Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Rise and Fall of the Blogging Community?

Wazzup Pilipinas!

The statement below is something I got from a "bubwit" (not the one who was found in a Starbucks Frap) who is also part of the blogging community. If there is any truth to it, I surely hope it's not 100% accurate as I believe we are still among the ones that publish only what we really feel no matter how others feel it as uneducated observance or lacking the critical eye to be legit and authoritative.
"Nice chat with a PR earlier about the ups and downs of the blogging community, and how the negative issues involving bloggers are not entirely different from what goes on with trad media (print, radio and TV) practitioners. 
Sadly, many bloggers now exhibit the negative traits that were previously attributed to erring members of the media.

Blogging for many is no longer what it was originally meant to be.

Unfortunately, it has been tainted when bloggers started holding back or go easy on writing the truth so they can retain friendships with the sponsors and brands.  
It has been ruined when bloggers only aim to get as much loot bags or tokens from the sponsors, brands or companies that they are promoting. They don't really advocate a single brand and does not stay away from the brands that they do not really like. Meaning, everyone can avail of their service in exchange for a fee or freebie. 
It has been diluted when bloggers started to participate in syndicated Comments, Likes, Shares, etc., exchanges. 
It has turned into a joke when brands now think that views, hits, impressions, ranking, etc., is the primary factor to determine if the blog is significant or not. 
Many people used to rely on bloggers to share real reviews and information with a personal touch. Now, most of what we read are either spoonfed or posted without any personal involvement of the blogger.

Now, it has become so easy to manipulate blog rankings, but it has become so difficult to keep our contents appropriate."
How about you? Do you believe in this point of view? I would rather keep my comments after everyone else has shared their own beliefs.

But what I would not tolerate is when some would look down on others just because the person under scrutiny is part of a community. You do not generalize a group based on a few members' acts. Each one still has their own personality that is unique and never similar to anybody else. Even twins do not share the same point of views, how much more are two individuals born from different mothers.


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