Wazzup Pilipinas!
Are you in a business of dealing with mobile apps? Whether a developer or marketer, you know a treasure-filled revenue comes with mobile apps every year.
It is needless to say that the internet has brought mobile apps in our everyday lives. There was a time when the internet was an alien concept.
However, Technology is now in the blood and brains of the humankind. Among all, the tits and bits of technology, there is nothing as quick and comfortable as mobile apps.
The world recognizes revenue of 205.4 billion U.S dollars in 2018 and predicts to reach 258.2 billion U.S dollars by 2020, says a report by
The idea of mobile app development is a backbone to a plethora of day-to-day elements of life. If we begin to track the activities from the time you wake up, they don’t seem to end even after you go back to sleep at the end of the day.
The Millennial Theory of Mobile Apps
But wait, why are on the subject of humans and mobile app relation? The reason is quite fair, to know why does the world need mobile app trends every year. (Even a minute moderation works fine).
Users of mobile apps remain loyal to you only when they see a benefit in its technology. Otherwise, the app is just another waste of mobile storage and within no time, such apps will be seen in the dumpster.
As competition scales with each passing day, smartphones have become less about making phone calls. Millennials are likely to chat, surf, video call, Snapchat, or Instagram.
The above list displays various sets of mobile apps, which shows the inclination of young minds in an App-driven world. So, in mobile app development youths can bring the rarest gem of trends.
Let us define those gems to grab a few in your pocket and spend them on creating your masterpiece application.

On-Demand Apps
As kids, we used to wish for things to pop-up in front of us the moment we called out the name. Back in the time, little did we know this dream was going to turn to reality.
Among the rest of the trends in mobile app development, we have on-demand apps. A set of technology that serves the product or service in a very short time of ordering.
Some of the live examples of apps are food, transportation, healthcare, delivery, beauty, and the travel industry. Apps that you might be familiar with are; Uber, Soothe, Medicast, Foodpanda, Zomato, etc.
Biometrics: Changing Human Interface
Human verification has become the need of the hour. While biometrics has been the charm of banking and other security concerned industries, it came as a star player in mobile apps a bit later.
Fingerprints, voice recognition, and facial recognition are all part of biometrics verification. They are more prominently found in bank apps and the apps involved in the payment process.
As part of the recent technological development, the OS features of smartphones are also catering fingerprints system and facial recognition.
Let’s make the authentication of crucial apps more secure and reduce the efforts vested in typing security passwords.

AR and VR: A Revolution in the forms of Reality
People believe in the reality that we want to show them. Just before the advent of e-commerce, the reality seemed to be limited in the areas of a physical shop.
But not anymore, the time has come when people come face-to-face with augmented and virtual reality — the two forms of technology that can ve experienced sitting on a Sofa in your house.
Social media apps have already engaged the youth by offering different facial features. All the fun set aside, the business organizations are also building their pioneer on AR and VR.
Fashion designers can charm the audience with the latest trends, not only to see but also try on in virtual reality. Similarly, e-commerce apps also need to sink in VR and offer customers to try on products.
The world sides with Artificial Intelligence
As humankind was not able to reach everywhere, the patrons of technology invented artificial intelligence. Ever since innovation, customers have discovered a better way to communicate with mobile apps.
Discussing the smart assistants of AI, customers interact with virtual assistants like Siri, Cortana, and Google Assistant.
Naming a few other industries, AI has merged with healthcare and manufacturing sectors to step into the future trends of the app, already.
Needless to say, the AR and VR technology are the shine and dime of AI. So, all the benefits coming from 2 forms of reality are part of Artificial intelligence.

Wearables Apps: The Smart Accessories
We were not kidding about the use of mobile phones in day-to-day life. In the past few years, it has been proved that techs can fit anywhere and everywhere.
Smartwatches are among the trending wearables that connect well with fitness and healthcare apps. Thus, while taking a walk in the park, you don’t need to measure your steps anymore, let the smartwatch do the talking.
Smart headsets are also a thing, which allows a wireless setup for experiencing the joy of listening to music and watching videos.
Security is Inevitable
What’s the use of all the tech-driven and high featured apps, when security does not take a step into technology?
The industries are cultivating mobile apps, keeping security as the utmost priority. As a result, encrypted messages, data protection, user privacy are all part of mobile apps.
Moreover, mobile app development companies are also walking on the line of app permissions. With access to only the mandatory data, mobile security seems to have potential growth in 2019 and beyond.
Cloud Storage: A Penetration in Mobile Apps
Mobile apps that stored every piece of data in the storage space of smartphones have been ousted from the race.
No more giving up the field of storage to big apps, as it’s time cloud storage took the burden of all the data. Applications like Dropbox, Evernote, Google notes are all designed for cloud storage.
In a world where people have all such apps, accessing personal and professional data becomes easy and indifferent to time and place.
Into the Future of Mobile Apps……..
The wings of technology will not stop at these trends. Half of 2019 is waiting ahead, you never know which mobile app future trends unleash in remaining months.
Author Bio:
Harshal Shah is the CEO of MyAppGurus – Mobile app development company. He is an avid learner of breakthrough mobile technologies. In fact, it was due to his passion towards mobile technology that led to the inception of this company. He believes in building innovative mobile applications using different types of platforms like Android, iOS, and Windo