Sunday, July 7, 2013

Filipino or Japanese Greeting?

Wazzup Pilipinas!

What is the better style of greeting? Filipino or Japanese? What country has the better way of greeting people?

Firs of all, what is greeting? It is a polite word or a sign of welcome or recognition. What are the importance of greeting? This is important, especially when meeting someone and when having some events. This should be use to show some respect or sign of welcome to the person in front of you. Even if you don't know the person, still you should greet him/her.

Japanese usually bows when they their elders. They call others with their last name. Japanese have traditionally been wary of introducing themselves to strangers. They generally hang out with people only within their groups and find interacting with strangers to be stressful, requiring a certain amount of forwardness they are uncomfortable with. For this reason introductions are usually made with the help of an intermediary, common friend, or a third party.


But the style of greeting in Filipino is different, they do not bow when greeting someone. They smile at other people whenever they greet them. Female may hug and kiss ("beso-beso") when they greet while male friends may hug each other and top their backs or just by a handshake. Filipinos used Mr. , Ms. , Mrs. + their name of surname in addressing someone until they are allowed to call them by their name or nickname.


For me, both country shows a good style of greeting. They both shows respect to the people they greet. It's just that, they are different in style. We should always greet people, especially the elders. In school, even if the utilities or even the lowest position, we should still greet them with respect.


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