Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Unfair Treatment of Street Dogs and Cats: A Call for Compassion and Change

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Our unfair treatment of street dogs, specifically the askals (Asobg Kalye) or aspins (Asong Pinoy), aside from street cats or pusakals (Pusang Kalye) or Puspins (Pusang Pinoy) compared to our treatment of dogs and cats with what we were made to believe as classy or high-end breeds mostly originating from other countries. Imagine every thorn piercing your throat with excruciating pain, but you endure swallowing it because you're hungry, and because others believe that fish bones are food for cats.

PSSSSSTTTTT! CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE AND TEACH THE NEW GENERATION THAT WILL BE BORN INTO THIS WORLD, That fish bones are never meant to be food for cats! You yourself wouldn’t eat fish bones because you know they hurt when they get stuck in your throat, yet you feed them to cats. Let’s not belittle them just because they’re stray cats by feeding them fish bones, rotten, or spoiled food. If someone fed you thorns or spoiled food, you’d probably refuse to eat it too. But they are forced to eat it out of sheer hunger, so let’s show them respect and compassion. CLEAN FOOD AND WATER ARE WHAT EVERY STRAY ANIMAL DESERVES. 

Imagine being so hungry that you are willing to swallow sharp thorns, feeling each one pierce your throat with unbearable pain, just for the sake of survival. For many stray animals, especially askals (asong kalye or native Filipino street dogs) and pusakals (pusang kalye or native Filipino street cats), this is not just a metaphor, but a harsh reality.

Street animals in the Philippines, particularly the native breeds like aspins (asong Pinoy) and puspins (pusang Pinoy), face a life filled with neglect, mistreatment, and prejudice. These animals, born on the streets and abandoned by society, are forced to fend for themselves amidst dangerous conditions. Their existence is a stark contrast to the pampered lives of so-called "classy" or "high-end" foreign breeds, which are often treated with far more care and love simply because of their pedigree.

This disparity in treatment reveals a deep-seated bias. The Western narrative that foreign breeds like Shih Tzus, Poodles, and Huskies are more desirable has seeped into Filipino culture, overshadowing the affection and care that our native animals deserve. But the truth is that all animals, regardless of their breed, deserve respect, love, and proper care.

A Change in Perspective: Respect for Aspins and Puspins

The street dog or cat, often dismissed as dirty, unworthy, or untrustworthy, is no less deserving of food, water, and shelter than any high-end breed. The treatment they receive is a reflection of how society views its weakest members. Askals and pusakals are often left to scavenge for scraps, consuming whatever rotten food or sharp fish bones they can find, simply because they have no other choice.

Think for a moment: would you eat fish bones, knowing they could get stuck in your throat and cause excruciating pain? No one would voluntarily choose that. Yet, people routinely feed fish bones to stray cats, assuming it’s suitable food. This is an act of ignorance that needs to be corrected.

Fish bones are not cat food. They can cause harm, just like spoiled or rotten leftovers. Feeding street animals such dangerous or unsanitary items only adds to their suffering. Strays, just like any other pets, deserve clean, safe food and fresh water. After all, hunger should not justify cruelty.

Teaching the Next Generation: A Culture of Compassion

To break this cycle of neglect and unfair treatment, we must start by changing how we view and treat native street animals. It’s essential to teach the new generation that all animals, whether they are pedigreed or strays, have the right to proper food, shelter, and care.

Every child born into this world should learn that animals, especially the most vulnerable ones on our streets, are living beings that deserve compassion. Respect should not be reserved only for "fancy" pets but extended to those struggling to survive in the most challenging conditions. Education plays a vital role in this. If we teach our children to be kind and empathetic toward aspins and puspins, we can slowly dismantle the biases that exist in our society.

How Can We Help Stray Animals?

Helping street animals doesn't require grand gestures. Small, consistent acts of kindness can make a huge difference in their lives. Here’s how you can help:

Provide Clean Food and Water: Whether it’s a stray dog wandering your street or a cat hiding under a parked car, clean food and water can be a lifeline. Avoid giving them harmful items like fish bones or spoiled food. Cooked rice mixed with bits of chicken or fish, and clean water, is a much better option.

Volunteer at Animal Shelters: Shelters are often overcrowded and underfunded. Volunteering your time, resources, or donations can help provide these animals with the care they desperately need.

Adopt, Don’t Shop: Instead of purchasing expensive foreign breeds, consider adopting a stray. Aspins and puspins can be just as loving, loyal, and wonderful companions as any other breed.

Spay and Neuter: One of the reasons there are so many strays is uncontrolled breeding. By advocating for and supporting spay and neuter programs, we can help reduce the stray population in a humane and effective way.

Report Animal Abuse: Strays are often victims of abuse and neglect. If you witness animal cruelty, report it to local authorities or animal welfare organizations. Speaking out can save lives.

What’s the Best Food for Cats?

Whether a cat is a stray or a pet, its dietary needs remain the same. The best food for cats should be high in protein and include nutrients like taurine, which is essential for their health. Wet cat food or home-cooked meals consisting of boiled chicken, fish (without bones), or beef mixed with rice or vegetables can be nutritious options. Always avoid giving cats human junk food, bones, or anything toxic like chocolate, onions, or garlic.

In conclusion, let’s break the bias against our native street animals. Aspins and puspins, with their resilience and survival instincts, deserve as much love and care as any other breed. Changing our perspective means changing their lives for the better. With compassion, understanding, and the willingness to act, we can create a future where no animal has to suffer from neglect or hunger.

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