Wazzup Pilipinas!
Here is another article written by Ernie Cecilia that talks about the Welcome Remarks of People Management Association of the Philippines President Grace Sorongon. The PMAP President delivered her Welcome Remarks last September 25, the first day of the three-day PMAP 50th Annual Conference.
"Pres. Grace believed that PMAP has achieved much over the past 50 years, saying, “First, we mined PEOPLE… Then we mined COMPETENCY, as we transformed from Personnel to Human Resources, and we mined our driver’s seat with a new paradigm of INNOVATION. These three things are our LEGACY for the next 50 years…”Past annual conferences were retraced and the relevant themes recalled. It was a milestone to reach the golden years, even though there might have been some "worst times", and the need to embrace "change" and understand that "we are the change that we have been waiting for."

Article: President Grace retraces 50 Annual Conferences
PMAP President Evelyn Grace Sorongon greeted the Conference delegates in seven of 88 Filipino dialects in her welcome remarks. Her short remarks overflowed with vital information on past annual conferences, past AC chairs, past PMAP Presidents, and other PMAP trivia, to the delight of her audience.
Pres. Grace recalls major aspects of the Annual Conferences from 1964 to 2012. She retraced past conferences and the relevant themes, as she aptly called the 1960 era “the best of times, the worst of times,” to borrow Charles Dickens’ words about old London in the latter’s immortal piece. The 1970s ushered in the Age of Anxiety, against the backdrop of the first quarter storm, the hippie culture and the martial law. In the 1980s, “CHANGE was the buzzword, as everyone searched for ways to survive in a changing environment.” The 1990s saw a more process-oriented environment in an era of re-engineering. At the turn of the 21st century, ‘our future is today,’ and the quest for greater relevance was primordial.”
Pres. Grace believed that PMAP has achieved much over the past 50 years, saying, “First, we mined PEOPLE… Then we mined COMPETENCY, as we transformed from Personnel to Human Resources, and we mined our driver’s seat with a new paradigm of INNOVATION. These three things are our LEGACY for the next 50 years…”
Towards the end of her speech, Pres. Grace spoke of personal milestones. Oozing with human interest, she wowed the crowd with her daughter’s passing her medical licensure, getting married and getting pregnant. Grace began preparing herself to talk to her would-have-been grandchild about her HR work where 24/7 was not enough. She said, “My grandchild will perhaps ask if I was happy in my work. And my ready answer would certainly be: YES! Unfortunately, my daughter Mish had a miscarriage. Sad as we all were in the family, we can’t wait for the right time that we could have a little-Me in our modest world.”
In closing, she shared with the audience what she would have shared big time with her would-have-been grandchild, “What worked in the past will work in the Future only if the future resembles the Past.” To highlight the importance of change and the need to embrace it, Pres. Grace quoted US President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign slogan, “We are the change we have been waiting for.”
Those words rang loud, and what ensued in the opening program was a big bang!
Written By Ernie Cecilia, DPM
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