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Monday, January 14, 2013

The Royal Mews : Royal Horses and Carriages

Continuing the London adventure is a visit to a sort of museum all about horses and carriages.

Adjacent to the Buckingham palace is the Royal Mews, designed by Nash, where the royal carriages, including the Gold State Coach, are housed. This rococo gilt coach, designed by Sir William Chambers in 1760, has painted panels by G. B. Cipriani.

It was first used for the State Opening of Parliament by George III in 1762 and has been used by the monarch for every coronation since George IV. It was last used for the Golden Jubilee of Elizabeth II. Also housed in the Mews are the carriage horses used in royal ceremonial processions.

The maintenance and provision of modern motor vehicles is as much a part of the work of the Royal Mews as that of carriages and horses. The State Cars (as opposed to those for private use) are all painted in claret and black and are without number plates.

Of course, there's also live horses on display.

 The horses in the Royal Mews today are for the most part either Windsor Greys or Cleveland Bays.

The care and training of so many horses, the ongoing care and maintenance of the carriages, cars and tack, along with the actual use of these royal vehicles, means that the Mews is very much a working part of the Palace. The Royal Mews Department is overseen by an official called the Crown Equerry.

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  1. Even though fieldtrips sometimes consider these museums in the Philippines, I'm not fond of going to these kinds of places. It really makes me bored. But I can't deny the fact that visiting museums is very helpful especially when we are going to explore our history, literature, arts and so on and so forth. I just don't want to spend my time with it.

  2. I do love going to museums and exhibits. Whenever I go to a museum seeing many artifacts is like a jump of my heartbeat. I love arts whatever they look like. Everything has a meaning. Even thought art doesn't love me, I still admire great works. There are a lot of benefits in going to a museum or exhibits. First, it gives us additional information. Also, going to our country's museum will help us t0 know more about our history.

  3. I hate history a lot, but I love going to museums and exhibits. Going to a museum is like having a time travel... I just enjoy my stay in there. :) yes, I learn a lot from them, but as days pass by, I may forget the history of the displays, but I would never forget what I saw in that exhibit... Maybe for some, who really love history..... museums could help them to enhance their knowledge about arts, literature and such. :)

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  5. With the whole time you are waiting and getting bored to be inside the museum, it will undoubtedly be paid off with the knowledge they will impart to you as you leave. I can't say that I love history and science but I do adore them. Going to museums and science exhibits are such an incredible experience. When we went to The Myth Of The Human Body when I was in second year, I can say that it is the time that I was really astonished as how our body is made up and how it functions. It can really contribute a lot on what information you have and it develops more of your respect to your country as well.

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  7. I would love to go to museums and historical places given the time and resources. It would be beneficial to my knowledge of being in place with historical relevance or seeing something of value from the past. My number one preference would be of the science museum because i studied in a science school. How i wish to see the Hydron collider or be at the Smithsonian Museuem.

  8. Museums and exhibits allow us to learn more about the history of the place/country where it's at, its culture and tradition, as well as stories that we might not have known based on mere reading of history books alone. I believe school field trips should always include at least 1 museum to visit.

    I particularly make it a point to visit museums whenever I go to a new place. I like the one at Villa Escudero as creepy as it may look to others, the Ayala Museum and the BenCab museum. My dream though, is to see the Smithsonian Institute :)

  9. Museums and exhibits are build to gain knowledge, to understand the past and to imagine what's better for the future. My school should include museums to visit.
    Museums make you feel good, it inspires you, and help bring change and development to communities.

  10. I do love going to museums and exhibits! I think they are an important way to relay history that cannot just be shown in text books.It gives a visual learning experience and makes it more interesting to a wider range of people. Even though I'm not an artist I love to go to art exhibits I like to see what people can do with there hands it helps me understand how they feel and what they are like. I enjoy looking at the paintings/sculptures because well somehow they inspire me because each painting/sculptures has a deep meaning/message/event that sometimes we feel/happen in our life.

  11. Going on museums are great memories because it brings you to the past where in you can learn new things, how a painting is made, how people think on the year the item is made. Going on museums gives us inspiration to do work. As a student going on museums is a great thing, it is like learning out the four columns of our classroom. It would give us new idea and memories that is unforgettable.

  12. kristavilla olavianoJanuary 19, 2013 at 8:20 PM

    I love going to museums and exhibits. I love to see preserved works from the past, looking the miniature representation of some important events happen from the past.

  13. I love going to museums and exhibits. It gives us a sort of flashback of what happened during those days. Going to museums helps us learn and know more about something, especially children, for it's better that they see something while learning about it. It relives the importance of something and gives people access to see and know about fascinating things. It also serves as inspiration for other people, because some exhibits expresses such feelings that a person might have felt in his/her life.

  14. I definitely love going to museums and exhibits. It informs us a lot about the essential things that happened on a specific special day. It also helps us to be curious on asking questions like "Who owns this craft?", and "How was this made?".

  15. I definitely love going to museums and exhibits. These museums help us by letting us have a glimpse of the past, present or even our future. Also, these let us support art. These also give a great experience to us because it could let us escape from our normal life for a short validity of time.
    We cannot deny that museums can let us enjoy human foundations and or other creations. This only proves that we must patronize museums. :)

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  17. By going to museums and exhibits we learn much mor about ourselves and the world. I dream of going to international based art exhibits. I seen them online, and it inspires me. How much more if I can see it in real life? Other museums may help our brains analyze their displays. I love interactive museums..

  18. I love vintage things, and a museum is one of the best places I know that keep such treasures. The things in the museums are the representations of the past - of what happened, and of what kind of living was there during the old old times. And that's the reason why field trips barely miss museums, it's because it is one way of educating students; museums serve as the house of the preserved works from the past. And based on what I have learned from my History class, to understand the present, one must know the past first. :)

    After reading all the articles, I would just like to add that you are indeed lucky to have visited a beautiful place like London, Mr. Author. I hope I can visit it too someday! :)

  19. I don't always go to museums. But when I do, I am really enjoying it and I will not let go of my camera.
    Because No one Simply go to museums without any camera in their hand or bag.
    The number of educational benefits of museums and exhibits, is to d*mn high.
    The main benefit is,we can have a quick peak of what happened to our history years ago.

  20. Honestly, I don't like going to or visiting museum and exhibits. Maybe because I'm not not paying enough attention and I lack interest but going to museums and exhibits are helpful to students. It can give us lots of information (especially in history).

  21. Going to museums is really fun. I really love looking at their exhibits. The lessons you can get in the museums are really a treasure because most of them are historical information about our country or that city. Museums are really that helpful to students since it can gives us lot of information.

  22. I love going to museums and exhibits. Museums which shows history really amaze me and this museums and exhibits teach us different lessons and can enhance our thinking ability.

  23. I love going to museums but I seldom go to art museums. My dream is to visit Cairo Museum and museums at China. Sometimes, I feel like I'm an ancient person born at a wrong time. Yes, I once dreamed of being a history teacher that's why I can't deny being inclined to old things. I do believe that museums link the present to the past. When you visit a museum, you will know it's cultural value and heritage. It's what makes up who you are.

  24. Honestly, I am not fond of going to museum or any exhibit because it is very tiresome. But what I like about it is that museums have the ability to transport us to different times and places. It is like visiting the past or the present; it depends on what kind of museum or exhibit you will visit. When visiting a museum, one thing is sure; we can never go out in it without learning something. We can learn anything about history, science and art.

  25. I like going to museums and doing time travel through photographs and artifacts. Educational benefits are usually focused on History but we should also recognize the benefits it brings to our totality as a person.

    Soon, I will be visiting Europe and I'll be in Copenhagen where there's a huge concentration of museums.

  26. During educational trips, I always get excited about museums, next to amusement parks.
    Museums serves as an educational frame wherein not only students, but all of us get a chance to look at a big picture of what do we look like years ago.

  27. Museums. They are very enjoyable. Especially some of them that are interactive. Museums provide a lot of information you might or might not know before. Information about a certain place, person, thing.

  28. I don't visit exhibits often,I only visit them depending on the theme.I think museums and exhibits give us the realization of everything that we learn in school.It also broadens our knowledge when it comes to history of a certain thing.

  29. I often visit museums or exhibits, probably during field trip days.. but yes, i do really enjoy seeing things that are educational. Museums teach us and provide us information about things in the world. Science, History, and even Fun facts is present to this kind of places.

  30. honestly, i don't love to go to museums and watch exhibits because i am not that interested with artifacts and to those important things, but these activities can help you to understand the present by making the history easier to be understand ( because of the artifacts at the front of you) and can stimulate your knowledge by adding some information to your mind :)

  31. This is way so cool! I mean, I would LOVE to go to this place. This is a chance to see those stuffs from movies in person! :)

    I love museums and exhibits. I examine clearly the object in front of me. I admire and appreciate even the smallest detail of it. However, I'd like to visit museums with cool stuffs like these than the others.

    Seeing things is better than describing them. This is a fact. That is why there are educational trips. Children can actually learn from it. They learn comprehensively and in a more fun way. But I believe that the number one benefit they get from visiting museums is experience. It is the best teacher.

  32. i love to go to museums because i want to feel the aura and experience of having the artifacts of those heroes that fight for our country and made us independent.
    going to these activities is important because it helps you to understand the histori situations at a specific places

  33. honestly, i really don't enjoy museum trips and exhibits, unless i am fond of the subject of the museum. whenever i go to museums, it's like you enter a time capsule. you travel back into the world that the museums is composed of, and you feel like you experience the happenings in there. also, it gives us information of different happenings in the world. once my teacher said that history is the best teacher. we learn from it, without history it is impossible for us to live like who we are now.

  34. Facts and Trivias often feed my Mind and this is what I do to enhance my knowledge. I gain this stuffs through magazine, internet and museum.
    I often go to exhibit and museum but when I go to that place I really enjoy it rather than going to Malls or Parks because it really travels me back on time when Im there and appreciate the artifacts, fossils and trivias in the museum. I enjoy this because it really have some educational benefits, obviously one of this is to GAIN KNOWLEDGE to that certain thing. Next is that you are not FORCED to learn but you are INTERESTED to learn because in that place you are more likely to enjoy and have fun in learning.
    No matter what you’re studying strategies are as long as the perks is positive strive for the best.

  35. If I have really so much time, I would always go to museums and exhibits. I love going to places like that, even though sometimes it scares me. It's great to see artifacts, statues, and different ancient things. For me, the first benefit that we can get from it is that we will really know a lot more with that specific thing. Second, we can know the history of our country more or the country where it came from. Third, we can learn to appreciate these things even though we don't have it at our generation.

  36. I am, honestly, fond of going to Museums. It is quite a hobby but the locations are just so far that I can't reach it easily but when there is a chance I really am making sure that I can visit the said place. I can personally learn history face to face with the museum's guide and it is easier because you can see visually the actual pieces of history. Even though they say that paying a visit on museums is boring and a waste of time, for me, learning more about history makes my heart run faster, what more if I can see it for real. Walking through museums is a better way of learning parts of history especially about the place where the museum is located. Every museum have something unique on them that is exciting and learning is easier because it is driven by curiosity, discovery, free exploration and the sharing of experiences with companions. Learning in museums, in its broadest sense, is a by-product of the free interaction of leisure oriented visitors with exhibitions and their surroundings.

  37. I love going in museums and exhibits mainly because of the artifacts and other special things that lay there plus these things will help us a lot especially when it comes to social science, trivia, and facts. As a student, this will be a great help for all of us I think because of all the facts we can learn there.

  38. I really love going in museums and exhibits! You can feel the excitement in me if someone told me that we are going to a museum. Some educational benefits, you'll learn something new, time to appreciate something from the past, factual events and historical ones too. Just because of your age doesn't mean you can't go to places like the one above. What matters is the feeling you get when you step in places like these.

  39. Honestly speaking I do not love going to museums and exhibits at most of the times , I only like them when the exhibit is modern in nature and other synonymous stuffs.

    Although I found it boring ,most museums and exhibits provides a very effective way of learning which helps in bringing change in the society. Also museums provides a positive excuse for families to bond with other.

  40. I've read a lot of comments about this museum, and almost all the boys don't love going to museums and exhibits like this. They're like me. I don't love going to museums and exhibits because for me, it's just a waste of time. I know I can gain many facts and increase my knowledge in understanding what's the difference between yesterday and today. Still, museums like this can be a way of making the bond within the family strengthen.

  41. I enjoy reading books about the past and visiting museums across the globe. Getting to see a replica or a model of an event, a person or an invention gives a different appeal. It makes history look more realistic. They do not only exist for the purpose of entertainment but for the expansion of knowledge as well.

    Right now, less and less people go to museums or discovery centers. They say that these venues are useless. I disagree with them. Introducing new information to your children could be best accomplished through the aid of these sights. I am hoping that one day, people would visit educational destinations rather than places for recreational activity only.

  42. Well, that's nice, being able to go to museums wherein it isn't really crowded. You see, I too, love going to museums, and that's the case when there aren't really any or there're just a few people remaining. I really don't like field trips going to museums because most of the time it's too crowded, and we are then unable to handle the temperature which usually is quite high in these places and also having have to fight our way through to breath or see what is in the exhibit. Well, the truth is, I tend to read a lot when there are only a few people in the surroundings, and when I don't have anything to do. You see, isn't it like interesting going to exhibits and learning about religion and history? Well, I would definitely want to see museums concerned about history, most likely those about the time of the Middle Ages. That being said, you see, what's kind of interesting in reality is how religion was in the past, in which scriptures were mostly in Latin and were handwritten, and you might even be able to see writings banned by the Church or the hidden or lost articles written by the religious institution. It's not really just the Holy Bible that has been written by the Church, and let us also include books written by other people that have influenced the Church and yet were not totally 'pure'. The actual reason is that, in some kind of way, the Church seems... secretive, and it might be that the reason for this is because the Church has kind of a dark past, however much it was really about upholding the teachings of Catholicism and what is. Well, if we want to say anything more about it, well let us just say that history also enables us to know some kind of psychology parts and how it is the greatest success of being able to link all the pieces of the puzzle together.

  43. I'm not really a fan of museums and exhibits but these infrastructures are really didactic and edifying. Places like these could be used for educational outbound which helps students learn new things while they are having fun.

  44. Going to museums and exhibits is fun! It makes me open to everything. It makes me more appreciative. Although it makes you feel that there are just some things that makes you less worthy. Haha, just kidding. :)) But it's really fun though. ^_^

  45. I find it Cool.. like a rockstar :DD. Well, i really enjoy these things. Actually, i don't like history but when it comes to visiting museums and exhibits. i'm very excited. I don't know why but one thing i know is. I love antique and vintage things. Honestly, i dreamed to have a wedding like a vintage theme but it was only a dream... I forget all the museums that I visit. One thing is for sure they all rock like a rockstar. and they amaze me. they help me to gain more knowledge about our history,.. thanks to that because I appreciate history after i visit a museum :)

  46. To be serious, I do not like going to museums and exhibits. Yes, I like History. But I enjoy it more when I am reading, or someone is telling me about it. I find museums boring but they really have some awesome benefits. Facts and trivia that cannot be found in the book may be found there, replicas or even the true item that is known throughout history , stories of our ancestors, and lastly, what is happening, before.

  47. I love museums, but i dont usually go there. I only read facts about museums, about what is inside the museums.

  48. I haven't been inside a museum for quite a while. I really do find museums interesting although,I prefer to get lost inside one alone and view all the exhibits by myself rather than joining an organized group tour, which I really find boring. I also encourage the people to visit museums more often as it's not only educational but also recreational as well as it benefits our physical well-being as we are able to move around rather than sticking our rears in the chair in front of the PC the entire day. Because reading alone is not enough neither looking at pictures in the books and internet, sometimes being able to see and experience the real thing makes learning more effective and fun.

  49. It's a pretty good thing that educational field trips involve going to museums, exhibits and such, because it lets people see the world as we've never seen it. It's like a view of the world from behind, from a different perspective! It opens our eyes to endless possibilities for beauty! Even beauty in oddities when we see artifacts, treasured things, and preserved items! Even beauty in fancy and classy things showcased! It's such a wonderful experience. I've been to some museums, though they aren't really the place for masterpieces I yearn to see like the works of Da Vinci, Picasso, Bernini and other gods of the art. :)

  50. It's really exciting to go to places like this because you can see things that you've never seen before and also we can't deny the fact that having a tour/visits on places like exhibits and museums really helps because it adds facts and trivias that are educational.

  51. The few times that I had gone to museums is during educational trips. I find them informative especially to those who loves history. You'll know some past events, see artifacts, and also it will help you understand the present by knowing the past.

  52. I love going to museums and exhibits. I really enjoy looking at beautiful artifacts. From it, you can know about the things or materials used in the past. If I will be given a chance to go to this museum, I will immediately grab the chance ! I want to see those royal horses and carriages. It'll be a pleasure for me to see those. Honestly, I'm not that good when it comes to history. Past is past! haha. Just kidding. But seriously, I enjoy studying and also learning about history. Yes! It is really really enjoying! :")

  53. I really find going to museums boring. But having yourself to explore inside sounds fun and exciting! Just be more careful and responsible not to break or lose anything inside the museums. Learning with the things you can see closer to you is really a great experience. Learning can this be fun and enjoyable; looking at the ancient and precious things that helped build our modern civilization is really one of a kind experience .

  54. When my family and I wants to travel or go out of town, we usually look into the places where we can learn, comprehend and be amaze at the same time. Museum is a place that is worth travelling for because it is time-saving, perceivable, uplifting and contain rich source of data and artifacts. Museum is a one stop place when we want to know our historical, cultural and political background of the country.

  55. I love going to museums and exhibits. Why? because I admire the creative works of other people cause I don't have the talent to do such things. There is no permanent thing here on earth but change. If we look closely to those artifacts, we could go back time and visualize with what is happening during that time within the sight of that specific thing.

  56. I enjoy going to museums and exhibits. I get to see beautiful and interesting things that shows of the talents of so many different people. I enjoy art exhibits the most and I love admiring the historical artifacts and paintings that they display. It seems to make the things we learn at our history class more realistic. Having students go to museums and exhibits give them a bigger view on things about our history. It can make them see that the things they learn in class actually happened. It could also widen their imagination when it comes to art and it can also inspire them to create art of their own.

  57. As a frequent explorer, I had my own share of museums and exhibits and conventions. It has helped me learn a lot of things, like convention promos where they sell stuff for lower prices. Yet it feeds your hunger to learn and see new stuff and new experiences, so you really need a camera. :)

  58. Yes, I love going to museums because I always imagine that I am part of the history of a certain thing. It gives me knowledge that I can bring anywhere. It also helps me to think deeper because my curiosity attacks me.

  59. Honestly HISTORY has a big impact to me. When I say BIG, I mean a thing that even I can't measure :) I so love historyyyy! Although this has nothing to do with the course I want to take in college, it has a really large place inside my heart. I love knowing where things came from, why they look like that and how did it happen. I feel like history is a planet-sized book that almost all of them were still a mystery. (I love mysteries too) And that is why MUSEUMS are like a bag full of Hershey's Kisses for me. It makes me feel satisfied with my curiosity and the things you feel when you saw a can of cola in a dry summer. :) I wish there are people like me too, who loves places like these. And they are so educational, no more explanation needed ;)

  60. Honestly, I am not fond of visiting museums and exhibits but if I am invited or it is an itinerary in an educational trip, why not go and take a look? In my experience, if you visited a museum or an exhibit and you observe and listen carefully to the speaker then you will somehow be knowledgeable in the things or structure or events presented or displayed inside.

  61. I am a fan of museums, and I am contented when there is a museum itenerary in an educational trip/nature trip.

    There was one time that we went to a exhibit of parasites preserved and submerged in a liquid, some are filled with cotton. I was amazed in the worms section of the museum. There, you will see worms inside the dog's heart and other organs.

    Historical museums have the same atmosphere. Deafening Silence. This silence really motivates me to learn more about the content of the exhibit.

  62. I'm fond of going to museums and exhibits. I enjoyed looking and learning from the valued things and historical facts kept and taking cared inside the museums. I learned a lot in there I think I like to see any evidence about that certain historical event to prove that it happened, and honestly I'm amazed about it. Because they are preserved.And the benefits of this are: you will learn a lot and you will be amazed about the facts and how they are able to preserved those records of the past. Very help specially to us and to the next generation.

  63. I enjoy going to museums and exhibits. It's a wonderful experience for me. I love looking at those artifacts. Going to museums is like a chance to travel in the past. You'll learn a lot and you'll know more about your country.

  64. I really don't enjoy to go to such places if we're on a educational trip. It just feels like you're limited to what you can see and I truly believe if you decide to what you want to discover. I guess the benefit of going to museums is that you really see and feel what's it like to be in that certain time

  65. Museums and exhibits allow us to learn more about the history of the place. I enjoy viewing artifacts and fossils. I love old things especially the vintage one. They posses some energy (lol for me) where we can know the history of that thing.

  66. Museums give us the experience of being in a different time frame. Going in such places enhances our point of view and thus making us more open minded of what is happening in our surroundings. ;))

  67. I can say that going to museums and exhibits are fun and exciting. :D going in to such have many benefits, and it teaches us many things. It's like a time machine, you can see different things from the past, you can learn many things from the experiences they had and you'll learn how things were invented and made. I can say that it is also very educational :D

  68. I personally would say that going to museums and exhibits is interesting. Going to museums 1.) can be a great learning experience 2.) is a great way to support the arts and sciences 3.) offer me a glimpse of our past, present and even potential future 4.) help me to appreciate all of the wonderful and sometimes not-so-wonderful qualities of humans. in line with this i also get to share my experiences and learning to my fellow classmates.

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  70. Going to museums and exhibits makes learnig enjoyable. Having fun while learning is the best because it makes me appreciate studying especially in the field of history because i find hsitory subject boring because what it needs is reading and reading many articles, which i don't like doing in my whole life.

  71. I am not really into history and such. But i do love to visit museums especially SCIENCE MUSEUMS. There are lots of benefits in visiting such places.
    * Great way to learn
    * Great way to know more about a certain thing
    * Great way to learn history, science, etc.
    * Great way to have fun with classmates :D

  72. I love going to museums and exhibits! It makes me excited. I can go around the whole museum just adoring great works without getting bored. Just imagine the wonder behind historical artifacts, science and art galleries. i love admiring different forms of art. There's just something in them that i feel. Visiting such places have lots of educational benefits. It gives us information, facts, ideas from the past and it helps us to learn. It also broaden our minds and widen our imaginations. It gives ideas on things.

  73. Going to museums makes learning to a different type and more enjoyable. It brings learning to a higher level. having fun while learning is a good thing because you'll never be bored in learning, moreover, you'll love to learn more.

  74. I love going to museums and exhibits. Everything I see and learn inside it have never failed to fascinate me. Educational benefits include being able to travel in the past and having more knowledge in that certain topic.

  75. I love going to museums and exhibits because it takes you back into historical times just by seeing historical things. You will learn a lot of the past and other historical figures that made up your history and culture as of now. By learning to go to museum of your country is to be proud of what culture you cam from. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER!!!


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