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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Why Do We Drink Cow’s Milk: Breastfeeding for Babies

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Most formulas on the market today are manufactured from cow’s milk. Formula companies have produced milk for babies that seem to resemble the real thing. Formula is definitely better than it used to be, but what the factories make doesn't quite measure up to what mom makes. It is nearly impossible for artificial baby milk manufacturers to make milk with nutrients even close to what mothers' bodies can make.

The major concern is that even though formula-fed infants appear to grow normally, are they really thriving? Thriving means more than just getting bigger. It means developing to the child's fullest physical, emotional, and intellectual potential. We just don't know about all the long-term effects of tampering with Mother Nature – though we do know that there are significant health differences between formula-fed and breastfed infants. You may see on which formula is ideal for your baby.

Human milk is a live substance containing live white blood cells and immune-fighting substances, and is a dynamic, changing nutritional source, which daily (sometimes hourly) adjusts to meet the individual needs of a growing baby. Formulas are nothing more than a collection of dead nutrients. They do not contain living white cells, digestive enzymes, or immune factors. Breast milk changes as the baby grows. Formula stays the same. Breast milk is specially formulated to meet the needs of a child as they change.

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So why do we need to drink formula milk from cow? Although experts believe breast milk is the best nutritional choice for infants, breastfeeding may not be possible for all women. For many women, the decision to breastfeed or formula feed is based on their comfort level, lifestyle, and specific medical considerations that they might have. In addition to medical concerns that may prevent breastfeeding, for some women, breastfeeding may be too difficult or stressful.

Here are a few other reasons women may choose to formula feed:

Either parent or another member of the family can feed the baby a bottle at any time. This allows the mother to share the feeding duties and helps her partner to feel more involved in the crucial feeding process and the bonding that often comes with it.

Flexibility. Once the bottles are made, a formula-feeding mother can leave her baby with a partner or caregiver and know that her little one's feedings are taken care of. There's no need to pump or to schedule work or other obligations and activities around the baby's feeding schedule. And formula-feeding moms don't need to find a private place to nurse in public.

Time and frequency of feedings. Because formula is less digestible than breast milk, formula-fed babies usually need to eat less often than do breastfed babies.

Diet. Women who opt to formula feed don't have to worry about the things they eat or drink that could affect their babies.

Although breastfeeding is the best feeding choice for babies and mothers, breastfeeding does come with some concerns that new mothers may share.

Common concerns of new moms, especially during the first few weeks and months, may include:

Personal comfort. Initially, as with any new skill, many moms feel uncomfortable with breastfeeding. But with adequate education, support, and practice, most moms overcome this. The bottom line is that breastfeeding shouldn't hurt if the mother receives help and guidance.

Time and frequency of feedings. There's no question that breastfeeding does require a substantial time commitment from mothers. Breastfed babies do need to eat more often than babies who are fed formula, because breast milk digests faster than formula. Some women may be concerned that nursing will make it hard for them to work, run errands, or travel because of a breastfeeding schedule or a need to pump breast milk during the day.

This can be tiring, but once breastfeeding has been established (usually in about a month), other family members may be able to help out by giving the baby pumped breast milk if mom needs a break or is going back to work outside the home.

Diet. Women who are breastfeeding need to be aware of what they eat and drink, since things can be passed to the baby through the breast milk.

Maternal medical conditions and medicines. Medical conditions such as those that involve chemotherapy or treatment with certain medications may make breastfeeding unsafe. A woman should check with her doctor if she's unsure if she should breastfeed with a specific condition. Women should always check with the doctor about the safety of taking medications while breastfeeding, including over-the-counter and herbal medicines.

The decision to breastfeed or formula feed your baby is a very personal one. But here are some points you may want to consider as you decide which is best for you and your new addition.

Here are some of the many benefits of breastfeeding:

Infection-fighting. Antibodies passed from a nursing mother to her baby can help lower the occurrence of many conditions, including:
ear infections
respiratory infections

Breastfeeding is particularly beneficial for premature babies and also may protect children against:
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

As a group, breastfed babies have fewer infections and hospitalizations than formula-fed infants.

Nutrition and ease of digestion. Often called the "perfect food" for a human baby's digestive system, breast milk's components — lactose, protein (whey and casein), and fat — are easily digested by a newborn's immature system.

As a group, breastfed infants have less difficulty with digestion than do formula-fed infants. Breast milk tends to be more easily digested so that breastfed babies have fewer incidences of diarrhea or constipation.

Breast milk also naturally contains many of the vitamins and minerals that a newborn requires. A healthy mother does not need any additional vitamins or nutritional supplements, with the exception of vitamin D. Breast milk does contain some vitamin D, and vitamin D is produced by the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight.

Free. Breast milk doesn't cost a cent, while the cost of formula quickly adds up. And because of the immunities and antibodies passed onto them through their mothers' breast milk, breastfed infants are sick less often than infants who receive formula. This may mean they make fewer trips to the doctor's office, which equates to fewer co-pays and less money doled out for prescriptions and over-the-counter medications.

Likewise, women who breastfeed are less likely to have to take time off from work to care for their sick babies.

Different tastes. A nursing mother will usually need 500 extra calories per day, which means that she should eat a wide variety of well-balanced foods. This introduces breastfed babies to different tastes through their mothers' breast milk, which has different flavors depending on what their mothers have eaten. By tasting the foods of their "culture," breastfed infants more easily accept solid foods.

Convenience. With no last-minute runs to the store for more formula, breast milk is always fresh and available. And when women breastfeed, there's no need to warm up bottles in the middle of the night. It's also easy for breastfeeding mothers to be active — and go out and about — with their babies and know that they'll have food available for whenever their little one is hungry.

Obesity prevention. Some studies have found that breastfeeding may help protect a child from obesity.

Smarter babies. Some studies suggest that children who were exclusively breastfed have slightly higher IQs than children who were formula fed.

"Skin-to-skin" contact. Many nursing mothers really enjoy the experience of bonding so closely with their babies. And the skin-to-skin contact can enhance the emotional connection between mother and infant.

Beneficial for mom, too. The ability to nourish a baby totally can also help a new mother feel confident in her ability to care for her baby. Breastfeeding also burns calories and helps shrink the uterus, so nursing moms may be able to return to their pre-pregnancy shape and weight quicker. In addition, studies show that breastfeeding helps lower the risk of breast cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, and also may help decrease the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer.

Since mother’s breast milk is more nutritious and suitable to humans compared to formula milk from cow, the best option to feed a baby is through breastfeeding. The government should help in this by strengthening and supporting Breast Milk Banks for mothers who can’t produce sufficient amount of milk or has a condition that prevents her from breastfeeding.

Buildings private or public should also have nursing stations so that mothers can have their privacy when nursing their babies. DOH should also launch a massive educational campaign highlighting the benefits and advantages of using breastfeeding.

Lastly, the main advantage of breastfeeding is not in the milk but in the act. Breastfeeding shows how mothers care for their babies. It is in breastfeeding that babies feel the love of their mother.

Contributed by Matthew Liwag

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  1. Breastfeeding for babies are really important. Not only it benefited the baby but also the mother will share her own milk to the one she really loves that symbolizes pure care. I hope someday every mother in the world breastfeed their own babyvand live happily :)

  2. Indeed! Breastfeeding is the best because you give your nutritional needs to your baby and formula is already fixed. On the other side, formula can be convenient for working moms like me. How I wish I could breastfeed my child. My OB told me that I have no milk already so I have to eat plenty of nutritional foods. For the meantime, I'm feeding her Anmum Materna milk. Thanks for sharing some info about the benefits of breastfeeding.

  3. We've been mislead by the big lies from milk industries plus the enticing multi million dollar advertisements of "calcium" from milk. In fact, cow's milk isn't the best source of calcium.

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