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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Beware of the BUZZards of the Blogging Community

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Every time we hear stories about bloggers joining the bandwagon of bashing bloggers, we keep seeing them as vultures. Based on our research, vultures, some called as BUZZards, can often be seen circling endlessly and effortlessly on seemingly easy targets.

They're often mistaken for eagles but their bills and feet are not designed to catch or kill prey, so instead they feast on road kill and desert casualties. These birds are designed to poke their bills deep into a carcass. They feast on totally gross carrion.

When one finds a good updraft, other vultures will join in. Though most birds lack any sense of smell, vultures can sniff out a dead critter from more than a mile away. They smell the unique sulphurous chemical compounds of decaying meat from high in the sky, then will circle around downwards until they find the aroma's origin

It's a myth that vultures prefer things that have been dead for days. The truth is that they prefer their meals more fresh ... they'll definitely pass up carrion that's too, well, ripe.

Our advise to bloggers being continuously bashed by these BUZZards?

Keep yourselves alive and kicking. Show them you are all ready for whatever they'll throw at you. Don't succumb to desperation because they publicly shamed you. As long as you have a clear conscience, you should fight for your right to be in the blogging community.

To the spectators, don't settle being on the sidelines, hiding from their vision, in fear that they'll prey on you too. Soon they might target you as well if you remain silent from all their oppressive tactics, and let them feast on the weak. Your blogger friends need you more than ever.

To the bashers, your reputations will not get any better if you continue to pretend concerned about the blogging community, but deep inside you have an ulterior motive. Instead of public social media rants, backstabbing or badmouthing other bloggers, and anything similar, you directly communicate with those involved, and work on the problems privately.

You don't let the whole world know that your community is full of problems when you haven't tried ways to fix it. A family may have imperfect members, but each could make up for the weakness with the help of each other's strengths.

You don't alienate or "kill" a member of your family just because you believe they are below your standards. 

Successful brands don't advertise to promote their negative traits. They focus on the positive ones....while they work on improving their products or services. It may take time to change and improve, but we believe everyone deserves nth chances to be the better version of themselves.

These bashers cannot hide the fact that they just want to keep the opportunities within their circle of they talk ill about other bloggers thinking they'll be able to fool all their PR and event organizers.

Fortunately, the world is not full of gullible and weak-minded people. There are so many smarter persons around who know the true intentions of these bashers.

Why do they bash? Aside from being insecure and jealous of the achievements of their fellow bloggers, we all know that at certain events, only a few bloggers get the privilege of being invited. Since bloggers have been very much in demand, some are threatened and there brews some sort of competition. Most of the time, only those with the influence or contacts get to be invited. Nowadays, when you are very popularly invited at events, it does not mean you are the best blogger around.

However, PRs and event organizers have become smarter. They now do their own research and does not rely entirely on recommendations. They can now sense and identify who are pretentious and just after the perks and freebies, and who are naturally inquisitive and curious, and more into the stories and event coverage.

No one will deny that they enjoy the complimentary gifts, the raffle prizes, the VIP treatment, but if people are arguing about the controversial perks and freebies as a source of corruption among bloggers, and media, it should be removed just like how we feel that it is also not necessary to give politicians access to so much funds. 

Even though some bloggers may go overboard and abusive with feelings of entitlement, everyone else is guilty of their own "cheat days" and selfish moves.

If we really want to make this blogging community the most fruitful and rewarding for everyone, we don't limit our alliance with only a few. 

"Fact is there is room for everyone, and there's absolutely no need for hatred, just patience, perseverance, passion, and managed expectations."

About "" is the fastest growing and most awarded blog and social media community that has transcended beyond online media. It has successfully collaborated with all forms of media namely print, radio and television making it the most diverse multimedia organization. The numerous collaborations with hundreds of brands and organizations as online media partner and brand ambassador makes a truly successful advocate of everything about the Philippines, and even more since its support extends further to even international organizations including startups and SMEs that have made our country their second home.

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Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas Wazzup Pilipinas and the Umalohokans. Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas celebrating 10th year of online presence
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