Literacy (MIL) is crucial among voters. MIL is a skill that teaches individuals to filter out the vast information landscape. Such skill sets include the ability to discern facts from fiction, and the ability to make informed decisions that impact their lives and communities. 

Unfortunately, the modern digital society has enabled bad actors to spread misinformation that causes a rift among people. It is understood that a minority of people want to benefit from policy choices that might harm most people. This makes MIL more essential in shaping responsible citizens, protecting them from bad actors, and ensuring the integrity of democratic processes.

What is Media and Information Literacy (MIL)?

This encompasses the knowledge and skills needed to access, evaluate, and create information and media content effectively. It ensures that individuals make informed decisions, engage in critical thinking, and participate actively in society and democracy.

Why is MIL Important in a Democracy?

In democratic societies, citizens need to make decisions based on accurate information. Without this skill, people are vulnerable to misinformation. In effect, the actions caused by misinformation can distort democratic processes and erode public trust. Misinformation campaigns can lead to harmful outcomes, such as skewed elections and social divisions. For example, the United Kingdom had some remorse when the country left the European Union through Brexit. In the United States, people are more divided due to the polarization of their political climate.

These harmful effects are what MIL tries to prevent. So, to ensure that people are safe from harm due to the minimization of inaccurate information, MIL must be a bedrock of every decision-making process in our society.

How do we minimize misinformation? It is through determining that our information could be misleading and hold the government and businesses accountable for a more media and information-literate society.

The Challenges of Misinformation Across Democracies

The digital age has transformed how information is disseminated. Now, more people, especially the younger generations, consume information through social media than traditional news sources. Sadly, these pieces of information are sometimes not fact-checked. 

Most of the time, they are not even held accountable for spreading false information. 

As a result, the spread of misinformation increased rapidly posing significant threats to democracy. MIL aids individuals to critically evaluate pieces of information and to recognize media biases. As a result, this could lead to more balanced and informed opinions.

How MIL Fosters an Informed Citizenry?

The core of MIL is to develop critical thinking skills. This enables individuals to question the reliability of information and reduces the impact of misinformation. 

MIL also helps people to recognize media biases. This helps people to question their own beliefs and hold media companies accountable to demand better and more accurate information. 

Furthermore, this skill strengthens the democratic process because informed citizens are more likely to engage in discussions, vote responsibly, and advocate for transparency in governance.

The Impact of Misinformation in the Digital Age

Misinformation is the false or misleading pieces of information spread to other people. This can negatively skew public opinion and decision-making. For example, fake news and manipulated images can influence electoral outcomes to vote for a propaganda-reliant party. Furthermore, it can fuel social divisions because people cannot agree on facts. Moreover, undermines the trust in institutions. Lastly, it can incite violence and disrupt public order in extreme cases.

Preventing Misinformation Through MIL

The promotion of Media and Information Literacy is key to combat misinformation. It starts with educational institutions. They should develop critical thinking skills in their curricula to develop the ability of students to discern facts from fiction and acknowledge biases from the content they consume. Meanwhile, social media companies should be regulated. To accommodate MIL in their platforms for the benefit of their users, these companies should promote transparency, provide tools for users to report misinformation, and limit the spread of false content.

MIL as a Tool for Combating Misinformation

With the help of MIL, it equips individuals to identify credible sources, fact-check information, and share content responsibly. By fostering skepticism and critical thinking, this helps reduce the spread of misinformation which promotes a more informed and engaged citizenry.


In a digital world where misinformation proliferates, Media and Information Literacy is an indispensable tool to strengthen democracy. It empowers citizens to make informed decisions, hold leaders accountable, and participate actively in civic life. Prioritizing MIL initiatives is essential to allow a resilient democracy that can withstand the challenges of the digital age.

A Cornerstone: The Role of Media and Information Literacy

Wazzup Pilipinas!

The Department of Education (DepEd) and the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) have signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to implement the Teacher Effectiveness and Competencies Enhancement Project (TEACEP) which aims to enhance educational support for teachers.

Education Secretary Sonny Angara and Minister Mohagher M. Iqbal, head of the Ministry of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education (MBHTE) in BARMM, led the signing ceremony at the DepEd Central Office.

TEACEP, developed in collaboration with the World Bank, is designed to support DepEd’s initiative to improve the quality of education and equitable access to teaching from Kindergarten to Grade 6 through enhanced teacher professional development training.

The project focuses on boosting teacher effectiveness, particularly in literacy and numeracy, by providing in-service training for teachers. It also incorporates a coaching and instructional leadership model aimed at fostering professional growth among teachers and school leaders.

TEACEP is closely aligned with the Basic Education Development Plan 2030 (BEDP 2030) and the National Learning Recovery Program (NLRP), which address the educational challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Additionally, TEACEP will support BARMM’s contextualized education initiatives, such as the Bangsamoro Education Reform and Development Plan (BERDP) and the Bangsamoro Development Plan (BDP), with the goal of strengthening the region's capacity to deliver effective teaching and learning resources. The MOA outlines the three main components of the project: enhancing teaching practices for teachers and school leaders, providing adequate resources for effective teaching and learning, and establishing a robust framework for project management, monitoring, and evaluation.

As an initial step under Component 1, BARMM will identify public elementary school teachers (Kindergarten to Grade 6), school heads, Education Program Supervisors (EPS), and Public Schools District Supervisors (PSDS) who will participate in the training.

TEACEP will be funded through a loan agreement between the Government of the Philippines, represented by DepEd, and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).

Pilmico and Gold Coin Group Combine Strengths for Integrated Food and Agribusiness Powerhouse with Launch of Aboitiz Foods

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Aboitiz Foods is set to redefine food and agribusiness in Asia, operating across eight countries to nourish the future across the entire value chain.

Pilmico, one of the leading flour and feed manufacturers and meat producers in the Philippines, and Gold Coin Management Holdings Inc., a pioneer in animal nutrition and the manufacturing of scientifically balanced animal feed in Asia, proudly announce the launch of their unified corporate brand, Aboitiz Foods. This strategic move leverages the combined strengths of these industry leaders to create an integrated agribusiness and food ecosystem dedicated to nourishing Asia's future across the entire value chain.

Pilmico, with a rich history dating back to 1962, expanded from flour milling to become a pioneer in animal nutrition in the Philippines. Gold Coin, established in 1953, has grown into one of Asia's largest privately owned agribusinesses. While operating independently since Pilmico's acquisition of Gold Coin Management Holdings Ltd in 2018, the two companies now join forces under the Aboitiz Foods banner.

With combined expertise in trading, feed, specialty nutrition, and food production, Aboitiz Foods is strategically positioned to become a dominant force in the region. The company's 29 facilities span eight countries—the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and Brunei—allowing it to meet the diverse and evolving needs of customers and consumers across Asia.

"This significant milestone represents a new chapter in our journey to sustainably feed Asia’s growth from mill to meal," said Tristan Aboitiz, Aboitiz Foods President and CEO. “Building on the 100-year legacy of the Aboitiz Group, we are committed to optimizing all our processes and businesses, constantly improving as we integrate the value chain across Asia, for a more sustainable and food-secure future."

A Legacy of Nourishment, A Future of Shared Progress

Aboitiz Foods carries forward the Aboitiz Group's 100-long dedication to making a positive difference. It embodies the evolution of a legacy that has nourished communities for generations, leveraging sector expertise, world-class technology, and a culture of constant innovation to meet the dynamic demands of the food and agribusiness sector.

“As always, the Aboitiz Values of integrity, teamwork, innovation, and responsibility remain the cornerstones of our culture and the foundation for strong collaboration across our subsidiaries throughout Asia. By working together, let us make sure that we harness the strengths of each site, and each country and foster a powerful network that fuels innovation and delivers impactful results,” added Aboitiz.

This strategic integration translates into tangible benefits for Aboitiz Foods' customers. Combining the resources and expertise of Pilmico and Gold Coin, Aboitiz Foods ensures a consistent and dependable supply of high-quality agricultural and nutritional products, tailored to each customer's unique needs.

With the launch of Aboitiz Foods, employees are joining forces to build a more sustainable and integrated food value chain, ready to serve customers better than ever.

Integrating for Efficiency, Delivering Exceptional Value

For valued customers of Pilmico and Gold Coin, the transition will be seamless. Existing business operations and relationships remain uninterrupted while benefiting from enhanced efficiency and product quality.

Aboitiz Foods optimizes processes across the value chain to ensure maximum efficiency and consistent product quality. By leveraging combined sector expertise and capabilities, Aboitiz Foods delivers reliable, high-quality agricultural and nutritional products, utilizing world-class technology and a culture of constant innovation to meet evolving customer needs.

"Our journey is woven from the stories of over 3,700 partners," added Aboitiz. "We strive to work with our stakeholders for a better, more sustainable future, guided by the principles of efficiency, quality, and community service."

From flour to feeds, meats, and more, Aboitiz Foods offers a diverse range of products. It expanded into the retail market with pet food brands like "Maxime," "Tommy," and "Woofy," and its meat brand "The Good Meat," bringing its quality products closer to consumers.

Nourishing the Future, Together

Under the banner of "Together we nourish the future," Aboitiz Foods is poised to become a driving force for positive change in the industry. "Our brand promise, 'Together We Nourish the Future,' reflects our deep commitment to working collaboratively with our partners and customers to create a more sustainable and food-secure future for all,” Aboitiz emphasized.

This commitment is reinforced by Aboitiz Foods' dedication to promoting sustainable growth across our operations, investing in local communities, and fostering a culture of excellence, collaboration, and growth for all employees. "This is a time of transformation, growth, and opportunity,” concluded Aboitiz. “Each of us has a crucial role to play in shaping our future." 

The launch of Aboitiz Foods marks a significant milestone in the Asian food and agribusiness landscape. By integrating the value chain across Asia, optimizing processes, and continuously innovating, the integrated regional agribusiness and food company is set to redefine the industry, ensuring that its offerings meet the highest standards and the demands of evolving markets in the region. 

As Aboitiz Foods embarks on this exciting new chapter, it carries the legacy of two industry leaders and the promise of a more prosperous and food-secure tomorrow for Asia, one nourishing meal at a time. 

About Aboitiz Foods

ABOITIZ FOODS is an integrated regional food and agribusiness company driven by its massive transformative purpose, "Sustainably Feeding Asia's Growth from Mill to Meal." The company is committed to growing sustainably alongside Asia's evolving needs.

As one of Asia's largest privately-owned food and agribusiness companies, Aboitiz Foods operates across eight countries: the Philippines, Singapore, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Brunei. Through its subsidiaries, Pilmico and Gold Coin, Aboitiz Foods integrates the value chain, from trading, feeds, specialty nutrition, and food. By leveraging world-class technology and expertise, Aboitiz Foods delivers quality products and services to its customers.

In its journey moving forward, advancing business and communities is how the Aboitiz Group will drive change for a better world, with Aboitiz Foods upholding its promise: "Together we nourish the future."

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