Tuesday, July 23, 2024

100K Challenge to Create Climate Change Campaign Videos

Wazzup Pilipinas!?


Let's strengthen the quality of actionable climate information on social media platforms—and consequently, deepen public engagement with local, national and regional climate issues. We aim to do so by strengthening the climate knowledge and resources of social media content producers.

The goal of this initiative is to raise public awareness and understanding about climate change-related information and motivate action by improving the quality and quantity of climate and environmental content disseminated on social media.

There are two intermediate objectives associated with the goal:

To increase social media content producers’ knowledge of climate change and their access to credible climate-related data sources and thematic expertise.

And to strengthen the capacity and resources of social media content producers to create engaging climate change information in short-form video content format for social media.

In the past two decades, the shift from traditional to digital media has transformed how news and information are disseminated, accessed and experienced. Recently, new challenges in the information space have emerged: people are increasingly getting news and information from social media amidst growing distrust in mainstream news media and the proliferation of smart phones and applications; climate/environmental news avoidance is growing; and mis/disinformation on climate change and other environmental themes is widespread. These challenges are particularly salient to Asia, which currently accounts for 60% of the world’s social media users.

Information consumers, particularly young people, are turning to social media content producers for information they trust, as they are seen as authentic and relatable information sources. 

As this policy brief notes, social media influencers can shape political decisions, engage their followers on civic issues and motivate action. On the other hand, under pressure from platform algorithms to produce frequent and "clickbaity" content, and often ill-equipped with factchecking skills—particularly relevant when discussing science-based issues such as climate impacts and solutions—they are both vulnerable to and can also be disseminators of mis- and disinformation when engaging with their followers.


Relevance: Does the pitch meet the criteria and objectives of the call? Is the main idea, context and overall value to the target audience clearly defined?

Angle: Do your ideas for content bring new insights or offer a fresh angle on climate resilience in the Philippines?

Impact: Does the pitch seem compelling? Is it likely to inform and engage, draw attention, trigger debate and urge action?

Innovative storytelling: The use of creative video editing approaches, narrative styles and/or data will be considered a plus. 

Reach out to us to know more...

About "" is the fastest growing and most awarded blog and social media community that has transcended beyond online media. It has successfully collaborated with all forms of media namely print, radio and television making it the most diverse multimedia organization. The numerous collaborations with hundreds of brands and organizations as online media partner and brand ambassador makes a truly successful advocate of everything about the Philippines, and even more since its support extends further to even international organizations including startups and SMEs that have made our country their second home.

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