Wazzup Pilipinas !
Maku Mei Chan, former
IV-Berzelius in Pasig City Science High School portrayed the role of Pallas Athena.
was the
goddess known for her knowledge, arts, and battle strategies.
Just like Artemis, Athena was also a
virgin goddess, meaning, she never had a lover or a companion.
are different versions that narrate how Athena was born. According to the
Olympian version of the tale in Athena's birth, she was daughter of Metis (Titaness of wisdom and deep thought) and
Zeus. When Metis got pregnant with Athena, Zeus became concerned in a prophecy
saying that when he had a son with Metis, this son of him could be more
powerful than what he was and could eventually vanquish him. Zeus was afraid that
it would happen so he decided to trick Metis, turned her into a fly and to swallow
her, so that predicted prophecy won't occur. Nevertheless, Zeus was not aware
that Metis was already pregnant at that time. On that time Metis was building a
helmet and an armor for her unborn child. This caused Zeus to have a headache
and when he couldn't bare anymore the pain, he decided to asked Hephaestus to
open his head, and from there Athena came out fully grown-up and armed.
Pallas Athena could be also refer to as a "Girl
Athena" or "Maiden Athena".
Some also claimed that the word 'Pallas' was from the word 'pallien' (an
archaic term for 'brandish), as Athena has a brandishing sphere. Unlike Ares,
even though Athena was the goddess of warfare and battles she was not more into
brutality and such, she was more on strategies and techniques on how to win a
battle. She was also engaged and associated into handicrafts and art.
was also the guardian deity and patroness of the Greek city of Athens, after
competing with Poseidon to have this position. Another myth tells a story that
involves Poseidon and Medusa. Back then, Medusa was a beautiful maiden and also
was one of the priestess on Athena's temple. Poseidon was so attracted to her
and had rape her within the temple. Athena became really mad after seeing it
and transformed Medusa to a gorgon and make sure that whoever looked into
Medusa's eyes would turn into a stone.
said that she was the favorite daughter of Zeus and was allowed to use his
weapon even the thunderbolt. Addition facts about her was owl symbolizes her
and Olive trees were hers.
Contributed by: Sherilyn Piñon
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