Wazzup Pilipinas!
Now a days, we can observe that anime has a big role in our daily life, it serve as a hobby especially in teenagers. But what are the reasons why we like anime?
Of course, the title itself could be the reason why fans are running to it. You need a catchy headline to draw in eyeballs. In a world with so much anime series out there, you have to come up with something that gets one’s attention. Why not make it a bit controversial? Why not hint at a sexual taboo?
We’re all curious creatures at heart. Once fans get on board, things start to fall into place and they may begin to wonder if the ending will match the title after all. Even if the story turns sour, you can’t help but look. It makes you wonder if people were really interested if incest was going to happen or hope certain things happen because of sudden developments. Leave it to Oreimo’s author, Tsukasa Fushimi, to keep spicing things up.
Even if the ending may have very mixed opinions, Oreimo has done something that no anime series has ever done before – have a world premiere of new episodes in a country outside of Japan before it was aired and streamed everywhere else. The premiere took place at this year’s Otakon in Baltimore, MD, USA with its respective creators presenting it. What does that tell you?
Otakon stresses the importance of the fans, forever and always. Otakon is a celebration of otaku culture. It is perhaps the one anime convention that provides a very intimate atmosphere for many otaku, which creates strong communities of people. Communities of fans run Otakon as many of their panels are put into the spotlight. Oreimo, as stated earlier, is about appreciating your inner otaku, getting people to understand your interests and sharing them with people who are the same as you. Both Otakon and Oreimo go hand-in-hand.
Kazuma Miki, editor/producer of Oreimo, said at Otakon that we should all love little sisters. Maybe if we treat certain peers more like “little sisters” or family, we can learn to be kinder and feel better about ourselves.
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