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Saturday, November 12, 2016

Donald Trump is My President: What People Say About America's New Leader

Wazzup Pilipinas!

"There must be a side of Trump that the media ignores. The real Donald Trump must be good. There must be something out there that shows he is not racist, sexist, or homophobic. That he is not motivated by greed; that he's genuine. And that he is generous even when no one's looking. I am looking for those traits because now, Donald Trump is my president."
Congratulations to the new President of the United States of America (USA). This actually means most surveys, even the ones done in the Philippines, are inaccurate. You simply must prepare yourself to any outcome even if it's a total surprise for most Filipinos, here and abroad.

Just thirty-seven per cent of respondents to the network exit poll said that Donald J. Trump was qualified to be President; sixty-one per cent said that he was unqualified. And yet, on January 20, 2017, it will be Trump who will be inaugurated.

Donald J. Trump has won the presidential election in a stunning upset. How were you all feeling on the day after hearing about Donald J. Trump's victory? In his very first speech, he is very respectful of Hillary Clinton and notes: "’s time for America to bind the wounds of division. It is time for us to come together as one united people. It’s time.”

He must make a stab at uniting the country, after a scorched-earth campaign in which he consciously tore at the nation's gender, racial and economic fault lines to build a movement to win power. Whether or not America is ready for President-elect Donald Trump, the Walt Disney Company is prepared. Lol!

Trump's candidacy seemed like a bad joke. His victory has left a country shocked and ravaged by discord, especially along racial lines. This goes far beyond the usual partisanship. Some leftists are having a harder time than others adjusting to the idea of a Donald Trump presidency. But did you know that the Simpsons predicted Donald Trump to be the president 16 years ago? I an episode called "Bart to the Future", Lisa was elected as his successor. We have to face the reality that Donald J. Trump has been elected the 45th president of the United States, the capstone of a campaign in which he won over white voters with the promise to "Make America Great Again."

The republican presidential candidate and presidential-elect Donald Trump has said he does not want the $400,000 annual salary that comes with the White House job and would turn it down. This is not something that is very common and we have to admit, we do not see something like this everyday, or every election. He just wants to make things better in our country. A lot of people disagree with him, but his ideas are brilliant and simple for the better tomorrow for all of us.

Recent news are also saying President-elect Donald Trump is not actually looking to completely repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, once he takes office. After a campaign fueled by promises to eliminate the Affordable Care Act, President-electDonald Trump has told the Wall Street Journal in an exclusive interview that he is open to keeping parts of it in tact.

I'm sure the list of positives will continue to go on as he spend the days as the new President. So be sure to prepare yourself with more surprises, or did we really undermined or taken for granted the capability of this seemingly hot-headed guy who is one way or another similar to our President in the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte. Why do people want a "thug"-like President?

Apparently, there must be a reason here why people are now opting to have a president like Trump and Duterte, whether you are Filipino, American or anybody else around the world, who all wanted to see some changes from the previous blatantly corrupt administrations.

"When Donald Trump takes the oath of office on 20 January, the fact he will be the oldest person to do so in America’s 240-year history will be something of an afterthought. On that day a business tycoon, reality TV celebrity and architect of one of the most divisive and incendiary campaigns in memory – a campaign that has raised comparisons to Hitler and Mussolini – will become the most powerful person on the planet, his finger on the nuclear trigger."

President Barack Obama and President-elect Donald Trump smiled and shook hands when they met for the first time, but there were a few things noticeably absent. Neither of them look very happy to be there. And while the two met, First Lady Michelle Obama and MelaniaTrump had a sit-down of their own.

"It wasn’t just Donald J. Trump who won —it was his supporters too. The Klan won last night. White nationalists,"

But I've heard that even though #Trumpmerica is having a party, the non-racists protest!!

Al Sharpton vowed to leave the country if Trump was elected. His time's up, and he's on his way out.

Amy Schumer has made an official final decision about leaving the country now that Donald Trump is President.

"Over the next four years, our problems are going to get much, much worse." says Game of Thrones author RR Martin.

Is it also true thqat Miley Cyrus broke down in tears after she learned Donald Trump won as President?

Should President-elect Donald Trump also give WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange a "full presidential pardon" for the release of Hillary Clinton's e-mails?

“It was Mao Zedong who said: ‘Without destruction there can be no construction’. And, if I interpret him correctly, Donald Trump is the suicide bomber of American politics. He wants to just bring the whole house down and start over. And I think there is an element of that that is quite tantalizing to China.”

"Donald Trump ran a campaign that started with racial attacks and then rode the escalator down. Millions of Americans – African-Americans, Latinos, Muslims, LGBT Americans, women – have every right to be deeply worried. But there are many millions of people who did not vote for Donald Trump because of the bigotry and hate that fueled his campaign rallies. They voted for him despite the hate. They voted for him out of frustration and anger—and also out of hope that he would bring change to an economy and a government that doesn’t work for them.

If Donald Trump wants to increase the economy security of working families, then count me in. But rebuilding an economy does not mean handing the keys to our economy over to Wall Street so they can run it for themselves. It does not mean crippling our economy and ripping families apart by deporting millions of people. It does not mean throwing 20 million Americans off of their health insurance plans. It does not mean forcing through massive tax breaks that blow a hole in our deficit and tilt the playing field even further toward the wealthy and big corporations. And it does not mean bigotry and hate. Whether Donald Trump sits in a glass tower or sits in the White House, we will not give an inch on this, not now, not ever."

U.S. outgoing President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are ensuring a smooth transition for the Donald J. Trump presidency, as this will be beneficial to all embassies around the world, the US Embassy in the Philippines said.

On the morning of 21 January, after a long night of celebrations to mark his swearing-in aspresident, Donald Trump will take his seat at the Resolute Desk inside the Oval Office, pick up his pen, and launch into day one of his administration.

Just like in the Philippines with our Duterte as President, Americans would need to support Trump, whether they like it or not, as their new leader. Otherwise, it would all mean worst fate for all of us if we go out on the streets and protest only. If we find our president a mockery of our country's welfare, it would be because we decided to rant against instead of working with him.

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