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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wazzup Pilipinas Original Short Stories Series: Syringe

Wazzup Pilipinas!

"We can run away from our past and start a new life or we can let it dictate our life and thus affecting the way we are now."

Thomas Strauss experienced the cruelty of life at a young age. He saw how both of his parents died with pain and agony. Its his choice if he would let his horrible past affect him. He can control it. But he didn’t. Instead he let the pain and the agony that he felt as a child consumed him.

All his life he felt so alone. And the only way to escape this feeling is to take away somebody’s life. By doing this, he believes that he’s doing them a favor, buy ending their sufferings in a painless way.

As individuals, we tend to follow our own feelings and we regret to look at the bigger picture. The people would hate him. The family of his victims neither may or may not forgive him.

Here is our short story for the day.

It was more than a decade ago as he sat on his bed; he looked at his recent victim lying peacefully beside him. A 17 year old girl named Olive. The look of a five hour dead girl is the greatest feeling in the world for him. The girl’s skin turned into this beautiful pale gray color. And once again, for the seventh time, he saw this peace in the face of his victim.

Every day of his life, he watched how the girls he met struggled to exist. He listened to their rants about life in general, college, money, jobs and other stuff. Because of this he saw how the girls suffer, which gave him the urge to help. He knows he needs to help them. They all deserve peace. He would usually invite them for dinner. Away from all the people. Most of the girls just wanted to escape. Escape from the sad reality of their daily lives.

They just need anything to distract them, one of this is romance. Those girls just need someone to get distracted. And he could always find that insecure girl. He could see it in the way they walked. He senses it in the way they acted. And he could feel it in their presence.

And so it went. He would bring them to a high-end restaurant, he would feed them with the best stake on town, and he would let them drink the finest wine in the city. He would talk to them, making sure that he’ll have their trust.

After the dinner, he would invite them over his house to watch some movies. After the movies, they would make love and the girl will fall asleep in his arms. But this is not yet the best part. The best part is, when he would finally inject them with the fast acting poison and they would die peacefully in their sleep. No pain.

“Hush now darling, the terrible days are finally over” he would say placing a small kiss in the girl’s forehead

Their death gave him this satisfaction. He took away those girls from the suffering of life. From now on they wouldn’t feel any pain or suffering again. He viewed it as a moment of bliss. After giving them the life they always wanted, he would send them away to a very special place. They would die happy.

She became number 7.

He would start again tomorrow, pick another girl and he would help her. Help her to have the peace she always wants.

But first things first, he needs to dump his recent victim.

It was four in the morning when the car in his garage starts. He carefully pushed the body inside his car’s trunk. Before closing it he kissed the girl’s forehead for the final time.

“Goodbye my dearest” he would tell them

One of his strategies is to find a different place to dump the body every time. This time the place that he picked is the one nearer to him, it worried him, but just slightly. Still he continued to drive off to that place.

He played some music and sung along with them. He was less than a kilometer to the spot where he would take the girl when his tire blew a flat. He pulled to the side of the road.He thought about tossing on the four-ways. Deciding against if he would pull the tire out in the dark and work with the first rays of light that happened to be coming up. Call it what you will, but fate jumped in that night. A patrol man happened to be traveling not more than two miles behind him. He pulled over to help.

His lawyer insisted on a not-guilty insanity plea. But the evidences that the police saw in his house where enough to put him into a death sentence.

Now, he didn’t felt any pain when the needle was finally injected to his veins. All his life he was scared of needles, but now, he’s not. He didn’t feel sad or angry. His fight was over. He looked at the man giving him the injection, the executioner gave him a goodbye smile. He winked back. A curtain was pulled, and behind those curtain is a mirror. He tilt his head to have a much better view of himself in the mirror. He take a good look at his face. The last face that he would see. He know that it’s a two way mirror and the family;y of the victims are behind those, they would probably be seeing a murderer who killed their precious little girls. But for him, he is a hero. A hero who saved those girls from cruelty of life.

“You can speak to them now” the executioner told him

“How do I say I’m sorry” he said

“There’s this boy, no more than 10 years of age. He saw his mother die of cancer, and he also witness how his father suffered and die because of it. He would grow up cold. He would grow up alone. And there would be no escape from his past. The only thing he wanted is for people to die peacefully, without pain. No suffering or agony. And one day his obsession for pleasing and making people content would go too far. I hope you’ll forgive him. He just wanted to help. He just wanted to save someone form this cruel life” he said with a weak smile

He could feel the poison slowly reaching his system. Surprisingly he feel really safe right now.

I wonder if those girls felt the same.

“ I hope that after I lefty this world, you would all forgive me for the things that I have done. I'm so sorry.” He closed his eyes tightly

Two minutes later Thomas Strauss was declared dead.

“As of 7:02 in the morning Thomas Strauss was successfully executed. He died after an open apology to the family of his victims. The procedure took less than a minute.” The statement when on for more than 5 minutes

Thomas Strauss’ body was taken to the same cemetery where his parents are buried.

  Otherswould see him as a murderer. A bunch of people would sell some shirt with the words “I survived Thomas Strauss” And a college professor would write a book about him “A myth of an evil man: Thomas Strauss story”.

But they would never understand the reason for those murders. They would only see Thomas Strauss as the evil man who took away others lives.

Contributed by Lazaro

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  1. A very interesting story and very well said.

  2. I liked this story so much. It has a very unique and interesting plot. I've always wondered what lies in the minds of those who murder people and this one satisfy that question. I liked how the construction of the plot was made, how he was only introduced at the last part. It was short but enough for me to understand well. Actually, this story reminds me of the quotation; "A person's madness is another person's reality." We all can't say whatever is good or what is bad, and this one proves that statement well.

  3. I love how the story was said with it's perculiar and fascinating plot. I can't help but feel sympathy for the protagonist in the story since all he wants to do is to help people escape reality.My opinion is, I don't get why he have to be executed since his actions were a result for his traumatizing past, seeing the ones he love suffer and later on die, which is clearly a sign of a mental disorder. It's not like he's a psychopath on the loose killing people just for fun. Overall, the story was great and awesome :))

  4. The entire plot was moving progressively and so was the height of emotions. It was really comforting to hear a murderer's perspective. Some of us may think of them as really wicked people but as they say, "Everything has a reason." Great choice of words and 'twas a touching story. Good job!

  5. The story has a very interesting plot that shows the reason behind the protagonist's murders. Which made me think that every bad person has their good side too, but show it on their own ways. Good job!

  6. This story proves that not all bad person are bad inside and out. We might not know that there may be a reason for that. Even though he suffered a lot, he managed to be good at some times. I felt bad about the ending because this happens in real life. Finding someone's fault instead of his or her good deeds.

  7. The story is very interesting. Thumbs up to the author!

  8. The story is very fascinating! The author's way of using the murderer's point of view really gives great impact to the readers. It makes the reader stop and think about it. I also liked the literary devices used by the author such as flashbacks. This story moved me, it made me understand those people who commits murders,it made me think that they have their own reasons and we can't judge them because we don't know the real story. So thanks for sharing this story, I was able to learn that we can make good out of our wrongs.

  9. Wow. The plot is very different from those I've read. I don't know what to feel. To sympathize with Thomas, pity the victims, or be creeped out with his behavior. There was a good phasing of events. Also, very good choice of words. Since it was all well-written, I think this deserves to have a movie. The author did a very good job! Keep writing!! :))


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