Friday, September 27, 2024

We Must Not Confuse Resilience with Tolerating Abuse

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

A wise person once said that abuse persists because some people allow themselves to be mistreated. Those who are taken advantage of and undervalued often accept being diminished, enabling the cycle to continue.

Take, for instance, our experiences with overloaded public transportation—buses, jeepneys, tricycles, etc. We shouldn’t tolerate drivers or conductors who prioritize profit over passenger safety and comfort. By accepting overcrowding, we empower these individuals to continue disregarding safety standards. Let’s stop riding vehicles where passengers are forced to stand in aisles or cram into spaces, causing discomfort and inconvenience to others.

Modernizing public transportation shouldn’t be limited to upgrading vehicles. We need to reform the behavior of drivers and operators who exploit passengers. Discipline and fairness must be part of this transformation.

Similarly, we should reject overpriced products, particularly in fast-food chains. By refusing to support greedy businesses, we send a clear message that we won’t tolerate exploitation in any form.

True resilience isn’t about enduring abuse; it's about standing up against it. Let’s demand better—not just from our transportation system but from all sectors that seek to take advantage of us.

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