Tekkie Tekkie Muna (Stop whatever it is you’re doing right now, lalo na kung nag-rereformat ka ng iyong PC na SSD and drive), did you know that there are concerns that reformatting may reduce the lifespan an SSD?
I dont think reformating will hurt the performance and it does not shorten the SSD's lifespan unless you are doing FULL format which is Bad for your SSD's lifespan.

I found this link on a website indicated below. Do check it out if reliable.
I would like to perform a format on my SSD. I've read several files on shortening the SSD's lifespan, but never read anything about formatting.
I was wondering whether formats on a SSD shorten its lifespan?
In general, formatting a solid-state drive will not impact its lifetime, unless you perform a full format - and even then, it depends how often. Most formatting utilities allow you to do a quick or full format. The quick format just overwrites the partition and file tables, but does not actually physically delete anything off of the disk.
In contrast, a full format will go through each sector on a disk and "reset" it. This can degrade the lifetime of the SSD. That being said, MLC solid state drives have a write limit of around 10,000 before the sectors begin to fail.
So long as you don't do it often, (fully) formatting the drive a few times won't seriously impact on the drive lifespan.
Source: http://efreedom.com/Question/3-318023/Formatting-SSD-Shorten-Lifespan
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