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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Privilege Speeches To Accuse, Divert and Make Fun Of: As Inspired By Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago

Wazzup Pilipinas!

"Instead of presenting evidence to the public of his hypocritical protestations of innocence, Enrile once again chose to steer public attention to what he hopes will be a diversion: the lies and black propaganda hurled against me during the 1992 presidential campaign. This man, contrary to logic and common sense, hopes to evade criminal prosecution and public outrage over his plunder, by resurrecting campaign dirt against me which are over 21 years old! Dream on, old man, aka Tanda." - Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago

Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago accuses his co-Senator Juan Ponce Enrile of being the grandfather of all plunders. Enrile answers back. Miriam again takes the pedestal. Enrile submits himself to a media interview - and so the cycle goes on. Non-stop, and perhaps will just fade away when a new more controversial issue arises.

There was an accusation of diverting the issues, or steering it away from the real and original mess. However, it somehow benefits us because we get to know more about what really goes on in and out of the Senate. We are now aware that there are more stories to tell, and the revelation sjust keep on getting more interesting.

A community may seem to turn also into the Senate where everyone could be entitled to a privilege speech. We've read all about how wrong one is, and how right some are. Just like the Senate (as well as Congress), it may turn into a numbers game. Everyone has their own allies who will be happy to side with you when there's a helpless bunch that would dare go against your group. When some make comments against the majority, they get gang-banged and f*cked in the ass, thus calling the odd men expressing their contradicting point of view as smart asses or assh*les. Many may become timid in giving out their honest opinions in fear of being attacked by an angry mob.

 "Whoever is clean, please cast the first stone"
True enough, we like to believe we are sinless, so we strike everyone else we see as sinners. However, no one is free of sin. If you say you are sinless then you can pick up a stone right now and shout "To death with myself!".

Sadly, each and everyone of us has their own share of mistakes, and
their own little secret. If you don't want to admit it, then you are a liar.

"A “clash of titans” was how Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago described the Senate session Wednesday, but her sharp words seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. As Santiago seethed in anger during her privilege speech, the object of her fury sat nonchalantly, shook his head occasionally and grinned mischievously." -

Normally, its either the most arrogant and conceited, or the oblivious to his own fault, that will make the most noise and sound like he is an authority in the community. Seniority, or a lengthy existence in a certain field could only mean two things : you are great, or you have nowhere else to go. You might be the latter.

Sometimes its better to just remain silent but others may perceive that as guilt. Why? Because if you are sincerely honest like Honesto, you will not hesitate to entertain any form of interrogation.

I've learned that we may have become immune to everything that we do wrong, that we start believing it is but normal. We grow accustomed to a self-righteous, fearless, all-knowing and intimidating group that we have become our worst enemies - the false prophet who likes to think he is sharing a message from above.

"There's no room for negotiation! This is how it is in here, so deal with it or leave!"

"We still have hope to reconcile!" 

"Yeah, start telling yourself that!"

If you still haven't realized that the world is ran by people who let others think for themselves, then that's the reason why we have lawmakers in position. We voted for them, we suffer from the consequence.

Just like reality shows where the final winner is chosen thru text votes, eventually the organizers will soon pick a winner or declare a champion (or survivor). You will win if you can convince many to vote for you. You will win when people start "texting in" a vote for you. (You will win if you have a generous sponsor,  or if you have plenty of money to play with, or if you are backed by a large network.)

Life, is harsh and unpleasant some of the time, and it is definitely a numbers game that can be easily  manipulated.

Huge numbers are not always positive in nature. People may measure the number of hits or views of a website as an indication of how popular a site is, but the real figures that should be counted is not on how many the site was able to reach, but on how many it was able to influence.

We may have a network of thousands or even millions, but most of the people may just be there only for the perks and privileges (and the exchange of rumors or "chismis" among malicious kids pretending to be mature adults).

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