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Friday, October 24, 2014

Wazzup Pilipinas Original Short Stories Series: Just Friends

Wazzup Pilipinas!

“You'll never know what you have until it's what you had.”

This story showed us to value the people we love. It showed us that if we love someone, we should not hurt them and we should show them that we love them and care for them. It simply shows that we will meet many people, people come but we shouldn’t let the people that we love go.

The story creates a spontaneous powerful flow of emotions. It promotes love in many ways. It shows the love for another person. It showed how Sean loved his own best friend; it showed how Sean got the courage to finally confess his feelings for her best friend. It also showed Cara’s love for Sean as a friend. After Sean’s confession, Cara decided to call Hans, to make things okay. Cara tried to fix things and sort things out, because of the love she has for Hans as a friend.

The story also showed a person’s love for himself/herself. It showed how they decided to move on after being rejected or hurt by the person you love, they decided to end things to stop the pain they are feeling.

Below is our short story for the day. Read on and enjoy the rest of the day.

”Today’s going to be great!” I muttered to myself as I woke up this morning. I feel so drowsy and groggy as I stood up. I am not really a morning person, though I feel so pumped up today. “Cara! Come quick! Eat your pancakes! You’re going to be late for school” I heard my mom shout. I quickly responded saying “Yes, mom.” I quickly ate my pancakes, which is my breakfast. Usually, I don’t have any appetite eating my breakfast. But today’s different; I gobbled up my breakfast and quickly ran into the bathroom.

I don’t want to take a bath every morning. It’s like a battle between me and bathing. It’s so cold that I feel chills whenever I took my bath, but today’s so different. It’s like nothing is stopping me today. This is definitely going to be my day.

After I took my bath, I quickly put on my clothes and fixed myself. I looked at the mirror and smiled. My mom knew that something is going on, she asked me suddenly saying: “What’s with you today Cara?” I responded at her smiling, “Nothing mom, why did you asked?” “Nothing, it’s just there’s something wrong with you today. You look so happy, even this early in the morning” said my mom. My mom really knows me well; she would be the first one to know if I have a problem or something great happened to me. She can read me; she knows what I feel even though I didn’t mutter a single word.

I quickly rushed outside and went to my school. Then I saw my friend Sean. Sean became my friend after he moved in our city and started studying here in my school for 3 years. Sean is a good guy. He is not the kind of jerk that you would hate. I like hanging out with him. He’s actually my best friend and I am with him most of the time. Like my mom, Sean asked me, “Hey, what’s with the happy face?” I told him “Don’t I look happy most of the time?” “No, It’s just…it’s so different this time.” Like my mom, Sean knows me so well; he’s always been there for me. Whenever I have problems, he would always be the first one to know.

“Well, you’re about to know eventually. There’s no use telling you now.”

“Well, I can’t wait to know. I bet the reason behind your smile is so great. I can see it in your eyes.”

“Hey, I’m going to leave now. I have to go to my history class.” I replied.

“Hey wait, by the way, I have to tell you something later.” Sean said.

“OK! I’ll be seeing you later. Bye.” I said to him while running and trying to catch up with my history class.

So after my classes, Hans picked me up. Yesterday, Hans told me that he was going to tell me something. He also said that he’ll pick me up after school. Hans is a handsome guy. He is an athlete, a jock, one of the “cool dudes” here at school. So here we are, we started walking our way out. We talked like we know each other very well, but I only knew him for almost 3 months and we only talked on Facebook and with our mobile phones. We only did online chatting and texting. This is actually our first time talking with each other. He took me at a fast food restaurant; well of course we ate there. “It’s my treat” He said. He ordered me lasagna and pizza. So we talked at each other. This is so great! Hans is actually my crush ever since. This is the main reason why I am so happy today. It’s all because he texted me yesterday saying that he would like to talk with me and hang out. In the middle of our conversation, the atmosphere suddenly changed. He talked in a serious manner. I don’t know what to do the moment he started talking.

“Listen Cara, I know this sounds a little crazy. Wait, no it’s not “a little crazy”, it’s crazy. I like talking with you; it feels so different talking with you. I can’t understand what I feel right now. I can’t explain what I feel right now. I’m not expressive, and all I know is that there is only a way to tell you what I feel right now. And right now I’m telling you these four words. These words are the only thing that I know right now. I am serious about this. I LOVE YOU CARA! ”

The moment he said these words, I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to feel. I don’t know what to do. Wait a minute; just know I realized, IS THIS A DATE?! Well, none of that matters right now. I have to say something, but what should I say? I am not even sure myself if I have something to say.

“I love you to Hans” I told him those words before I even knew it.

“Really?! Well, that’s great, isn’t it? So now, we are in a relationship? Right?”

“Yes! I love you Hans.”

“I love you too Cara.”

This is the best night of my life. He accompanied me on my way to my house. Hans is so sweet. He even kissed me before I went inside my house.

The next day, I saw Sean again. “Hey Cara, we didn’t have the chance to talk yesterday. So, how about today?” Sean said. “Okay, but we got to do this real quick after school. I’ve got things to attend” I told him. After school I saw Sean sitting alone in the campus. I walked towards him and sat beside him.

“So Sean, what are we going to talk about?”

“Listen Cara, I’m going to tell you something.” He said in a stammering way.

“I’ve felt this way about you before. It’s since when I moved here and I saw you. I think I saw an angel that day. That’s why I started asking people where you study and made my decision to study there too. I tried to know you better, until we became friends. I fell in love with you. I don’t have the grit to tell you this before, but I got myself together now and I’m saying it. I love you Cara Smith!”

“Are you sure about those Sean?”

“Of course I am Cara.”

“Listen Sean, Me and Hans are now in a relationship-”

“WHAT?! That can’t be, you just met that guy. You don’t know him very well; I also heard rumors that he is a womanizer.”

“Stop that Sean, Hans is a good guy.”

“I’m just worried about you; you don’t know him very well. He could do someth-“


“Ohhhh….I didn’t know that’s what you feel for me. I’m sorry Cara; I won’t be meddling with your life anymore. Don’t worry; I won’t be a part of your life anymore.”

“No wait, Sean! That’s not what I meant; I didn’t mean what I said!”

Sean ran away from me. I can see tears rolling down his cheeks. I said something I shouldn’t have said. I didn’t mean to say those. Hans came five minutes later. After I came home, I tried calling Sean’s phone. He won’t answer my calls, he won’t answer the text messages that I sent to him. I just hope that things would be alright eventually.

2 months passed, I heard some rumors that Hans is going out with another girl. I confronted him. It resulted to a fight. Hans changed, or maybe Hans was always been like this, it’s just I didn’t know him better. I tried many times talking to him about those speculations, he would just ignore my questions and change the topic. Until one night, I heard Hans drank with his friends. So I went to the said place where they drank. I saw Hans there, drunk. I went to him and asked him to go home. He said no.

“Hans, you need to go home now. Look at yourself you’re drunk!” I said to him.

“No! I am not going home! Why do you even bother going here? Why did you come here?”

“You’re intoxicated Hans! Of course I’ve been worrying.”

“Ohh, so you care for me?”

“Of course I care for you? What do you mean by that?”

“It’s just that I never cared for you?”


“I just dated you because I had a bet with my friends, and I won. The bet is if I can date you and be your boyfriend or not. And about the rumors that I was cheating on you, they are actually true.”

I don’t know what to say after hearing those words. My heart broke into pieces. Everything is a lie; everything that I believed in was a lie. I cried, I cried and ran away. I can’t even see in his face that he cared that he made me cry. When I got home, I remembered Sean. “I miss Sean” I said to myself, “Sean is always been there for me, he is the back that I lean on when hard times come.” But then, even Sean was gone. We never talked again since that incident. I tried moving on about Hans.

A month passed, and I don’t care about Hans anymore. All that I care now is me and Sean getting our problem solved. I missed Sean so much. Eventually, I realized how I truly feel for Sean. Sean is always there for me, he is always been the one to know my problems first. He was the one who stayed by my side when everyone turned their backs on me. Nobody cared for me like Sean…nobody loved me like Sean. Then one day I realized that I really loved Sean. I remembered all the good memories that I shared with Sean. I am a fool for doing such a thing to Sean. I am a fool for hurting the one who cared the most for me. I pulled myself together and went to Sean’s house the other day. And there, I talked to Sean.

“Listen, Sean I am sorry for what I said. I didn’t mean to say those words. Of course I care about you Sean. Please forgive me.”

“I already forgave you Cara, don’t worry.”

“I also have a confession to make.”


“Eventually, I just realized that it’s you who I really love. I love you Sean, I’m sorry about what I have done in the past. I didn’t mean what I said. I was blind for not seeing you all this time, all this time you are there for me. All this time you are the one who’s been caring for me....loving me. I love you Sean. I love you so much.”

“Do you mean those words Cara?”

“Yes, yes I mean what I just said Sean.”

“Sorry Cara, but I don’t have any feelings for you anymore. I got hurt by what you said and decided to move on. I’m sorry.”

“No…no, don’t say you’re sorry. It’s not your fault, it’s my entire fault. I’m sorry Sean for what I did. I’m sorry for hurting you.”

“Goodbye Cara.”

“Goodbye Sean.”

Before I knew it, tears started falling down. I walked away, with a big burden on my chest. It hurts, my heart hurts. It hurts losing your best friend and the one you love at the same time. I am so stupid; I am stupid for hurting the one that I loved the most. I am stupid for ignoring every single thing he did for me. I am stupid for not appreciating all the things he did for me. I should have appreciated what I have while I still have them. Appreciate what you have, while you still have them. You don’t know when it’s going to be taken away from you.

“You'll never know what you have until it's what you had.”

Contributed by Ray Calvin Sarmiento

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  1. Wow! That's a great ending. You have a unique style in writing so keep up the good work :D

  2. Your story gave me a heartache. I don't normally read romance especially if its about best friends because i know where it would end but even though i already knew what the ending was, i was glad that i read your story. Thank you for your short story, it was really nice :]

  3. The story was really touching and I know many people can relate to it. For me, I really like romances with a little bit of drama and the way how the story progressed was really good but a little sad especially the last quote.

  4. I liked the ending sentence and the way this story was written, despite the grammatical errors in some parts. At first, I was expecting that the two best friends will end up with each other after Cara's boyfriend dumped him, so in the end, I was kind of surprised and impressed that things turned out differently. It's sad that the two of them have to say goodbye to each other when it's pretty obvious that they feel something towards each other. It's a great story, though and I enjoyed reading it.

  5. This short story about romance and friendship and how sometimes these two meets at some point is really interesting to read. Sometimes, I can be a hopeless romantic like the protagonist in the story but what I liked about this story is that it shows how we should first prioritize friendship over relationship with the opposite gender. We should trust our friends more since we have been with them for many years than the person whom we have a crush on. This story is fascinating because it shows how friendship could die but feelings stay but it can also change.

  6. It really is so romantic and very appeasing to the heart but a friend of mine once told me that it is very hard and not that easy to lose feelings or let go of emotions especially when it's love.

    -Shanthy Garcia

  7. This is not the first time that I’ve read this story of yours since you already showed this to me before passing it but when I’ve read it again, the emotions were still there, meaning you’ve successfully made a connection to your reader. Connection in a way that I’m also a teenager and I can relate to it since I can observe that it’s really happening in the real world. Also, one of the factors why the story captured my heart was your peculiar writing style. Although it’s quite predictable in a sense that bestfriend love stories are cliché, still you managed to give me that “oh-this-is-interesting” feeling and that feeling gave me the urge to finish the story and know what the ending would be. There are also three other reasons why I liked the story and these are as follows:

     The epigraph. The epigraph that you used is a quotation that really gave me a great impact since it’s catchy and true. 
     Simple words. Using simple words is good since anyone can read it, even children, and can easily understand the story.
     There are lessons to be learned in the story actually more like realizations. The first one is that you can never trust other people especially if you only knew that person for a very short time. So before giving your trust to someone, test that person first if it is willing to be by your side no matter what, to accept you for whom you are even your deepest, darkest attitude. Another lesson, don’t violate the rule “friendship over relationship”. At this young age, we tend to be attracted easily to a person through his/her physical appearance or even the good traits you see in a person for example: polite, neat, intelligent, etc. I want to clear this misconception of love since at this age, teenagers like us aren’t really experiencing “true love” maybe at some point the love will grow into that true love but it’s rare and the common feeling during this stage is just infatuation. I just want to say that I believe that love can wait and if it’s really meant to be then it will be. We don’t need to rush things involving romantic relationships. We should value our friends since it’s very hard to find a true friend. Once you let your true friend go, regret will just eat you up. We should self-reflect once in a while to be able to make decisions that we won’t regret someday. Time management, Balance of attention, is the key. Lastly, Say something if you want to. Every second time counts because if you let your fear and oblivion eat you up, you may not have the chance to express it since it’s too late to do so. So overall, I can only say that we should really value time, friendship and love. <3

  8. The story was interesting because teenagers nowadays is really experiencing those kind of scenes. Love over friendship is a very complicated issue and it could really test your decision making. Everyone should choose wisely so that we don't regret the decision that we made. For the story itself I think the plot is very common I think you could add some twist on the story to make it better. :)))

  9. This story is very amazing. Plot twists made the story more unique than other friendship-romance stories. I like the ending and the way of writing. There are so many lessons to be learned in the story like in decision making, giving trust to someone, friendship and also in social networking. Great job! :)

  10. We must value everything that we have right now. That we must show love and care for them. This story makes us realize more things in life.Good job! :)

  11. The plot was unpredictable and uniquely told. It is amazing how a male author could narrate from a woman's point of view. Applause for that! :)
    We shall not neglect the people who have been there since the very beginning, helping us. The story teaches us that we must be careful in trusting people around us because we may be easily deceived. The people that we value so much will sometimes be the one who will hurt you the most in the end. This is a really good story. Awesome work! :)

  12. Amazing story! Though this story gave me a little heartache because Sean and Cara didn't end up together. I like the quote at the end! Overall, the story is great. Keep it up! :)

  13. I like the quote at the end. And it's like treasure the things that you have before it becomes what you had.

  14. It's a typical love story between two lovers so it's kind of easy to predict. Nevertheless, you can really learn something from it. We should really treasure everything we have because you will nerver know when will God take it. I really love the quote “You'll never know what you have until it's what you had.”


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