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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Aquino Vetoes Proposed Across-the-Board Increase in SSS Pensions

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Quoting the President’s veto message, Coloma said, ‘the President said “…the P2,000 across-the-board pension increase with a corresponding adjustment of the minimum monthly pension will result in substantial negative income for the SSS. More specifically, the proposed pension increase of P2,000.00 per retiree, multiplied by the present number of more than two million pensioners, will result in a total payout of P56 billion annually. Compared against annual investment income of P30 billion – P40 billion, such total payment for pensioners will yield a deficit of P16 billion – P26 billion annually…’” This is really simple mathematics.

On the other hand, some are saying that the SSS pension increase bill would have forced SSS to work at an acceptable standard, else face bankruptcy in 2029. So does this mean SSS would not exert extra effort to prevent itself from going bankrupt?

He would rather provide for the PDAF allocation of senators & congressmen and the president's own PDAF rather than help more than 2 million SSS pensioners! He would rather continue with the biggest criminal syndicate in the country - Congress - rather than help the SSS pensioners many of whom could no longer cope up with the current cost of living!

He is just proving that he and his economic managers have no brains and can not think of any plan/solution to ensure that SSS will not go bankrupt if the proposed additional pension of P2,000 for all SSS pensioners is implemented! 

If the investment income could not finance the implications of a 2,000-peso across the board increase in pensions, then fire your investment managers who couldn't manage the fund well enough to address the pension gaps. And yes, confiscate the fat bonuses for the executives.

Shame on all of them!

When a president doesn't seem to wanna leave a legacy for which he will be positively remembered, then it's time to pack up our bags and leave this forsaken country. The Philippines is a dread place for penniless senior citizens. Why didn't he seized the opportunity to create a legacy that will benefit millions of retirees?

The retirees' pension can barely feed them and buy them medicines. The P2,000 would be a big help despite its meager amount. Yet Aquino is not giving in to their cry!
But why do we want to blame him? We shouldn't even be relying on our pension or retirement benefits from SSS or GSIS in the first place. It is economics really. Even in Europe, governments are doing unpopular decisions to cushion potential problems /in this case pension plan. Granting across the board increase and the income of SSS is much lower than the cost, would endanger the whole system and the members. If implemented, come a time SSS members will no longer enjoy the fruits of their labor.

The President vetoes the proposed P2,000 across-the-board increase in Social Security System pensions, while the increase of the President's salary and other higher positions were approved? What I cannot understand is the hundred of millions of pesos that the SSS Board of Directors gifted themselves, their officers and staff by way of unconscionable bonuses at the expense of SSS members like me.

Why didn't he veto the undeserved and exessive bonuses of the SSS executives too? Empathy and sympathy are definitely not in his vocabulary. The same goes to the people around him.

Eto si PNoy.
Tayo daw ang boss niya.
Nung umento sa sahod ng mga opisyal ng gobyerno pirma agad siya.
Samantalang nung pensyon sa taong bayan dinedma na nya.
Tarantado si PNoy.
Huwag tularan si PNoy.

So he vetoed an additional 2k for our pensioners. 2k for the people who worked hard in their prime and gave part of their income to the government. I guess the minimum pension of php1200 monthly is enough these days, what with the inflation and very high cost of living. Right. Pnoy, you never fail to astound me. Cheers to your efficiency and common sense.

And you want Mar Roxas to succeed you in your greed? So 4 months from now, I hope we elect someone who's not as stonecold as this one. If you love your folks who are SSS pensioners, you will get mad at Aquino and get back at him by not voting his anointed successor! That act seals the deal on the incumbent's candidate because he is bound to be the same heartless inept leader!

The LP would like to increase the 4Ps or CCTs ... basically give money to those who did not work for it ... and withholds benefits to the workers who worked hard for their pension!

To SSS pensioners and families: Use your the power of your votes to show these yellow presidential and senatorial candidates our extreme disappointment

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1 comment:

  1. Paasa (Raising false hopes).

    This in a nutshell sums up and aptly describes the effects of President Aquino’s recent veto of the bill proposing a P2,000 across-the-board increase for SSS pensioners.

    The presidential veto has brought to the fore the serious lapse in the liaison and advisory works of both the Presidential Legislative Liaison Office (PLLO) and the Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council (LEDAC). For how could such a bill have passed both houses of Congress without the usual Completed Staff Work (CSW) – or whatever term they may wish to call it -- that would fairly apprise the President and the members of the legislature as well about the possible impacts – social, political, economic, fiscal, etc. – of key legislative measures under consideration by Congress?

    With such a CSW, the President is given a blow-by-blow account of the actions in Congress and is promptly advised by his subordinates relative to the appropriate decision or course of action to take on certain pending bills and avert, where proper, their being elevated to the portals of Malacañang for final decision by using his innate power of suasion over his allies in Congress. The timely information given the Chief Executive on crucial bills would spare him from being put “on the spot,” so to speak, and effectively shun a situation where members of Congress advocating a bill would earn “pogi points” and gain undeserved political mileage at the expense of an unwary President. That, too, would save Congress hundreds of deliberation hours and, of course, millions of people’s money!

    We thought that the presidential staff learned their lessons well from the 15th Congress (2010-2013) during which period the President vetoed nearly 80 bills submitted to him for signature. Such number of rejections speaks of the kind of coordination and linkage which the executive and the legislature had then. Proposed measures which are unlikely or have a very remote chance of being approved by the President owing to certain foreseeable considerations should, following an extensive research and CSW, be “nipped in the bud” and “dumped outright” at the legislative mill.

    While the SSS bill may be the first bill ever vetoed by the President among those passed by the current 16th Congress (2013-2016), still the recurrence of the old and unpalatable practice by Congress of passing the buck and eventually shifting the burden to the Office of the President at crunch time as well as the oft-laid-back approach and slip-shod treatment by the President’s men of legislative proposals which is akin to a “let’s-just-cross-the-bridge-when-we-get-there” attitude is something to be abhorred and despised.
    That the poor old SSS pensioners were made to believe that the bill would merit nothing less than the approval of their President, it having been given the imprimatur by hundreds of their representatives in Congress, made its rejection all the more painful and difficult to accept by those would-be beneficiaries. The two branches of government should by now have learned their lessons from this sad chapter and should forthwith become more prudent and circumspect in ensuring that what is finally delivered to their constituents are “true and concrete services” and not “paasa lang” or mere “hollow promises.”

    PUP College of Law Faculty


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