Sunday, December 31, 2017

No-Bake Lasagna Recipe for New Year Media Noche

Wazzup Pilipinas!

The No-Bake Lasagna recipe I got from the Internet requires Parmesan, Mozzarella and Quickmelt grated cheeses, plus evaporated and powder milk, also all-purpose cream, flour, cornstarch, butter,.... then tomato sauce and paste for the ground beef added with onion, garlic, basil leaves, pepper, powder, salt, soy sauce, sugar... ..and of course, the lasagna pasta.



500 Grams Lasagna Pasta
1 Kilo Ground Beef
1 Kilo Hunt's Tomato Sauce Basil and Cheese Variant
3 Tbsp Tomato Paste (this will make sauce thick in texture)
1 Cup Finely Chopped White Onion
1 Head Garlic Finely Chopped
Pepper Powder
4 tbsp Soy Sauce
1 tbsp Sugar
Dried Basil Leaves
1 Can Nestle All Purpose Cream
3 Tbsp Cornstarch dissolved in 3 tbsp water
Grated Mozzarella Cheese
Grated Parmesan Cheese
2 Grated Box Quick Melt Cheese

Bechamel Sauce Ingredients:
Unsalted Butter
6 Spoon Flour
1 Cup milk - any powdered milk will do, dissolved in warm water. Powdered milk is rich in fat. The fat in this milk will help the sauce become thick
1 Large Evaporated Milk
1 Cup grated cheese

Bechamel Sauce:

This is the thick white sauce used for layering. In french cooking they call it roux. In Greenwich (fast food chain in Philippines) you can also see it on top of their Lasagna.

In very low heat, melt about 1/4 sliced of butter. Make sure not to burn it. It should look golden yellow. Once butter is in little bubbles mix flour, whisk it using fork, until it becomes egg like lump and paste like.

In low heat, slowly add full cream milk. Mix it thoroughly until it becomes consistently smooth that when you spoon it, the thickness will cover the spoon. Mix and cook around 2 minutes then slowly mix in evaporated milk until very smooth in texture.

Cool and set it aside for later use. This sauce will be use for bottom and top layer.

Lasagna Pasta:

Cook it for 13 minutes in boiling water with salt and 1 tbsp oil, cover and simmer. Make sure to mix it from time to time to avoid pasta from sticking on the pan. But be careful not to chip the lasagna.

Once cooked, drain and set aside.


It makes Lasagna stick to all other ingredients without the need to bake it. Just the sticky sauce, Cheeses and Bechamel Sauce. No need for baking.

Saute Garlic until light brown, followed by Onion until translucent.

Add in Ground Beef, salt pepper, soy sauce and basil.

Pour in Tomato Sauce and simmer for few minutes and mixing it to avoid sticking from the pan.

Add in Tomato paste and diluted Cornstarch, Nestle All Purpose Cream.

Add in sugar and salt to adjust taste.
Simmer and mix for 2-3 minutes

Sprinkle Grated Mozzarella Cheese
Once Mozzarella is melted. We're ready to layer it in the pan!

How to Layer:

Spread Bechamel Sauce (bottom)
Combined Lasagna Pasta and Beef Sauce (2nd layer)
Bechamel Sauce (3rd layer)
Quickmelt cheese (4th layer)
Parmesan cheese

Cooking tips: Use more mozzarella to make every lasagna slice more cheesier as presented in the photo.

Ready to serve. Enjoy!!!

I will be cooking it tomorrow late afternoon so it will be ready for dinner.

Did I miss any ingredient? Is my cooking procedure correct?

Aside from this yummy foods you may also try Lectin free protein bars, see the usual paradox recipes and lectin free foods for your diet.


I made a booboo on the lasagna pasta because they got stuck to each other during boiling... So the supposed to be rectangular pasta sheets got all shredded into pieces. Lol!

But the end result of the no-bake lasagna was more than OK since my kids said it was delicious thanks to all yummy ingredients that are included in the bechamel sauce, the lasagna sauce, plus all that grated cheese on top.

In the end, it's still the taste that will tell if your dish will sell or not. The looks or presentation could add to the appetite, but it will immediately be excused and forgotten after the first bite.

The tray was half-done during dinner, and it's still 3 hours before New Year Media Noche. They just couldn't wait to try it, repeatedly.

Maybe next year I will be able to perfect it, or try something else more challenging...hehehe :)

#WazzupPilipinas #PambansangBlogger #NoBakeLasagna #Lasagna #Foodies #Food #NewYear #MediaNoche

Lamudi Conference Features Discussion on Affordable Housing

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Pioneering event by global property website Lamudi features solutions to the country’s widening housing backlog

Increasing the government’s available funds for financing the low-cost housing segment was one of the ways to meet the housing backlog that Atty. Christopher Ryan Tan, former president of the Organization of Socialized Housing Developers of the Philippines (OSHDP) and CEO of housing developer Hausland Development Corporation, gave at The Outlook by Lamudi.

The Outlook by Lamudi: The First Event of Its Kind in the Philippines

The Outlook was the launch of global property platform Lamudi’s comprehensive report on the country’s real estate industry, which involved a nationwide survey of 10,000 Filipino property seekers from across the country to complete. This event coincided with a coming-together of the industry’s thought leaders.

Held at the Marquis Events Place in Bonifacio Global City (BGC) on November 29, the event brought together top-level industry representatives, including real estate players specializing in mixed-use or township developments, leaders of organizations advocating more cohesive, comprehensive and affordable housing programs, and key officials from the public sector, to discuss what’s next for the industry, backed by real consumer data gathered by Lamudi. Among the topics discussed were trends in mixed-use developments, the evolution of residential condominiums across the country, the details that go into building new cities, provincial expansion and its significance, the importance of building green and the housing backlog.

The Housing Backlog: A Closer Look

Citing a government study, Atty. Tan noted that the country’s housing deficit is estimated to reach a staggering 7.67 million by 2022. “In other words, in the eyes of the government, that’s how many households would direly need housing provision or housing units. And that is a huge number,” he said.

Given the government’s peg of the housing shortfall, Atty. Tan is aware of the daunting task ahead both for the private and the public sectors, especially since according to him, there’s only an actual production of less than 200,000 housing units annually for the past five years. “It’s somewhere between 168,000 and 190,000 a year,” he approximated, “so when you do the math, considering that population grows, it seems that you would not be able to catch up. So that’s really a huge problem.”

The battle, however, is not yet lost, assured Tan. “That’s the challenge now: How really to meet the housing need, and to be able to do that, you need to produce on the lower end.”

Homes not valued more than Php3 million are classified as affordable housing in the country. Government agency Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) outlined the bracketing for the low-income segment based on price range and ceiling. In its categorization, units sold for more than Php1.7 million but not exceeding Php3 million are considered low-cost housing. Those that sell for Php450,000 up to Php1.7 million are classified as economic housing, while homes under the socialized housing group are those with a selling price below Php450,000.

Together, these three groups comprise the low-income market, which, according to Atty. Tan, eats up the lion’s share of the country’s residential market in terms of production.

“That is the majority in terms of the number of units,” he explained, “but when you look at it in terms of the value or in terms of prices, it’s the reverse. You would find that the much expensive housing units, in terms of value, when you convert the total amount of loans generated by the housing sectors, majority are still cornered by the high-end.”

In the country, living spaces with a price range of Php3 million up to Php6 million are labeled mid-cost. Those that are sold for more are tagged as high-end. While these units enjoy a positive response from banks in terms of loans, Atty. Tan says it’s not the same for the lower income segments, especially those under socialized housing.

“The toughest, really, is in the socialized housing segment, or those housing units not sold more than Php450,000,” he lamented, “because not many banks would be willing to lend at this level. The reason for that is, this segment is perceived to be the least capable of paying and the highest risk.

“But that is the greatest need if you ask me where production has to be accelerated. So it seems that both ends don’t meet.”

This, for Atty. Tan, poses one major challenge for the government: “We need the government to come in because if private banks would be hesitant to provide financing for the low-end market, the government’s role, really, is to increase available funds for financing for that segment.”

Get Lamudi’s The Outlook report on January 2018 to read the rest of Atty. Tan’s solutions to the housing backlog—and more.

DOE Consumer Advisory

Wazzup Pilipinas!

At the eve of the new year, the Department of Energy (DOE) clarifies various topics concerning the oil industry.

A. Implementation of TRAIN for Petroleum Products

The implementation of excise tax and value added tax (VAT) for petroleum products under the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) is effective on January 1, 2018.

The DOE, through the Oil Industry Management Bureau (OIMB) and in coordination with the Department of Finance (DOF), is reminding the public that the new Excise Tax rates do NOT apply to the old stocks of petroleum products. Consequently, the retailers should not charge the new Excise Tax to the consumers.

“The OIMB has issued an advisory to petroleum products stakeholders NOT to levy new Excise Tax rates on old stocks, considering that Excise Taxes are levied upon importation and not at the point of sale to the consumers,” Assistant Secretary Leonido Pulido III clarified.

For VAT, the new rates under the TRAIN that is applicable to consumers becomes effective on January 1, 2018.

B. Oil Price Movement for Tuesday

In addition to this clarification, the DOE stringently monitors oil trading in the international market and analyzes its effects on the domestic prices of petroleum products as mandated by the Oil Deregulation Law of 1998.

Pursuant thereto, the DOE observed that last week’s international oil trading may affect the domestic prices of gasoline, diesel and kerosene as follows:

· Gasoline prices may increase by around P0.15 per liter;

· Diesel may increase by around P0.60 per liter; and,

· Kerosene may increase by around P0.55 per liter.

Adjustments on petroleum products are implemented every Tuesday of the week. Please note, however, that these findings may still be affected by the Friday trading activities which will be accessed on Monday.

C. Prize Freeze for Kerosene Household LPG for Calamity Areas

The DOE reiterates that upon a declaration of a State of Calamity, the DOE is implementing a ‘price freeze’ on kerosene and household liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

For its implementation, the DOE reminds the public of the following:

· The price freeze is applicable for 15 days, commencing one day after the declaration;

· “Household LPG” refers to 11 kilograms and below of LPG in containers;

· Price movements for kerosene are implemented every Tuesday of the week; and,

· Price movements for LPG are implemented at the beginning of each month.

Through the OIMB and the agency’s Field Offices, the DOE is closely coordinating with the oil industry players in the implementation of the Republic Act (RA) 7581, as amended by RA 10623, which imposes a "price freeze" on these basic energy products being sold in the areas affected by the calamity.

D. General Reminder

The DOE calls on the public to be vigilant and to report any violation to or to Consumer Welfare and Promotion Office at tel. no. 479-2900 loc. 329.

Page 365 of 365: Starting Anew for Book 2018

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Another year will soon end in just a few hours. Are we ready to close the 2017 book? And create a new sequel for 2018?

"Lots of lessons learned.
Bunch of tears, bucket of cheers.
Failed flings, reciprocated feelings.
Others left, real ones stayed.
I almost died, but I survived"

We've reached page 365 of 365 of Book 2017. The title of this book was, "LEARNED SO MUCH" and tomorrow will be page 1 of 365 of Book 2018, the title might be, "REINVENTING OURSELVES"

Normally we see people post lots of New Year's Resolutions to promise themselves to change for the better, or be more disciplined to accomplish what they couldn't religiously follow like diet, exercise, and similar stuff for self-improvement. But it is very rare to see posts announcing if those resolutions were completely done.

If I would be listing down some goals, do I need to be realistic or aim for the nearly impossible? Sometimes it becomes harder to follow a list especially when circumstances are unfavorable. We needed to sacrifice some to give way to other more important matters, or we are just too lazy or stubborn to go on.

The temptation to go along with the fad, peer pressure, or the lack of time and resources, often hinders our attempt to move forward and follow our outlined goals.

"I want to be able to learn to play the piano"

Everyone wants the best for ourselves, but we can't just stop our bellies from growing like we're pregnant because the most sumptuous dishes are those that are greasy, salty, and sweet.

We all want to exercise, go to the gym or do some Zumba but work hours and traffic congestions before and after work prevents us from using up extra time. We would rather rest and sleep earlier so we would feel refresh the next day.

But we could go on and on with so many excuses yet remain unconvinced. The fault is still within us. Remember that "Kapag gusto, may paraan. Kapag ayaw, maraming dahilan"

Time really flew so fast, and now we're on the last page of the 2017th book, page 365 of 365. We may not have been able to do what we all hoped for, but we should not worry for tomorrow is another day to work on what we were unable to accomplish.

Let us end an awesome 2017 with a happy heart and soul. May our 2018 book be equally awesome and filled again with lots of blessings!

We salute those people who kept on smiling regardless of their problems.

Leave a Legacy Behind: This Life is Just Too Short to Waste

Wazzup Pilipinas!

The imperfect me do not need to live according to the expectations of others. The definition of success varies from person to person because we are all individually unique. Some of us find real satisfaction from even the trivial things in life.

It's the imperfection that makes life perfect.
As long as we are happy and contented amidst some shortcomings and challenges, we have lived a full life.

We wouldn't be as successful if it were not for our mistakes. They were lessons which taught us to improve ourselves and not always listen to what others would say. Do not care for what people perceive for the real meaning and purpose of life lies deep within.

Our imperfections made us unique and real, and has given us the opportunity to change for the better.

We are forever grateful for all the experiences. Life continues to be perfect for our family as we share the blessings of our successes and heartaches of our imperfections.

However, just like in traveling, it is not the destination that is entirely important but the journey we went through before reaching it. We may have seen the entire world, swam on all the beaches, climbed all the mountains, took selfies at all scenic spots, filled our social media accounts with pictures from all our trips, but what have we done to be remembered by the people that matters most. Have we even touched a single life outside our family, relatives, colleagues, acquaintances and circle of friends? Or are we also seemingly strangers to these people?

Life is too short to waste, so leave a memorable and significant legacy behind while we still can.

They say if you want to be remembered either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing about. Let the people share the stories you made or the stories about you. From there you would become immortalized and forever be a part of history.

How about you? How do you want to be remembered?

DOTr Procures Spare Parts, Independent Audit and Assessment (IAA) Consultant for MRT-3

Wazzup Pilipinas!

In its commitment to progressively address the issues beleaguering the Metro Rail Transit Line 3 (MRT-3), the Department of Transportation MRT-3 (DOTr MRT-3) team recently completed the procurement of the first batch of various spare parts required for the system’s maintenance.

Among those already procured by DOTr MRT-3 through its Maintenance Transition Period Bids and Awards Committee (MTP BAC) over the last seven weeks are spare parts for rolling stock, worth about PhP8.66 million and spare parts for tracks amounting to PhP7.33 million.

The rolling stock spare parts contract had an Approved Budget for Contract (ABC) of PhP8.89 million and was won by Linkers Enterprises, while the spare parts for tracks had an ABC of PhP7.97 million and was won by Nikka Trading.

Notably, the contract for the Independent Audit and Assessment (IAA) Consultant of the entire MRT-3 system was also awarded to TUV Rheinland for PhP45.31 million. The contract had an ABC of PhP48 million, and offers from TUV SUD and Bureau Veritas were also received.

The IAA will cover all sub-components of MRT-3, including its signaling system, tracks, and rolling stock. Both the current fleet of 73 Czech-made trains and the unaccepted 48 China-made trains will be covered by the IAA.

The IAA Consultant will make specific and actionable recommendations to address identified issues.

To ensure quality and independence, the MRT-3 MTP BAC required all bidders for the IAA Consultancy to be ISO 17020:2012 and ISO 17065:2012 certified firms, and further required membership in the International Federation of Inspection Agencies (IFIA).

Other contracts for trunk radio communications (P924,000), spare parts for power (P6.44 million), pantograph strips (P7.88 million), spare parts for overhead catenary system (P2.8 million), and various bearings (P1.98 million) were also awarded to various bidders.

Assistant Secretary for Railways TJ Batan said the DOTr MRT-3 MTP BAC adjourned its 16th and last meeting for 2017 early Friday morning. The MTP BAC was created last November 9.

“The DOTr MRT-3 MTP BAC would sometimes start as early as 6 AM, and on some days end as late as 12 MN, to ensure that the spare parts needed by our Maintenance Transition Team (MTT) are procured at the soonest possible time,” Batan said.

The MRT-3 MTP BAC was created by DOTr after terminating its maintenance service contract with Busan Universal Rail Inc. (BURI) last November 6 due to poor performance and breach of contractual obligations.

“Deliveries of some spare parts have commenced, and will continue over the next 30 - 90 days. We got the commitment of all suppliers to exert best efforts to deliver earlier than the prescribed contractual lead times, and our MRT-3 team will focus on realizing this,” he said.

With instruction and guidance from Secretary Arthur Tugade, Asec. Batan said the DOTr will continue procuring next year signaling spare parts and general overhaul services, among others.

“I believe the entire MRT-3 organization and our DOTr Central Office representatives have truly stepped up and delivered on our service commitment to the public,” Asec. Batan said.

The purchase of spare parts for the MRT-3’s Maintenance Transition Team (MTT) is Part 2 of DOTr’s 4-Part Strategy for fixing MRT-3:

Part 1: Promoting accountability with the termination of BURI

Part 2: Ensuring continued service delivery by establishing the MTT and purchasing needed spare parts

Part 3: Contracting a rehabilitation and maintenance service provider together with an Official Development Assistance partner

Part 4: Putting in place a long-term, single-point-of-responsibility, operator and maintenance provider for MRT-3

Thank 2017 for the Blessings and Welcome 2018 with Enthusiasm

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Today is the LAST DAY of the year. Let's leave this year with hopes that 2018 will be BETTER for all of us. Being positive and looking forward to always having the gift of family, friends and love ones.

It was a year we will always remember for reasons of our own. Give thanks to 2017 and welcome 2018 with a braver heart, even if the past year has broke you, has failed you, has done the worst to you, or has done damage to any of your relationships with anyone, you should thank it for all the lessons it has given you.

Every moment of life, more specifically the future, holds surprises. If you have a positive attitude, you shall make most of them pleasant and beautiful. Enjoy life with meaningful developments throughout the course of it.

Make sure to welcome 2018 with only those you hold dearest. There's nothing more meaningful and happier than being at peace with yourselves and the people who only matter in your lives. Let's embrace 2018 with no room for mediocrity and crap.

We're closing out 2017 and we're ready to ring in 2018! Next year will be a year of hard work and sweeping change. Help us close out 2017 strong. But we are all hoping to be blessed beyond your expectations in 2018! We're actually claiming it already! 2018 will be another great year for us!

Best to all of you in 2018. Roof over our heads, food in our mouths and smiles on our faces. All that matters. Live well.

Thank you for your support and Happy New Year to you!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Commemorating Jose Rizal's Death

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Every 30th of December, the Philippines observes Rizal Day to commemorate the life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal who was executed on this date in 1896.

Today, we remember the 121st death anniversary of Dr. Jose Rizal, our national hero who prompted the revolution with the strong belief that words can be weapons.

From his hometown in Calamba to the world, Dr. Jose Rizal showed what the Filipinos had to offer.

He was an educator, agriculturist, writer, engineer, surgeon, freedom fighter.

"The pen is mightier than the sword." Indeed, the pen wields a stronger power than any sword of the sharpest blade. This nation owes you its life and freedom had it not been for your sacrifice. Rest well, Dr. Jose Rizal.

May we emulate his greatness and aspire the heroes within ourselves to be the disciple for the good of our beloved country.

Pay tribute to Dr. Jose Rizal on this day by remembering his life and works that highlighted the roots of being a Filipino.

May this drive us to fulfill our duties and responsibilities to our nation for a better and brighter future.

"On this battlefield, man has no better weapon than his intelligence. No other force but his heart. " -Dr. Jose Rizal

DOTr Now Finalizing Govt to Govt Accord for MRT-3

Wazzup Pilipinas!

The Department of Transportation (DOTr) is now finalizing its government to government agreement with the Government of Japan (GOJ) for the rehabilitation and maintenance of the Metro Rail Transit Line 3 (MRT-3).

In a recent interview with a morning program, DOTr Assistant Secretary for Railways TJ Batan said that DOTr is now in the final stages of exchanging Note Verbales between the Government of the Philippines (GOP) through the Department of Foreign Affairs, and GOJ through the Japan Embassy in Manila.

Asec. Batan said that the arrangement will involve the grant of an Official Development Assistance (ODA) for the rehabilitation and maintenance requirements of MRT-3, which has been encountering numerous malfunctions in recent years due to substandard maintenance and underinvestment in overdue system renewal requirements.

“Bakit Japan? Number one, alam naman natin yung qualifications at experience ng Japan in running railway systems. For example, yung Tokyo pa lang na halos kasing laki ng Metro Manila, has 700-km. of operating metro railway systems, while yung atin is a total of almost 80-km. kasama na PNR,” Asec. Batan said.

“Number two, nandyan na yung napakalawak nating platform for cooperation. Napakadami nating proyekto sa riles at sa ibang sektor na ginagawa kasama ang Japan. Actually si Secretary (Arthur) Tugade mismo ang nagtulak na maisama na ang pagsasa-ayos ng MRT-3 dun sa iba pang mga proyektong ginagawa na natin kasama ang Japan,” he added.

Asec. Batan likewise noted that the DOTr shall utilize the bidding process of Japan in getting the rehabilitation and maintenance service provider for MRT-3, as required in all ODA arrangements with them. He emphasized that procurement rules and regulations will be observed in choosing the service provider, noting that the provider will be Japanese like other projects of DOTr with Japan.

Further, Asec. Batan said the GOP is expecting to exchange Note Verbales with GOJ in the first week of January 2018, as the New Year holiday in Japan starts earlier than in the Philippines.

After the exchange, the DOTr and railway engineers from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will conduct a due diligence study of MRT-3 from January to February next year to clearly identify the needed rehabilitation works.

“So in February, March, April, gagawin ang study, aalamin natin kung anong kailangan gawin at magkano, tapos kukuha tayo ng mga approvals from both Philippine and Japan governments, at finally ang pagpili ng magiging service provider ayon sa mga panuntunan ng Japan. Pagdating ng May, ang commitment sa atin ng Japan ay ready to mobilize na ang ating service provider. And this is the reason kung bakit from the very beginning sinasabi natin yung Maintenance Transition Team (MTT) natin ay talagang nakatakda lamang na mag operate for three to six months,” Asec. Batan said.

The procurement of a rehabilitation and maintenance service provider for MRT-3 is Part 3 of DOTr’s 4-Part Strategy for fixing MRT-3:

Part 1: promoting accountability with the termination of BURI

Part 2: ensuring continued service delivery by establishing the MTT and purchasing needed spare parts

Part 3: contracting a rehabilitation and maintenance service provider together with an Official Development Assistance partner

Part 4: putting in place a long-term, single-point-of-responsibility, operator and maintenance provider for MRT-3

Clark Intl. Airport Surpasses Passenger Target for 2017

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Clark International Airport (CRK) has surpassed its passenger target accommodated this year, an official bared today.

CRK Corp. President Alex Cauguiran said that from January to 30 December 2017, the airport registered more than 1.5 million passengers, surpassing its highest record of over 1.3 million passengers served last 2012.

Cauguiran attributed the significant rise in the passenger accommodated by CRK to the pronouncement of President Rodrigo Roa Durerte to distribute development outside the peripheries of Metro Manila, which was then pushed into reality by Department of Transportation (DOTr) Secretary Arthur P. Tugade.

“This achievement proves the high level of our public’s trust and confidence in President Duterte's vision for a multiple gateway under the administration's Build Build Build program,” Cauguiran said. “Secretart Tugade, although very silent, worked very hard to turn the President’s vision into reality. That is why from only seven (7) domestic flights a week in the previous years, we now have 200 international and domestic flights from Clark. All these happened in the first year of the Duterte administration,” he added.

Upon assumption into office, Secretary Tugade encouraged airlines to launch more flights from Clark in order to decongest NAIA, and also transferred some general aviation activities there. He likewise instructed CIAC to provide incentives to airline operators who express their willingness to fly from Clark.

Apart from improvements in policy decisions, Cauguiran also mentioned that strict implementation of security measures by airport personnel, as well as improved customer service, passenger comfort and convenience, have also attracted travellers to flock to the facility which is envisioned to be a premier gateway to both local and international destinations.

Last 20 December 2017, top government officials, such as former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez, Senator JV Ejercito, Senator Dick Gordon, Executive Secretary Savador Medialdea, DOTr Secretary Arthur Tugade, and Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) President & CEO Vince Dizon graced the groundbreaking ceremony of the new CRK passenger terminal building.

During the ceremony, Secretary Tugade said that the new terminal will complement other infrastructure projects in the area: Manila-Clark Railway, Subic-Clark Cargo Railway, and the New Clark City.

“Ikakabit po natin ang proyektong ito sa Manila-Clark Railway. Not later than 06 January 2018, we will mobilize the construction of the first segment from Tutuban to Malolos, and hopefully we will complete the entire line to Clark before the end of President Duterte’s term,” Tugade said.

For his part, BCDA President & CEO Vince Dizon said that the CRK expansion project will decongest the Ninoy Aquino International Airport, as the new passenger terminal would accommodate an additional 8 million passengers per year.

House Speaker and former transportation secretary Pantaleon Alvarez, also expressed his excitement over the many opportunities that the new terminal will be bringing to the Philippines.

“The expansion of the Clark International Airport will expand growth and opportunity outside Metro Manila. This means more business and more jobs for everyone. Clark airport will be the gift that keeps on giving,” he said.

Senator Dick Gordon, who played a vital role in establishing freeport zones in Luzon, likewise expressed his joy in finally seeing the airport being fully-utilized, calling it “a new beginning for our country.”

“Infrastructure is not a project of a government. It is a project of the people. It is a project of vision. This is about opportunity, the great equalizer. This is about making the future our friend,” he said.

Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez, who represented the economic team of the Cabinet, assured that the delivery of the terminal will not be delayed.

“Before, projects take an average of 30 months under PPP. I assure you that this will not happen in the infrastructure projects of the Duterte administration,” Dominguez said.

He also reported that the Clark expansion project is considered the fastest to be implemented by the national government. It broke ground just six months after getting the NEDA Board approval.

Former President and now Representative of Pampanga Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, whose term saw the building of the CIA, was the special guest at the groundbreaking ceremony.

The construction of the new terminal is the first hybrid project under the BuildBuildBuild Infrastructure Program of the Duterte administration. Under the hybrid model, the government will build the infrastructure using its own funds to ensure fast delivery of the project.

Noche Buena and Media Noche Feasts

Wazzup Pilipinas!

The days before, between and after Christmas and New Year are the most abundant in terms of food. The left-overs of Noche Buena are still in the fridge, yet we are already preparing the dishes for Media Noche.

Media Noche is the most festive of all gatherings because there is a belief that life will become more abundant if we serve a lot.

There's also the belief about specific foods to bring good luck and fortune like 12 round fruits from oranges to grapes, "dalandan" to chico, and other round varieties, which makes me wonder why mangoes, pineapples and bananas are still seen on fruit trays and baskets.

Sticky desserts or "panghimagas" like "palitaw" or "dila-dila" or anything else that are sticky for a well-bonded family relationship.

Chicken is banned because of the fear for "isang kahig, isang tuka" life, so that probably goes the same for any of its relatives like duck, "itik" or turkey?

We're planning to prepare bangus sisig, beef kaldereta, pork imbutido "pininyahang manok with gata," no-bake lasagna and Graham cake, buko salad, - ooohhh and a lot more dessert since we need more sticky stuff.

All of these will definitely not be fully consumed throughout the night as expected but it is always pleasant and Instagramnable to look at for photo ops.

Well, whatever you decide to prepare to celebrate the occasion, please be sure to never forget that they are meant to be eaten together with the whole family - at the same time.

Here's wishing everyone an abundant year ahead. Happy New Year!!!

Image credit:
The picture's original owner is Marilyn Tumbaga and it is posted in her blog at It's actually a Media Noche pic. Just an FYI for everyone :)

Friday, December 29, 2017

BGC Road Rage Cop Turns Out to be Fake

Wazzup Pilipinas!

The man caught in a viral video of a road rage incident in Bonifacio Global City (BGC) was identified by Taguig City police as Joseph Philip Lu Bautista, a 36 year old business consultant from Ususan, Taguig city.

A Facebook user named Pinky Ortiz said that Bautista forced his vehicle to turn right from Bonifacio Avenue to McKinley Parkway while their vehicle was about to cross the street. Bautista was driving a white Toyota Fortuner bearing a Philippine National Police (PNP) commemorative plate and with several PNP stickers on its side.

Ortiz claimed that Bautista honked and turned on his siren. When they got into a face-to-face confrontation, Bautista was seen wearing a police uniform and cap. Bautista accused them of beating the red light and threatened to bring them to the police station.

But according to the Taguig City Police, Bautista denied Ortiz's accusation albeit confirming that he was the man in that incident. He also said that he was not a police officer and that he only wore the uniform because they were "comfortable".

Comfortable wearing police uniform to harass people? What a lame excuse! Dude, get your act together!

The PNP is set to charge Bautista for violating Article 179 of the Revised Penal Code or the unauthorized use of the police uniform.

Revised Penal Code Article 179 penalizes any person who shall publicly and improperly make use of insignias, uniforms or any dress pertaining to an office not held by that person or to a class of persons of which he or she is not a member. Offenders can also be prosecuted for violation of Republic Act 493, for the crime of wearing, using, manufacturing and selling of insignias, decorations, medals, badges, patches and identification cards prescribed for the Armed Forces of the Philippines by persons not in the service. We highly encourage the public to report cases of violations of RA 493 and Article 179 of the RPC to proper authorities. We must instill pride in the service and in the uniform and accord it due respect.

We hope that Ortiz would file a formal case against Bautista.

Its crystal clear that Bautista was impersonating a police officer by using all those uniform, insignias, police cap and siren. The PNP should file appropriate charges accordingly to teach Bautista a lesson and to also warn future perpetrators never to impersonate police officers to strike fear to others.

Lisa Soberano Ranks Top at 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2017

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Filipino actress and brand endorser Lisa Soberano ranked number 1 in the 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2017 by TC Candler.

My other favorite faces, like Lisa Manoban is at number 15, Jennie Kim is at number 18 and Kang Seul-gi is at number 23.

For the men's category, Kim Taehyung (V of BTS) from South Korea recognized as #1 Most Handsome Face of 2017.

I guess noone would go against this announcement as Lisa Soberano truly exemplifies beauty. Her looks and aura will undoubtedly leave you breathtakingly in love with her.

This is also probably why she got the role of Darna in the Philippines. It is a movie that we are looking forward to see. We are doubly curious how she would portray the role of the most popular comic book heroine in the Philippines.

Her alluring face would already sell Darna, and to see her in a sexy outfit as how the superheroine normally is depicted, sorry but we have naughty thoughts in mind. However, knowing Lisa, she may choose a conservative or less revealing outfit.

I'm seen her personally, and heard her answer questions during press conferences and interviews. From that I could say that she also has the brains to show-off.

She could also be a great candidate for beauty pageants, but why go to that direction when is is already succesful in her present showbiz career.

Her love tandem with partner Enrique Gil (LizQuen) is very popular especially with product endorsements, and the two does make a great-looking couple, regardless if the relationship goes beyond an arranged love team.

TC Candler 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2017 List

1.Liza Soberano
2.Thylane Blondeau
3.TWICE Tzuyu (Chou Tzu-yu)
4.Sarah Gadon
5.AFTER SCHOOL Nana (Im Jin-ah)
6.Jourdan Dunn
7.Adelaide Kane
8.Ju Jingyi
9.Golshifteh Farahani
10.Camilla Belle
11.Antonia Lacobescu
12.Bella Heathcote
13.Audreyana Michelle
14.Emma Watson
15.BLACKPINK Lisa (Lalisa Manoban)
16.Oktyabrina Maximova
17.Yael Shelbia
18.BLACKPINK Jennie Kim
19.Lupita Nyong'o
20.Taylor Hill
21.TWICE Sana (Minatozaki)
22.Gal Gadot
23.RED VELVET Seulgi (Kang Seul-gi)
24.Ana De Armas
25.Priyanka Chopra
26.Dilraba Dilmurat
27.Emilia Clarke
28.Hande Ercel
29.Chloe Grace Moretz
30.Urassaya Sperbund
31.Jasmine Sanders
32.Lee Sung-Kyung
33.Margot Robbie
34.Satomi Ishihara
35.Blanca Padilla
36.Natasha Wilona
37.Deepika Padukone
38.Nana Komatsu
39.Sophie Turner
40.SNSD Taeyeon (Kim Tae-yeon)
41.Alicia Vikander
42.Sonia Ben Ammar
43.Hanane El Khader
44.Raisa Andriana
45.Meika Wollard
46.Lauren Tsai
47.Marion Cotillard
48.Nathalie Emmanuel
49.Lin Yun
50.Natalie Portman
51.MISS A Suzy (Bae Su-ji)
52.Zoey Deutch
53.Nargis Fakhri
54.Zara Larsson
55.RED VELVET Irene (Bae Joo-hyun)
56.Selena Gomez
57.Yumi Wong
58.Lily Collins
59.Gugu Mbatha-Raw
60.Kathryn Bernardo
61.Vika Levina
62.Go Ara
63.Barbara Palvin
64.Jasmine Tookes
65.Maite Perroni
66.Praya Lundberg
67.Josie Lane
68.Kiersey Clemons
69.Jessica Jung
70.Kate Beckinsale
71.Jessy Mendiola
72.Elcin Sangu
73.Alia Bhatt
74.Katherine Langford
75.Zhu Zhu
76.Anastasia Bezrukova
77.Kat Graham
78.Nadine Lustre
79.Nesreen Tafesh
80.Marija Zezelj
81.Shay Mitchell
82.Lola Le Lann
83.Marina Ruy Barbosa
84.Niki Niwa
85.Evgenia Medvedeva
86.Tina Kunakey
87.Alexandra Daddario
88.Park Shin-Hye
89.Urvashi Rautela
90.Jess Conte
91.Mahlagha Jaberi
92.Keira Knightley
93.Chelsea Islan
94.Kelly Gale
95.Sophie Charlotte
96.Kim Domingo
97.Alexis Ren
98.Monica Bellucci
99.PRISTIN Kyulkyung (Zhou Jieqiong)
100. Cara Delevingne

Living Legend Stan Lee Celebrates 95th Birthday

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Stan Lee, the living legend and creator of many Marvel comic book titles and characters, celebrated on December 28 his 95th birthday.

Very few people get and deserve the mantle of being a true living legend... Stan Lee is one of those rare people.

Stan has been many comic fans' hero since the '60s! We love how his creations have been the dominant pop culture icons for so many years.

The man created the Marvel Universe. The creator of The Fantastic 4, Spider-Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America, The Avengers and just about every other hero and bad guy in Marvels corralled!

We who love comic books owe this man a great amount of gratitude! EXCELLSIOR!!!

There’s some debate on the exact creative credits of Stan but he was definitely a showman, sales man and damn good talent finder. Comic books and certainly Marvel wouldn’t be anything close to what they are now culturally without him.

It may be tacky to tout one's own body, but the very fact of Stan's endurance as a comicbook icon leads me to forgive him (and being a DC fan all my live, it reflects even more my regard for his talent).

Stan the Man invented the letter-col, created the first costumed hero melanges, and certainly laid the groundwork for the flood of latex-clad cinema epics we've been inundated with the past decades. If all the powered characters he's created over his incredibly long career were to bellow out a "Happy Birthday" in chorus, it could well result in positive climate change.

Stan...I salute ya...!

ONE Championship’s Outstanding Martial Artists of 2017

Wazzup Pilipinas!

While all ONE Championship athletes go out and give their all inside the cage, there are just a handful who have shown the true championship quality over the past twelve months.

These competitors have gone above and beyond their personal limits, delighting fans with spectacular performances.

Moreover, these martial artists have captured the imaginations of fans in their home countries and fans from all over the world.

Here are the top five martial artists who left an indelible mark on the ONE Championship stage this 2017.

#5) Aung La N Sang

Aung La N Sang is Myanmar’s most successful athlete in history, whose constricting style has earned him the moniker of ”The Burmese Python” as he owns 12 victories by way of submission.

After starting his 2017 on a sour note by losing the first world title bout of his career on 14 January at ONE: QUEST FOR POWER in Jakarta, Indonesia, Aung La N Sang redeemed himself by stunning former undefeated champion Vitaly Bigdash of Russia in a highly-anticipated rematch to be crowned the new ONE Middleweight World Champion at ONE: LIGHT OF A NATION in Yangon, Myanmar on 30 June.

Aung La N Sang was focused from the second he stepped into the Thuwunna Indoor Stadium, and once the bell rang, he was unstoppable.

The 32-year-old hometown hero rocked the champion minutes into the contest and nearly secured a first-round stoppage victory.

Despite being grounded by the Russian in the following stanzas, Aung La N Sang clearly did more damage in striking exchanges throughout the course of the bout.

As a result, Aung La N Sang earned a unanimous decision nod and claimed the ONE Middleweight World Championship.

Aung La N Sang concluded his 2017 by taking part of ONE Championship’s openweight super-bout against highly-decorated heavyweight kickboxer Alain “The Panther” Ngalani, which headlined ONE: HERO’S DREAM in Yangon, Myanmar on 3 November.

Aung La N Sang weathered an early storm from his Cameroonian heavyweight opponent, working in guard to defend himself from Ngalani’s top game.

Recognizing an opening for a standing guillotine choke, Aung La N Sang wrapped his arm around Ngalani’s neck and pulled guard to finish his opponent by submission in the first round.

#4) Christian Lee

Christian “The Warrior” Lee, the younger brother of reigning ONE Women’s Atomweight World Champion “Unstoppable” Angela Lee, began his professional career on an absolute tear, railing off five straight victories by thrilling finish.

Lee has impressed fans with his ability to seek out stoppage wins over top-caliber opponents in 2017.

After steamrolling Chinese stalwart Wan Jan Ping at ONE: KINGS OF DESTINY in Manila, Philippines on 21 April, Lee toppled fellow top featherweight Keanu Subba of Malaysia in his most recent bout, winning by third-round submission in a competitive contest at ONE: QUEST FOR GREATNESS in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 18 August.

The 19-year-old Singaporean martial arts sensation took another step in fulfilling all of those on 9 December as he delivered a masterful performance against former ONE Lightweight World Champion Kotetsu “No Face” Boku at ONE: WARRIORS OF THE WORLD in Bangkok, Thailand.

In perhaps his most impressive performance to date, Lee brought his best against a dangerous opponent in Boku as he employed the perfect strategy and completed a rapturous knockout triumph that undoubtedly signals his readiness to challenge the upper tier of talent in the promotion’s most stacked division.

Bringing the action right to Boku, Lee blasted the Japanese veteran with powerful strikes, takedowns and submission attempts.

Just past the three-minute mark, Lee quickly took Boku’s back and executed a textbook trip takedown with such incredible power that it knocked Japanese veteran out.

The impressive win over Boku was Lee’s seventh first-round stoppage victory and tied the promotional record for most finishes at eight.

#3) Kevin Belingon

Representing the famed Team Lakay in Baguio City, Philippines, Kevin “The Silencer” Belingon is one of the country’s most talented martial artists with a professional record of 16-5.

Belingon is known as a fierce competitor with the ability to finish opponents in a variety of methods as the 29-year old Wushu practitioner owns seven huge knockouts on his resume and is considered as one of the most feared strikers in ONE Championship’s deep bantamweight division.

Since losing to reigning ONE Bantamweight World Champion Bibiano “The Flash” Fernandes in January 2016, Belingon has barged through his top rivals with a slew of fearsome striking performances and showcased his incredible punching power.

It began with a thorough defeat of Tajikistan’s highly-touted Muin Gafurov in October 2016, followed by a complete first-round annihilation of Finnish submission wizard Toni “Dynamite” Tauru at ONE KINGS OF DESTINY in Manila, Philippines on 21 April.

Those two consecutive wins earned Belingon a showdown with top bantamweight contender Reece “Lightning” McLaren at ONE: QUEST FOR GREATNESS in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 18 August.

Belingon needed just 62 seconds to end matters abruptly as hee began the bout-ending sequence by dropping McLaren with a well-placed overhand right.

As the Aussie crashed to the canvas, Belingon followed with a relentless volley of punches to finish the contest.

At ONE: LEGENDS OF THE WORLD in Manila, Philippines on 10 November, Belingon scored his fourth straight victory by defeating Korean-American contender Kevin “Old Boy” Chung via unanimous decision.

With his recent excellence inside the ONE Championship cage, Belingon is validating his case for a title rematch against Fernandes in 2018.

#2) Alex Silva

Alex “Little Rock” Silva just wrapped up a banner year in ONE Championship as the 35-year-old Brazilian submission wizard brilliantly defeated a pair of top contenders and then outclassed previously-undefeated titleholder Yoshitaka “Nobita” Naito to clinch the ONE Strawweight World Championship.

Following his third-round submission of Filipino journeyman Roy Doliguez at ONE: THRONE OF TIGERS in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 10 February, Alex “Little Rock” Silva displayed his elite Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu skills on another elite Japanese martial artist.

Silva met an unbeaten Hayato Suzuki, a highly-regarded wrestler and Grachan champion, on the undercard of ONE: LEGENDS OF THE WORLD in Manila, Philippines on 10 November.

Fans expected a technical ground war with two talented grapplers each wanting to showcase their best techniques, but what they got instead was a complete shocker.

From out of nowhere, Silva out-scrambled Suzuki following a takedown attempt and latched onto an armbar that forced a quick tap from Suzuki.

The result marked Suzuki’s first loss in 20 bouts as a professional and conversely catapulted Silva to an eventual world title shot weeks later.

Silva routed Naito by way of unanimous decision to bring home the ONE Strawweight World Championship in the main event of ONE: WARRIORS OF THE WORLD in Bangkok, Thailand on 9 December.

Honorable mention: Amir Khan of Singapore, Mei Yamaguchi of Japan, and Jomary Torres of the Philippines

#1) Martin Nguyen

Martin “The Situ-Asian” Nguyen of Sydney, Australia is a highly-skilled finisher and one of the most talented martial artists in the world today.

Sporting a 10-1 professional record, Nguyen’s all-around skill set allows him to compete at the highest level of competition.

2017 had been a remarkable year for Nguyen as he captured two coveted world titles. Nguyen stepped into the ONE Championship cage on 18 August at ONE: QUEST FOR GREATNESS in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, notching his first gold under the ONE Championship banner when he stopped former undefeated featherweight champion Marat “Cobra” Gafurov to claim the ONE Featherweight World Championship.

Nguyen wrote his name in history books as the first man to hold two world titles simultaneously in ONE Championship by knocking out beloved Filipino martial arts superstar Eduard “Landslide” Folayang to bring home the ONE Lightweight World Championship in the main event of ONE: LEGENDS OF THE WORLD in Manila, Philippines on 10 November.

​For more updates on ONE Championship, please visit, follow us on Twitter and Instagram @ONEChampionship, and like us on Facebook at

65th FAMAS Awards Winners

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Surprisibgly, the Best Actor award for the 65th FAMAS Awards went to Daniel Padilla for his performance in Barcelona: A Love Untold which won the Best Picture award.

His love team partner, Kathryn Bernardo, was also nominated for Best Actress but Angelica Panganiban won the award for the movie The Unmarried Wife.

Win or lose, they say being nominated to the FAMAS is already a great recognition. It is the most prestigious award-givibg body when it comes to recognizing well-deserving movies and talented actors and actresses.

Congratulations to Mr Angelo Eloy Padua, FAMAS Chairman, and Ms. Francia Camacho Conrado, FAMAS President, for a very successful 65th FAMAS Awards night.

Below is the compkete list of winners

Best Picture - Barcelona: A Love Untold
Best Actor - Daniel Padilla (Barcelona: A Love Untold)
Best Actress - Angelica Panganiban (The Unmarried Wife)
Best Director - Olivia Lamasan (Barcelona: A Love Untold)
Best Sound - Everything About Her
Best Production Design - Barcelona: A Love Untold
Best Editing - Vince, Kath and James
Best Screenplay - The Unmarried Wife
Lifetime Achievement Award - Susan Roces


Will China Telecom Usher in Better Internet?

Wazzup Pilipinas!

The Filipino people have been paying the most expensive yet the poorest Internet connection.

When Telstra was reported to enter the Philippines as another Internet Service Provider, we thought we'll be getting a better alternative. But it seems it got bought down by the big players.

Now a provider from China is lurking around the corner.

The only good thing about China Telecom joining in our telco competition is that current providers such as PLDT or Smart, Globe, Sky Broadband, etc. will up their game.

Other internet providers from Australia, Japan, etc. have expressed their desire to setup shop here way earlier than this news. Why do you think China Telecom was chosen?

The government should break the monopoly of all utility companies not only on telcos or Internet but on electricity as well. Our people deserve fast, cheap and dependable services.

Many were excited to hear the news that China Telecom was invited by our government to operate as 3rd telco player in our country.

It is interesting to note that China Telecom, the no.1 telco in china, is state-owned. They are using government-owned telco infrastructure.

In the Philippines, we still have to see government investing the same. The ZTE project during Gloria Macapagal Arroyo's term was the one, unfortunately, Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III shelved it most probably due to the issues of corruption surrounding its transactions.

No third player will succeed without the government's investment. That is why Telstra backed out.

"Historically, China Telecom used to be the sole telecommunications service provider in China as the operational arm of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. Through a series of restructurings beginning in 1994, partly triggered by popular dissatisfaction with China Telecom’s services, the Chinese government’s telecoms operations were divided among three state-owned entities: China Unicom, China Mobile and China Telecom."

Honestly, opening more players in the telco industry is a nice move for the general consumers. Hopefully, they can go beyond what our existing telcos have neen forcing on us.

We are already in the digital age that almost everything can be done online yet telcos are suppressing our freedom to fully maximize what we have been paying for.

Another thing which we should consider is that China implements internet censorship. In their country, they had blocked Google, Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo, Twitter, Wikipedia, Instagram, Pinterest, Dropbox, Vimeo, Flickr, Tumblr, WhatsApp, Blogspot, etc. so even if they are ranked higher over us in speed it could be because they don't encounter Internet traffic as we do.

China Telecom could be a poor choice in giving better service to the Philippines.

Mistaken Identity: Innocents Killed by Misinformed Cops

Wazzup Pilipinas!

At least two people were killed and two more are in critical condition after police mistakenly opened fire at a vehicle that was transporting an injured woman to the hospital.

Mandaluyong City Police chief S/Supt. Moises Villaceran revealed the white van, which police shot at because they were told was carrying suspects from a prior shooting, was actually carrying the victim.

The woman was shot in an earlier incident by unknown assailants. Good samaritans came to her rescue and carried her into a vehicle to be taken to the hospital. Police opened fire at the vehicle after barangay watchmen claimed that it was the getaway vehicle of the woman's assailants.

Investigators say the police officers opened fire more than 40 times at the vehicle carrying the seven unarmed civilians. One of the men died on the spot, the woman who was previously injured died after being rushed to the hospital, two more are in critical condition, and the rest have been taken into police custody. Most of the victims were construction workers.

"According to report on GMA 7 morning news program "Unang Balita", victim Jonalyn Ambaan was attempting to intervene in an argument when she was shot and injured by an LPG delivery man in Barangay Addition Hills at 10:20 p.m.

Companions put Ambaan in a vehicle and attempted to rush the shooting victim to hospital.

However, barangay watchmen mistakenly thought that the suspect who shot Ambaan was in the vehicle and was attempting to get away.

Some of the watchmen were allegedly armed and they shot at the vehicle.

Responding police officers, having been told by the watchmen that the vehicle carried an armed suspect, and seeing that the watchmen themselves had opened fire, started shooting."

The Philippines has turned into a wild west cowboy country. The culture of violence is brought to us by the Duterte administration. The policemen are now among the criminals.

You just do not open fire on anybody without confirming their identity first. The 40 shots means intent to murder and not to apprehend or disable.

Dangerous times because of police force that is ill-trained and trigger happy, with no respect to human rights and the process of the rule of law.

And they say the streets are safer. I hope justice is served, it can’t be an “oops sorry” situation where NOBODY is going to be found at fault.

Cusi: Clean Energy Renewable Portfolio Standard Will Not Result in Higher Rates for the Consumers

Wazzup Pilipinas!

The pursuit towards clean and renewable energy (RE) will not burden electricity consumers. This is the assurance of Energy Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi to the energy family and industry players.

“The RPS for On-Grid rules outlined various safety nets to protect the electricity end-users and to ensure that this new venture will not result in higher electricity rates,” Sec. Cusi pointed out.

“The DOE, after consultations with consumer groups and industry players, clarified this policy and placed the ‘no higher rates’ condition in the Department Circular itself,” Cusi emphasized.

The energy chief said that the DUs and other mandated participants shall undertake a Competitive Selection Process (CSP) in sourcing their compliance to ensure the “no higher rates” policy. Moreover, the DUs have the obligation to look for the optimal supply mix and ensure a level playing field among the power developers. Essentially, all the RE options available (like encouraging Net-Metering installations and implement the Green Energy Option program that empowers a customer to choose RE as part of its supply) should be explored.

According to Sec. Cusi, the requirement to comply with the CSP ensures a transparent mechanism that ascertain least cost procurement of power supply and ensure competition among the players.

Following a laborious technical studies and public consultations since 2011, the Circular on RPS for On-Grid Areas also contains the following safeguards:

1. The RPS for On-Grid areas is initially anchored on the country’s aspirational target of 35% RE share in the energy mix by 2030, which will be reviewed under the forthcoming updating of the National Renewable Energy Program (NREP);

2. The minimum RE sourcing will not be imposed immediately but on the third year (2020) considering 2018 and 2019 as transition years only to prepare the mandated participants in developing their compliance plans to the minimum RPS requirements; and,

3. The RPS also entails the timely and rigorous review and assessment by the DOE through a composite team.

Sec. Cusi recently signed the Department Circular that prescribes the rules and guidelines in the establishment of Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards (RPS) for On-Grid Areas on 22 December 2017. Department Circular No. DC2017-12-0015 mandates distribution utilities (DUs), retail electricity suppliers including those power generation companies serving directly-connection customers to source or produce a certain percentage of their electricity requirements from eligible RE resources.

The Circular provides that eligible RE participants may use the following resources and technologies: biomass, waste-to-energy technology, wind energy, solar energy, run-of-river hydroelectric power systems, impounding hydroelectric power systems, ocean energy, and geothermal energy, among the other systems as defined in the RE Act.

“A regular review process on RPS will be conducted by the DOE to ensure the compliance all the participants to the RPS, determine the impact to the consumers and whether the imposed minimum RE generation requirement should continue or be adjusted upon accordingly.”

Sec. Cusi also stated that a holistic information, education and communication (IEC) campaign and hands-on training will be undertaken to guide the DUs and other relevant stakeholders with an aim to impart various developments in the implementation of the policy and the other pertinent policy issuances of the DOE.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Firecrackers Should Be Banned at Every Celebration

Wazzup Pilipinas!

The Philippine National Police (PNP) warns the public about Republic Act 7183: An Act Regulating the Sale, Manufacture, Distribution, and Use of Firecrackers.

The Department of Health (DOH) said this year’s “Oplan: Iwas Paputok” campaign seeks to encourage revelers to just watch fireworks displays in their communities.

We all know that there is no truth to the old superstition that those noisy and damaging firecrackers drive away evil spirits. In fact, they could even invite in nasty limb or life-threatening casualties to put bad luck on your first day of the year.

But knowing some people, there would always be some hard-heads who would still lit a firecracker and endanger not only himself or herself but also others, pets, and even properties.

We should strengthen community awareness on the "Iwas Paputok" campaign this Yuletide Season. Letvus be a role model for our community and encourage firecracker-free celebrations. Of course, this includes the banning of indiscriminate firing usually committed by irresponsible gun owners.

We deserve complete limbs, eyes and other body parts, and our precious life, for ourselves and our families. Let us help in monitoring against possible perpetrators of illegal activities. The government has not been capable of totally eradicating the bad elements of society since our President favors violent means. The undesirable and less diplomatic acts only invite more irregularities especially from China which is the number one source of questionable transactions.

We cannot deny that behind all those cheap products are possible corruption and unfavorable conditions for our Filipino businessmen. We should not let other countries manipulate us. We should lift the lives of our countrymen by advocating the purchase and patronage of Filipino products and services.

Many of the firecrackers, including the "lusis", sold in the country come from China and though it competes with locally manufactured ones, neither of the two sources should be patronized. We do not need to risk lives and property just to end, or start, the year. There are better ways to celebrate that would be more advisable towards achieving a fruitful year ahead.

Thrift-Shopping in Baguio City: Ukay-Ukay or Segunda Mano Fever

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Almost everyone would like to always look their best even after waking up (woke up like this). We love going out in our best OOTD or Outfit Of The Day even if it means spending a fortune.

But in Baguio city, similarly in Metro Manila,there is another attraction that has gained popularity, and it is called bought in UK or Ukay-Ukay, or SM as others would call it, short for Segunda Mano (Second Hand).

They say the best choices are in Baguio especially when it comes to jackets, hoodies and coats fit for the cold season. You'll surely find a wide assortment of previously owned but branded clothes, shoes, bags, jeans, shorts and other stuff that came from many countries.

Who said thrift-shopping is gross? It may be if you fear possible germ infestation (if there is indeed something like it). Though some stuff are still in great condition, and even have tags intact, it is advisable to have them washed before wearing. We couldn't say the items for sale there are hygienic since they've also been passing from one customer to the next, and some may have tried wearing them to see if they fit. Yuck? That is the risk you have to take if you insist on buying cheap pre-owned products.

Ukay-ukay should never be an excuse for splurge shopping. We should just buy when we really need to. It takes a bit more effort but buying less will help us evaluate which clothes have the most versatility.

These items are also useful if you just plan to wear them once or a few times like for an event or costume party, or just for everyday wear at home or Friday (wash day)clothes at work.

Though there have been reports of smuggled ukay-ukay, that is already beyond our control. The government should pursue stricter entry and customs obligations in the country. But since we are a country composed of a multitude ofvislands, there are just several ways of illegal entry especially when they are matched with corrupt individuals aiming to earn extra from the unauthorized transactions.

You can definitely look good already with just a few pesos since prices are way below what you see in malls or even online shopping, and if you seek diligently or come across a fresh batch of clothes, you would surely encounter great finds at very cheap prices.

New Marawi Resettlement Energized

Wazzup Pilipinas!

TASK FORCE KAPATIRAN IN ACTION: Distribution lines and house wirings are installed by linemen of Mindanao electric cooperatives which have been helping the Department of Energy, the Lanao del Sur Electric Cooperative and the Task Force Bangon Marawi to fast-track the provision of power supply in the newly built Sagonsognan Transitional Shelter Site.

To provide light is to spark hope.

This is the underlying philosophy behind the efforts of the Department of Energy (DOE), through the Lanao del Sur Electric Cooperative (LASURECO) and other stakeholders, to rush the completion of the installation of power facilities and streetlights at the Sagonsongan Transitional Shelter Site for displaced households in Marawi after the siege.

“I am pleased to announce that we have already energized the newly built transitional shelter in Sagonsongan, creating a symbol of hope for our kababayans who have been heavily affected by the armed conflict in the area,” Energy Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi said.

Cusi pointed out that the DOE would extend all necessary support to the people of Marawi so they can recover faster, and help them build better lives after their city was torn apart by the siege.

Overseeing the installation of the power facilities in the area, DOE Assistant Secretary Redentor E. Delola said the energization of the distribution lines and streetlights was fast-tracked by the Lanao del Sur Electric Cooperative with the help of the other electric cooperatives in Mindanao, the Manila Electric Co. (MERALCO), National Grid Corp. of the Philippines and the National Power Corporation (Napocor) under the Task Force Bangon Marawi.

Delola and DOE Undersecretary Benito L. Ranque are in Marawi to grace the turnover ceremony of the Sagonsongan Transitional Shelter Site to its household beneficiaries.

Last 16 December, the DOE, led by Undersecretary Wimpy Fuentebella, turned over 400 solar-powered lamps to Task Force Bangon Marawi and 131 solar-powered street lights to LASURECO, which were installed to light the most affected areas.

The solar lamps and streetlights, through the coordination of DOE Consumer Welfare and Promotion Office, were donated by Pepsi Co. and Phinma Corp. and fabricated by the Correctional Institute for Women through the Liter of Light organization. For its logistics, the support came from the Department of National Defense through the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Napocor, MERALCO, Task Force Bangon Marawi and LASURECO.

Other Photos:

LIGHTING MARAWI SHELTERS: Some of the transitional shelters in Sagonsongan, Marawi now with access to electricity as of 26 December 2017. The installation of power lines and meters was facilitated by the Department of Energy and the Lanao del Sur Electric Cooperative in partnership with other energy stakeholders, including other electric cooperatives in Mindanao, the Manila Electric Co., the National Grid Corp. of the Philippines and the National Power Corporation under Task Force Bangon Marawi.

A SPARK OF HOPE: Linemen and personnel of electric cooperatives demonstrate the bayanihan spirit in completing the installation of commercial street lights at the Sagonsongan Transitional Shelter Site to light up roads at night.

G.SKILL Releases World's Fastest 64GB (4x16GB) SO-DIMM Kit at DDR4-3466MHz CL17-17-17-37

Wazzup Pilipinas!

G.SKILL International Enterprise Co., Ltd., the world’s leading manufacturer of extreme performance memory and gaming peripherals, is announcing the world’s fastest performance 64GB DDR4 SO-DIMM memory running at DDR4-3466MHz CL17-17-17-37 at 1.35V with a 4x16GB kit configuration. Constructed with rigorously hand-selected Samsung B-die DDR4 IC components, this new Ripjaws DDR4 SO-DIMM memory kit elevates the computing power of small-form-factor (SFF) PCs to a whole new realm of memory performance, allowing you to design a miniature powerhouse system for virtually any tasks ranging from content creation to gaming.

The Perfect Trio: High Capacity, High Frequency, Low Timings

The need of faster and larger capacity memory kits continue to rise as modern day workloads increases in both capacity and weight. To tackle this need, G.SKILL is expanding the delivery of maximum memory performance across all memory capacities; and by using 16GB SO-DIMM modules, high-end machines and workstation PCs can now be built in the size of a SFF system that can fit into a shoebox. Shown in the following screenshot is the high capacity 64GB SO-DIMM memory kit running at DDR4-3466MHz CL17-17-17-37 and being tested for over 6 hours on the ASRock X299E-ITX/ac mini-ITX motherboard with the Intel® Core™ i9-7900X processor.

The Ultimate Performance

Below is the screenshot of the same DDR4-3466MHz CL17 64GB (4x16GB) SO-DIMM memory kit achieving 95231MB/s read, 94856MB/s write, and 90639MB/s copy on the AIDA64 memory benchmark.

XMP 2.0 Support & Availability

This new ultra-capacity high performance G.SKILL Ripjaws DDR4 SO-DIMM memory kit is equipped with the latest Intel XMP 2.0 technology for easy one-click memory overclocking, and will be available from authorized G.SKILL distribution partners in 2018 Q1.
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