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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

ChEer UP Community Project: NCR First Community Visit Love to Learn

As the pioneering nationwide service-oriented event of UP ALCHEMES, ChEer UP Pinoy serves as an opportunity to extend a hand of service to communities all over the Philippines; to inspire young minds to enrich their knowledge; and to push education and environmental awareness forward. In line with this vision, the event aims to impart significant and sustainable contributions to chosen communities across the country by promoting quality education through science innovation, research, workshops and seminars.

Additionally, our members try to utilize their chemical engineering knowledge in providing sustainable, effective solutions with the help of science integration while engaging the beneficiaries in socio-civic activities. During the event's first year, it received accolades from the Engineering Organization Excellence Awards (EOEA) for Best Service Project, Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers - Junior Chapter Luzon (PIChE-JCL) for Best Community Development Project in March and April 2013, respectively and Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers 2013 for Outstanding Service Project.

Last 2015, it won the People’s Choice Award under the Livelihood and Entrepreneurship category of GENTAYO 2015: Photos of Happiness.

This year, ChEer UP Pinoy continues to pursue its mission in the name of service.

ChEer UP Pinoy hosts three sub-events to help the constituents in the best way it can with the applications of science and engineering.

ChEer UP Community Project

Combats major community problems such as electricity, water supply, and livelihood. Citizens of underprivileged communities will be educated by providing medical missions and other relevant seminars catered to the community’s special needs.


Highlights “fun in learning” by featuring fun science experiments and exhibits targeted at public grade school pupils. It encourages education by promoting an alternative and fun learning experience as a tool in teaching students. This aims to redefine education through the incorporation of informational activities.

Crossing to Higher Education (ChEducation)

Focuses on youth empowerment and consideration of sciences and engineering by promoting tertiary education among high school students. Education is reiterated as a key improvement quality of life by integrating informational and inspirational talks and workshops from people whom the students may relate to. Aside from that, speakers from different institutions that provide college scholarship grants will be invited. This sub-event is only done when ChEer UP Pinoy deems it to be useful for the chosen beneficiaries.


NCR First Community Visit Love to Learn, Kaingin I, Pansol, Quezon City
September 23, 2017
Post Documentation Report

ChEer  UP  Pinoy  held  its  first  NCR  visitation  for  this  academic  year  at  Love  to  Learn Community Center in Kaingin 1, Brgy. Pansol, Quezon City last September 23, 2017.  About 25 kids were able to attend and 11 volunteers offered assistance. The program started at around 1:30 PM and lasted for about two and a half hours.

The visitation began by playing a game to give the kids a fun and engaging atmosphere.  The rules of the game were simple. They just had to perform a pose related to the word given.

After the game, the kids watched a video entitled "Ozzy Ozone" for them to know more about the ozone layer. The kids were very concentrated in watching the said animation. A lecture followed to help the kids understand the importance of the ozone layer and learn about how they can help prevent further depletion of the ozone layer.

Three experiments were also conducted subsequently to the first lecture.

The first experiment was the Ozone Layer Demonstration. The kids were very participative. Three kids volunteered to take part in the experiment. They were asked to chew one bubble gum each. The bubble gum served as the ozone layer. Boiling water was then added to the water bottle up to the  brim  and  was covered  by the  bubble  gum  the  kids chewed. The procedure was repeated with lesser water. The kids were eager to see the result of the demonstration. This demonstrated the ozone layer depletion; the bottle represented the world, the water represented the CFC’s (chlorofluorocarbons) and the gum represented the ozone layer.

The second experiment was the Water Thermometer.  A  water  bottle  was  filled  with cold water up to the brim. A straw was placed inside the bottle and was packed with clay to seal the opening. As the bottle was placed in the hot water, the cold water inside the bottle rose up in the straw and when it was placed in the  cold  water,  the  water  went  down.  Food color   was   also   added   to   easily   see   the changes. The kids carefully observed the changes of the water levels.

The third experiment was Water Up the Leaves. The bottom parts of the leaves were removed and were placed in a half-filled cup of water with food color. The set-up was left for the kids to observe for the next three days.

Another set of lectures were presented to the kids. They watched an animation video before each lecture. The videos were entitled "What is Climate Change?" and "Impacts of Climate Change on Animals". Afterwards, the volunteers explained the definition of global warming, and discussed what greenhouse gases are – what are their sources and effects to the environment, as well as their effects to the animals.

A total of three lectures and three experiments were done during the visitation. The last activity was for the kids to draw or write what they learned about that day and what actions they would do to help save the environment. As the visitation concluded, snacks were distributed to the kids. Overall, the kids were very participative and showed interest in the topics presented. It was not only the kids who enjoyed the visitation; the volunteers were also happy for the success of the first NCR event and because of the joy brought to them by the kids.

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