Wazzup Pilipinas
Dear National and Local Leaders,
You exempt subdivision dwellers from food or financial assistance. You assume that they are better off, all of them---as if all subdivisions are created equal, as if all homeowners have the same resources.
It is often said, that if you need to win an election, you need to convince the middle class, that sector of society who are adequately informed, have a certain degree of formal or informal education, a class of people who earns their right to enjoy what they have due to diligence and hardwork. Majority of subd dwellers are middle class citizens armed with the tools to make better choices come next elections.
Most subdivision dwellers are madiskarte. These are children of well-meaning and hardworking Filipino parents, who, because they want to support their families, as soon as they had the opportunity, secured a housing loan or even a car loan to provide comfort to their families. After all bills are paid, if it is enough, they send remittances through Palawan or other money tranfer institutions to support their parents or siblings.
They look more decent than the tambays in the slums because they try hard to make a better life, so aside from working as professionals during weekdays, when their helpers are on day off, they continue their grind at night or weekends selling siomai, household products, food for delivery, and many other products.
Whether they are employed or self employed they pay their monthly, quarterly, and yearly taxes, in addition to real estate taxes and all other taxes of their purchases.
Let us say, a subd. dweller is employed and gets taxed for at least 600 monthly, or let us say he is a self employed seller, he pays around 4000 yearly for his business renewal, has to pay community tax in the barangay, how is it difficult to not remember them in your five kilos of rice, 3 packs of noodles, 6 cans of sardines? Is that how the state now regards the majority of people who comprise the backbone of our economy?
We do not loathe that you always help the needy, the marginalized, but to tell you honestly, majority of those who remain that way is because, COVID or not, they have too much idle time on their hands. Instead of sweating it out making ends meet for their children, it is a common sight to see them engage in unproductive activities. While they do not contribute much for their own well being, anak pa ng anak, they also do not contribute to the republic, the society in general. Contrast that to a "trying hard" subdivision dweller, OCWs who do side "rackets," teachers, engineers, or nurses, who have to sell real estate and anything and everything under the sun to make their families' and Philippines' economy afloat.
When subdivision dwellers need money, the government offers them a loan, but when ousiders need help, they get 4Ps, financial assistance, libreng pagamot, libreng tuli, libreng vaccine, libreng condom, libreng bunot, libreng xray, but when your diligent subdivision dwellers na mukhang di naghihirap needs help, you offer them a loan, with interest, with penalties if not paid on time.
May kasabihan tayo na wag mong lalatiguhin ang kalabaw na humihila sa iyong araro. The proverbial kalabaw is the subdivision dwellers of our modern society. Kalabaw 1.0 version 2020.
So please, the next time you make a pronouncement that 200 Billion is set to be distributed by kapitans, DOLE, DSWD, and DILG, remember the kalabaws of modern society. Remember, this decent looking kalabaws can and will make or break your aspirations.for reelection.
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