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Monday, August 19, 2013

Zoobic Safari : Subic's Finest Theme Park for Mali the Elephant

Wazzup Pilipinas!

It has been confirmed that Mali will be moved to Zoobic Safari really soon!

Why Zoobic Safari? Is it better than the Thailand sanctuary that PETA and other activist groups have been longing for Mali? Will it give Mali the much needed space for her to move freely and comfortably as compared to her previous home at the Manila Zoo? Will Zoobic Safari also give Mali the opportunity to live with her own kind - the company of fellow elephants?

The issue why the management of the Manila Zoo is against the transfer of Mali to Thailand was because they believe Mali will be going through a rough time traveling form the Philippines to Thailand. Will it be better for Mali to just travel within the Philippines - from Manila to Subic?

These are just a few questions that needs to be answered.

This is where our guide, during our trip to Zoobic Safari, told us where Mali the elephant will be "temporarily" transferred. Yes, with emphasis on temporary, as the plan was just during the time when the local government of Manila and the Manila Zoo administration is renovating the Manila Zoo, constructing a new and better home for Mali.

I've also read somewhere that Manila is planning to acquire two additional elephants to solve Mali's loneliness. 'm not so sure about Zoobic Safari if they will do the same for just probably more than a year of Mali's stay.

If you must know, it is quite expensive to take care of elephants. The feeding requirements for this huge mammal is no joke. It is very expensive to maintain this kind of animal, unlike tigers which can last up to three days without food, elephants are totally different.

Zoobic Safari is actually doing a favor for the city government of Manila. The zoo will not really benefit that much from having Mali as one of its attractions (even for a long time of stay). Entrance to the zoo is very affordable that the cost of taking care of Mali will be a lot more compared to the possible earnings the zoo will have for having Mali as part of its family.

We were able to experience feeding lions and tigers up close during our visit at Zoobic Safari recently. It wasn't my first time to do this activity as I've been to Zoobic safari a few months ago this same year. But it was my first time to feed both lions and tigers. Last time it was only a couple of lions who went near our caged vehicle.

This time there was also a pair of tigers. One of the tigers even jumped into teh roof of our vehicle when the trainer threw the piece of chicken meat on the roof. Maybe to add a few more thrills to our ride as the tiger remained on the roof finishing up its meal. The tiger only went down when one of the trainers provoked it to come down from the vehicle.


We also had an opportunity to visit an area where they have several tigers in cages. But before we were allowed to go in, the warning of the tour guide was not to getting pissed by the tigers. They told us that the smell will stay with us for two to three days. Yuck!

Inside, one of my friends told us that their piss smells a lot like cat piss but a lot worst and painful to smell.

A visit to Croco Loco, another part of Zoobic Safari,  was an experience worth sharing as well. Imagine a bunch of crocodiles or "buwaya" seemingly frozen like they're just statues. They just sit there doing nothing and one of them even has its mouth wide open. I researched the reason online:

"Crocodiles, like all reptiles, have a skin covered in scales. This skin is designed to hold in moisture, and to lessen heat loss. They are ectothermic (cold blooded) and therefore derive their body temperature from the surrounding air. As a result, they bring their temperature up by basking in the sun or absorbing it from warmed surfaces like rocks. They do not have sweat glands. If a Crocodile gets too warm, it can only reduce it's temperature in three ways: get in the shade; get in the water; or sit quietly with its mouth wide open. The body heat therefore is lost through the soft, moist skin of the mouth and tongue."

Only a few of them were moving but they still look ferocious even at a stand still. The rains didn't help a bit for us for I've had a bit of difficulty taking photos in the rain for I didn't ant to damage my camera. But I believe the rain helped the crocodiles cool down.

We couldn't try feeding the crocodiles mainly because of the rain that was pouring really hard since late that morning. It was the start of Typhoon Maring, but I have to commend the staff and management of Zoobic Safari for letting everyone finish the tour despite the heavy rains.

By the way, I must also mention the customized vehicles with animal stripes themes. Zoobic Safari really made great efforts to keep up with the theme of the park.

It also felt safe to be in those caged vehicles.The body was tough enough to resist any attack from any wild animal. The windows are reinforced as well so that no tiger or lion would be able to get through it.

The last part of the tour was the viewing of the two adorable white lion cubs named Snow White and Beauty. These young lions are only 3 months old but the trainers warned us not to get too close for they may accidentally hurt us with their claws.

They say this is the first time that white lion cubs were born, raised and made part of a zoo attraction...... another great reason why you need to visit Zoobic Safari!

Come and visit Zoobic Safari and be amazed of seeing these animals up close. What I've shared here are only some of the highlights during our trip at this zoo in Subic. There are a few more interesting stuff like the photo ops with the tigers, the many reptiles collected in another area of the zoo, the indigent people's performance of their native dances, and the souvenir shop where you can bring home all sorts of shirts, stuff toys and other souvenirs to serve as memories from your trip at Zoobic Safari.

More pictures to be uploaded soon at

I know I wasn't able to answer the questions I raised earlier. But I'm sure everyone in the Zoomanity Group aims to give Mali a warm welcome on his first day at Zoobic Safari, and to keep giving her the caring and attention she deserves until her return to Manila Zoo. But do we really need to have Mali leave Zoobic Safari?

Until Mali is at Zoobic Safari, we could only hope and pray for her comfortable trip and stay at this zoo in Subic. For now we say goodbye to Snow White and Beauty, but we are sure to come back for more new attractions when we return...when Mali is there at his temporary home, .....and by that time the two white lion cubs must have grown bigger and bolder.

I can't wait to return soon!

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  1. Ah, I'm really concerned for Mali. After all, Mali has been in the news for quite some time now, And all it says is that his health is declining and that he is getting lonely for he is all alone. I really hope that Subic would give Mali the treatment he deserves for his temporary stay and that Manila Zoo would improve his habitat and would ship more elephants so that Mali would have elephants to accompany him and to brighten his mood and to improve his health. I hope that his temporary place in Subic would work for him. Thank you for the insight regarding Mali.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Truth be told, I am not a huge fan of zoos or most animals for that matter. This is because I am allergic to animals with fur, so I wasn't raised in an animal-friendly environment. My first encounter with a dog was when I was 4 years old and my neighbor's dog chased me while I was so freaking scared. Even though I may like looking at them in cages since I don't feel threatened, there's still a part of me that's thinking, "When that lion gets out, it's gonna eat me." Or "I don't think that crocodile has been eating much, will I taste good?" So I guess I do have a fear of getting eaten by animals. But I do like thrilling experiences. Hahaha, nevertheless I wouldn't mind going to Zoobic Safari with my family and friends.

  4. It is good to hear that Zoobic Safari was chosen to be Mali's new home instead of Thailand. Because for me it is better to travel from Manila to Subic instead from Philippines to Thailand. It cause only rough time to Mali. I just hope that Zoobic Safari will take care of those animals and give them good treatment. Because I believe that Philippines' main tourist spots are the zoos that are responsible of taking good care to animals.

  5. By answering the questions, I think it is better to move Mali to be moved in Zoobic Safari because most of all, Mali is already particular in our environment, air, and culture. She will just panic in Thailand because she does not know what will happen to her. So I guess it is better to move Mali at Zoobic Safari.

  6. It's a really interesting place. I have been there and if i would have another opportunity to go there i would love to ride with tigers again. It would be a really great moment in your life to spend some time with wild animals. :)

  7. Wow! The lion cubs are so cute! If I have a chance, I'll go to that place! Very interesting! :)

  8. It sure brings back memories even though it was slightly vague because it was when I was younger. I really hope that I can visit that place again. I really like that place especially because we can see the tiger or lion real close in a caged vehicles. I don't know what it looks like now, which makes me want to go there!

  9. Reading this article made me reminisce about the days I went there when I was a kid. The thing I remember the most was when we rode a vehicle where the man holds out a piece of meat and the lions would jump on the vehicle just to get it. It was a fun experience and if I ever get the chance, I'd probably go there again with my friends or family.

  10. Elephants, like human, is very sensitive not just physically but emotionally. Animals like Mali needs an intensive care from her caregivers,but the most effective way of giving Mali a healthy life is to give her a companion or companions of the same kind or specie, but if the government cannot provide such a way of caring, then a better habitat will also do, and I think Zoobic Safari is a preferable one.

  11. Its a nice choice that the Zoobic Safari is the one chosen for the shelter of Mali, the elephant. But I'm hoping that they will provide a good quality environment for Mali, though I think this safari is big enough. I'm looking forward to go in this theme park someday! :)

  12. Mali is one of the treasures of the Philippines. Elephants are slowly becoming an endangered species and having one in our country is a real luxury. Just like humans, elephants also have emotions and being isolated for many years, it is really a sad experience for Mali. Reuniting him with his kind will bring new hope to his life.
    By the way, Subic Zoo looks very interesting because it containing many animals that arent native to the Philippines, such as the tiger and lion.

  13. I've actually been in Zoobic Safari when I was in 3rd grade. It was part of our school field trip, that's why I felt nostalgic while I was reading this article.

    I will still stick to my opinion that wild animals, such as Tigers and Lions, belong in the wild, not in a zoo and all caged up. As for Mali the Elephant, I think she is better well-off in Zoobic Safari than in Manila Zoo. The difference is pretty obvious, Manila Zoo is situated in a polluted city, whereas Zoobic Safari is surrounded with trees and far away from the city and the pollution it has to offer.

    I just hope that the management of Zoobic Safari will be able to take care of Mali and be able to replicate Mali's natural habitat.

  14. It is nice to hear that Mali is in our country but is it alright for Mali to stay in our country? Can we give Mali her sufficient needs? Yes, Mali can be one of the attractions but can the fund be sufficient enough? Anyway, Zoobic Safari has many different attractions as mentioned above. People will surely enjoy once they have experienced going in Zoobic Safari especially those who love animals. Hope that through the income that will be gathered, we can supply the needs of Mali.

  15. As I read this article, I can say that Mali will definitely be taken care of by the management of the Zoobic Safari like the other animals. Based on the author's description, Zoobic Safari can provide Mali's needs and therefore Mali should not be transferred to Thailand as long as the management can meet Mali's basic and social needs. Why transfer to Mali to Thailand? It would just trigger some difficulties in Mali's adjustment with the new weather and environment.
    Hope that the government will at least take part and look on the issues about the renovations and funds at the zoo. We, tourist can help raise their funds by visiting the Zoobic Safari!


  16. What I know, Mali is an Asian elephant where there status is endangered meaning their species is near to be extinct if we don't care them. Actually, I like zoo because I can encounter them without going to the wild but something may happen, maybe you know it. Let's face the truth that zoo is not their home even though that is Manila Zoo or Zoobic Safari still, not their natural habitat. It will be better if they will be in the care of Mother Nature. They have ecological niche to be tackle. Man is the reason why we need to do this, from the wrong and the right thing where the fact that, animals can live by their own style. My question, do you want to be inside of a cage or behind the glass,and watched by the animals (if their will be a parallel world)?. I hope, "ANIMAL TRANSLATOR" will be invent so that we could hear their feelings and stop on what we need to stop. #careloveandfree

  17. I do agree that its a great place for Mali since I went to this place before. I saw how much they care for all the animals inside the zoo. I know that they can provide the Mali's needs and it would be really taken care of.

  18. It's a good idea that Mali will be transferred in Zoobic Safari than in Thailand. But the question is, " can we provide all her needs?" or "can we save Mali from being endangered?". In my opinion, Mali should be in the proper place where she should be. Not in a cage or a place that she's not really free to go anywhere. And also, it's also hard to any animal without any companion, she should have any companion but I think its impossible. Also, it's a good idea, if it will be granted that Mali will not be disturbed by noisy group of visitors. And modernizing the Manila Zoo is good, because it is more an animal torture park than a zoo where animals should live under conditions as near as possible to their natural conditions. But in Manila it looks more like jailed animals. In most western countries it would be ordered to close. Lastly, elephants are sensitive like us, so, she needs to be accompanied by others and take good care of her.

  19. I am really not a fan of "Zoo systems" mainly because we are detain animals, dwelling freely on their natural habitats, in order to provide human satisfaction and entertainment; but, Zoobic Safari is different. It is a type of zoo that do not necessarily "cage" the animals, taking them away from their natural homes rather it puts the animals in their homes, providing them their natural habitats as well as giving the humans, access to the zoo-like satisfaction we get from visiting zoos.

    Regarding the issue about Mali, if she should be transferred to Thailand or to Zoobic, on my opinion, she should be placed on the place that can sustain her needs as an animal. She should stay on a habitat where she is not held captive, rather is treated with the right care and nourishment.

    ~~~Reinelle Jan Bugnot

  20. I am surprised that some places and/or institutions in the Philippines that are working to protect the wildlife of the Philippines. I was scrolling the whole article when I paused in a part where elephants are talked about. I salute them for being so concerned with animals.

  21. Actually many people are saying that Zoobic Safari is one of the best zoo here in the Philippines. Mali the elephant suits Zoobic, because I think Zoobic Safari has a big land measurement, the ambiance is good. It's a good news that Mali will not be surrender again to Thailand.

  22. I've always wanted to visit these kind of zoos, when I was a child, I've always wanted to be a veterinarian, growing up with 9 pets that makes me more clingy with animals is so much fun rather growing up with something boring and useless. For me, about the Mali issue, I don't really care where she is going, what matters the most is that the place should sustain her health, physically and mentally.

  23. I went there once in our grade school field trip. I remember some of parts of the zoo, and the first thing i remembered is the interaction with the tigers where the people are inside a closed van with grills, and it's kinda awesome. As for the issue about Mali the elephant, I think the elephant will be more stressed if they will put him in another cage, then put him again in the manila zoo, what if they just let the elephant be free in the wild.

  24. I've been there before, but it really improves a lot. I wish to visit there again and see the cute cubs.

  25. Visiting Zoos is not the type of activity that you could easily see me doing. Aside from a few school field trips, I have never been near animals very much. I could say that I'm not really good with them. But reading this article makes me a little interested with them. The writer made it sound like it's actually fun to be close to them. Seeing those taken photos makes me feel at ease and makes me think that going to a zoo is not a bad thing after all.

  26. I’ve always wanted to go in a place like Zoobic Safari because I’ve never been there before. I always imagine myself in a zoo and that I will be very happy to see lions, tigers and other animals that I might never see before. I also wanted to have a close encounter with the tigers while riding a caged vehicle. Someday, I promise that I will visit there in a Zoo like that.

  27. I wish that I will be given a chance to go to Zoobic Safari, because it seems like a very nice place. Through the pictures and second-hand information, I was able to visualize the place and it made me really wish that I was the one to share the information about it. Anyway, I salute Zoobic Safari for accepting Mali even if its hard keeping her and even if they wouldn't get much in return. Their kindness will surely be rewarded.

  28. Zoobic Safari is the temporary home of Mali. I hope this place could help him to strengthen his strength and power, where he can move freely and roam around like a free animal. In the other hand, Zoobic Safari is nice place where people can communicate with wild animals or with not so wild animals. And also, it's a nice place to have fun and to mingle with animals.

  29. Actually I haven't experienced safari but the content made me feel like I was really there. With the videos and photos, it made me easier to imagine what would I experience if I'm going to a safari. For me safari is way better than zoo because most of the wild animals are living in a real environment unlike zoos, where all of the animals live in their cages.

  30. Marck Anthony SargentoSeptember 26, 2013 at 5:54 PM

    Zoobic Safari,for me,will make a better habitat for Mali especially if the elephant will have companions inside the zoo. I do not contradict Thailand's decision in exporting Mali from the Philippines,but I think putting the elephant on a temporary place where it can replenish its strength is a better idea. All in all, the idea to put some companions for Mali is the best idea for me because animals also need some neighbors sometimes :))

  31. I have never been in a safari but because of this article I can make sure that Zoobic safari will be a great habitat for Mali

  32. I've been in Zoobic Safari before during our fieldtrip, I was grade 4 back then, If I'm not mistaken. And I wish that I can visit there again because I really can't remember the scenery and what animals did I saw, though my pictures reminds me of the things I did when we were there. I also want to see the changes that Zoobic undergone after all these years. Well, I know that Thailand will not regret their decision of transferring Mali there in Zoobic Safari because all animals in zoobic are indeed being loved and cared like children. Lastly, the environment of Zoobic is perfect for them.

  33. It's very heart-warming to hear that Mali will be moved to a better habitat, Zoobic Safari. I remember seeing caretakers feeding Mali in Manila Zoo. We, filipinos, rarely see elephants here in our country. I hope that the caretakers in the said zoo will give Mali an immediate attention. I also hope that he will be transferred as soon as possible.

  34. Mali has been an issue since a group of anti animals in the zoo have been urging the release of Mali back to its natural habitat. The decision of the Manila local government who has the jurisdiction over the Manila Zoo where Mali is confined, not to transport the elephant back to Thailand is a good and logical decision but, to only rehabilitate Mali temporarily to Zoobic safari is not good for me. I believe Zoobic is the best place for Mali. Zoobic environment fits Mali very much.and the elephant should stay there permanently. As to other animals, I'm eager to see the rare white lions.

  35. Its a good news that instead of bringing Mali to Thailand they chose to put Mali into Subic considering the distance between the places Subic to Thailand its quite far and in my opinion for the case of Mali its not for the specie to travel that far


  36. Its nice to hear that Mali is here in the Philippines because as the it stays here, it can bring tourists in the Philippines.

  37. It's a good news that Mali elephant will be transferred in Zoobic Safari than in Thailand. I just hope that Zoobic Safari will take care of Mali elephant and the other animals and give them good treatment.
    I believe Zoobic Safari is the best place for Mali elephant. :)

  38. It is good to know that the Zoobic Safari has been chosen to be Mali's habitat. I think it is better if Mali will stay here rather than in Thailand because I am very sure that she will be given enough attention here. I do agree on their decision that Mali will stay at Subic because the transportation of Mali to Thailand might be harmful to the elephant.

  39. It is a good thing to hear that Mali is transferring to Zoobic Safari rather than transferring to Thailand sanctuary. Even though I haven't been to Zoobic Safari, I heard that that place is taking good care of the animals being taken there. Also it is a good place to encounter other animals without your life getting in danger. There is also less pollution in Zoobic and that will help Mali to get to a better state.

  40. Zoobic Safari is one of my favorite places even though I’ve never been there because you will see a lot of animals all kinds of animals was there. About the issue of Mali the elephant for me it’s right decision for Mali to stay here because even though we can’t afford his food we have the government to support the food because if they choose to travel Mali to Thailand we are not sure if it will be okay to Mali to travel so far. But Manila to Subic is not really far from Manila to Thailand for the sake of Mali. I wished someday I’ll see Mali I’ve watched “Mutya ng Masa” and they went to Zoobic Safari and they feed Mali.

  41. it is amenable to place mali in zoobic safari because we cannot tell what will happen if we are going to travel it t Thailand. i hope that the animals will be safe and comfortable.

  42. it is amenable to place mali in zoobic safari because we cannot tell what will happen if we are going to travel it to Thailand. i hope that the animals will be safe and comfortable.

  43. I've been here already, I could say that this place improves a lot.

  44. I've been there already, I would say that this zoo improved a lot. It's already been 3 or 4 years when I went there, keep up the good work though :)

  45. Finally! We are given a chance to have such specie. Isn't it nice? I know that Zoobic Zafari will do their best on accommodating the elephant. But I think that Mali will be lonely because he is the only one of his kind that stays there.


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