Monday, September 23, 2013

Copernicus : Aerodance '13

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Good things come from small beginnings. We must learn to walk baby steps until we finally learn to run. I suppose our section Copernicus can attest to that.

To be honest, we weren't off to a great start. There were a couple of misunderstandings along the way but fortunately, we managed to surpass them and build a bond among us. During the aerodance competition last month, we were given a chance to show off our talents. 

At first, we were being complimented by Sir Gabby, our MAPEH teacher but a few days before the aerodance, we were quite confused regarding our abilities. We had last minute practices -- four days before the competition -- and last minute steps -- the Whoops Kirri. We also had a small problem about our props. But we didn't raise the white flag just yet.

On the day of the comptetition, Auvrey and Ruth came in with our props. They used our class fund to buy wristbands and sweat bands. Mommy Wilma (as shown in the first photo, Copernicus with the initials M.W.) tied the hair of all the girls and Alfred put gel on our hair. It was really a great feeling that our adviser was there to support us. 

For once, during the competition, I honestly felt like I belong to a family -- my last family, I should say. We danced our heart out at the gymnasium and I guess everything turned out well. We emerged as the third place. It was quite an exhilarating feeling to win because I, myself have never been part of a winning team in the Aerodance, even if we were just a placer. 

Goldstein was also there to celebrate with us. We call ourselves AuCu because most of them belong to the same section last year. It was a great feeling. It was indeed a great day. It was probably the first time I ever felt like this was my family.

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